Added kyber extension

Signed-off-by: Julien Eluard <>
This commit is contained in:
Julien Eluard 2019-01-23 09:21:28 +01:00
parent 8ef905edfb
commit 16b657d6ee
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 267 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
{meta {:name "Kyber UI"
:description "Kyber exchange"
:documentation ""}
(let [{value :value} properties]
[store/put {:key "RECEIPT" :value value}])
(let [{value :value} properties]
[ethereum/await-transaction-receipt {:interval 1000 :value value :on-success [on-transaction-receipt]}])
(let [{src-address :src-address dest-address :dest-address amount-in-wei :amount-in-wei address :address slippage :slippage} properties]
[ethereum/send-transaction {:to "0x818E6FECD516Ecc3849DAf6845e3EC868087B755"
:method "trade(address,uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256,address)"
:gas "600000"
:params [src-address amount-in-wei dest-address address "57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968" slippage "0xD8a38Ae058fB6a6A6CB9517cF9Bc1730a6E15617"]
:on-success [on-trade-result]}])
(let [{src-address :src-address dest-address :dest-address address :address amount-in-wei :amount-in-wei slippage :slippage} properties]
;; Approve Kyber contract for further transfer
[ethereum/send-transaction {:to src-address
:method "approve(address,uint256)"
:params ["0x818E6FECD516Ecc3849DAf6845e3EC868087B755" amount-in-wei]
:gas "100000"
:on-success [trade {:address address :amount-in-wei amount-in-wei :slippage slippage :src-address src-address :dest-address dest-address}]}])
(let [{name :name {source :source} :icon} properties]
[view {:style {:height 64 :margin-horizontal 16 :flex-direction :row :align-items :center}}
[image {:source source :style {:width 40 :height 40}}]
[text {:style {:margin-left 16 :font-size 16 :color :black}} name]])
(let [{key :key selection :selection source :source symbol :symbol rate :rate value :value} properties]
[store/puts {:value [{:key key :value {:selection selection :source source :symbol symbol}}
{:key "RATE" :value {:value rate}}
{:key "AMOUNT-TO-RECEIVE" :value value}]}])
(let [{key :key amount :amount selection :selection source :source symbol :symbol [_ slippage :as result] :value} properties]
[arithmetic {:operation :times :values [amount slippage]
:on-result [aputs {:key key :amount amount :rate result :selection selection :source source :symbol symbol}]}])
;; TODO Consider Kyber tokens list (require view lifecycle?)
;; TODO react on amount changes too
;; TODO hook completion screens (require case support?)
;; TODO proper error handling
(let [{key :key amount :amount amount-in-wei :amount-in-wei dest-address :dest-address address :address selection :name {source :source} :icon symbol :symbol} properties]
[ethereum/call {:to "0x818E6FECD516Ecc3849DAf6845e3EC868087B755"
:method "getExpectedRate(address,address,uint256)"
:params [address dest-address amount-in-wei]
:outputs ["uint256" "uint256"]
:on-success [on-rate-result {:key key :amount amount :selection selection :source source :symbol symbol}]}])
(let [{key :key amount :amount amount-in-wei :amount-in-wei src-address :src-address address :address selection :name {source :source} :icon symbol :symbol} properties]
[ethereum/call {:to "0x818E6FECD516Ecc3849DAf6845e3EC868087B755"
:method "getExpectedRate(address,address,uint256)"
:params [src-address address amount-in-wei]
:outputs ["uint256" "uint256"]
:on-success [on-rate-result {:key key :amount amount :selection selection :source source :symbol symbol}]}])
(let [{amount :amount rate :rate value :value} properties]
[store/puts {:value [{:key "RATE" :value {:value rate}}
{:key "AMOUNT" :value amount}
{:key "AMOUNT-TO-RECEIVE" :value value}]}])
(let [{amount :amount [_ slippage :as result] :result} properties]
[arithmetic {:operation :times :values [amount slippage]
:on-result [bputs {:amount amount :rate result}]}])
(let [{amount :value src-address :src-address dest-address :dest-address} properties]
[ethereum/call {:to "0x818E6FECD516Ecc3849DAf6845e3EC868087B755"
:method "getExpectedRate(address,address,uint256)"
:params [src-address dest-address amount-in-wei]
:outputs ["uint256" "uint256"]
:on-success [on-amount-rate-result {:amount amount}]}])
(let [{amount :value} properties]
[store/put {:key "AMOUNT" :value amount}])
(let [{color :color} properties]
[view {:style {:flex-direction :row :margin-vertical 14 :align-items :center}}
[view {:style {:flex 1}}]
[text {:style {:color color :font-size 15 :margin-right 5}} "Sign to confirm"]
[icon {:key :icons/forward :color color}]])
(let [{} properties]
[view {:style {:flex 1 :background-color "#4360df"}}
[view {:style {:flex 1 :justify-content :center :align-items :center}}
[view {:style {:background-color :white :width 56 :height 56 :border-radius 28 :align-items :center :justify-content :center}}
[icon {:key :icons/ok :color "#4360df"}]]
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 17 :margin-top 16}} "Transaction Failed"]
[text {:style {:color "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)" :font-size 15 :margin-top 8}} "Sorry :("]
[view {:style {:height 1 :background-color :white :opacity 0.2}}]
[view {:style {:flex 1}}]
[touchable-opacity {:on-press [store/put {:key "completed?" :value false}]}
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 15 :margin-top 16}} "Try again"]]]])
(let [{} properties]
[view {:style {:flex 1 :background-color "#4360df"}}
[view {:style {:flex 1 :justify-content :center :align-items :center :margin-top 200}}
[view {:style {:background-color :white :width 56 :height 56 :border-radius 28 :align-items :center :justify-content :center}}
[icon {:key :icons/ok :color "#4360df"}]]
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 17 :margin-top 16}} "Transaction Pending"]
[text {:style {:color "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)" :font-size 15 :margin-top 8 :margin-horizontal 40}}
"Your transaction is pending confirmation on the blockchain. You can check its status in your transaction history."]
[view {:style {:flex 1}}]
[view {:style {:height 1 :background-color :white :opacity 0.2}}]
[touchable-opacity {:on-press [store/put {:key "completed?" :value false}]}
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 15 :margin-bottom 14 :margin-top 18}} "Back to wallet"]]]])
(let [{tokenname1 :tokenname1 tokenname2 :tokenname2 source1 :source1 source2 :source2 address :address} properties]
[view {:style {:flex 1 :background-color "#4360df"}}
[view {:style {:flex 1 :justify-content :center :align-items :center}}
[view {:style {:background-color :white :width 56 :height 56 :border-radius 28 :align-items :center :justify-content :center}}
[icon {:key :icons/ok :color "#4360df"}]]
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 17 :margin-top 16}} "Transaction Confirmed"]
[view {:style {:height 1 :background-color :white :opacity 0.2}}]
[touchable-opacity {:on-press [store/put {:key "completed?" :value false}]}
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 15 :margin-top 16}} "Back to exchange"]]]
[view {:style {:flex 1 :background-color :white :padding-horizontal 16 :padding-top 23}}
[text {:style {:font-size 15}} "You exchanged"]
[view {:style {:border-color "#EEF2F5" :border-radius 8 :border-width 1 :flex-direction :row :margin-top 6 :padding 15 :align-items :center}}
[image {:source source1 :style {:width 30 :height 30}}]
[text {:style {:flex 1 :font-size 15 :margin-left 12}} tokenname1]]
[view {:style {:flex 1}}]
[text {:style {:font-size 15}} "You received"]
[view {:style {:border-color "#EEF2F5" :border-radius 8 :border-width 1 :flex-direction :row :margin-top 6 :padding 15 :align-items :center}}
[image {:source source2 :style {:width 30 :height 30}}]
[text {:style {:flex 1 :font-size 15 :margin-left 12}} tokenname2]]
[view {:style {:flex 1}}]]])
(let [m properties
{status :status} [store/get {:key "RECEIPT"}]]
(if status
[transaction-completed-panel m]
[transaction-pending-panel m]))
{:component-will-mount [store/clear-all]
(let [{address :address} properties
visible-tokens [wallet/tokens {:visible true}]
tokens [wallet/tokens]
{tokenname1 :selection source1 :source src-symbol :symbol} [store/get {:key "SRC"}]
{tokenname2 :selection source2 :source dest-symbol :symbol} [store/get {:key "DEST"}]
completed? [store/get {:key "completed?"}]
amount [store/get {:key "AMOUNT"}]
amount-to-receive-in-wei [store/get {:key "AMOUNT-TO-RECEIVE"}]
{[expected slippage-in-wei] :value} [store/get {:key "RATE"}]
{slippage :amount} [wallet/token {:token "ETH" :amount-in-wei slippage-in-wei}] ;; Kyber returns slippage with 18 decimals
{amount-to-receive :amount} [wallet/token {:token "ETH" :amount-in-wei amount-to-receive-in-wei}]
{src-decimals :decimals src-address :address amount-in-wei :amount-in-wei} [wallet/token {:token src-symbol :amount amount}]
{dest-decimals :decimals dest-address :address} [wallet/token {:token dest-symbol}]
{balance :value} [wallet/balance {:token src-symbol}]]
(if completed?
[transaction-panel {:source1 source1 :source2 source2 :tokenname1 tokenname1 :tokenname2 tokenname2 :address completed?}]
[view {:style {:flex 1 :background-color "#4360df" :padding-horizontal 16 :padding-top 20}}
[scroll-view {:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always}
[view {:style {:flex 1}}
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 15}} "I want to exchange"]
[touchable-opacity {:on-press [selection-screen {:title "Choose asset" :items visible-tokens :on-select [on-src-rate-params-change {:key "SRC" :amount amount :dest-address dest-address :amount-in-wei amount-in-wei}]
:render [render-token] :extractor-key :name}]}
[view {:style {:flex-direction :row :margin-top 8 :border-radius 8 :height 52 :background-color "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)"
:align-items :center :padding-horizontal 14}}
[image {:source source1 :style {:width 30 :height 30}}]
(if tokenname1
[view {:style {:flex 1 :flex-direction :column}}
[view {:style {:flex-direction :row}}
[text {:style {:margin-left 16 :color :white :font-size 15}} tokenname1]
[text {:style {:margin-left 16 :color :white :font-size 15 :opacity 0.6}} src-symbol]]
[text {:style {:margin-left 16 :color :white :font-size 15 :opacity 0.6}} "Available: ${balance}"]]
[text {:style {:flex 1 :color :white :margin-left 12}} "Select token"])
[icon {:key :icons/forward :color :white}]]]
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 15 :margin-top 28}} "Amount"]
[view {:style {:flex-direction :row :margin-top 8 :border-radius 8 :height 52 :background-color "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)"
:align-items :center :padding-horizontal 14 :margin-bottom 32}}
[input {:style {:color :white :flex 1} :placeholder "Specify amount..." :placeholder-text-color "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)" :selection-color :white :keyboard-type :decimal-pad
:on-change [store-amount {:amount amount :src-address src-address :dest-address dest-address}]}]]
[view {:style {:flex 1}}]
[view {:style {:height 1 :background-color :white :opacity 0.2}}]
[view {:style {:flex 1}}]
[text {:style {:color :white :font-size 15 :margin-top 32}} "I want to recieve"]
[touchable-opacity {:on-press [selection-screen {:title "Choose asset" :items tokens :on-select [on-dest-rate-params-change {:key "DEST" :amount amount :src-address src-address :amount-in-wei amount-in-wei}]
:render [render-token] :extractor-key :name}]}
[view {:style {:flex-direction :row :margin-top 8 :border-radius 8 :height 52 :background-color "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)"
:align-items :center :padding-horizontal 14}}
(when source2
[image {:source source2 :style {:width 30 :height 30}}])
(if tokenname2
[view {:style {:flex 1 :flex-direction :row}}
[text {:style {:margin-left 16 :color :white :font-size 15}} tokenname2]
[text {:style {:margin-left 16 :color :white :font-size 15 :opacity 0.6}} dest-symbol]]
[text {:style {:flex 1 :color :white :margin-left 12}} "Select token"])
[icon {:key :icons/forward :color :white}]]]
[text {:style {:color :white :opacity 0.6 :font-size 15 :margin-top 28}} "Amount to receive"]
[view {:style {:flex-direction :row :margin-top 8 :border-radius 8 :height 52 :border-color "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)" :border-width 1
:align-items :center :padding-horizontal 14}}
[text {:style {:color :white}} amount-to-receive]]
(when slippage
[text {:style {:margin-top 16 :color :white :opacity 0.6}} "1 ${src-symbol} = ${slippage} ${dest-symbol}"])
[view {:style {:flex 1}}]
[text {:style {:color :white :opacity 0.6}} "Powered by Kyber Network"]
[view {:style {:height 1 :background-color :white :opacity 0.2}}]]]
(if slippage
[touchable-opacity {:on-press [approve {:slippage slippage-in-wei :amount-in-wei amount-in-wei
:src-address src-address :dest-address dest-address :address address}]}
[sign-to-confirm {:color :white}]]
[sign-to-confirm {:color "#FFFFFF66"}])]))}
{:label "Exchange Assets"
:view [kyber-panel]}}

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
(if dev-mode?
{:extensions/load {:extensions extensions
:follow-up :extensions/add-to-registry}}
{:dispatch [:extensions/update-hooks extensions]})))
{:dispatch [:extensions/disable-all-hooks extensions]})))
(fx/defn switch-dev-mode [cofx dev-mode?]
(fx/merge cofx

View File

@ -158,6 +158,11 @@
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {id :id} {:keys [key]}]]
{:db (update-in db [:extensions/store id] dissoc key)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {id :id} _]]
{:db (update db :extensions/store dissoc id)}))
(defn- json? [res]
(when-let [type (get-in res [:headers "content-type"])]
(string/starts-with? type "application/json")))
@ -223,8 +228,7 @@
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value on-success on-failure]}]]
(let [formdata (doto
(let [formdata (doto (js/FormData.)
(.append constants/ipfs-add-param-name value))]
{:http-raw-post (merge {:url constants/ipfs-add-url
:body formdata
@ -316,9 +320,10 @@
(js/clearTimeout id))
(reset! current (js/setTimeout #(on-input-change-text on-change value) delay)))
(defn input [{:keys [keyboard-type style on-change change-delay placeholder placeholder-text-color]}]
(defn input [{:keys [keyboard-type style on-change change-delay placeholder placeholder-text-color selection-color]}]
[react/text-input (merge {:placeholder placeholder}
(when placeholder-text-color {:placeholder-text-color placeholder-text-color})
(when selection-color {:selection-color selection-color})
(when style {:style style})
(when keyboard-type {:keyboard-type keyboard-type})
(when on-change
@ -402,7 +407,7 @@
'touchable-opacity {:value touchable-opacity :properties {:on-press :event}}
'icon {:value icon :properties {:key :keyword :color :any}}
'image {:value image :properties {:uri :string :source :string}}
'input {:value input :properties {:on-change :event :placeholder :string :keyboard-type :keyword :change-delay? :number :placeholder-text-color :any}}
'input {:value input :properties {:on-change :event :placeholder :string :keyboard-type :keyword :change-delay? :number :placeholder-text-color :any :selection-color :any}}
'button {:value button :properties {:enabled :boolean :disabled :boolean :on-click :event}}
'link {:value link :properties {:uri :string}}
'list {:value list :properties {:data :vector :item-view :view :key? :keyword}}
@ -495,6 +500,9 @@
{:permissions [:read]
:value :store/clear
:arguments {:key :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:value :store/clear-all}
{:permissions [:read]
:value :http/get
@ -519,7 +527,7 @@
{:permissions [:read]
:value :ipfs/add
:arguments {:value :string
:arguments {:value :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
@ -528,6 +536,13 @@
:arguments {:value :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:value :extensions/ethereum-await-transaction-receipt
:arguments {:value :string
:interval :number
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:value :extensions/ethereum-sign

View File

@ -85,9 +85,9 @@
(defn- rpc-dispatch [error result f on-success on-failure]
(when result
(re-frame/dispatch (on-success {:result (f result)})))
(re-frame/dispatch (on-success {:value (f result)})))
(when (and error on-failure)
(re-frame/dispatch (on-failure {:result error}))))
(re-frame/dispatch (on-failure {:value error}))))
(defn- rpc-handler [o f on-success on-failure]
(let [{:keys [error result]} (types/json->clj o)]
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
(defn- parse-receipt [m]
(when m
(let [{:keys [status transactionHash transactionIndex blockHash blockNumber from to cumulativeGasUsed gasUsed contractAddress logs logsBloom]} m]
{:status (abi-spec/hex-to-number status)
{:status (= 1 (abi-spec/hex-to-number status))
:transaction-hash transactionHash
:transaction-index (abi-spec/hex-to-number transactionIndex)
:block-hash blockHash
@ -267,6 +267,15 @@
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value] :as m}]]
(rpc-call constants/web3-transaction-receipt [value] parse-receipt m)))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value interval on-success] :as m}]]
(let [id (atom nil)
new-on-success (fn [o] (js/clearInterval @id) (on-success o))]
(reset! id (js/setInterval #(rpc-call constants/web3-transaction-receipt [value] parse-receipt
(assoc m :on-success new-on-success)) interval))
(defn- event-topic-enc [event params]
(let [eventid (str event "(" (string/join "," params) ")")]
(abi-spec/sha3 eventid)))

View File

@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
(fx/defn disable-hooks
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} extension-id]
(update-hooks cofx hooks/unhook extension-id))
(fx/defn add-to-registry
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} extension-id extension-data active?]
(let [{:keys [hooks]} extension-data

View File

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
(extensions.registry/add-to-registry cofx extension-key data active?)))
(fn [cofx [_ extensions]]
(apply fx/merge cofx (map (fn [{:keys [url]}]
(extensions.registry/update-hooks cofx url))
(apply fx/merge cofx (map (fn [{:keys [id]}]
(extensions.registry/disable-hooks cofx id))