2024-02-14 19:58:45 +05:30
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
set -m # needed to access jobs
GIT_ROOT=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" && git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
# We run Metro in background while calling adb.
cleanupMetro() {
pkill -f run-metro.sh
rm -f metro-server-logs.log
# Using function gives a neater jobspec name.
runMetro() {
nohup "${GIT_ROOT}/scripts/run-metro.sh" 2>&1 \
| tee metro-server-logs.log
waitForMetro() {
set +e # Allow grep command to fail in the loop.
echo "Waiting for Metro server..." >&2
while ! grep -q "Welcome to Metro" metro-server-logs.log; do
echo -n "." >&2
sleep 1
if ((TIMEOUT == 0)); then
echo -e "\nMetro server timed out, exiting" >&2
set -e # Restore errexit for rest of script.
return 1
set -e # Restore errexit for rest of script.
# Check if the first argument is provided
if [ -z "${1-}" ]; then
echo "Error: No simulator name provided." >&2
exit 1
# get our desired UUID
UUID=$(xcrun simctl list devices | grep -E "$SIMULATOR \(" | head -n 1 | awk -F '[()]' '{print $2}')
# get simulator status
SIMULATOR_STATE=$(xcrun simctl list devices | grep -E "$SIMULATOR \(" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $NF}')
# sometimes a simulator is already running, shut it down to avoid errors
if [ "$SIMULATOR_STATE" != "(Shutdown)" ]; then
xcrun simctl shutdown "$UUID"
# boot up iOS for simulator
xcrun simctl boot "$UUID"
# start the simulator
open -a Simulator --args -CurrentDeviceUDID "$UUID"
2024-02-15 17:55:06 +05:30
2024-02-14 19:58:45 +05:30
#iOS build of debug scheme
2024-02-15 17:55:06 +05:30
xcodebuild -workspace "ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace" -configuration Debug -scheme StatusIm -destination id="$UUID" -derivedDataPath "${BUILD_DIR}" | xcbeautify
# Install on the simulator
xcrun simctl install "$UUID" "$APP_PATH"
2024-02-14 19:58:45 +05:30
trap cleanupMetro EXIT ERR INT QUIT
runMetro &
# launch the app when metro is ready
xcrun simctl launch "$UUID" im.status.ethereum.debug
# bring metro job to foreground
fg 'runMetro'