Signed-off-by: Churikova Tetiana <>
This commit is contained in:
tbenr 2020-01-14 20:24:21 +01:00 committed by Churikova Tetiana
parent cecb22a89b
commit 0ed19efbb3
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 0D4EA7B33B47E6D8
6 changed files with 181 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -21,13 +21,14 @@
(fx/defn initialize-app-db
"Initialize db to initial state"
[{{:keys [view-id hardwallet initial-props desktop/desktop
supported-biometric-auth network/type]} :db}]
supported-biometric-auth network/type app-active-since]} :db now :now}]
{:db (assoc app-db
:initial-props initial-props
:desktop/desktop (merge desktop (:desktop/desktop app-db))
:network/type type
:hardwallet (dissoc hardwallet :secrets)
:supported-biometric-auth supported-biometric-auth
:app-active-since (or app-active-since now)
:view-id view-id)})
(fx/defn initialize-views

View File

@ -97,6 +97,8 @@
(reg-root-key-sub :get-pairing-installations :pairing/installations)
(reg-root-key-sub :tooltips :tooltips)
(reg-root-key-sub :supported-biometric-auth :supported-biometric-auth)
(reg-root-key-sub :app-active-since :app-active-since)
(reg-root-key-sub :connectivity/ui-status-properties :connectivity/ui-status-properties)
;;NOTE this one is not related to ethereum network
;; it is about cellular network/ wifi network
@ -1489,7 +1491,7 @@
;;TODO this subscription looks super weird huge and with dispatches?
:<- [:offline?]
:<- [:network-status]
:<- [:disconnected?]
:<- [:mailserver/connecting?]
:<- [:mailserver/connection-error?]
@ -1497,22 +1499,12 @@
:<- [:mailserver/fetching?]
:<- [:network/type]
:<- [:multiaccount]
(fn [[offline? disconnected? mailserver-connecting? mailserver-connection-error?
(fn [[network-status disconnected? mailserver-connecting? mailserver-connection-error?
mailserver-request-error? mailserver-fetching? network-type multiaccount]]
(let [wallet-offline? (and offline?
;; There's no wallet of desktop
(not platform/desktop?))
error-label (cond
(and wallet-offline?
(let [error-label (cond
(= network-status :offline)
@ -1526,19 +1518,23 @@
(not (:syncing-on-mobile-network? multiaccount)))
:else nil)]
{:message (or error-label :t/connected)
:connected? (and (nil? error-label) (not= :mobile-network error-label))
:connecting? (= error-label :t/connecting)
:loading-indicator? mailserver-fetching?
:on-press-fn #(cond
(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.ui/reconnect-mailserver-pressed])
(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.ui/request-error-pressed])
:on-press-event (cond
(= :mobile-network error-label)
(re-frame/dispatch [:mobile-network/show-offline-sheet]))})))
(= :mobile-network error-label)
;;CONTACT ==============================================================================================================

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
(ns status-im.ui.components.connectivity.view
(:require-macros [status-im.utils.views :refer [defview letsubs] :as views])
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.ui.components.react :as react]
[status-im.ui.components.connectivity.styles :as styles]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.ui.components.colors :as colors]
[status-im.ui.components.animation :as animation]
[status-im.utils.utils :as utils]
[status-im.utils.datetime :as datetime]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]))
(def connectivity-bar-height 35)
(def connectivity-bar-height 36)
(def neg-connectivity-bar-height (- connectivity-bar-height))
(defn easing [direction n]
@ -68,54 +70,76 @@
(def to-hide? (reagent/atom false))
(defn manage-visibility [connected? anim-opacity anim-y]
(defn manage-visibility [connected? animate? anim-opacity anim-y status-hidden]
"status-hidden is a per-view state, while to-hide? is a global state common to
all connectivity views (we have at least one view in home and one in chat)"
(if connected?
(when @to-hide?
[(animation/timing anim-opacity
{:toValue 0
:delay 800
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})
(animation/timing anim-y
{:toValue (if platform/desktop? 0 neg-connectivity-bar-height)
:delay 800
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})])
;; second param of start() - a callback that fires when animation stops
#(reset! to-hide? false)))
(if animate?
(when (and @to-hide? (not @status-hidden))
[(animation/timing anim-opacity
{:toValue 0
:delay 800
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})
(animation/timing anim-y
{:toValue (if platform/desktop? 0 neg-connectivity-bar-height)
:delay 800
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})])
;; second param of start() - a callback that fires when animation stops
#(do (reset! to-hide? false) (reset! status-hidden true))))
(animation/set-value anim-opacity 0)
(animation/set-value anim-y (if platform/desktop? 0 neg-connectivity-bar-height))
(reset! to-hide? false)
(reset! status-hidden true)))
;; else
[(animation/timing anim-opacity
{:toValue 1
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})
(animation/timing anim-y
{:toValue (if platform/desktop? connectivity-bar-height 0)
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})])
;; second param of start() - a callback that fires when animation stops
#(reset! to-hide? true))))
(if animate?
(when (and (not @to-hide?) @status-hidden)
[(animation/timing anim-opacity
{:toValue 1
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})
(animation/timing anim-y
{:toValue (if platform/desktop? connectivity-bar-height 0)
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})])
;; second param of start() - a callback that fires when animation stops
#(do (reset! to-hide? true) (reset! status-hidden false))))
(animation/set-value anim-opacity 1)
(animation/set-value anim-y (if platform/desktop? connectivity-bar-height 0))
(reset! to-hide? true)
(reset! status-hidden false)))))
(defn connectivity-status
[{:keys [connected?]} anim-translate-y]
[{:keys [connected?]} anim-translate-y status-hidden]
(let [anim-translate-y (or anim-translate-y (animation/create-value 0))
anim-opacity (animation/create-value 0)]
(manage-visibility connected?
anim-opacity anim-translate-y)
(fn []
(manage-visibility connected? false
anim-opacity anim-translate-y status-hidden))
;; ignore :loading-indicator?
(fn [_ [_ old_p] [_ new_p]]
(not= (dissoc old_p :loading-indicator?)
(dissoc new_p :loading-indicator?)))
(fn [comp]
(manage-visibility (:connected? (reagent/props comp))
anim-opacity anim-translate-y))
(manage-visibility (:connected? (reagent/props comp)) true
anim-opacity anim-translate-y status-hidden))
(fn [{:keys [view-id message on-press-fn connected? connecting?] :as opts}]
(fn [{:keys [view-id message on-press-event connected? connecting?] :as opts}]
[react/animated-view {:style (styles/text-wrapper
(assoc opts
:height (if platform/desktop?
@ -133,29 +157,94 @@
[react/activity-indicator {:color colors/white :margin-right 6}])
(if (= message :mobile-network)
[react/nested-text {:style styles/text
:on-press on-press-fn}
:on-press (when on-press-event #(re-frame/dispatch [on-press-event]))}
(i18n/label :t/waiting-for-wifi) " "
[{:style {:text-decoration-line :underline}}
(i18n/label :t/waiting-for-wifi-change)]]
[react/text {:style styles/text
:on-press on-press-fn}
(i18n/label message)])])})))
(when message
[react/text {:style styles/text
:on-press (when on-press-event #(re-frame/dispatch [on-press-event]))}
(i18n/label message)]))])})))
;; timer updating the enqueued status
(def timer (atom nil))
;; connectivity status change going to be persisted to :connectivity/ui-status-properties
(def enqueued-connectivity-status-properties (atom nil))
(defn propagate-status
"Smoothly propagate from :connectivity/status-properties subscription to
:ui-status-properties db. UI components will render based on :ui-status-properties"
[{:keys [status-properties app-active-since ui-status-properties]}]
(let [;; enqueued or immediate?
;; send immediately if we are transitioning to an offline state
enqueue? (cond
(nil? @enqueued-connectivity-status-properties)
(:connected? @enqueued-connectivity-status-properties)
(:connecting? @enqueued-connectivity-status-properties))
(or (:connected? status-properties)
(:connecting? status-properties))))
(if enqueue?
(when (or (and (nil? @enqueued-connectivity-status-properties)
(not= status-properties ui-status-properties))
(and (some? @enqueued-connectivity-status-properties)
(not= status-properties @enqueued-connectivity-status-properties)))
;; reset queued with new state and start a timer if not yet started
(reset! enqueued-connectivity-status-properties status-properties)
(when-not @timer
(reset! timer (utils/set-timeout #(do
(reset! timer nil)
(when @enqueued-connectivity-status-properties
(re-frame/dispatch [:set :connectivity/ui-status-properties @enqueued-connectivity-status-properties])
(reset! enqueued-connectivity-status-properties nil)))
;; if the app is in foreground for less than 5s, postpone state changes for 5s otherwise 1s
(and app-active-since
(< (- (datetime/timestamp) app-active-since)
(when (not= status-properties ui-status-properties)
;; send immediately
(reset! enqueued-connectivity-status-properties nil)
(re-frame/dispatch [:set :connectivity/ui-status-properties status-properties])
(when @timer
(utils/clear-timeout @timer)
(reset! timer nil))))))
(defn status-propagator-dummy-view
"this empty view is needed to react propagate status-properties to ui-status-properties"
#(propagate-status props)
(fn [_ _ [_ props]]
(propagate-status props)
(defview connectivity-view [anim-translate-y]
(letsubs [status-properties [:connectivity/status-properties]
app-active-since [:app-active-since]
ui-status-properties [:connectivity/ui-status-properties]
status-hidden (reagent/atom true)
view-id [:view-id]
window-width (reagent/atom 0)]
(fn []
(when anim-translate-y
(if (:connected? status-properties)
(animation/set-value anim-translate-y neg-connectivity-bar-height)
(animation/set-value anim-translate-y 0))))}
(let [{:keys [loading-indicator?]} status-properties]
(let [loading-indicator? (:loading-indicator? ui-status-properties)]
[react/view {:style {:align-items :stretch
:z-index 1}
:on-layout #(reset! window-width (-> % .-nativeEvent .-layout .-width))}
(when loading-indicator?
(when (and loading-indicator? @status-hidden)
[loading-indicator @window-width])
;; This view below exists only to hide the connectivity-status bar when "connected".
;; Ideally connectivity-status bar would be hidden under "toolbar/toolbar",
@ -169,10 +258,16 @@
:height connectivity-bar-height
:background-color colors/white}]
(merge status-properties
;on startup default connected
(merge (or ui-status-properties
{:connected? true :message :t/connected})
{:view-id view-id
:window-width @window-width})
[status-propagator-dummy-view {:status-properties status-properties
:app-active-since app-active-since
:ui-status-properties ui-status-properties}]])))
;; "push?" determines whether "content" gets pushed down when disconnected
;; like in :home view, or stays put like in :chat view

View File

@ -78,9 +78,12 @@
(spec/def ::tab-bar-visible? (spec/nilable boolean?))
;;:online - presence of internet connection in the phone
(spec/def ::network-status (spec/nilable keyword?))
;; ui connectivity status
(spec/def :connectivity/ui-status-properties (spec/nilable map?))
(spec/def ::app-state string?)
(spec/def ::app-in-background-since (spec/nilable number?))
(spec/def ::app-active-since (spec/nilable number?))
@ -275,6 +278,7 @@
@ -301,6 +305,7 @@

View File

@ -145,15 +145,18 @@
(>= (- now app-in-background-since)
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc db :app-in-background-since nil)}
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :app-in-background-since)
(assoc :app-active-since now))}
#(when requires-bio-auth
(biometric/authenticate % on-biometric-auth-result authentication-options)))))
(fx/defn on-going-in-background [{:keys [db now] :as cofx}]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc db :app-in-background-since now)}))
(fx/defn on-going-in-background [{:keys [db now]}]
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :app-active-since)
(assoc :app-in-background-since now))})
(defn app-state-change [state {:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [app-coming-from-background? (= state "active")

View File

@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@
"view-profile": "View profile",
"view-signing": "View signing phrase",
"view-superrare": "View in SuperRare",
"waiting-for-wifi": "History syncing offline, waiting for Wi-Fi.",
"waiting-for-wifi": "Offline, waiting for Wi-Fi.",
"waiting-for-wifi-change": "Change",
"waiting-to-sign": "Waiting to sign transaction...",
"wallet": "Wallet",