[8556] fix - Last message jumps up after chat is opened

Signed-off-by: Andrey Shovkoplyas <motor4ik@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
bitsikka 2019-07-17 19:09:23 +05:45 committed by Andrey Shovkoplyas
parent cb5768000a
commit 07dfc95658
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: EAAB7C8622D860A4
9 changed files with 204 additions and 206 deletions

View File

@ -166,7 +166,8 @@
(fn [error]
(log/error "can't remove a chat:" error))}]}
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx :home {}))
(when (not (= (:view-id db) :home))
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx :home {})))
(fx/merge cofx
(mailserver/remove-gaps chat-id)
(mailserver/remove-range chat-id)
@ -176,7 +177,8 @@
;; TODO: this is not accurate, if there's a pending contact
;; request it will not be sent anymore
(transport.protocol/remove-chat chat-id)
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx :home {}))))
(when (not (= (:view-id db) :home))
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx :home {})))))
(defn- unread-messages-number [chats]
(apply + (map :unviewed-messages-count chats)))

View File

@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]))
(defnstyle text-wrapper
[{:keys [window-width height background-color opacity]}]
[{:keys [window-width height background-color opacity transform]}]
(cond-> {:flex-direction :row
:justify-content :center
:transform [{:translateY transform}]
:opacity opacity
:background-color (or background-color colors/gray)
:height height}

View File

@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
[status-im.utils.utils :as utils]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]))
(def connectivity-bar-height 35)
(def neg-connectivity-bar-height (- connectivity-bar-height))
(defn easing [direction n]
{:toValue n
:easing ((if (= :in direction)
@ -52,6 +55,7 @@
[react/view {:style {:width parent-width
:position :absolute
:top -3
:z-index 3
:height 3
:background-color colors/white}}
[react/animated-view {:style (animated-bar-style blue-bar-left-margin
@ -62,11 +66,12 @@
:left (* 0.15 parent-width))}]]))
(defonce show-connected? (reagent/atom true))
(def to-hide? (reagent/atom false))
(defn manage-visibility [connected? anim-opacity anim-height]
(defn manage-visibility [connected? anim-opacity anim-y]
(if connected?
(do (animation/start
(when @to-hide?
[(animation/timing anim-opacity
{:toValue 0
@ -74,16 +79,15 @@
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})
(animation/timing anim-height
{:toValue (if platform/desktop? 0 -35)
(animation/timing anim-y
{:toValue (if platform/desktop? 0 neg-connectivity-bar-height)
:delay 800
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})]))
#(reset! show-connected? false)
(do (reset! show-connected? true)
:useNativeDriver true})])
;; second param of start() - a callback that fires when animation stops
#(reset! to-hide? false)))
;; else
[(animation/timing anim-opacity
@ -91,11 +95,13 @@
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})
(animation/timing anim-height
{:toValue (if platform/desktop? 35 0)
(animation/timing anim-y
{:toValue (if platform/desktop? connectivity-bar-height 0)
:duration 150
:easing (.-ease (animation/easing))
:useNativeDriver true})])))))
:useNativeDriver true})])
;; second param of start() - a callback that fires when animation stops
#(reset! to-hide? true))))
(defn connectivity-status
[{:keys [connected?]} anim-translate-y]
@ -109,23 +115,22 @@
(manage-visibility (:connected? (reagent/props comp))
anim-opacity anim-translate-y))
(fn [{:keys [view-id message on-press-fn
connected? connecting?] :as opts}]
(fn [{:keys [view-id message on-press-fn connected? connecting?] :as opts}]
[react/animated-view {:style (styles/text-wrapper
(assoc opts
:height (if platform/desktop?
:background-color (if connected?
;;TODO how does this affect desktop?
:transform anim-translate-y
:opacity anim-opacity
:modal? (= view-id :chat-modal)))
:accessibility-label :connection-status-text}
(when connecting?
[react/activity-indicator {:animated true
:color colors/white
:margin-right 6}])
[react/activity-indicator {:color colors/white :margin-right 6}])
(if (= message :mobile-network)
[react/nested-text {:style styles/text
:on-press on-press-fn}
@ -136,28 +141,60 @@
:on-press on-press-fn}
(i18n/label message)])])})))
(defn connectivity-animation-wrapper [style anim-value & content]
(vec (concat
(if platform/desktop?
[react/view {:style {:flex 1}}]
(merge {:flex 1
:transform [{:translateY anim-value}]}
(defview connectivity-view [anim-translate-y]
(letsubs [status-properties [:connectivity/status-properties]
view-id [:view-id]
window-width (reagent/atom 0)]
(fn []
(if (:connected? status-properties)
(animation/set-value anim-translate-y neg-connectivity-bar-height)
(animation/set-value anim-translate-y 0)))}
(let [{:keys [loading-indicator?]} status-properties]
[react/view {:style {:align-items :stretch}
[react/view {:style {:align-items :stretch
:z-index 1}
:on-layout #(reset! window-width (-> % .-nativeEvent .-layout .-width))}
(when loading-indicator?
[loading-indicator @window-width])
;; This view below exists only to hide the connectivity-status bar when "connected".
;; Ideally connectivity-status bar would be hidden under "toolbar/toolbar",
;; but that has to be transparent(enven though it sits above the bar)
;; to show through the "loading-indicator"
;; TODO consider making the height the same height as the "toolbar/toolbar"
[react/view {:position :absolute
:top neg-connectivity-bar-height
:width @window-width
:z-index 2
:height connectivity-bar-height
:background-color colors/white}]
(merge status-properties
{:view-id view-id
:window-width @window-width})
;; "push?" determines whether "content" gets pushed down when disconnected
;; like in :home view, or stays put like in :chat view
;; TODO determine-how-this-affects/fix desktop
(defn connectivity-animation-wrapper [style anim-value push? & content]
(vec (concat
(if platform/desktop?
[react/view {:style {:flex 1}}]
{:style (merge {:flex 1
:margin-bottom neg-connectivity-bar-height}
;; A translated view (connectivity-view in this case)
;; prevents touch interaction to component below
;; them. If we don't bring this view on the same level
;; or above as the translated view, the top
;; portion(same height as connectivity-view) of
;; "content" (which now occupies translated view's
;; natural[untranslated] position) becomes
;; unresponsive to touch
(when-not @to-hide?
{:z-index 1})
(if push?
{:transform [{:translateY anim-value}]}
{:transform [{:translateY neg-connectivity-bar-height}]})

View File

@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
(:require [status-im.ui.components.colors :as colors]))
(def chat-view
{:flex 1
:background-color colors/white})
{:flex 1})
(def toolbar-container
{:flex 1
@ -177,12 +176,6 @@
(def add-contact-close-icon
{:margin-right 12})
(def message-view-preview
{:flex 1
:align-items :center
:justify-content :center
:background-color :white})
(defn message-view-animated [opacity]
{:opacity opacity
:flex 1
@ -195,22 +188,6 @@
:padding-vertical 50
:margin-right 6})
#_(defn intro-header-container
[height status no-messages]
(let [adjusted-height (if (< height 280) 324 height)]
(if (or no-messages (= status (or :loading :empty)))
{:flex 1
:flex-direction :column
:justify-content :center
:align-items :center
:height adjusted-height
:padding-horizontal 32}
{:flex 1
:flex-direction :column
:justify-content :center
:align-items :center
:padding-horizontal 32})))
(defn intro-header-container
[height status no-messages]
(let [adjusted-height (if (< height 280) 324 height)]

View File

@ -49,27 +49,6 @@
(list-selection/show {:title chat-name
:options (actions/actions group-chat? chat-id public?)}))
(defn chat-toolbar
[{:keys [chat-name group-chat chat-id contact]} public? modal?]
[react/view {:style {:z-index 100}}
[status-bar/status-bar (when modal? {:type :modal-white})]
{:chat? true}
(if modal?
(toolbar.actions/close toolbar.actions/default-handler)]
(when-not modal?
[{:icon :main-icons/more
:icon-opts {:color :black
:accessibility-label :chat-menu-button}
:handler #(on-options chat-id chat-name group-chat public?)}]])]
(when (and (not group-chat)
(not (contact.db/added? contact)))
[add-contact-bar chat-id])])
(defmulti message-row
(fn [{{:keys [type]} :row}] type))
@ -90,7 +69,7 @@
(def animation-duration 200)
(defview messages-view-animation [message-view]
(defview messages-view-animation [add-contact-bar message-view]
;; smooths out appearance of message-view
(letsubs [opacity (animation/create-value 0)]
{:component-did-mount (fn [_]
@ -100,19 +79,11 @@
{:toValue 1
:duration animation-duration
:useNativeDriver true})))}
{:style style/message-view-preview
:preview [react/view style/message-view-preview]}
{:on-press (fn [_]
(re-frame/dispatch [:chat.ui/set-chat-ui-props {:messages-focused? true
:show-stickers? false}])
(when-not platform/desktop?
(if platform/desktop?
[react/animated-view {:style (style/message-view-animated opacity)}
(defn tribute-to-talk-header
@ -354,8 +325,7 @@
:input-focused? false}]))}
(let [no-messages (empty? messages)
{:style {:margin-bottom -35}
:data messages
{:data messages
:ref #(reset! messages-list-ref %)
:footer [chat-intro-header-container chat no-messages]
:key-fn #(or (:message-id %) (:value %))
@ -427,29 +397,42 @@
:list-ref messages-list-ref}]))]]])))
(defview chat-root [modal?]
(letsubs [{:keys [public? chat-id show-input?] :as current-chat}
(letsubs [{:keys [public? chat-id chat-name show-input? group-chat contact] :as current-chat}
current-chat-id [:chats/current-chat-id]
show-message-options? [:chats/current-chat-ui-prop :show-message-options?]
show-stickers? [:chats/current-chat-ui-prop :show-stickers?]
two-pane-ui-enabled? [:two-pane-ui-enabled?]
anim-translate-y (animation/create-value (if two-pane-ui-enabled? 0 -35))]
;; this check of current-chat-id is necessary only because in a fresh public chat creation sometimes
;; this component renders before current-chat-id is set to current chat-id. Hence further down in sub
;; components (e.g. chat-toolbar) there can be a brief visual inconsistancy like showing 'add contact'
;; in public chat
(when (= chat-id current-chat-id)
anim-translate-y (animation/create-value
(if two-pane-ui-enabled? 0 connectivity/neg-connectivity-bar-height))]
[react/view {:style style/chat-view
:on-layout (fn [e]
(re-frame/dispatch [:set :layout-height (-> e .-nativeEvent .-layout .-height)]))}
^{:key current-chat-id}
[chat-toolbar current-chat public? modal?]
[status-bar/status-bar (when modal? {:type :modal-white})]
{:chat? true
:style {:z-index 2}}
(if modal?
(toolbar.actions/close toolbar.actions/default-handler)]
(when-not modal?
[{:icon :main-icons/more
:icon-opts {:color :black
:accessibility-label :chat-menu-button}
:handler #(on-options chat-id chat-name group-chat public?)}]])]
(when-not two-pane-ui-enabled?
[connectivity/connectivity-view anim-translate-y])
(if (and (= chat-id current-chat-id) (not group-chat) (not (contact.db/added? contact)))
[add-contact-bar chat-id])
;;TODO(kozieiev) : When FlatList in react-native-desktop become viable it should be used instead of optimized ScrollView for chat
(if platform/desktop?
[messages-view-desktop current-chat modal?]
@ -459,7 +442,7 @@
(when show-stickers?
(when show-message-options?
(defview chat []
[chat-root false])

View File

@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
[message (:text content) (= from current-public-key)
(assoc message-obj :group-chat group-chat
:current-public-key current-public-key)]))]]
[connectivity/connectivity-view nil]])))
(views/defview send-button [inp-ref disconnected?]
(views/letsubs [{:keys [input-text]} [:chats/current-chat]]

View File

@ -51,10 +51,12 @@
(defonce search-input-state
(reagent/atom {:show? false
:height (animation/create-value
(- styles/search-input-height))}))
(- styles/search-input-height))
:to-hide? false}))
(defn show-search!
(when-not (:to-hide? @search-input-state)
(swap! search-input-state assoc :show? true)
(animation/timing (:height @search-input-state)
@ -62,11 +64,18 @@
:duration 350
:easing (.out (animation/easing)
(.-quad (animation/easing)))
:useNativeDriver true})))
:useNativeDriver true})
#(swap! search-input-state assoc :to-hide? true))))
(defn set-search-state-visible!
(swap! search-input-state assoc :show? visible?)
(swap! search-input-state assoc :to-hide? visible?)
(animation/set-value (:height @search-input-state)
(if visible? 0 (- styles/search-input-height))))
(defn reset-height []
(animation/set-value (:height @search-input-state)
(- styles/search-input-height)))
(set-search-state-visible! false))
(defn hide-search!
@ -79,24 +88,16 @@
:duration 350
:easing (.in (animation/easing)
(.-quad (animation/easing)))
:useNativeDriver true})))
(defn set-search-state-visible!
(swap! search-input-state assoc :show? visible?)
(animation/set-value (:height @search-input-state)
(if visible?
:useNativeDriver true})
#(swap! search-input-state assoc :to-hide? false)))
(defn search-input-wrapper
#(set-search-state-visible! false)
#(set-search-state-visible! (:to-hide? @search-input-state))
#(when search-filter
(set-search-state-visible! true))
#(set-search-state-visible! (:to-hide? @search-input-state))
(fn [search-filter]
[search-input search-filter

View File

@ -185,13 +185,15 @@
:margin-horizontal 32
:color colors/gray})
(def action-button-container
(defn action-button-container [home-width]
{:position :absolute
:z-index 2
:align-items :center
:bottom (+ tabs.styles/tabs-diff (cond
platform/ios? 16
platform/android? 0
platform/desktop? 6))
:left (- (/ home-width 2) 20)
:width 40
:height 40})

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
:label (i18n/label :t/get-started)}]]])
(defn home-empty-view []
[react/view styles/no-chats
[react/i18n-text {:style styles/no-chats-text :key :no-recent-chats}]
[react/view {:align-items :center :margin-top 20}
@ -62,14 +63,13 @@
(defn home-items-view [_ _ _ search-input-state]
(let [previous-touch (reagent/atom nil)
scrolling-from-top? (reagent/atom true)]
(fn [search-filter chats all-home-items]
(if (not-empty search-filter)
[filter.views/home-filtered-items-list chats]
(merge {:style {:flex 1
:margin-bottom -35
:background-color :white
:margin-bottom (- styles/search-input-height)
:transform [{:translateY (:height @search-input-state)}]}}
(when @scrolling-from-top?
@ -86,13 +86,13 @@
current-timestamp (.-timestamp (.-nativeEvent event))
[previous-position previous-timestamp] @previous-touch]
(when (and previous-position
(not (:show? @search-input-state))
(> 100 (- current-timestamp previous-timestamp))
(< 10 (- current-position
[list/flat-list {:style {:margin-bottom (- styles/search-input-height)}
:data all-home-items
[list/flat-list {:data all-home-items
:key-fn first
:footer [react/view
{:style {:height tabs.styles/tabs-diff
@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
(fn [home-item]
[inner-item/home-list-item home-item])}]
(when (:show? @search-input-state)
(when (:to-hide? @search-input-state)
[react/view {:width 1
:height styles/search-input-height}])]))))
(views/defview home-action-button []
(views/defview home-action-button [home-width]
(views/letsubs [logging-in? [:multiaccounts/login]]
[react/view styles/action-button-container
[react/view (styles/action-button-container home-width)
[react/touchable-highlight {:accessibility-label :new-chat-button
:on-press (when-not logging-in? #(re-frame/dispatch [:bottom-sheet/show-sheet :add-new {}]))}
[react/view styles/action-button
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
(views/defview home [loading?]
[anim-translate-y (animation/create-value -35)
[anim-translate-y (animation/create-value connectivity/neg-connectivity-bar-height)
{:keys [search-filter chats all-home-items]} [:home-items]
window-width [:dimensions/window-width]
two-pane-ui-enabled? [:two-pane-ui-enabled?]]
@ -136,31 +136,26 @@
(when two-pane-ui-enabled?
{:border-right-width 1 :border-right-color colors/gray-light}))
[status-bar/status-bar {:type :main}]
[react/keyboard-avoiding-view {:style {:flex 1
:align-items :center}
[react/keyboard-avoiding-view {:style {:flex 1}
:on-layout (fn [e]
[:set-once :content-layout-height
(-> e .-nativeEvent .-layout .-height)]))}
[react/view {:style {:flex 1
:align-self :stretch}}
[toolbar/toolbar nil nil [toolbar/content-title (i18n/label :t/chat)]]
(cond loading?
[react/view {:style {:flex 1
:justify-content :center
:align-items :center}}
[toolbar/toolbar {:style {:z-index 2}} nil [toolbar/content-title (i18n/label :t/chat)]]
;; toolbar, connectivity-view, cannectivity-animation-wrapper are expected
;; to be next to each other as siblings for them to work effctively.
;; les-debug-info being here could disrupt that. Assuming its purpose is
;; debug only, commenting it out for now.
;; [les-debug-info]
[connectivity/connectivity-view anim-translate-y]
(if loading?
[react/activity-indicator {:flex 1
:animating true}]]] :else
[react/view {:style {:flex 1}}
[connectivity/connectivity-view anim-translate-y]
:animating true}]
[react/view {:flex 1}
[filter.views/search-input-wrapper search-filter]
(if (and (not search-filter)
(empty? all-home-items))
@ -169,8 +164,8 @@
[home-action-button home-width]]])))
(views/defview home-wrapper []
(views/letsubs [loading? [:chats/loading?]]