Merge pull request #511 from status-im/feature/console-web3

Feature/console web3
This commit is contained in:
Roman Volosovskyi 2016-11-30 20:36:20 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 4854021005
11 changed files with 1115 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ android {
dependencies {
compile 'com.facebook.react:react-native:+'
compile(group: 'status-im', name: 'status-go', version: 'rebase-to-1.5.4-unstable', ext: 'aar')
compile(group: 'status-im', name: 'status-go', version: 'local-storage', ext: 'aar')

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -80,17 +80,21 @@ function call(pathStr, paramsStr) {
return null;
context.messages = [];
callResult = fn(params.parameters, params.context);
result = {
returned: callResult,
context: context[message_id]
context: context[message_id],
messages: context.messages
return JSON.stringify(result);
function text(options, s) {
return ['text', options, s];
s = Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s];
return ['text', options].concat(s);
function view(options, elements) {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [register-handler] :as u]
[status-im.components.status :as status]
[status-im.models.commands :as commands]
[ :refer [console? not-console?]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[status-im.commands.utils :as cu]
[ :as pn]
@ -21,13 +22,15 @@
[{:keys [current-chat-id canceled-command] :as db} _]
(when-not canceled-command
(let [{:keys [command content params]} (get-in db [:chats current-chat-id :command-input])
data (get-in db [:local-storage current-chat-id])
{:keys [name type]} command
path [(if (= :command type) :commands :responses)
params {:parameters (or params {})}]
params {:parameters (or params {})
:context {:data data}}]
(status/call-jail current-chat-id
@ -62,6 +65,16 @@
(assoc-in db [:chats current-chat-id :input-text] nil)
(assoc db :canceled-command (and command? (not starts-as-command?)))))))
(register-handler :fill-chat-command-content
(fn [db [_ content]]
(let [command? (= :command (current-command db :type))]
(if command?
(str cu/command-prefix content)
(defn invoke-command-preview!
[{:keys [staged-command] :as db} [_ command-input chat-id]]
(let [{:keys [command id]} staged-command
@ -72,10 +85,12 @@
params {:parameters parameters
:context {:platform platform/platform}}]
(status/call-jail chat-id
#(dispatch [:command-preview chat-id id %]))))
(if (and (console? chat-id) (= name "js"))
(dispatch [:send-chat-message])
(status/call-jail chat-id
#(dispatch [:command-preview chat-id id %])))))
(defn command-input
([{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db}]
@ -270,3 +285,4 @@
(if (= :on-send suggestions-trigger)
(dispatch [:invoke-commands-suggestions!])
(dispatch [:stage-command]))))))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [dispatch dispatch-sync after]]
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [register-handler] :as u]
[status-im.constants :refer [console-chat-id]]
[ :as messages]))
[status-im.constants :refer [console-chat-id
[ :as messages]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[status-im.utils.random :as random]))
(def console-commands
@ -37,3 +40,37 @@
:message-status status})))
(fn [db [_ message-id status]]
(assoc-in db [:message-statuses message-id] {:status status})))
(register-handler :console-respond-command
(fn [_ [_ {:keys [command] :as parameters}]]
(let [{:keys [command handler-data]} command]
(when command
(let [{:keys [name]} command]
(case name
"js" (let [{:keys [err data messages]} handler-data
content (if err
(doseq [message messages]
(let [{:keys [message type]} message]
(dispatch [:received-message
{:message-id (random/id)
:content (str type ": " message)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:chat-id console-chat-id
:from console-chat-id
:to "me"}])))
(when content
(dispatch [:received-message
{:message-id (random/id)
:content (str content)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:chat-id console-chat-id
:from console-chat-id
:to "me"}])))
(log/debug "ignoring command: " command))))))))

View File

@ -103,7 +103,8 @@
(log/debug "Handler data: " request handler-data (dissoc params :commands :staged-command))
(dispatch [:clear-command chat-id (:id staged-command)])
(dispatch [::send-command! add-to-chat-id (assoc params :command command')])
(when (cu/console? chat-id)
(dispatch [:console-respond-command params]))
(when (and (= "send" (get-in staged-command [:command :name]))
(not= add-to-chat-id wallet-chat-id))
(let [ct (if request

View File

@ -34,13 +34,17 @@
parameter [:get-command-parameter]
type [:command-type]
suggestions [:get-suggestions]
staged-commands [:get-chat-staged-commands]]
staged-commands [:get-chat-staged-commands]
message-input-height [:get-message-input-view-height]]
(let [on-top? (or (and (not (empty? suggestions))
(not command?))
(not= response-height input-height))
style (when-not (seq staged-commands)
(get-in platform-specific [:component-styles :chat :new-message]))]
[view {:style (merge (st/new-message-container margin on-top?) style)
:on-layout #(dispatch [:set-message-input-view-height (get-height %)])}
:on-layout (fn [event]
(let [height (get-height event)]
(when (not= height message-input-height)
(dispatch [:set-message-input-view-height height]))))}
(when command? (get-options parameter type))]]))

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
(defn suggestions-events-handler!
[db [[n data]]]
(case (keyword n)
:set-value (dispatch [:set-chat-command-content data])
:set-value (dispatch [:fill-chat-command-content data])
;; todo show error?
@ -92,3 +92,8 @@
(reg-handler :command-preview
(after (print-error-message! "Error on command preview"))
(reg-handler :set-local-storage
(fn [{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} [{:keys [data] :as event}]]
(log/debug "Got event: " event)
(assoc-in db [:local-storage current-chat-id] data)))

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
(swap! calls conj args))
(defn call-module [f]
(log/debug :call-module f)
;(log/debug :call-module f)
(if @module-initialized?
(store-call f)))
@ -106,11 +106,15 @@
:debug js/goog.DEBUG
:locale i/i18n.locale)
cb (fn [r]
(let [r' (t/json->clj r)]
(let [{:keys [result] :as r'} (t/json->clj r)
{:keys [messages]} result]
(log/debug r')
(doseq [{:keys [type message]} messages]
(log/debug (str "VM console(" type ") - " message)))
(callback r')))]
(.callJail status chat-id (cljs->json path) (cljs->json params') cb))))))
(defn set-soft-input-mode [mode]
(when status
(call-module #(.setSoftInputMode status mode))))

View File

@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
"transaction.failed" (dispatch [:transaction-failed event])
"node.started" (log/debug "Event *node.started* received")
"module.initialized" (dispatch [:status-module-initialized!])
"local_storage.set" (dispatch [:set-local-storage event])
(log/debug "Event " type " not handled"))))))
(register-handler :status-module-initialized!