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(ns utils.datetime
(:require [cljs-time.coerce :as t.coerce]
[cljs-time.core :as t]
2023-01-03 22:02:51 +00:00
[goog.string :as gstring]
[cljs-time.format :as t.format]
2022-12-13 20:04:26 +00:00
[clojure.string :as string]
2023-01-18 13:36:02 +00:00
[utils.i18n :as i18n]
[utils.i18n-goog :as i18n-goog]))
(defn now [] (t/now))
(def one-second 1000)
(def minute (* 60 one-second))
(defn minutes [m] (* m minute))
(def hour (* 60 minute))
(def day (* 24 hour))
(def week (* 7 day))
(defn weeks [w] (* w week))
(def units
[{:name :t/datetime-second-short :limit 60 :in-second 1}
{:name :t/datetime-minute-short :limit 3600 :in-second 60}
{:name :t/datetime-hour-short :limit 86400 :in-second 3600}
{:name :t/datetime-day-short :limit nil :in-second 86400}])
(def time-zone-offset (t/hours (- (/ (.getTimezoneOffset ^js (js/Date.)) 60))))
;;;; Utilities
(defn- is-24-hour-locsym
"Detects if given locale symbols timeformat generates AM/PM ('a')."
[^js locsym]
2022-12-13 20:04:26 +00:00
(not (string/includes?
(nth (.-TIMEFORMATS locsym) 2)
(defn- is-24-hour
"Returns is24Hour from device or from given locale symbols. Whenever we get
non-nil value use it, else calculate it from the given locale symbol."
[^js locsym]
2023-01-18 13:36:02 +00:00
(is-24-hour-locsym locsym))
;;;; Time formats
(defn- short-time-format
[^js locsym]
(if (is-24-hour locsym)
"h:mm a"))
(defn- time-format
[^js locsym]
(if (is-24-hour locsym)
"h:mm:ss a"))
;;;; Date formats
(defn- short-date-format [_] "dd MMM")
(defn- short-date-format-with-time [_] "dd MMM h:mm a")
(defn- datetime-within-one-week-format
[^js locsym]
(if (is-24-hour locsym)
"E HH:mm"
"E h:mm a"))
(defn- medium-date-format
"Get medium format from current locale symbols."
[^js locsym]
(nth (.-DATEFORMATS locsym) 2))
;;;; Datetime formats
(defn- medium-date-time-format
(str (medium-date-format locsym) ", " (time-format locsym)))
(defn get-formatter-fn
2019-06-04 15:20:03 +00:00
(let [formatter (atom nil)]
(fn []
(or @formatter
(reset! formatter
2023-01-18 13:36:02 +00:00
(i18n-goog/mk-fmt i18n/locale format))))))
(def date-time-fmt (get-formatter-fn medium-date-time-format))
(def date-fmt (get-formatter-fn medium-date-format))
(def time-fmt (get-formatter-fn short-time-format))
(def short-date-fmt (get-formatter-fn short-date-format))
(def short-date-with-time-fmt (get-formatter-fn short-date-format-with-time))
(def datetime-within-one-week-fmt (get-formatter-fn datetime-within-one-week-format))
;;;; Utilities
(defn previous-years?
(< (t/year datetime) (t/year (t/now))))
(defn current-year?
(= (t/year datetime) (t/year (t/now))))
(defn today?
(let [now (t/now)]
(and (= (t/year now) (t/year datetime))
(= (t/month now) (t/month datetime))
(= (t/day now) (t/day datetime)))))
(defn within-last-n-days?
"Returns true if `datetime` is within last `n` days (inclusive on both ends)."
[datetime n]
(let [now (t/now)
start (t/at-midnight (t/minus now (t/days n)))
end (t/plus now (t/millis 1))]
(t/within? start end datetime)))
;;;; Timestamp formatters
(defn- to-str
[ms old-fmt-fn yesterday-fmt-fn today-fmt-fn]
(let [date (t.coerce/from-long ms)
local (t/plus date time-zone-offset) ; NOTE(edge-case): this is wrong, it uses the current
; timezone offset,
; regardless of DST
today (t/minus (t/today-at-midnight) time-zone-offset)
yesterday (t/plus today (t/days -1))]
(t/before? date yesterday) (old-fmt-fn local)
(t/before? date today) (yesterday-fmt-fn local)
:else (today-fmt-fn local))))
(defn to-short-str
(to-str ms
#(.format ^js (date-fmt) %)
#(i18n/label :t/datetime-yesterday)
#(.format ^js (time-fmt) %)))
(defn day-relative
(to-str ms
#(.format ^js (date-fmt) %)
#(i18n/label :t/datetime-yesterday)
#(i18n/label :t/datetime-today)))
(defn timestamp->relative
(let [datetime (-> ms
(t/plus time-zone-offset))]
(today? datetime)
(str (string/capitalize (i18n/label :t/datetime-today))
" "
(.format ^js (time-fmt) datetime))
(within-last-n-days? datetime 1)
(str (string/capitalize (i18n/label :t/datetime-yesterday))
" "
(.format ^js (time-fmt) datetime))
(within-last-n-days? datetime 6)
(.format ^js (datetime-within-one-week-fmt) datetime)
(current-year? datetime)
(.format ^js (short-date-with-time-fmt) datetime)
(previous-years? datetime)
(.format ^js (date-fmt) datetime))))
(defn timestamp->mini-date
(.format ^js (short-date-fmt)
(-> ms
(t/plus time-zone-offset))))
(defn timestamp->time
(.format ^js (time-fmt)
(-> ms
(t/plus time-zone-offset))))
(defn timestamp->date-key
(keyword (t.format/unparse (t.format/formatter "YYYYMMDD")
(-> ms
(t/plus time-zone-offset)))))
(defn timestamp->long-date
(.format ^js (date-time-fmt)
(-> ms
(t/plus time-zone-offset))))
(defn format-time-ago
[diff unit]
(let [name (i18n/label-pluralize diff (:name unit))]
(if (= :t/datetime-second-short (:name unit))
(i18n/label :t/now)
(i18n/label :t/datetime-ago-format-short
{:ago (i18n/label :t/datetime-ago)
:number diff
:time-intervals name}))))
(defn seconds-ago
(let [now (t/now)]
(if (<= (.getTime ^js time) (.getTime ^js now))
(t/in-seconds (t/interval time now))
(defn time-ago
(let [diff (seconds-ago time)
unit (first (drop-while #(and (>= diff (:limit %))
(:limit %))
(-> (/ diff (:in-second unit))
(format-time-ago unit))))
(defn time-ago-long
(let [seconds-ago (seconds-ago time)
unit (first (drop-while #(and (>= seconds-ago (:limit %))
(:limit %))
diff (-> (/ seconds-ago (:in-second unit))
name (i18n/label-pluralize diff (:name unit))]
(i18n/label :t/datetime-ago-format
{:ago (i18n/label :t/datetime-ago)
:number diff
:time-intervals name})))
(defn to-date
(t.coerce/from-long ms))
(defn timestamp
(inst-ms (js/Date.)))
(defn timestamp-sec
2021-10-29 16:25:01 +00:00
(int (/ (timestamp) 1000)))
(defn timestamp->year-month-day-date
(t.format/unparse (:year-month-day t.format/formatters) (to-date ms)))
(defn to-ms
2021-10-29 16:25:01 +00:00
(* 1000 sec))
2023-01-03 22:02:51 +00:00
(defn ms-to-duration
"miliseconds to mm:ss format"
2023-01-03 22:02:51 +00:00
(let [sec (quot ms 1000)]
(gstring/format "%02d:%02d" (quot sec 60) (mod sec 60))))