"about-key-storage-content":"Status will never access your private key. Be sure to backup your seed phrase. If you lose your phone it is the only way to access your keys.",
"about-names-content":"No one can pretend to be you! You’re anonymous by default and never have to reveal your real name. You can register a custom name for a small fee.",
"browser-not-secure":"Connection is not secure! Do not sign transactions or send personal data on this site.",
"browser-secure":"Connection is secure. Make sure you really trust this site before signing transactions or entering personal data.",
"browsing-open-in-android-web-browser":"Open in Android",
"browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser":"Open in iOS",
"browsing-open-in-status":"Open in Status",
"browsing-site-blocked-description1":"We detected potential malicious activity from this address. To protect you and your wallet, we're preventing further navigation.\n\nIf you think this is an error, let us know in the ",
"browsing-site-blocked-description2":" public chat.",
"browsing-site-blocked-go-back":"Go back",
"browsing-site-blocked-title":"This site is blocked",
"camera-access-error":"To grant the required camera permission, please go to your system settings and make sure that Status > Camera is selected.",
"can-not-add-yourself":"You can't add yourself",
"cancel-keycard-setup":"Cancel Keycard setup",
"cannot-read-card":"Can't read card.\nPlease hold it to the back of your phone",
"cannot-use-default-pin":"Passcode 000000 is not allowed.\nPlease use another number",
"cant-read-card":"Can't read card",
"cant-read-card-error-explanation":"Card must stay in contact with phone during setup so it can connect to the NFC reader",
"card-already-linked":"Card is already linked to another multiaccount",
"card-is-blank":"This card is blank",
"card-is-empty":"Card is empty",
"card-is-paired":"Card is paired",
"card-reseted":"Card has been reseted",
"card-setup-prepare-text":"The whole process will take a few minutes.",
"card-unpaired":"Card has been unpaired from current device",
"change-fleet":"Change fleet to {{fleet}}",
"change-log-level":"Change log level to {{log-level}}",
"change-logging-enabled":"Are you sure you want to {{enable}} logging?",
"change-passcode":"Change Passcode",
"change-password":"Change Password",
"change-pin":"Change 6-digit passcode",
"changed-amount-warning":"Amount was changed from {{old}} to {{new}}",
"changed-asset-warning":"Asset was changed from {{old}} to {{new}}",
"dapps-can-access":"ÐApps can access my wallet and chat key",
"dapps-permissions":"DApp permissions",
"datasync":"DataSync Enabled",
"datasync-warning-content":"If enabled, only users who are running builds with datasync will be able to read your direct messages. Please logout/login for the changes to take effect",
"decryption-failed-content":"We were not able to decrypt your data, you might need to create new multiaccount and erase your old data by tapping “Apply”. Clicking on “Cancel”, will try again",
"decryption-failed-title":"We were not able to decrypt your data",
"delete-and-leave-group":"Delete and leave group",
"delete-bootnode":"Delete bootnode",
"delete-bootnode-are-you-sure":"Are you sure you want to delete this bootnode?",
"delete-bootnode-title":"Delete bootnode",
"delete-chat":"Delete chat",
"delete-chat-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete this chat?",
"delete-mailserver":"Delete mailserver",
"delete-mailserver-are-you-sure":"Are you sure you want to delete this mailserver?",
"delete-mailserver-title":"Delete mailserver",
"delete-message":"Delete message",
"delete-my-account":"Delete my account",
"delete-network-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete this network?",
"delete-network-error":"Please connect to a different network before deleting this one",
"delete-network-title":"Delete network?",
"desktop-alpha-release-warning":"Thanks for trying Status Desktop! This is an early alpha release focused on chat, and is missing several features found in the mobile client and may contain bugs and other issues. Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds.",
"dev-mode":"Development mode",
"dev-mode-settings":"Development mode settings",
"device-pairing":"Device pairing",
"device-syncing":"Device syncing",
"device-to-device":"Device-to-device Enabled",
"disconnected":"Chat offline",
"edit-profile":"Edit profile",
"empty-chat-description":"There are no messages \nin this chat yet",
"empty-chat-description-one-to-one":"Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and ",
"empty-chat-description-public":"It's been quiet here for the last {{quiet-hours}}. Start the conversation or ",
"empty-chat-description-public-share-this":"share this chat.",
"ens-terms-point-2":"After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name.",
"ens-terms-point-3":"If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held.",
"ens-terms-point-4":"The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them.",
"ens-terms-point-5":"Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name.",
"ens-terms-point-6":"Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms.",
"ens-terms-point-7":"You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer.",
"ens-terms-point-8":"These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses:",
"error-unable-to-get-balance":"Unable to get balance",
"error-unable-to-get-prices":"Currency conversion error. Refresh your screen to try again.",
"error-unable-to-get-token-balance":"Unable to get token balance",
"estimated-time":"Estimated time",
"ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description":"Ethereum node was started with incorrect configuration, application will be stopped to recover from that condition. Configured network id = {{network-id}}, actual = {{fetched-network-id}}",
"ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title":"Ethereum node started incorrectly",
"etherscan-lookup":"Look up on Etherscan",
"export-account":"Export account",
"extension-address":"Extension address",
"extension-find":"Find extension",
"extension-hooks-cannot-be-added":"The following hooks from this extension cannot be added: {{hooks}}",
"extension-install-alert":"Development mode is required to install an extension. Do you want to enable and continue installing?",
"extension-is-already-added":"The extension is already installed",
"extension-url":"Enter an extension URL",
"extensions-camera-send-picture":"Send picture",
"extensions-chain-id-not-found":"chain-id not found or was not created by this extension",
"extensions-disclaimer":"This extension is from a third party and not built by Status. Please be sure you trust the developer before installing",
"extensions-network-not-found":"network not found for the given chain-id",
"faq":"Frequently asked questions",
"fetch-history":"Fetch last 24 hours",
"fetch-messages":"↓ Fetch messages",
"finishing-card-setup":"Finishing card setup",
"finishing-card-setup-steps":"> Loading keys to the card\n> Generating multiaccount",
"invalid-format":"Invalid format\nMust be {{format}}",
"invalid-key-content":"{{message}}\n\nMultiaccount's database can't be encrypted because file is corrupted. There is no way to restore it. If you press \"Cancel\" button, nothing will happen. If you press \"{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}\" button, multiaccount's db will be removed and you will be able to unlock multiaccount. All multiaccount's data will be lost.",
"invalid-key-title":"We detected a problem with the encryption key",
"invalid-range":"Invalid format, must be between {{min}} and {{max}}",
"invite-friends":"Invite friends",
"join-group-chat":"Join group",
"join-group-chat-description":"{{username}} invited you to join the group {{group-name}}",
"joined-group-chat-description":"You've joined {{group-name}} from invitation by {{username}}",
"keycard-applet-install-instructions":"To install the applet please follow the instructions on https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation",
"keycard-blocked":"Keycard has been blocked.\nYou need to reset card to continue using it.",
"keycard-cancel-setup-text":"This will cancel keycard setup. It's highly recommended to finish the setup in order to use keycard. Do you really want to cancel?",
"keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it":"This card has already an multiaccount on it. If you wish to change it, login first and reset your card. If you want to import keycard multiaccount, please use \"Add existing multiaccount\"",
"keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description":"You need this seed phrase to get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device.",
"keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header":"Back up seed phrase",
"keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text":"For your eyes only. This is the magical seed used to generate your key.",
"keycard-recovery-no-key-text":"Your Keycard has no key stored on it. In order to use it, generate a new key and choose your Keycard to store the key",
"keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text":"You won’t have a second chance! If you lose or change your device, you will not be able to access your keys or any assets associated with it unless you have your seed phrase.",
"migrations-failed-content":"{{message}}\nschema version: initial {{initial-version}}, current {{current-version}}, last {{last-version}}\n\nPlease let us know about this problem at #status public chat. If you press \"Cancel\" button, nothing will happen. If you press \"{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}\" button, multiaccount's db will be removed and you will be able to unlock multiaccount. All multiaccount's data will be lost.",
"migrations-failed-title":"Migration failed",
"mobile-network-ask-me":"Ask me when on mobile network",
"multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title":"Enter your seed phrase",
"name-description":"Change this anytime in your Profile.",
"name-of-token":"The name of your token",
"name-placeholder":"Display name",
"need-help":"Need help?",
"network-chain":"Network chain",
"network-details":"Network details",
"network-fee":"Network fee",
"network-id":"Network ID",
"network-invalid-network-id":"Specified network id doesn't correspond to network id by RPC url",
"network-invalid-status-code":"Invalid status code: {{code}}",
"network-invalid-url":"Network URL is invalid",
"network-mismatch":"Network mismatch",
"network-settings":"Network settings",
"new-chat":"New chat",
"new-contact":"New contact",
"new-contract":"New Contract",
"new-group":"New group",
"new-group-chat":"New group chat",
"new-network":"New network",
"new-pin-description":"Enter new 6-digit passcode",
"new-public-group-chat":"Join public chat",
"new-request":"New request",
"next-step-entering-mnemonic":"Next step is entering mnemonic phrase to import your multiaccount",
"next-step-generating-mnemonic":"Next step is generating mnemonic phrase for your card",
"no-collectibles":"No collectibles available",
"no-contacts":"No contacts yet",
"no-extension":"No extension installed",
"no-keycard-applet-on-card":"No Keycard applet on card",
"no-messages":"No messages",
"no-messages-yet":"No messages yet",
"no-pairing-slots-available":"This card is already paired to 5 devices and cannot pair to this one. Please use one of the paired devices, log in with this card and free up pairing slots on the card",
"no-recent-chats":"There are no recent chats here yet. \nUse the (+) button to discover people \nto chat with",
"no-result":"No results",
"no-tokens-found":"No tokens found",
"node-info":"Node info",
"node-unavailable":"No ethereum node running",
"node-version":"Node version",
"not-applicable":"Not applicable for unsigned transactions",
"not-keycard-text":"The card you used is not a Keycard. You need to purchase a Keycard to use it",
"not-keycard-title":"Not a Keycard",
"notifications-new-message-body":"You have a new message",
"pair-code-explanation":"Pairs card to a different device with the same Status multiaccount on it.",
"pair-this-card":"Pair this card",
"pair-this-device":"Advertise device",
"pair-this-device-description":"Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them",
"paired-devices":"Paired devices",
"pairing-card":"Pairing card",
"pairing-go-to-installation":"Go to pairing settings",
"pairing-maximum-number-reached-content":"Please disable one of your devices before enabling a new one.",
"pairing-maximum-number-reached-title":"Max number of devices reached",
"pairing-new-installation-detected-content":"A new device has been detected.\nIn order to use your devices correctly, it's important to pair and enable them before using them.\nPlease go to the device section under settings to pair your devices.",
"report-bug-email-template":"1. Issue Description\n(Describe the feature you would like, or briefly summarise the bug and what you did, what you expected to happen, and what actually happens. Sections below)\n\n\n2. Steps to reproduce\n(Describe how we can replicate the bug step by step.)\n-Open Status\n-...\n-Step 3, etc.\n\n\n3. Expected behavior\n(Describe what you expected to happen.)\n\n\n4. Actual behavior\n(Describe what actually happened.)\n\n\n5. Attach screenshots that can demo the problem, please\n",
"request-command-payment":"Request a payment",
"request-transaction":"Request transaction",
"require-my-permission":"Require my permission",
"required-field":"Required field",
"reset-card":"Reset card",
"reset-card-description":"This operation will reset card to initial state. It will erase all card data including private keys. Operation is not reversible.",
"revoke-access":"Revoke access",
"rinkeby-network":"Rinkeby test network",
"ropsten-network":"Ropsten test network",
"rpc-url":"RPC URL",
"save-password":"Save password",
"save-password-unavailable":"Set device passcode to save password",
"save-password-unavailable-android":"Save password is unavailable: your device may be rooted or lacks necessary security features.",
"scan-qr":"Scan QR code",
"scan-qr-code":"Scan a QR code with a wallet address",
"secret-keys-confirmation-text":"You will need them to continue to use your Keycard in case you ever loose your phone.",
"secret-keys-confirmation-title":"Written the codes down?",
"see-details":"See details",
"see-it-again":"SEE IT AGAIN",
"select-chat":"Select chat to start messaging",
"selected-for-you":"Selected for you",
"send-command-payment":"Send a payment",
"send-logs":"Report a bug",
"send-logs-to":"Report a bug to {{email}}",
"send-message":"Send message",
"send-request":"Send request",
"send-request-amount-invalid-number":"Amount is not a valid number",
"send-request-amount-max-decimals":"Max number of decimals is {{asset-decimals}}",
"send-request-amount-must-be-specified":"Amount must be specified",
"tribute-to-talk-add-friends":"Add friends as a contact to allow chats without tribute payment.",
"tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends":"Are you friends?",
"tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added":"Ask to be added as a contact",
"tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute":" received your tribute. You can now securely chat with each other.",
"tribute-to-talk-desc":"Monetize your attention by requiring SNT for new people to start a chat",
"tribute-to-talk-disabled":"Tribute to Talk disabled",
"tribute-to-talk-disabled-note":"From now on, new people can start a chat with you without sending SNT.",
"tribute-to-talk-enabled":"You have Tribute to Talk enabled.",
"tribute-to-talk-finish-desc":"From now on, you will only receive chats from contacts, and people who paid ",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1":"Your time and attention are your most valuable assets. Tribute to Talk lets you set an amount of SNT required for new people to start a chat with you.",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2":"Anyone who is not in your contact list will be asked to pay, and you can respond once they have.",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3":"You can always send the money back, but to ensure that friends can reach you freely, add them as a contact first.",
"tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1":"Our time and attention are our most valuable assets. Tribute to Talk lets you contact new people in exchange for an SNT payment.",
"tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2":"To start a chat with someone who has a tribute set, simply pay the required SNT and you will be added as a contact.",
"tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3":"If you know them, you can share your profile outside of Status to be added for free.",
"tribute-to-talk-pending-note":"Tribute transaction is pending confirmation on the network. You can check its status in transaction history",
"tribute-to-talk-removing-note":"Removing Tribute to Talk will allow new people to start a chat without sending SNT. Requires a transaction to be made.",
"tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount":"Set the amount of SNT required for new people to start a chat",
"tribute-to-talk-signing":"Waiting to sign transaction",
"tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note":"Transaction has failed and your Tribute to Talk settings have not been changed",
"tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1":"Tribute received. You and ",
"tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2":" are now contacts and can securely chat with each other.",
"tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt":"You require SNT for new people to start a chat.",
"try-again":"Try again",
"turn-nfc-on":"Turn NFC on to continue",
"type-a-message":"Type a message...",
"ulc-enabled":"ULC enabled",
"unable-to-read-this-code":"Unable to read this code",
"word-n-description":"In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #{{number}} above.",
"one":"1 word",
"other":"{{count}} words"
"write-down-and-store-securely":"Write codes down\n & store them securely",
"wrong-address":"Wrong address",
"wrong-card":"Wrong card",
"wrong-card-text":"You have tapped a card that does not correspond to the multiaccount you selected. Please try again.",
"wrong-contract":"Wrong contract",
"wrong-keycard-text":"The Keycard you tapped is not associated with this phone",
"wrong-keycard-title":"Looks like you’ve tapped \na wrong keycard",
"wrong-password":"Wrong password",
"wrong-word":"Wrong word",
"you-already-have-an-asset":"You already have an asset {{value}}",
"you-are-all-set":"You’re all set!",
"you-are-all-set-description":"Now if you lose your phone you can restore your multiaccount using the seed phrase.",
"you-can-change-account":"You can change the account name and color to what you wish",
"you-dont-have-stickers":"You don’t have any stickers yet",
"your-contact-code":"Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key",
"your-data-belongs-to-you":"If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds",
"your-data-belongs-to-you-description":"Status can’t help you recover your multiaccount if you lose your seed phrase. You are in charge of the security of your data, and backing up your seed phrase is the best safeguard.",
"your-recovery-phrase-description":"This is your seed phrase. You use it to prove that this is your wallet. You only get to see it once! Write it on paper and keep it in a secure place. You will need it if you lose or reinstall your wallet.",
"grant-face-id-permissions":"To grant the required Face ID permission, please go to your system settings and make sure that Status > Face ID is selected",