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synced 2025-03-03 17:50:34 +00:00
Refactor image server uri helpers (#19271)
* tweak: refactor image-uri helpers * fix: add `:primary` as customization color for profile images primary is being used as the default color for accounts that were migrated without customization color to a default color
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
[re-frame.core :as re-frame.core]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[status-im.contexts.profile.utils :as profile.utils]
[utils.ens.core :as utils.ens]))
[utils.ens.core :as utils.ens]
[utils.image-server :as image-server]))
@ -156,9 +157,11 @@
(styles/default-chat-icon-text size)
(styles/emoji-chat-icon-text size))}
photo-path (if (:fn photo-path)
img-config (:config photo-path)
photo-path (if img-config
;; temp support new media server avatar for old component
{:uri ((:fn photo-path)
{:uri (image-server/get-image-uri
{:size size
:full-name name
:font-size (get-in styles [:default-chat-icon-text :font-size])
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
[react-native.core :as rn]
[react-native.fast-image :as fast-image]
[schema.core :as schema]
[utils.image-server :as image-server]
(defn initials-avatar
@ -38,23 +39,23 @@
online? true
ring? true}
:as props}]
(let [theme (quo.theme/use-theme)
full-name (or full-name "Your Name")
(let [theme (quo.theme/use-theme)
picture-config (:config profile-picture)
full-name (or full-name "Your Name")
;; image generated with `profile-picture-fn` is round cropped
;; no need to add border-radius for them
outer-styles (style/outer size (not (:fn profile-picture)))
outer-styles (style/outer size (not picture-config))
;; Once image is loaded, fast image re-renders view with the help of reagent atom,
;; But dynamic updates don't work when user-avatar is used inside hole-view
;; https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/15553
image-view (if static? no-flicker-image/image fast-image/fast-image)
font-size (get-in style/sizes [size :font-size])
amount-initials (if (#{:xs :xxs :xxxs} size) 1 2)
sizes (get style/sizes size)
indicator-color (get (style/indicator-color theme) (if online? :online :offline))
profile-picture-fn (:fn profile-picture)]
image-view (if static? no-flicker-image/image fast-image/fast-image)
font-size (get-in style/sizes [size :font-size])
amount-initials (if (#{:xs :xxs :xxxs} size) 1 2)
sizes (get style/sizes size)
indicator-color (get (style/indicator-color theme) (if online? :online :offline))]
[rn/view {:style outer-styles :accessibility-label :user-avatar}
(if (and full-name (not (or profile-picture-fn profile-picture)))
(if (and full-name (not (or picture-config profile-picture)))
;; this is for things that's not user-avatar but are currently using user-avatar to render
;; the initials e.g. community avatar
[initials-avatar props]
@ -62,8 +63,9 @@
{:accessibility-label :profile-picture
:style outer-styles
(cond profile-picture-fn
{:uri (profile-picture-fn
(cond picture-config
{:uri (image-server/get-image-uri
{:length amount-initials
:full-name full-name
:font-size (:font-size (text/text-style {:size
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@
:indicator-center-to-edge (when status-indicator?
(:status-indicator-center-to-edge sizes))
:indicator-color indicator-color
:override-theme theme
:theme theme
:color (:color style/initials-avatar-text)
:size (:width outer-styles)
:ring? ring?
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
[quo.foundations.colors :as colors]
[schema.registry :as registry]))
(def ^:private ?profile-picture-fn-params
(def ^:private ?customization-color (into [:enum :primary] colors/account-colors))
(def ^:private ?profile-picture-options
[:length :int]
[:full-name :string]
@ -11,22 +13,67 @@
[:indicator-size {:optional true} [:maybe :int]]
[:indicator-color {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]
[:indicator-center-to-edge {:optional true} [:maybe :int]]
[:override-theme :schema.common/theme]
[:background-color :string]
[:theme :schema.common/theme]
[:color :string]
[:size :int]
[:ring? :boolean]
[:ring-width :int]])
(def ^:private ?account-image-uri-options
[:port :int]
[:ratio :double]
[:key-uid :string]
[:image-name :string]
[:theme :schema.common/theme]
[:override-ring? [:maybe :boolean]]])
(def ^:private ?initials-image-uri-options
[:port :int]
[:ratio :double]
[:uppercase-ratio :double]
[:font-file :string]
[:theme :schema.common/theme]
[:customization-color ?customization-color]
[:key-uid {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]
[:public-key {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]
[:override-ring? {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]])
(def ^:private ?contact-image-uri-options
[:port :int]
[:clock :int]
[:ratio :double]
[:image-name :string]
[:public-key :string]
[:theme :schema.common/theme]
[:override-ring? [:maybe :boolean]]])
(def ^:private ?image-uri-config
[:multi {:dispatch :type}
[:type [:= :account]]
[:options ?account-image-uri-options]]]
[:type [:= :contact]]
[:options ?contact-image-uri-options]]]
[:type [:= :initials]]
[:options ?initials-image-uri-options]]]])
(def ^:private ?profile-picture-source
[:fn [:=> [:cat ?profile-picture-fn-params] :string]]]])
(def ^:private ?customization-color (into [:enum] colors/account-colors))
[:config ?image-uri-config]]])
(defn register-schemas
(registry/register ::customization-color ?customization-color)
(registry/register ::image-uri-config ?image-uri-config)
(registry/register ::profile-picture-source ?profile-picture-source)
(registry/register ::customization-color ?customization-color))
(registry/register ::profile-picture-options ?profile-picture-options))
@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
[status-im.subs.chat.utils :as chat.utils]
[utils.address :as address]
[utils.i18n :as i18n]
[utils.image-server :as image-server]))
[utils.i18n :as i18n]))
(defn query-chat-contacts
[{:keys [contacts]} all-contacts query-fn]
@ -45,37 +44,40 @@
(reduce (fn [acc image]
(let [image-name (:type image)
clock (:clock image)
uri (image-server/get-contact-image-uri-fn
{:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
; We pass the clock so that we reload the
; image if the image is updated
(when ens-name false)})]
(assoc-in acc [(keyword image-name) :fn] uri)))
options {:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
; We pass the clock so that we reload the
; image if the image is updated
(when ens-name false)}]
(assoc-in acc
[(keyword image-name) :config]
{:type :contact
:options options})))
(vals images))
images (if (seq images)
{:fn (image-server/get-initials-avatar-uri-fn
{:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:public-key public-key
:override-ring? (when ens-name false)
:uppercase-ratio (:uppercase-ratio constants/initials-avatar-font-conf)
:customization-color customization-color
:theme theme
:font-file font-file})}})]
{:config {:type :initials
:options {:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:public-key public-key
:override-ring? (when ens-name false)
:uppercase-ratio (:uppercase-ratio
:customization-color customization-color
:theme theme
:font-file font-file}}}})]
(assoc contact :images images)))
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
[status-im.common.pixel-ratio :as pixel-ratio]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.contexts.profile.utils :as profile.utils]
[utils.image-server :as image-server]
[utils.security.core :as security]))
@ -43,23 +42,24 @@
image-name (-> images first :type)
override-ring? (when ens-name? false)]
(when profile
(if image-name
(image-server/get-account-image-uri-fn {:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:image-name image-name
:key-uid target-key-uid
:theme theme
:override-ring? override-ring?})
{:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:key-uid target-key-uid
:theme theme
:uppercase-ratio (:uppercase-ratio constants/initials-avatar-font-conf)
:customization-color customization-color
:override-ring? override-ring?
:font-file font-file}))}))))
{:type :account
:options {:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:image-name image-name
:key-uid target-key-uid
:theme theme
:override-ring? override-ring?}}
{:type :initials
:options {:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:key-uid target-key-uid
:theme theme
:uppercase-ratio (:uppercase-ratio constants/initials-avatar-font-conf)
:customization-color customization-color
:override-ring? override-ring?
:font-file font-file}})}))))
;; use `:profile/public-key` instead
@ -244,29 +244,31 @@
ens-name? (or ens-name? (seq ens-names))
avatar-opts (assoc avatar-opts :override-ring? (when ens-name? false))
images-with-uri (mapv (fn [{key-uid :keyUid image-name :type :as image}]
(let [uri-fn (image-server/get-account-image-uri-fn
{:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:image-name image-name
:key-uid key-uid
:theme theme}
(assoc image :fn uri-fn)))
(assoc image
{:type :account
:options (merge
{:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:image-name image-name
:key-uid key-uid
:theme theme}
new-images (if (seq images-with-uri)
[{:fn (image-server/get-initials-avatar-uri-fn
(merge {:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:key-uid key-uid
:customization-color customization-color
:theme theme
:font-file font-file}
[{:config {:type :initials
:options (merge
{:port port
:ratio pixel-ratio/ratio
:key-uid key-uid
:customization-color customization-color
:theme theme
:font-file font-file}
(assoc profile :images new-images)))
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
[react-native.fs :as utils.fs]
[react-native.platform :as platform]
[schema.core :as schema]
[utils.datetime :as datetime]))
(def ^:const image-server-uri-prefix "https://localhost:")
@ -54,8 +55,7 @@
(defn get-account-image-uri
"fn to get the avatar uri when multiaccount has custom image set
not directly called, check `get-account-image-uri-fn`
"fn to get the avatar uri when multiaccount has custom image set.
color formats (for all color options):
@ -67,7 +67,8 @@
placeholder-avatar: pass image file path as `image-name`
`indicator-size` is outer indicator radius
`indicator-size` - `indicator-border` is inner indicator radius"
`indicator-size` - `indicator-border` is inner indicator radius
`ring?` shows or hides ring for account with ens name"
[{:keys [port public-key image-name key-uid size theme indicator-size
indicator-border indicator-center-to-edge indicator-color ring?
ring-width ratio]}]
@ -100,38 +101,8 @@
(* ring-width ratio)))
(defn get-account-image-uri-fn
"pass the result fn to user-avatar component as `:profile-picture`
use this fn in subs to set multiaccount `:images` as [{:fn ...}]
pass the image to user-avatar
user-avatar can fill the rest style related options
set `override-ring?` to a non-nil value to override `ring?`, mainly used to
hide ring for account with ens name
check `get-account-image-uri` for color formats"
[{:keys [port public-key key-uid image-name theme override-ring? ratio]}]
(fn [{:keys [size indicator-size indicator-border indicator-center-to-edge
indicator-color ring? ring-width override-theme]}]
{:port port
:image-name image-name
:size size
:public-key public-key
:ratio ratio
:key-uid key-uid
:theme (if (nil? override-theme) theme override-theme)
:indicator-size indicator-size
:indicator-border indicator-border
:indicator-center-to-edge indicator-center-to-edge
:indicator-color indicator-color
:ring? (if (nil? override-ring?) ring? override-ring?)
:ring-width ring-width})))
(defn get-initials-avatar-uri
"fn to get the avatar uri when account/contact/placeholder has no custom pic set
not directly called, check `get-account-initials-uri-fn`
multiaccount: at least one of `key-uid`, `public-key` is required to render the ring
contact: `public-key` is required to render the ring
@ -139,6 +110,7 @@
check `get-account-image-uri` for color formats
check `get-font-file-ready` for `font-file`
`ring?` shows or hides ring for account with ens name
`uppercase-ratio` is the uppercase-height/line-height for `font-file`"
[{:keys [port public-key key-uid theme ring? length size customization-color
color font-size font-file uppercase-ratio indicator-size
@ -185,56 +157,13 @@
(* ring-width ratio)))
(schema/=> get-initials-avatar-uri
[:theme :schema.common/theme]
[:color string?]
[:background-color {:optional true} [:maybe string?]]
[:size number?]
[:ratio float?]
[:uppercase-ratio number?]
[:customization-color :schema.common/customization-color]
[:font-size number?]
[:font-file string?]]]
(defn get-initials-avatar-uri-fn
"return a fn that calls `get-account-initials-uri`
pass the fn to user-avatar component to fill the style related options
check `get-account-image-uri` for color formats
(defn get-contact-image-uri
"check `get-account-image-uri` for color formats
check `get-font-file-ready` for `font-file`
check `get-account-image-uri-fn` for `override-ring?`"
[{:keys [port public-key key-uid theme override-ring? font-file ratio
uppercase-ratio customization-color]}]
(fn [{:keys [full-name length size font-size color indicator-size indicator-border
indicator-color indicator-center-to-edge ring? ring-width
{:port port
:public-key public-key
:ratio ratio
:key-uid key-uid
:full-name full-name
:length length
:size size
:customization-color customization-color
:theme (if (nil? override-theme) theme override-theme)
:ring? (if (nil? override-ring?) ring? override-ring?)
:ring-width ring-width
:font-size font-size
:color color
:font-file font-file
:uppercase-ratio uppercase-ratio
:indicator-size indicator-size
:indicator-border indicator-border
:indicator-center-to-edge indicator-center-to-edge
:indicator-color indicator-color})))
(defn get-contact-image-uri
`public-key` is required to render the ring
`ring?` shows or hides ring for account with ens name
`uppercase-ratio` is the uppercase-height/line-height for `font-file`"
[{:keys [port public-key image-name clock theme indicator-size indicator-border
indicator-center-to-edge indicator-color size ring? ring-width ratio]}]
@ -264,24 +193,6 @@
(* ring-width ratio)))
(defn get-contact-image-uri-fn
[{:keys [port public-key image-name theme override-ring? clock ratio]}]
(fn [{:keys [size indicator-size indicator-border indicator-center-to-edge
indicator-color ring? ring-width override-theme]}]
(get-contact-image-uri {:port port
:ratio ratio
:image-name image-name
:public-key public-key
:size size
:theme (if (nil? override-theme) theme override-theme)
:clock clock
:indicator-size indicator-size
:indicator-border indicator-border
:indicator-center-to-edge indicator-center-to-edge
:indicator-color indicator-color
:ring? (if (nil? override-ring?) ring? override-ring?)
:ring-width ring-width})))
(defn get-qr-image-uri-for-any-url
[{:keys [url port qr-size error-level]}]
(let [qr-url-base64 (js/btoa url)
@ -299,3 +210,24 @@
(defn get-image-uri
[{:keys [type options]}
((case type
:account get-account-image-uri
:contact get-contact-image-uri
:initials get-initials-avatar-uri
(-> (merge options profile-picture-options)
(assoc :ring?
(if (nil? (:override-ring? options))
(:ring? profile-picture-options)
(:override-ring? options))))))
(schema/=> get-image-uri
Reference in New Issue
Block a user