2016-05-19 18:31:56 +02:00
(ns status-im.db
2016-03-23 16:48:26 +02:00
(:require [schema.core :as s :include-macros true]))
;; schema of app-db
(def schema {:greeting s/Str})
2016-05-11 10:36:13 +03:00
(def default-view :chat-list)
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
2016-03-23 16:48:26 +02:00
;; initial state of app-db
2016-05-11 13:05:33 +03:00
(def app-db {:identity-password "replace-me-with-user-entered-password"
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
:identity "me"
2016-03-30 15:23:37 +03:00
:contacts []
2016-05-16 10:45:59 +03:00
:contacts-ids #{}
2016-05-19 18:03:15 +03:00
:selected-contacts #{}
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
:current-chat-id "console"
2016-05-12 12:56:47 +03:00
:chat {:command nil
:last-message nil}
2016-03-29 23:45:31 +03:00
:chats {}
2016-04-01 18:05:55 +03:00
:chats-updated-signal 0
2016-05-03 16:39:08 +03:00
:show-actions false
2016-04-21 22:12:33 +03:00
:new-participants #{}
2016-05-11 14:47:40 +03:00
:signed-up true
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
:view-id default-view
2016-05-09 16:40:45 +03:00
:navigation-stack (list default-view)
2016-05-11 13:05:33 +03:00
;; TODO fix hardcoded values
2016-05-20 10:22:14 +03:00
:photo-path nil
2016-05-11 13:05:33 +03:00
:username "My Name"
:phone-number "3147984309"
:email "myemail@gmail.com"
:status "Hi, this is my status"
2016-05-05 15:55:11 +03:00
:current-tag nil})
2016-03-23 21:05:42 +02:00
(def protocol-initialized-path [:protocol-initialized])
2016-04-05 17:00:49 +03:00
(defn chat-input-text-path [chat-id]
[:chats chat-id :input-text])
2016-04-21 12:26:05 +03:00
(defn chat-staged-commands-path [chat-id]
[:chats chat-id :staged-commands])
2016-04-05 17:00:49 +03:00
(defn chat-command-path [chat-id]
[:chats chat-id :command-input :command])
2016-04-08 20:08:40 +03:00
(defn chat-command-to-msg-id-path [chat-id]
[:chats chat-id :command-input :to-msg-id])
2016-04-05 17:00:49 +03:00
(defn chat-command-content-path [chat-id]
[:chats chat-id :command-input :content])
2016-04-08 20:08:40 +03:00
(defn chat-command-requests-path [chat-id]
[:chats chat-id :command-requests])
(defn chat-command-request-path [chat-id msg-id]
[:chats chat-id :command-requests msg-id])