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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script generates a list of dependencies for the main project and its
# sub-projects defined using Gradle config files. It parses Gradle output of
# 'dependencies' and 'buildEnvironment` tasks using AWK.
set -Eeuo pipefail
GIT_ROOT=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" && git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
# Gradle needs to be run in 'android' subfolder.
cd "${GIT_ROOT}/android"
# Show Gradle log in case of failure.
function show_gradle_log() { cat "${GRADLE_LOG_FILE}" >&2; }
trap show_gradle_log ERR
./gradlew -I init.gradle \
--dependency-verification=off \
--no-configuration-cache --no-configure-on-demand \
:ForceDependencyResolutionPlugin_resolveAllDependencies > "${GRADLE_LOG_FILE}" 2>&1
# skip org.webkit:android-jsc, its provided by react-native
# remove when new architecture is enabled
jq -r '.[].dependency | select(startswith("org.webkit:android-jsc") | not)' "${GRADLE_REPORTS_DIR}/dependency-resolution.json"