"about-key-storage-content":"Status will never access your private key. Be sure to backup your seed phrase. If you lose your phone it is the only way to access your keys.",
"about-key-storage-title":"About key storage",
"about-names-content":"No one can pretend to be you! You’re anonymous by default and never have to reveal your real name. You can register a custom name for a small fee.",
"about-names-title":"Names can’t be changed",
"about-sharing-data":"About sharing data",
"accent-colour":"Accent colour",
"accent-colour-updated":"Accent colour updated",
"accept-and-add":"Accept and add",
"accept-and-continue":"Accept and continue",
"accept-and-share-address":"Accept and share address",
"accept-community-rules":"I agree with the community rules",
"account-content":"You can compare accounts in Status to bank accounts. Like a bank account, an account typically has an address and a balance; You use this account to transact on Ethereum. You can have multiple accounts in your wallet. All accessed by unlocking Status.",
"account-created":"{{name}} created",
"account-exists-title":"Account already exists",
"account-info":"Account info",
"account-is-used":"The account is being used with Dapps in the browser.",
"account-name":"Account name",
"account-origin-desc":"To create a new account, you can generate a key pair in the app or import an existing account.",
"account-origin-header":"Account origin",
"account-removed":"Account has been removed",
"account-settings":"Account settings",
"accounts-count":"{{count}} accounts",
"active-members":"Active members",
"add-a-contact":"Add a contact",
"add-a-watch-account":"Add a watch-only address",
"add-account":"Add account",
"add-account-description":"Create new or import existing account",
"add-account-incorrect-password":"Password seems to be incorrect. Enter the password you use to unlock the app.",
"add-address":"Add address",
"add-address-to-save-description":"Paste, scan or type ETH address or ENS name",
"add-address-to-watch":"Add address to watch",
"add-address-to-watch-description":"Watch a public address or ENS name",
"add-an-account":"Add an account",
"add-bootnode":"Add bootnode",
"add-contact":"Add contact",
"add-custom-token":"Add custom token",
"add-existing-status-profile":"Add existing Status profile",
"add-favourite":"Add favourite",
"add-mailserver":"Add Status node",
"add-me-to-your-contacts":"Please add me to your contacts",
"addresses-dont-contain-tokens-needed":"These addresses don’t contain tokens needed to join",
"addresses-for-permissions":"Addresses for permissions",
"advanced-settings":"Advanced settings",
"advertiser-description":"You’ve discovered Status thanks to a partner. Do you mind if Status checks your IP address once so they get rewarded? This information will not be used for anything else and it will be removed completely after 7 days.",
"advertiser-starter-pack-description":"Here’s some crypto to get you started! Use it to get stickers, an ENS name and try dapps",
"advertiser-starter-pack-title":"Starter Pack",
"advertiser-title":"Privacy by default",
"agree-by-continuing":"By continuing you agree\n to our ",
"approve-token-contract-desc":"Approving a token with a contract allows it to spend your token balance. If you feel that a project is untrustworthy, don’t approve the token with them, or approve only the amount you will use with them.",
"biometric-auth-confirm-message":"Biometric authentication is required to continue, if not possible please unlock your keys with your password or passcode",
"biometric-auth-confirm-title":"You must authenticate!",
"biometric-enable-keycard":"If you don't want to use your Keycard each time to access the app, enable {{bio-type-label}} sign in",
"biometric-faceid":"Face ID",
"biometric-secure-with":"Secure with {{bio-type-label}}",
"biometric-too-many-attempts":"Too many attempts. Enter the password manually or try again after some time",
"biometric-touchid":"Touch ID",
"bip39-password-placeholder":"BIP39 password",
"blank-contacts-text":"Your contacts will be here",
"blank-keycard-text":"You can proceed with your keycard once you've generated your keys and name",
"blank-keycard-title":"Looks like you’ve tapped \na blank keycard",
"blank-messages-text":"Your messages will be here",
"block-contact":"Block this user",
"block-contact-details":"Blocking will delete this user's previous messages and stop new ones from reaching you",
"block-user":"Block user",
"block-user-title-message":"You will not see {{username}}'s messages, but {{username}} still can see your messages in mutual group chats and communities. {{username}} will be unable to message you.",
"block-user?":"Block User?",
"blocked-users":"Blocked users",
"blocking-a-user-message":"Blocking a user purges the database of all messages that you’ve previously received from {{username}} in all contexts.",
"browsed-websites":"Browser history will appear here",
"browser-not-secure":"Connection is not secure! Do not sign transactions or send personal data on this site.",
"browser-secure":"Connection is secure. Make sure you really trust this site before signing transactions or entering personal data.",
"browsing-open-in-android-web-browser":"Open in Android",
"browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser":"Open in iOS",
"browsing-open-in-status":"Open in Status",
"browsing-site-blocked-description1":"We detected potential malicious activity from this address. To protect you and your wallet, we're preventing further navigation.\n\nIf you think this is an error, let us know in the ",
"browsing-site-blocked-description2":" public chat.",
"browsing-site-blocked-go-back":"Go back",
"browsing-site-blocked-title":"This site is blocked",
"bug-report":"Report a bug",
"bug-report-description":"* Description",
"bug-report-description-placeholder":"Required, can't be empty",
"bug-report-steps":"Steps to reproduce",
"bug-report-steps-placeholder":"- open app\n- do something\n- and then somethig else...",
"bug-report-submit-email":"Submit by email with logs archive",
"bug-report-submit-gh-issue":"Submit a GitHub issue without logs",
"bug-report-too-short-description":"Description is too short",
"build-yourself":"To use the app without these Terms of Use, you can build your own version",
"buy-assets":"Buy assets",
"buy-crypto":"Buy crypto",
"buy-crypto-choose-a-service":"Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto",
"buy-crypto-description":"Find a dapp to buy crypto now",
"buy-crypto-leaving":"You are leaving Status and entering a third party website to complete your purchase",
"buy-crypto-title":"Looks like your wallet is empty",
"buy-eth":"Buy ETH",
"by-continuing-you-accept":"By continuing you accept our ",
"camera-access-error":"To grant the required camera permission, please go to your system settings and make sure that Status > Camera is selected.",
"camera-permission-denied":"Permission denied",
"can-not-add-yourself":"That's you, to start a chat choose someone else",
"can-send-messages":"You can send and receive new messages",
"cancel-keycard-setup":"Cancel Keycard setup",
"cancel-request-to-join":"Cancel request to join",
"cancel-request?":"Cancel request?",
"cannot-pin-desc":"You can only pin a max of 3 messages.\nUnpin at least one to pin a new one.",
"cannot-pin-title":"You can't pin this message!",
"cannot-read-card":"Can't read card.\nPlease hold it to the back of your phone",
"cannot-use-default-pin":"Passcode 000000 is not allowed.\nPlease use another number",
"cant-fetch-info":"Can't fetch info",
"cant-open-public-chat":"Can't open public chat",
"cant-report-bug":"Can't report a bug",
"card-is-blank":"This card is blank",
"card-reseted":"Card has been reseted",
"card-unpaired":"Card has been unpaired from current device",
"category-title":"Category title",
"change-fleet":"Change fleet to {{fleet}}",
"change-group-privacy":"Change group privacy",
"change-log-level":"Confirm and restart the app to change log level to {{log-level}}",
"change-logging-enabled":"Are you sure you want to {{enable}} logging?",
"change-pairing":"Change pairing code",
"change-pairing-description":"Changing the pairing code does not affect the current pairings. However, any new pairing will require the new code.",
"change-pairing-title":"Create a new pairing code",
"change-passcode":"Change Passcode",
"change-password":"Change password",
"change-password-confirm-description":"Your data must now be re-encrypted with your new password. Please do not quit the app or turn off your device.",
"change-password-confirm-warning":"Re-encrypting data after changing password may take up to 3 min. Closing the app or locking phone while re-encryption is in progress will lead to data corruption and loss of your Status profile.",
"change-password-description":"Change password used to log in to Status and sign transactions",
"change-password-done-description":"Please log out Status and log in using your new password",
"change-password-loading-description":"Data is now being re-encrypted with your new password, this may take up to 3min.",
"change-password-loading-header":"Keep app open on screen!",
"change-password-loading-warning":"Do not quit the app or turn off your device while in-progress.\n \nClosing the app or locking your phone while re-encryption is taking place will lead to data corruption and the loss of your Status profile.",
"chat-and-transact":"Chat and transact privately with friends",
"chat-is-not-a-contact":"Not a contact",
"chat-key":"Chat key",
"chat-key-content":"Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status.",
"chat-key-description":"Your unique public ID in Status. Others can use it to send you a contact request.",
"chat-key-title":"Chat Key",
"chat-link-previews":"Chat link previews",
"chat-muted-for-1-hour":"Chat muted for 1 hour \n(until {{duration}})",
"chat-muted-for-1-week":"Chat muted for 1 week \n(until {{duration}})",
"chat-muted-for-15-minutes":"Chat muted for 15 minutes \n(until {{duration}})",
"chat-muted-for-8-hours":"Chat muted for 8 hours \n(until {{duration}})",
"chat-muted-till-unmuted":"Chat muted till unmuted \n(until {{duration}})",
"chat-name":"Chat name",
"chat-name-content":"Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words.",
"contacts-descr":"Your contacts will appear here. You will receive status updates from anyone you add as a contact",
"contacts-empty":"Contacts with ENS names will appear here",
"continue-anyway":"Continue anyway",
"contract-address":"Contract address",
"contract-interaction":"Contract interaction",
"contract-isnt-supported":"Contract is not supported",
"copy-address":"Copy address",
"copy-all-details":"Copy all details",
"copy-info":"Copy info",
"copy-qr":"Copy code",
"copy-text":"Copy text",
"copy-transaction-hash":"Copy transaction ID",
"correct-private-key":"Correct private key",
"create-a-pin":"Create a 6-digit passcode",
"create-a-puk":"Create a 12-digit PUK",
"create-account":"Create account",
"create-category":"Create category",
"create-channel":"Create a channel",
"create-channel-title":"New channel",
"create-community":"Create a community",
"create-group-chat":"Create group chat",
"create-multiaccount":"Generate keys",
"create-new-key":"Get new keys",
"create-new-profile":"Create new profile",
"create-pin":"Create 6-digit passcode",
"create-pin-description":"You'll need your card + this 6-digit passcode to unlock Status and to confirm transactions",
"create-profile":"Create profile",
"create-profile-password-info-box-description":"Your Status keys are the foundation of your self-sovereign identity in Web3. You have complete control over these keys, which you can use to sign transactions, access your data, and interact with Web3 services.\n\nYour keys are always securely stored on your device and protected by your Status profile password. Status doesn't know your password and can't reset it for you. If you forget your password, you may lose access to your Status profile and wallet funds.\n\nRemember your Status password and don't share it with anyone.",
"create-profile-password-info-box-title":"About your profile password",
"created-group-chat-description":"You created the group {{group-name}}",
"currency-display-name-pgk":"Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency-display-name-php":"Philippines Peso",
"currency-display-name-pkr":"Pakistan Rupee",
"currency-display-name-pln":"Polish Zloty",
"currency-display-name-pyg":"Paraguay Guarani",
"currency-display-name-qar":"Qatar Riyal",
"currency-display-name-ron":"Romania Leu",
"currency-display-name-rsd":"Serbia Dinar",
"currency-display-name-rub":"Russia Ruble",
"currency-display-name-sar":"Saudi Arabia Riyal",
"currency-display-name-sek":"Sweden Krona",
"currency-display-name-sgd":"Singapore Dollar",
"currency-display-name-thb":"Thailand Baht",
"currency-display-name-try":"Turkish Lira",
"currency-display-name-ttd":"Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"currency-display-name-twd":"Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency-display-name-tzs":"Tanzanian Shilling",
"currency-display-name-uah":"Ukraine Hryvnia",
"currency-display-name-ugx":"Ugandan Shilling",
"currency-display-name-usd":"United States Dollar",
"currency-display-name-uyu":"Uruguay Peso",
"currency-display-name-vef":"Venezuela Bolívar",
"currency-display-name-vnd":"Vietnam Dong",
"currency-display-name-zar":"South Africa Rand",
"current-average":"Current average",
"current-average-tip":"Current average tip",
"current-base":"Current base",
"current-base-fee":"Current base fee",
"current-minimum-tip":"Current minimum tip",
"current-network":"Current network",
"current-password":"Current password",
"current-pin":"Enter 6-digit passcode",
"current-pin-description":"Enter your 6-digit passcode to proceed",
"custom-node":"You are using custom RPC endpoint. Your local transfers history might be incomplete.",
"custom-seed-phrase":"Invalid seed phrase",
"custom-seed-phrase-text-1":"This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words.",
"dapp-starter-pack-accept":"Accept and Open",
"dapp-starter-pack-description":"Here’s some crypto to get you started! Use it to get stickers, an ENS name and try dapps",
"dapp-starter-pack-title":"Starter Pack",
"dapp-will-be-able-to":"{{dapp-name}} will be able to:",
"dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet":"would like to connect to",
"dapps-permissions":"DApp permissions",
"data-collected":"Data collected",
"data-collected-subtitle":"The table below shows the exact data that is stored and will be sent. Data is validated against public rules to ensure no sensitive data is sent. Don’t trust, verify.",
"data-syncing":"Data syncing",
"data-usage":"Data usage",
"database-reset-content":"Chats, contacts and settings have been deleted. You can use your account with your Keycard",
"database-reset-title":"Database reset",
"database-reset-warning":"Database will be reset. Chats, contacts and settings will be deleted",
"decryption-failed-content":"An error occured decrypting your data. You might need to erase your old data and generate a new account. Tap “Apply” to erase or “Cancel” to try again",
"disable-later-in-settings":"You can disable this later in Settings",
"discard-changes?":"Discard changes?",
"disconnect-dapp":"Disconnect dApp",
"disconnect-dapp-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to disconnect {{dapp}}?",
"disconnect-dapp-fail":"Failed to disconnect {{dapp}} from {{account}}",
"disconnect-dapp-success":"{{dapp}} disconnected from {{account}}",
"disconnected":"Chat offline",
"discover-communities":"Discover communities",
"discover-web3":"Discover web3",
"display-collectibles":"Display collectibles",
"do-not-cheat":"Don't try to cheat",
"do-not-cheat-description":"These 12 words give access to all of your funds so it is important that you write them in the correct order, take it seriously.",
"do-not-share":"Do not share",
"dont-ask":"Don't ask me again",
"dont-auto-recalculate-network":"Don't auto recalculate {{network}}",
"dont-have-statatus-on-another-device":"Don't have Status on another device?",
"ens-terms-point-2":"After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name.",
"ens-terms-point-3":"If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held.",
"ens-terms-point-4":"The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them.",
"ens-terms-point-5":"Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name.",
"ens-terms-point-6":"Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms.",
"ens-terms-point-7":"You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer.",
"ens-terms-point-8":"These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses:",
"ens-understand":"I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username.",
"ens-username":"ENS username",
"ens-username-already-added":"Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status.",
"ens-username-available":"✓ Username available!",
"ens-username-connected":"This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key.",
"ens-username-connected-continue":"Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`.",
"ens-username-connected-with-different-key":"Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key.",
"ens-username-connection-confirmation":"{{username}} will be connected once the transaction is complete.",
"ens-username-hints":"At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only.",
"ens-username-invalid":"Letters and numbers only.",
"ens-username-invalid-name-warning":"Registration process of one of your ens names has finished in invalid state. DO NOT USE the name for wallet transactions and reach out to our support at support@status.im",
"ens-username-owned":"✓ Username is owned by you. ",
"ens-username-owned-continue":"Continuing will connect this username with your chat key.",
"ens-username-registration-confirmation":"Nice! You own {{username}} once the transaction is complete.",
"ens-username-registration-invalid":"Warning! Registration process has finished in invalid state. DO NOT USE the name for wallet transactions and reach out to our support at support@status.im",
"ens-username-taken":"Username already taken :(",
"ens-username-you-can-follow-progress":"You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet.",
"ens-usernames":"ENS usernames",
"ens-usernames-details":"Register a universal username to be easily recognized by other users",
"ens-want-custom-domain":"I own a name on another domain",
"ens-want-domain":"I want a stateofus.eth domain",
"ens-welcome-hints":"ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames.",
"ens-welcome-point-customize":"An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of {{name}}.",
"ens-welcome-point-customize-title":"Customize your chat name",
"ens-welcome-point-receive":"Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step.",
"ens-welcome-point-receive-title":"Receive transactions in chat",
"ens-welcome-point-register":"Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back.",
"ens-welcome-point-register-title":"10 SNT to register",
"ens-welcome-point-simplify":"You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...).",
"ens-welcome-point-simplify-title":"Simplify your ETH address",
"ens-welcome-point-verify":"You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps.",
"ens-welcome-point-verify-title":"Already own a username?",
"ens-your-username":"Your username",
"ens-your-usernames":"Your usernames",
"ens-your-your-name":"Your ENS name",
"ensure-both-devices-are-on-the-same-network":"Ensure both devices are on the same network",
"ensure-qr-code-is-in-focus-to-scan":"Ensure that the QR code is in focus to scan",
"enter-12-words":"Enter the 12 words of your seed phrase, separated by single spaces",
"enter-a-private-key":"Enter a private key",
"enter-a-seed-phrase":"Enter a seed phrase",
"enter-address":"Enter address",
"enter-channel":"Enter channel",
"enter-chat-key":"Enter chat key or scan a QR",
"enter-contact-code":"ENS (vitalik94) or chat key (0x04…)",
"enter-eth":"Enter any ETH address or ENS name.",
"enter-pair-code":"Enter your pairing code",
"enter-pair-code-description":"Pairing code can be set from an already paired Status client",
"enter-password":"Enter password",
"enter-password-migration-prompt":"Enter your password to move contacts, chats and settings along with your keys",
"enter-pin":"Enter 6-digit passcode",
"enter-private-key":"Enter the private key of an address",
"enter-private-key-placeholder":"Enter your private key",
"enter-puk-code":"Enter PUK code",
"enter-puk-code-description":"6-digit passcode has been blocked.\n Please enter PUK code to unblock passcode.",
"enter-recipient-address-or-username":"Enter address or username of the recipient",
"enter-recovery-phrase":"Enter recovery phrase",
"enter-seed-phrase":"Enter seed phrase",
"enter-sync-code":"Enter sync code",
"enter-url":"Enter URL",
"enter-user-pk":"Enter user public key",
"enter-watch-account-address":"Scan a QR code\nor\nenter the address to watch",
"enter-word":"Enter word",
"enter-your-code":"Enter your 6-digit passcode",
"enter-your-password":"Enter your password",
"epoch-number":"Epoch {{number}}",
"error-loading-audio":"Error while loading audio",
"error-this-is-not-a-sync-qr-code":"Oops! This is not a sync QR code",
"error-unable-to-get-balance":"Unable to get balance",
"error-unable-to-get-prices":"Currency conversion error. Refresh your screen to try again.",
"error-unable-to-get-token-balance":"Unable to get token balance",
"est-time":"Est. time",
"eth-or-ens":"ETH address or ENS name.",
"ethereum-address":"Ethereum address",
"ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description":"Ethereum node was started with incorrect configuration, application will be stopped to recover from that condition. Configured network id = {{network-id}}, actual = {{fetched-network-id}}",
"ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title":"Ethereum node started incorrectly",
"favourite-description":"Your favourite websites will appear here",
"favourites-empty":"Addresses added to favourites will appear here",
"fee-cap":"Fee cap",
"fee-explanation":"Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee.",
"fee-options":"Suggested fee options",
"fetch-community":"Fetch community",
"fetch-messages":"Fetch messages",
"fetch-timeline":"↓ Fetch",
"fetching-community":"Fetching community...",
"finalized-on":"Finalized on",
"find-it-in-setting":"Find it in Settings on your other synced device",
"find-sync-code":"Find sync code",
"find-your-friends":"Find your friends with their ENS or Chatkey",
"finishing-card-setup":"Finishing card setup",
"fleet-settings":"Fleet settings",
"follow-your-interests":"Jump into a public chat and meet new people",
"getting-started-description":"Status is a unique messaging app that combines decentralized technology, privacy-focused design, and Web3 capabilities to offer a unique and secure communication experience.\n\nYour Status keys are the foundation of your self-sovereign identity in Web3. They serve as a secure means of accessing and managing your personal information and identity. With Status, you own, control and manage your data and digital identity without relying on centralized organisations.\n\nChoose one of these options to create your Status profile:",
"getting-started-generate-keys-description":"Create a pair of cryptographic keys representing your Status identity. Unlike centralized apps, Status doesn't rely on your username or email address to identify your profile. Instead, it uses your private and public keys. This option creates a new Ethereum address.",
"getting-started-generate-keys-from-recovery-phrase":"Generate keys from recovery phrase",
"getting-started-generate-keys-from-recovery-phrase-description":"You can use your existing Ethereum address to create your Status profile. If you already use a non-custodial Ethereum wallet (like Metamask or Trust Wallet), you already have an Ethereum address and a recovery phrase.\n\nYour keys are always securely stored on your device and protected by your Status password.",
"getting-started-generate-keys-on-keycard":"Generate keys on a Keycard",
"getting-started-generate-keys-on-keycard-description":"A Keycard is a physical card (similar to a credit card) that securely stores your Status keys. Using a Keycard adds an extra layer of security to your digital assets and identity. This option creates a new Ethereum address.",
"getting-started-with-status":"Getting started with Status",
"give-a-short-description":"Give a short description",
"give-a-short-description-community":"Give it a short description",
"goerli-testnet-toggle-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to toggle Goerli? This will log you out and you will have to login again.",
"got-it":"Got it",
"grant-face-id-permissions":"To grant the required Face ID permission, please go to your system settings and make sure that Status > Face ID is selected",
"grant-fingerprints-permissions":"To grant the required fingerprints permission, please go to your system settings and make sure that Status > Fingerprints is selected",
"group-chat":"Group chat",
"group-chat-admin-added":"**{{member}}** has been made admin",
"group-chat-all-contacts-invited":"All your contacts are already in the group",
"group-chat-created":"**{{member}}** created the group **{{name}}**",
"if-you-cancel":"If you cancel, you can request to join this community at any point.",
"if-you-have-status-on-another-device":"If you have Status on another device",
"im-new":"I'm new",
"image-remove-current":"Remove current photo",
"image-source-gallery":"Select from gallery",
"image-source-title":"Edit picture",
"import-by-entering-private-key":"Import by entering private key",
"import-by-entering-recovery-phrase":"Import by entering recovery phrase",
"import-by-scanning-encrypted-qr":"Import by scanning encrypted QR",
"import-community":"Import a community",
"import-community-title":"Import a community",
"import-from-keycard":"Import from Keycard",
"import-key-pair":"Import key pair",
"import-keypair-steps":"{{account-name}} was derived from your {{keypair-name}} key pair, which has not yet been imported to this device. To transact using this account, you will need to import the {{keypair-name}} key pair first.",
"import-keypair-to-use-account":"Import key pair to use this account",
"import-private-key":"Import private key",
"import-private-key-info":"New addresses cannot be derived from an account imported from a private key. Import using a seed phrase if you wish to derive addresses.",
"import-to-use-derived-accounts":"Import to use derived accounts",
"import-using-phrase":"Import using recovery phrase",
"in-contacts":"In contacts",
"incoming-transaction":"Incoming transaction",
"incorrect-code":["str","Sorry the code was incorrect, please enter it again"],
"incorrect-private-key":"This is not the private key for this key pair",
"increase-gas":"Increase Gas",
"information-you-input-and-send":"Information you input and send",
"input-data":"Input data",
"install":"↓ Install",
"instruction-after-qr-generated":"On your other device, navigate to the Syncing screen and select “Scan sync”",
"insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee":"not enough balance to cover transaction fee",
"intro-message1":"Welcome to Status!\nTap this message to set your password and get started.",
"intro-privacy-policy-note1":"Status does not collect or profit from your personal data. By continuing, you agree with the ",
"intro-text":"Status is your gateway to the decentralized web",
"intro-text1":"Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network where messages can’t be censored or hacked",
"intro-text2":"Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the world—no bank account required",
"intro-text3":"Explore games, exchanges and social networks where you alone own your data",
"intro-title1":"Truly private communication",
"intro-title2":"Secure crypto wallet",
"intro-title3":"Decentralized apps",
"intro-wizard-text1":"A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your phone, so only you can use them",
"intro-wizard-text2":"One key is for chat. It comes with a readable name that can’t be changed.",
"intro-wizard-text3":"If you own a Keycard, store your keys there for enhanced security.",
"intro-wizard-text4":"Secure and encrypt your keys",
"intro-wizard-text6":"Status will notify you about new messages. You can edit your notification preferences later in settings",
"intro-wizard-title-alt4":"Create a password",
"intro-wizard-title-alt5":"Confirm your password",
"intro-wizard-title1":"Get your keys",
"intro-wizard-title2":"Choose a chat name",
"intro-wizard-title3":"Choose key storage",
"intro-wizard-title4":"Create a 6-digit passcode",
"intro-wizard-title5":"Confirm the passcode",
"intro-wizard-title6":"Enable notifications",
"introduce-yourself":"Introduce yourself with a brief message",
"invalid-address":"It’s not Ethereum address or ENS name",
"invalid-address-qr-code":"Scanned QR code doesn't contain a valid address",
"invalid-characters-bio":"Invalid characters. Standard keyboard characters and emojis only.",
"invalid-ens-or-key":"Invalid ENS or Chat key",
"invalid-format":"Invalid format\nMust be {{format}}",
"invalid-key-content":"Database can’t be encrypted because a file is corrupt. Your funds and chat key are safe. Other data, like your chats and contacts, cannot be restored. “{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}” button, will remove all other data and allows you to access your funds and send messages",
"invalid-key-pair-qr":"This does not look like a key pair QR code",
"invalid-private-key":"It’s not a valid private key",
"invalid-public-chat-topic":"Invalid public chat topic",
"invalid-qr":"Oops! This QR doesn’t work with Status",
"invalid-range":"Invalid format, must be between {{min}} and {{max}}",
"invalid-username-or-key":"Invalid username or chat key",
"invite-1-user":"Invite 1 user",
"invite-chat-accept-join":"Accept and Join",
"invite-chat-intro":"You were referred by a friend to join Status. Here’s some crypto to get you started! Use it to register an ENS name or buy a sticker pack",
"invite-chat-name":"Friend referral",
"invite-chat-rule":"Accepting will also reward your friend with a crypto referral bonus",
"invite-chat-starter-pack":"Starter Pack",
"invite-contacts":"Invite people from contacts list",
"invite-friend-to-status":"Invite friends to Status",
"invite-friends":"Invite friends",
"invite-friends-and-family":"Invite your friends and family to Status",
"invite-friends-to-status":"Invite friends to Status",
"invite-instruction-fifth":"You can choose to redeem your referral bonus anytime.",
"invite-instruction-first":"You send a unique invite link to your friend to download and join Status",
"invite-instruction-fourth":"You receive your referral bonus and your friend the Starter Pack",
"invite-instruction-second":"Your friend downloads Status and creates an account (on Android)",
"invite-instruction-third":"A chat with your friend is started, where they confirm your referral",
"invite-n-users":"Invite {{count}} users",
"invite-people":"Invite people",
"invite-people-from-contacts":"Invite people from contact list",
"invite-privacy-policy-public":"You installed Status through a referral link. By joining this chat you attribute your referrer and agree to the",
"invite-privacy-policy1":"By accepting you agree to the referral program",
"invite-privacy-policy2":"Terms and Conditions.",
"invite-public-chat-home":"Referral invitation",
"invite-public-chat-intro":"Here’s some crypto to get you started! Use it to register an ENS name or buy a sticker pack",
"invite-receive-account":"Account to receive your referral bonus",
"invite-reward":"Earn crypto for every friend you invite!",
"invite-reward-friend":"Friend: ",
"invite-reward-friend-description":"Your friend will receive a Starter Pack consisting of some {{reward}} to get started",
"invite-reward-friend-name":"Starter Pack",
"invite-reward-you":"You: ",
"invite-reward-you-description":"Invite a friend and receive {{reward}} as referral bonus. Use it to get stickers, an ENS name and try dapps",
"invite-reward-you-name":"Referral bonus",
"invite-select-account":"Select an account to receive your referral bonus",
"invite-to-community":"Invite to community",
"invite-warning":"This promotion is only valid for users of an Android device, who aren't residents of US. Friend needs to confirm referral within 7 days",
"ip-address":"IP address",
"join-a-community":"or join a community",
"join-as":"Join as {{role}}",
"join-community-to-post":"Join community to post",
"keycard-applet-install-instructions":"To install the applet please follow the instructions on https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation",
"keycard-awaiting-description":"Try moving the card around to find the NFC reader on your device",
"keycard-awaiting-title":"Still looking...",
"keycard-backup":"Create a backup Keycard",
"keycard-backup-success-body":"Backup card created successfully. You can now use it with your account just like the primary card.",
"keycard-blocked":"Keycard has been blocked.\nYou need to reset card to continue using it.",
"keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode":"You can use this card with your new passcode",
"keycard-cancel-setup-text":"This will cancel keycard setup. It's highly recommended to finish the setup in order to use keycard. Do you really want to cancel?",
"keycard-connected-description":"Try keeping the card still",
"keycard-desc":"Own a Keycard? Store your keys on it; you’ll need it for transactions",
"keycard-dont-ask-card":"Don't ask for card to sign in",
"keycard-enter-new-passcode":"Enter new passcode {{step}}/2",
"keycard-error-description":"Connect the card again to continue",
"keycard-error-title":"Connection lost",
"keycard-factory-reset":"Return card to factory settings",
"keycard-factory-reset-text":"Performing this will delete any mnemonic phrase stored on the card. Make sure you have a backup of the mnemonic phrase you've been using with this Keycard.",
"keycard-factory-reset-title":"Are you sure you want to perform a factory reset?",
"keycard-free-pairing-slots":"Keycard has {{n}} free pairing slots",
"keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it":"This card is full. Each card can hold one main key pair",
"keycard-init-description":"Put the card to the back of your phone to continue",
"keycard-init-title":"Looking for cards...",
"keycard-is-blocked-details":"You can no longer use this card to access or sign for this account. There have been too many failed passcode and PUK attempts.",
"keycard-is-blocked-instructions":"To access your account you will need to factory reset your card. Tap the button below to start the procedure, you will need your mnemonic.",
"keycard-is-blocked-title":"Keycard is blocked",
"keycard-is-frozen-details":"To protect your assets, your card is frozen. Reset your card to unfreeze it and be able to send transactions. You can do this with your PUK or your mnemonic.",
"keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset":"Reset with mnemonic",
"keycard-onboarding-intro-header":"Store your keys on Keycard",
"keycard-onboarding-intro-text":"Get ready, this might take a few minutes, but it's important to secure your account",
"keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text":"You will also need a piece of paper and a pencil to write down your seed phrase.",
"keycard-onboarding-pairing-header":"Pairing the card...",
"keycard-onboarding-pin-text":"You will need to create a 6-digit passcode which will be used to protect access to your Keycard.",
"keycard-onboarding-preparing-header":"Preparing the card...",
"keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header":"Write codes down\n and store them securely",
"keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description":"You need this seed phrase to get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device.",
"keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header":"Back up seed phrase",
"keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text":"For your eyes only. This is the magical seed used to generate your key.",
"keycard-onboarding-start-header":"Hold card to the back\n of your phone to start",
"keycard-onboarding-start-step1":"Create a passcode",
"keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text":"Around 1 minute. Create a 6-digit passcode to encrypt your keys",
"keycard-onboarding-start-step2":"Write down PUK and the pairing code",
"keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text":"Around 1 minute. You are going to need a piece of paper and a pencil for that",
"keycard-onboarding-start-step3":"Back up the seed phrase",
"keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text":"Around 1 minute. Also a piece of paper and a pencil are necessary",
"keycard-onboarding-start-text":"And maintain card to phone contact\n during the setup. The setup will take around 4 minutes",
"keycard-processing-description":"Try keeping the card still",
"keycard-recover":"lost or frozen card?",
"keycard-recover-text":"If you have your mnemonic phrase you can create a new Keycard associated with this account. You can use either a new Keycard or perform factory reset on a frozen one.",
"keycard-recover-title":"Create a new card for this account?",
"keycard-recovery-intro-header":"Recover keys stored on keycard",
"keycard-recovery-intro-text":"If you generated keys using a keycard before and now want to use these keys on this device",
"keycard-recovery-no-key-header":"There’s nothing to \nrecover here",
"keycard-recovery-no-key-text":"Your Keycard has no key stored on it. In order to use it, generate a new key and choose your Keycard to store the key",
"keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text":"You won’t have a second chance! If you lose access, for example by losing your keycard, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe.",
"keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title":"Written the seed phrase down?",
"keycard-recovery-success-header":"Your keys have been\n successfully recovered",
"keycard-redeem-title":"Redeem to",
"keycard-redeem-tx":"Redeem assets",
"keycard-redeem-tx-desc":"Tap the card to sign and receive assets",
"keycard-reset-passcode":"Reset passcode",
"keycard-success-description":"You may remove the card now",
"keycard-unauthorized-operation":"You're unauthorized to perform this operation.\n Please tap valid card and try again.",
"keycard-upsell-subtitle":"Enhanced security and convenience",
"keypair-name":"Key pair name",
"keypair-name-description":"Name key pair for your own personal reference",
"keypair-name-input-placeholder":"Collectibles key pair, Old vault....",
"keypair-title":"{{name}}'s default key pair",
"keypairs":"Key pairs",
"keypairs-accounts-and-addresses":"Key pairs, accounts and addresses",
"keypairs-and-accounts":"Key pairs and accounts",
"keypairs-description":"Select key pair to derive your new account from",
"keys-saved":"Keys saved!",
"language-and-currency":"Language and currency",
"last-backup-performed":"Last backup performed:",
"last-transaction":"Last transaction",
"layer-2":"Layer 2",
"learn-more-about-keycard":"Learn more about Keycard",
"leave-chat":"Leave chat",
"leave-chat-confirmation":"Chat history will be removed from your device. After rejoining you won't be able to retrieve any of your history.",
"leave-community":"Leave community",
"leave-community-farewell":"We’ll be sad to see you go but remember, you can come back at any time! All shared addresses will be unshared.",
"leave-community-message":"We’ll be sad to see you go but remember, you can come back at any time!",
"maximum-fee-desc":"Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the current block base fee exceeds this, your transaction will be included in a following block with a lower base fee.",
"maybe-later":"Maybe later",
"member-ban":"Ban member",
"member-kick":"Kick member",
"one":"1 member",
"other":"{{count}} members"
"one":"1 member",
"other":"{{count}} members"
"members-active-none":"no members",
"members-count":"{{count}} members",
"members-limit-reached":"Members limit reached",
"membership-approval":"Require approval",
"membership-approval-description":"Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first",
"membership-button":"Membership requirement",
"membership-declined":"Membership request was declined",
"membership-description":"Group membership requires you to be accepted by the group admin",
"membership-ens":"Require ENS username",
"membership-ens-description":"Your community requires an ENS username to be able to join",
"membership-free":"No requirement",
"membership-free-description":"Your community is free for anyone to join",
"membership-invite":"Require invite from another member",
"membership-invite-description":"Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members",
"membership-none-placeholder":"You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time",
"membership-requirements-not-met":"Membership requirements not met",
"membership-title":"Membership requirement",
"message-deleted":"Message deleted",
"message-deleted-for-everyone":"Message deleted for everyone",
"one":"1 message deleted for everyone",
"other":"{{count}} messages deleted for everyone"
"message-deleted-for-you":"Message deleted for you",
"one":"1 message deleted for you",
"other":"{{count}} messages deleted for you"
"message-not-sent":"Message not sent",
"messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle":"Only people you added as contacts can start a new chat with you or invite you to a group",
"messages-gap-warning":"Some messages might be missing",
"might-break":"Might break some ÐApps",
"migration-successful":"Migration successful",
"migration-successful-text":"Account succesfully migrated to Keycard",
"migrations-failed-content":"{{message}}\nschema version: initial {{initial-version}}, current {{current-version}}, last {{last-version}}\n\nA database error occured. Your funds and chat key are safe. Other data, like your chats and contacts, cannot be restored. \"{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}\" button, will remove all other data and allows you to access your funds and send messages.",
"miners-higher-fee":"Miners will likely inlcude your transaction earlier if you pay a higher fee.",
"move-keystore-file-to-keycard":"Move keystore file to keycard?",
"multiaccount-exists-content":"Keys for this account already exist and can’t be added again. If you’ve lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase",
"multiaccount-exists-title":"Keys for this account already exist",
"multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text":"Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words.\nSeparate words by a single space.",
"multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title":"Enter your seed phrase",
"no-contacts-description":"This is fine, just invite your mother",
"no-dapps":"No connected dApps",
"no-dapps-description":"We want dApps!",
"no-fees":"No fees",
"no-group-chats":"No group chats",
"no-group-chats-description":"Much fun. Have friends. Wow!",
"no-keycard-applet-on-card":"No Keycard applet on card",
"no-messages":"No messages",
"no-messages-description":"Here’s a cat in a box instead",
"no-one":"No one",
"no-opened-communities":"No opened communities",
"no-opened-communities-description":"But... feels good man",
"no-other-accounts":"No other accounts",
"no-pairing-slots-available":"This card is already paired to 5 devices and cannot pair to this one. Please use one of the paired devices, log in with this card and free up pairing slots on the card",
"offline-messaging-use-history-explanation":"Enable Status nodes to fetch messages that were sent while the app was closed. When enabled, a Status node gets your IP address. When disabled you will not receive messages when the app is closed and will not see them when you open the app later.",
"offline-messaging-use-history-nodes":"Use Status nodes",
"ok-continue":"Okay, continue",
"ok-got-it":"Okay, got it",
"ok-save-pass":"OK, save password",
"on-device":"On device",
"on-keycard":"On Keycard",
"on-status-tree":"On Status tree",
"on-the-web":"On the web",
"once-enabled-share-metadata":"Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with the site",
"one-day":"One day",
"one-month":"One month",
"one-month-int":"1 month",
"one-photo":"1 photo",
"one-time":"One time",
"one-user-was-invited":"1 user was invited",
"one-week":"One week",
"one-week-int":"1 week",
"one-year":"1 year",
"online-now":"Online now",
"only-mentions":"Only @mentions",
"oops-this-qr-does-not-contain-an-address":"Oops! This QR does not contain an address",
"open-on-block-explorer":"Open on block explorer",
"open-status-on-your-other-device":"Open Status on your other device",
"open-your":"Open your",
"opening-buy-crypto":"Opening {{site}}...",
"or-tap":"or tap",
"origin-desc":"Origin is where your key pair (your private and public key) comes from. You can generate a new key pair or import an existing private key.",
"outgoing-transaction":"Outgoing transaction",
"own-your-crypto":"Own your crypto",
"page-camera-request-blocked":"camera requests blocked. To enable camera requests go to Settings",
"page-would-like-to-use-camera":"would like to use your camera",
"pair-card":"Pair to this device",
"pair-code":"Pair code",
"pair-code-explanation":"Pairs card to a different device (up to 5) to unlock keys and sign transactions with the same Keycard",
"pair-code-placeholder":"Pair code...",
"pair-device-toast":"Device successfully paired",
"pair-devices":"Pair devices",
"pair-this-card":"Pair this card",
"pair-this-device":"Advertise device",
"pair-this-device-description":"Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them",
"paired-devices":"Paired devices",
"paired-with-this-device":"Paired with this device",
"pairing-card":"Pairing card",
"pairing-changed":"Pairing code has been changed",
"pairing-go-to-installation":"Go to pairing settings",
"pairing-maximum-number-reached-content":"Please disable one of your devices before enabling a new one.",
"pairing-maximum-number-reached-title":"Max number of devices reached",
"pairing-new-installation-detected-content":"A new device has been detected.\nIn order to use your devices correctly, it's important to pair and enable them before using them.\nPlease go to the device section under settings to pair your devices.",
"photos-access-error":"To grant the required photos permission, please go to your system settings and make sure that Status > Photos is selected.",
"pin-changed":"6-digit passcode has been changed",
"pin-code":"6-digit passcode",
"pin-limit-reached":"Pin limit reached. Unpin a previous message first.",
"pin-mismatch":"Wrong passcode",
"pin-one-attempt":" one attempt ",
"pin-one-attempt-blocked-after":"before your Keycard gets blocked",
"pin-one-attempt-blocked-before":"Be careful, you have only",
"pin-one-attempt-frozen-after":"before your Keycard gets frozen",
"pin-one-attempt-frozen-before":"Be careful, you have only",
"pin-retries-left":"{{number}} attempts left",
"pin-to-channel":"Pin to the channel",
"pin-to-chat":"Pin to the chat",
"Pinned-a-message":"Pinned a message",
"pinned-a-message":"pinned a message",
"pinned-by":"Pinned by",
"pinned-messages":"Pinned messages",
"pinned-messages-2":"Pinned \nmessages",
"one":"1 pinned message",
"other":"{{count}} pinned messages"
"pinned-messages-empty":"Pinned messages will appear here. To pin a message, press and hold it and tap `Pin`",
"powered-by-paraswap":"Powered by Paraswap",
"preferred-by-receiver":"Preferred by receiver",
"preview-privacy":"Preview privacy mode",
"previewing-may-share-metadata":"Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners",
"price-impact":"Price impact",
"price-impact-desc":"Estimated price impact for this transaction. If the current block base fee exceeds this, your transaction will be included in a following block with a lower base fee.",
"privacy-and-security":"Privacy and security",
"privacy-photos":"Profile Photo Privacy",
"privacy-policy":"Privacy policy",
"privacy-show-to-warning":"People who have already seen your profile picture will continue to do so",
"private-key":"Private key",
"private-key-public-address":"Public address of private key",
"private-notifications":"Private notifications",
"private-notifications-descr":"Status will notify you about new messages. You can edit your notification preferences later in settings.",
"proceed-anyway":"Proceed anyway",
"processing":"Just a moment",
"product-information":"Product Information",
"profile-bio":"Profile bio",
"profile-deleted-content":"Your profile was successfully deleted",
"profile-deleted-keycard":"You can now restore another key pair on your Keycard",
"profile-deleted-title":"Profile deleted",
"profile-name":"Profile name",
"profile-name-is-too-long":"Profile name is too long",
"push-outbound-transaction":"You sent {{value}} {{currency}}",
"push-outbound-transaction-body":"From {{from}} to {{to}}",
"quiet-days":"{{quiet-days}} days",
"quiet-hours":"{{quiet-hours}} hours",
"re-encrypt-data":"Re-encrypt your data",
"re-encrypt-key":"Re-encrypt your keys",
"read-more":"Read more",
"rearrange-categories":"Rearrange Categories",
"receive-at-least":"Receive at least",
"receive-transaction":"Receive transaction",
"receiver-networks-warning":"Changing these settings may result in sending tokens to networks the recipient doesn't use",
"recent-empty":"Recently used addresses will appear here",
"recently-used-stickers":"Recently used stickers will appear here",
"recipient-code":"Enter recipient address",
"recipient-code-placeholder":"0x... or username.domain.eth",
"recipient-gets":"Recipient gets",
"recover-key":"Access existing keys",
"recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported":"Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase",
"recover-with-keycard":"Recover with Keycard",
"recover-with-seed-phrase":"Recover with seed phrase",
"recovering-key":"Accessing keys...",
"recovery-confirm-phrase":"Confirm seed phrase",
"recovery-phrase":"Seed phrase",
"recovery-success-text":"You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys",
"recovery-typo-dialog-description":"Please note, your seed phrase must use the exact same words and order as you received it",
"recovery-typo-dialog-title":"Is the seed phrase correct?",
"redeem-amount":"{{quantity}} bonuses available",
"redeem-now":"Redeem now",
"redeem-success":"Redeem bonus success!",
"reduced-tip":"priority tip will be reduced",
"reject-and-delete":"Reject and delete",
"remember-me":"Remember me",
"remind-me-later":"Show me this again",
"remote-notifications":"Remote notifications",
"remote-notifications-subtitle":"Enable google push notifications",
"remove-account":"Remove account",
"remove-account-confirmation":"I have taken note of the derivation path",
"remove-account-desc":"The account will be removed from all of your synced devices. Make sure you have a backup of your key pair or recovery phrase and derivation path (if it’s not default).",
"remove-key-pair-and-derived-accounts":"Remove key pair and derived accounts",
"remove-network":"Remove network",
"remove-nickname":"Remove nickname",
"remove-nickname-toast":"You have removed {{secondary-name}}'s nickname",
"remove-private-key-address-desc":"The account will be removed from all of your synced devices. Make sure you have a backup of your key pair or recovery phrase.",
"remove-profile-confirm-message":"All profile data will removed from device.",
"remove-profile-message":"Remove profile from this device",
"remove-profile?":"Remove profile?",
"remove-saved-address":"Remove saved address",
"remove-saved-address-description":"Transaction history relating to this address will no longer be labelled ‘{{name}}’.",
"remove-token":"Remove token",
"remove-user-from-group":"Remove {{username}} from the group",
"remove-watched-address-desc":"The watched address will be removed from all of your synced devices.",
"report-bug-email-template":"1. Issue Description\n{{description}}\n\n\n2. Steps to reproduce\n{{steps}}\n\n\n3. Attach screenshots that can demo the problem, please\n",
"request-access":"Request access",
"request-feature":"Request a feature",
"request-membership":"Request membership",
"request-pending":"Request pending…",
"request-processed-after-node-online":"Community control node is offline. Request will be processed once it's back online.",
"request-to-join":"Request to join",
"request-to-join-community":"Request to join community",
"request-to-join-community-pending":"Request to join community pending",
"request-to-join-disclaimer":"Joining the community will reveal your public addresses to the owner",
"request-transaction":"Request transaction",
"request-txns-and-message-signing":"Request transactions and message signing",
"requested-to-join-community":"You requested to join “{{community}}”",
"required-field":"Required field",
"reset-card":"Reset card",
"reset-card-description":"This operation will reset card to initial state. It will erase all card data including private keys. Operation is not reversible.",
"reset-database":"Reset database",
"reset-database-warning":"Delete chats, contacts and settings. Required when you’ve lost your password",
"reset-database-warning-keycard":"Delete chats, contacts and settings.",
"seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1":"The seed phrase you entered does not match {{multiaccount-name}}",
"seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2":"To manage keys for this account verify your seed phrase and try again.",
"seed-phrase-content":"A set of friendly-to-read words, randomly selected from the BIP39 standard list and used to recover or access your Ethereum account on other wallets and devices. Also referred to as a “mnemonic phrase,” “recovery phrase” or “wallet backup” across the crypto ecosystem. Most crypto apps use this same standard to generate accounts.",
"sending-to-networks-the-receiver-does-not-prefer":"Sending to networks the receiver does not prefer may result in recipient having difficulty accessing the sent tokens.",
"sending-to-unpreferred-networks":"Sending to unpreferred networks",
"starter-pack-coming":"Starter Pack coming your way",
"starter-pack-coming-description":"Can take a few minutes to hours",
"starter-pack-received":"Starter Pack received",
"starter-pack-received-description":"Here’s some crypto to get you started! Use it to get stickers, an ENS name and try dapps",
"status-always-online":"Always Online",
"status-automatic-subtitle":"Set status automatically",
"status-dnd":"Do not disturb",
"status-dnd-subtitle":"Mutes all notifications",
"status-hardwallet":"Status hardwallet",
"status-help":"Status Help",
"status-inactive-subtitle":"Hides your online status",
"status-is-a-secure-messaging-app":"Status is a secure messaging app, crypto wallet and web3 browser built with the state of the art technology",
"status-is-open-source":"Status is open-source",
"status-keycard":"Status Keycard",
"status-mobile-descr":"Status tends to use a lot of data when syncing chats. You can choose not to sync when on mobile network",
"status-not-sent-click":"Not confirmed. Click for options",
"status-not-sent-tap":"Not confirmed. Tap for options",
"status-tx-not-found":"TX not found",
"status-updates-descr":"Status updates will appear here. Add the profile as a contact to receive updates on your timeline.",
"statuses-descr":"Share what’s on your mind and stay updated with your contacts",
"statuses-my-status-descr":"Share what’s on your mind. Anyone visiting your profile will be able to see your status. People who add you as their contact will receive your updates on their timeline",
"syncing-connection-message":"App uses a lot of data when syncing and making backups. If you have a limited data plan, consider syncing over Wi-Fi only. ",
"syncing-wifi-connection-warning":"If you choose to sync over Wi-Fi only, messages sent to you while you are offline will be delivered once you connect to Wi-Fi.",
"tap-card-again":"Tap the card to the back of your phone again",
"tap-on":"Tap on",
"terms-of-service":"Terms of Use",
"testnet-mode":"Testnet mode",
"testnet-mode-disable-description":"Are you sure you want to turn off Testnet mode? All future transactions will be performed on live networks with real funds.",
"testnet-mode-enable-description":"In this mode, all blockchain data displayed will come from testnets and all blockchain interactions will be with testnets.\nTestnet mode switches the entire app to using testnets only. Please switch this mode on only if you know exactly why you need to use it.",
"testnet-mode-enabled":"Testnet mode enabled",
"testnet-mode-prompt-content":"You are about to switch the network mode. This will log you out and you will have to login again.",
"testnet-not-available":"Testnet not available",
"text-input-disabled":"Please wait a moment...",
"thank-you":"Thank you",
"the-key-pair-and-derived-accounts-will-be-removed":"The key pair and derived accounts will be removed from all of your synced devices. Make sure you have a backup of your keys or seed phrase before proceeding.",
"this-account-has-no-activity":"This account has no activity",
"this-address-has-activity":"This address has activity",
"this-address-has-no-activity":"This address has no activity",
"this-address-is-already-saved":"This address is already saved",
"this-device":"This device",
"this-device-desc":"Your keys will be encrypted and securely stored on your device",
"this-ens-name-is-not-registered-yet":"This ENS name is not registered yet",
"this-is-not-an-eth-address-or-ens-name":"This is not an Ethereum address or ENS name",
"this-is-you-signing":"This is your signing phrase",
"this-message-was-deleted":"This message was deleted",
"this-qr-does-not-contain-any-missing-key-pair":"This QR does not contain any missing key pairs",
"this-qr-does-not-contain-key-pair":"This QR does not contain {{name}} key pair",
"this-will-take-few-seconds":"This will take a few seconds",
"three-days":"Three days",
"three-months-int":"3 months",
"three-words-description":"You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction",
"three-words-description-2":"If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out",
"time-in-mins":"{{minutes}} min",
"tip-cap":"Tip cap",
"to-enable-biometric":"To enable {{bio-type-label}}, you must save your password on the unlock screen",
"to-encrypt-enter-password":"To encrypt the account please enter your password",
"to-pair-with-your-other-device-in-the-network":"To pair with your other device in the network",
"to-scan-a-qr-enable-your-camera":"To scan a QR, enable your camera",
"to-see-this-message":"To see this message,",
"token-auto-validate-decimals-error":"Wrong decimals for token {{symbol}} at address {{address}} - set to {{expected}} but detected as {{actual}}",
"token-auto-validate-name-error":"Wrong name for token {{symbol}} at address {{address}} - set to {{expected}} but detected as {{actual}}",
"token-auto-validate-symbol-error":"Wrong symbol for token {{symbol}} at address {{address}} - set to {{expected}} but detected as {{actual}}",
"token-gated-communities-info":"Here will be something relevant about this topic. This will help the user get more context and therefore have a better understanding of it.",
"token-master":"Token Master",
"token-not-available-on-networks":"{{token-symbol}} is not available on {{networks}}.",
"token-not-available-on-receiver-networks":"{{token-symbol}} is not available on the recipient’s desired networks. Proceed with caution.",
"token-owner":"Token Owner",
"token-price":"Token Price",
"topic-name-error":"Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys",
"transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1":"It looks like your multiaccount was not deleted. Database may have been reset",
"transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2":"Please check your account list and try again. If the account is not listed go to Access existing keys to recover with seed phrase",
"transfers-fetching-failure":"Transfers history could not be updated. Check your connection and pull down to try again",
"tribute-required-by-multiaccount":"{{multiaccount-name}} requires SNT to start a chat.",
"tribute-to-talk-add-friends":"Add friends as a contact to allow chats without tribute payment.",
"tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends":"Are you friends?",
"tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added":"Ask to be added as a contact",
"tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute":" received your tribute. You can now securely chat with each other.",
"tribute-to-talk-desc":"Monetize your attention by requiring SNT for new people to start a chat",
"tribute-to-talk-disabled":"Tribute to Talk disabled",
"tribute-to-talk-disabled-note":"From now on, new people can start a chat with you without sending SNT.",
"tribute-to-talk-enabled":"You have Tribute to Talk enabled.",
"tribute-to-talk-finish-desc":"From now on, you will only receive chats from contacts, and people who paid ",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1":"Your time and attention are your most valuable assets. Tribute to Talk lets you set an amount of SNT required for new people to start a chat with you.",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2":"Anyone who is not in your contact list will be asked to pay, and you can respond once they have.",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3":"You can always send the money back, but to ensure that friends can reach you freely, add them as a contact first.",
"tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1":"Our time and attention are our most valuable assets. Tribute to Talk lets you contact new people in exchange for an SNT payment.",
"tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2":"To start a chat with someone who has a tribute set, simply pay the required SNT and you will be added as a contact.",
"tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3":"If you know them, you can share your profile outside of Status to be added for free.",
"tribute-to-talk-pending-note":"Tribute transaction is pending confirmation on the network. You can check its status in transaction history",
"tribute-to-talk-removing-note":"Removing Tribute to Talk will allow new people to start a chat without sending SNT. Requires a transaction to be made.",
"tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount":"Set the amount of SNT required for new people to start a chat",
"tribute-to-talk-signing":"Waiting to sign transaction",
"tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note":"Transaction has failed and your Tribute to Talk settings have not been changed",
"tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1":"Tribute received. You and ",
"tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2":" are now contacts and can securely chat with each other.",
"tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt":"You require SNT for new people to start a chat.",
"trip-accounts":"Trip accounts",
"try-again":"Try again",
"try-keeping-the-card-still":"Try keeping the card still",
"try-to-search-something-else":"Try to search something else",
"try-your-luck-again":"Try your luck again!",
"turn-nfc-description":"NFC is disabled on yor device. You can enable it in settings",
"turn-nfc-on":"Turn NFC on to continue",
"turn-off-testnet-mode":"Turn off testnet mode",
"turn-on-testnet-mode":"Turn on testnet mode",
"two-minutes":"two minutes",
"tx-fail-description1":"This transaction is likely to fail. Sign at your own risk using custom network fee.",
"tx-fail-description2":"This transaction is likely to fail. Set a custom network fee to sign at your own risk.",
"type-nickname":"Type nickname",
"type-pairing-code":"Type or paste pairing code",
"type-slippage":"Type slippage",
"type-something":"Type something",
"type-your-password":"Type your password",
"type-your-path":"Type your own derivation path",
"ulc-enabled":"ULC enabled",
"unable-to-fetch":"Unable to fetch chat history",
"unable-to-read-this-code":"Unable to read this code",
"unable-to-send-messages":"Unable to send and receive messages",
"unblock-contact":"Unblock this user",
"unblocking-a-user-message":"After unblocking {{username}}, you will be able to connect with them as a contact and see their messages in group chats and communities.",
"wallet-invalid-address-checksum":"Error in address: \n {{data}}",
"wallet-invalid-chain-id":"Network does not match: \n {{data}} but current chain is {{chain}}",
"wallet-key-content":"A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your account address is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address.”",
"wants-to-access-profile":"wants to access to your profile",
"wants-to-join":"wants to join",
"warning-message":"Sorry, we limit sending several messages in quick succession to prevent spam. Please try again in a moment",
"warning-sending-to-contract-descr":"The address you entered is a smart contract, sending funds to this address may result in loss of funds. To interact with a DApp, open the DApp in the Status DApp Browser.",
"watched-account-removed":"Watched address has been removed",
"watched-address":"Watched address",
"wc-brand-guide":"Guidance on using branding such as trademarks and logos",
"wc-disclaimer":"Disclaimers (including third party providers), warranties, and legal releases",
"wc-dispute":"Dispute resolution provisions",
"wc-how-to-use-status-app":"How to use the Status app including privacy and security",
"wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix":"New Terms of Use designed based on our",
"web-view-error":"Unable to load page",
"webview-camera-permission-requests":"Webview camera permission requests",
"webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle":"When enabled, websites and dapps can ask to use your camera",
"welcome-back":"Welcome back!",
"welcome-blank-community-message":"Your communities will appear here.",
"welcome-blank-message":"Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the ⊕ button",
"welcome-community-blank-message":"Your channels will appear here. To create a new channel, click on the ⊕ button and select \"Create a channel\"",
"welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats":"Your channels will appear here. To create a new channel, go back to the community screen, click on the ⊕ button and select \"Create a channel\"",
"welcome-screen-text":"Set up your wallet, invite friends to chat\n and browse popular dapps!",
"welcome-to-status":"Welcome to Status!",
"welcome-to-status-description":"Set up your crypto wallet, invite friends to chat and browse decentralized apps",
"welcome-to-web3":"Welcome to web3!",
"welcome-to-web3-sub-title":"What are you waiting for? Go explore!",
"what-are-you-waiting-for":"What are you waiting for?",
"you-can-choose-preview-websites":"You can choose which of the following websites can preview link of descriptions and pictures in chats",
"you-can-fetch":"You can fetch chat history",
"you-canceled-the-request":"You canceled the request to join",
"you-cannot-add-your-own-account-as-a-saved-address":"You cannot add your own account as a saved address",
"you-deleted-a-message":"You deleted a message",
"you-dont-have-contacts":"You don’t have any contacts yet.",
"you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends":"You don’t have any contacts yet.\nInvite your friends to start chatting.",
"you-dont-have-stickers":"You don’t have any stickers yet",
"you-eligible-to-join":"You’re eligible to join",
"you-eligible-to-join-as":"You’re eligible to join as {{role}}",
"you-have-no-contacts":"You have no contacts",
"you-hodl":"You hodl:",
"you-hold-number-of-hold-tokens-of-these":"You hold {{number-of-hold-tokens}} of these:",
"you-like-to-type-43-characters":"Do you like to type 43 characters?",
"you-must-always-hold":"You must always hold:",
"you-must-hold":"You must hodl:",
"you-must-now-hold":"You must now hold:",
"you-not-eligible-to-join":"You’re not eligible to join",
"you-not-eligible-to-join-as":"You’re not eligible to join as {{role}}",
"you-pinned-a-message":"You pinned a message",
"you-replied":"You replied",
"you-sent-a-gif":"You sent a GIF",
"you-sent-a-photo":"You sent a photo",
"you-sent-a-sticker":"You sent a Sticker",
"you-sent-audio-message":"You sent audio message",
"you-sent-n-photos":"You sent {{number}} photos",
"you-shared-a-community":"You shared a community",
"you-will-be-a":"You’ll be a",
"you-will-need-this-code":"You'll need this code to open Status and sign transactions",
"you-will-start-from-scratch":"You will start from scratch with a new set of keys",
"your-addresses":"Your addresses",
"your-answer":"Your answer",
"your-card-is-frozen":"Your Keycard is frozen. Reset card access",
"your-contact-code":"Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key",
"your-data-belongs-to-you":"If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds",
"your-data-belongs-to-you-description":"If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe",
"your-identifiers":"Your identicon ring, chat key and emojihash will help others tell you from impersonators",
"your-key-pair-name-is-too-long":"Your key pair name is too long",
"your-key-pair-name-is-too-short":"Your key pair name is too short",
"your-recovery-phrase-description":"This is your seed phrase. You use it to prove that this is your wallet. You only get to see it once! Write it on paper and keep it in a secure place. You will need it if you lose or reinstall your wallet.",
"your-tip-limit":"Your tip limit",
"youre-on-mobile-network":"You’re on mobile network"