Text for empty chat
Signed-off-by: Andrea Maria Piana <andrea.maria.piana@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fill="#6E777E" d="M5,8 L5,6.25641026 C5,4.47325715 6.32593143,3 8,3 C9.67406857,3 11,4.47325715 11,6.25641026 L11,8 L11.5,8 C12.3284271,8 13,8.67157288 13,9.5 L13,12.5 C13,13.3284271 12.3284271,14 11.5,14 L4.5,14 C3.67157288,14 3,13.3284271 3,12.5 L3,9.5 C3,8.67157288 3.67157288,8 4.5,8 L5,8 Z M6.38461538,8 L9.61538462,8 L9.61538462,6.25641026 C9.61538462,5.20733388 8.87493797,4.38461538 8,4.38461538 C7.12506203,4.38461538 6.38461538,5.20733388 6.38461538,6.25641026 L6.38461538,8 Z" id="shape"></path>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 606 B |
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.chat.models :as models.chat]
[status-im.chat.styles.screen :as style]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
[status-im.chat.views.toolbar-content :as toolbar-content]
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
(defview add-contact-bar [contact-identity]
(letsubs [{:keys [pending?] :as contact} [:get-contact-by-identity contact-identity]]
(when (or pending? (not contact)) ;; contact is pending or not in contact list at all
(when (or pending? (nil? pending?)) ;; contact is pending or not in contact list at all
{:on-press #(re-frame/dispatch [:add-contact contact-identity])
:accessibility-label :add-to-contacts-button}
@ -99,18 +100,34 @@
[react/animated-view {:style (style/message-view-animated opacity)}
(defview empty-chat-container [{:keys [group-chat chat-id]}]
(letsubs [contact [:get-contact-by-identity chat-id]]
(let [one-to-one (and (not group-chat)
(not (:dapp? contact)))]
[react/view style/empty-chat-container
(when one-to-one
[vector-icons/icon :icons/lock])
[react/text {:style style/empty-chat-text}
(= chat-id constants/console-chat-id)
(i18n/label :t/empty-chat-description-console)
[react/text style/empty-chat-container-one-to-one
(i18n/label :t/empty-chat-description-one-to-one)
[react/text {:style style/empty-chat-text-name} (:name contact)]]
(i18n/label :t/empty-chat-description))]])))
(defview messages-view [group-chat]
(letsubs [messages [:get-current-chat-messages-stream]
chat-id [:get-current-chat-id]
chat [:get-current-chat]
current-public-key [:get-current-public-key]]
{:component-did-mount #(re-frame/dispatch [:set-chat-ui-props {:messages-focused? true
:input-focused? false}])}
(if (empty? messages)
[react/view style/empty-chat-container
[react/text {:style style/empty-chat-text}
(if (= chat-id constants/console-chat-id)
(i18n/label :t/empty-chat-description-console)
(i18n/label :t/empty-chat-description))]]
[empty-chat-container chat]
[list/flat-list {:data messages
:key-fn #(or (:message-id %) (:value %))
:render-fn (fn [message]
@ -209,9 +209,12 @@
{:opacity opacity
:flex 1})
(def empty-chat-container-one-to-one
{:margin-top 10})
(def empty-chat-container
{:flex 1
:flex-direction :row
:flex-direction :column
:justify-content :center
:align-items :center
:padding-vertical 50
@ -219,7 +222,11 @@
(def empty-chat-text
{:color colors/gray
:font-size 14
:line-height 20
:width 280
:font-size 15
:line-height 22
:letter-spacing -0.2
:text-align :center})
(def empty-chat-text-name
{:color colors/black})
@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
:set-a-topic "Set a topic"
:empty-chat-description "There are no messages \nin this chat yet"
:empty-chat-description-console "Look under the hood! Console is a javascript runtime environment that exposes the whole web3 API. Type \"web3.\" to get started."
:empty-chat-description-one-to-one "Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and "
:counter-99-plus "99+"
:show-more "Show more"
:show-less "Show less"
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
:icons/hamburger (components.svg/slurp-svg "./resources/icons/hamburger.svg")
:icons/hidden (components.svg/slurp-svg "./resources/icons/hidden.svg")
:icons/in-contacts (components.svg/slurp-svg "./resources/icons/in_contacts.svg")
:icons/lock (components.svg/slurp-svg "./resources/icons/lock.svg")
:icons/mic (components.svg/slurp-svg "./resources/icons/mic.svg")
:icons/ok (components.svg/slurp-svg "./resources/icons/ok.svg")
:icons/public (components.svg/slurp-svg "./resources/icons/public.svg")
@ -64,7 +64,9 @@
(reg-sub :get-contact-by-identity
:<- [:get-contacts]
(fn [contacts [_ identity]]
(get contacts identity)))
(get contacts identity)
(utils.contacts/whisper-id->new-contact identity))))
(reg-sub :get-dapp-by-name
:<- [:get-dapps]
Reference in New Issue