48 lines
1.9 KiB
48 lines
1.9 KiB
(ns status-im.ipfs.core
(:refer-clojure :exclude [cat])
(:require [status-im.utils.fx :as fx]))
;; we currently use an ipfs gateway but this detail is not relevant
;; outside of this namespace
(def ^:const ipfs-add-url "https://ipfs.infura.io:5001/api/v0/add")
(def ^:const ipfs-cat-url "https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/")
(fx/defn cat
[cofx {:keys [hash on-success on-failure]}]
{:http-raw-get (cond-> {:url (str ipfs-cat-url hash)
:timeout-ms 5000
(fn [{:keys [status body]}]
(if (= 200 status)
(on-success {:value body})
(when on-failure
(on-failure {:value status}))))}
(assoc :failure-event-creator on-failure))})
(defn- parse-ipfs-add-response
(when response
(let [{:keys [Name Hash Size]} (js->clj (js/JSON.parse response)
:keywordize-keys true)]
{:name Name
:hash Hash
:size Size})))
(fx/defn add
[cofx {:keys [value on-success on-failure]}]
(let [formdata (doto (js/FormData.)
;; the key is ignored so there is no need to provide one
(.append nil value))]
{:http-raw-post (cond-> {:url ipfs-add-url
:body formdata
:timeout-ms 5000
(fn [{:keys [status body]}]
(if (= 200 status)
(on-success {:value (parse-ipfs-add-response body)})
(when on-failure
(on-failure {:value status}))))}
(assoc :failure-event-creator on-failure))}))