- [ ] 2. Prepare scope of visible changes based on commits history, started from previous release branch cut ([guide](https://notes.status.im/how-to-prepare-release-notes))
- [ ] 3. Update [RELEASES.md](https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/blob/develop/RELEASES.md) with release notes (make PR based on previous step)
- [ ] 4. Create release branch using this [guide](https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/blob/develop/doc/RELEASE_GUIDE.md), bump VERSION (merge created PR ([example](https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/pull/12504) ) to develop) and get successful release builds (so, testing can be started)
- [ ] 2. Release notes written and added (500 character limit for updates (Android) and PR for [RELEASES.md](https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/blob/develop/RELEASES.md) is ready to be merged (from 1.3 step)
- [ ] 3. Submit beta version for Android (Open Testing in Play Store)
- [ ] 4. Submit iOS build to Apple review ([instruction](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Cl7PBB7TFPkZiVbfzdFGpfMRP9bxXuq/view?usp=sharing), be careful - low quality of audio)
- [ ] 5. Play store content reviewed and updated
- [ ] 6. Privacy policy reviewed and updated (ask in channel)
- [ ] 7. Countries to be excluded (ask in channel)
- [ ] 8. Changes to our FAQ made (should be checked and if any changes needed, ask Jakub to made them)
- [ ] 2. Publish release to app store and playstore
- [ ] 3. Final push to update prod site https://status.im/, [instructions](https://github.com/status-im/infra-docs/blob/master/articles/status_release_upload.md) (Jakub - requires credentials to upload)