"phew-here-is-your-passphrase":"Phew, that was hard. Here is your passphrase, *write this down and keep it safe!* You will need it to recover your account.",
"debug-enabled":"Debug server has been launched! You can now execute *status-dev-cli scan* to find the server from your computer on the same network.",
"address-explication":"Your public key is used to generate your address on Ethereum and is a series of numbers and letters. You can find it easily in your profile",
"add-members":"Add members",
"popular-tags":"Popular #hashtags",
"twelve-words-in-correct-order":"12 words in correct order",
"phone-number":"Phone number",
"removed-from-chat":"removed you from group chat",
"remove-from-contacts":"Remove from contacts",
"delete-chat":"Delete chat",
"new-group-chat":"New group chat",
"edit-chats":"Edit chats",
"sign-in":"Sign in",
"create-new-account":"Create new account",
"sign-in-to-status":"Sign in to Status",
"search-chat":"Search chat",
"got-it":"Got it",
"move-to-internal-failure-message":"We need to move some important files from external to internal storage. To do this, we need your permission. We won't be using external storage in future versions.",
"status-seen-by-everyone":"Seen by everyone",
"edit-group":"Edit group",
"not-specified":"Not specified",
"delete-group":"Delete group",
"reorder-groups":"Reorder groups",
"faucet-success":"Faucet request has been received",
"intro-status":"Chat with me to setup your account and change your settings.",
"phone-number-required":"Tap here to validate your phone number & I'll find your friends.",
"unknown-address":"Unknown address",
"received-invitation":"received chat invitation",
"show-qr":"Show QR code",
"choose-from-contacts":"Choose from contacts",
"account-generation-message":"Gimmie a sec, I gotta do some crazy math to generate your account!",
"no-messages":"No messages",
"new-group":"New group",
"phone-e164":"International 1",
"remove-from-group":"Remove from group",
"contacts-syncronized":"Your contacts have been synchronized",
"add-new-contact":"Add new contact",
"search-contacts":"Search contacts",
"leave-chat":"Leave chat",
"start-conversation":"Start conversation",
"topic-format":"Topic name can use only lowercase letters, numbers and dash (-)",
"enter-valid-public-key":"Please enter a valid public key or scan a QR code",
"faucet-error":"Faucet request error",
"search-for":"Search for...",
"sharing-copy-to-clipboard":"Copy to clipboard",
"phone-international":"International 2",
"enter-address":"Enter address",
"switch-users":"Switch users",
"send-transaction":"Send transaction",
"recover-access":"Recover access",
"Sorry the code was incorrect, please enter it again"
"image-source-gallery":"Select from gallery",
"sync-synced":"In sync",
"delete-contact":"Delete contact",
"mute-notifications":"Mute notifications",
"invalid-phone":"Invalid phone number",
"scan-qr":"Scan QR code",
"recent":"Recent statuses",
"wrong-password":"Wrong password",
"search-chats":"Search chats",
"in-contacts":"In contacts",
"type-a-message":"Type a message...",
"type-a-command":"Start typing a command...",
"shake-your-phone":"Found a bug or have a suggestion? Just ~shake~ your phone!",
"contacts-group-new-chat":"Start new chat",
"and-you":"and you",
"clear-history":"Clear history",
"no-contacts":"No contacts yet",
"status-prompt":"Set your status. Using #hastags will help others discover you and talk about what's on your mind",
"add-a-status":"Add a status...",
"web-view-error":"Unable to load page",
"notifications-title":"Notifications and sounds",
"edit-contacts":"Edit contacts",
"no-statuses-found":"No statuses found",
"can-not-add-yourself":"You can't add yourself",
"add-to-contacts":"Add to contacts",
"main-wallet":"Main Wallet",
"one":"1 member",
"other":"{{count}} members"
"intro-message1":"Welcome to Status!\nTap this message to set your password and get started.",
"not-implemented":"!not implemented",
"new-contact":"New contact",
"is-typing":"is typing",
"contact-already-added":"The contact has already been added",
"delete-group-prompt":"This will not affect your contacts",
"contact-recovery-content":"{{name}} has sent you a message but did not include this device.\nThis might happen if you have more than 3 devices, you haven't paired your devices correctly or you just recovered your account.\nPlease make sure your devices are paired correctly and click Notify to let the user know of this device.",
"pairing-new-installation-detected-content":"A new device has been detected.\nIn order to use your devices correctly, it's important to pair and enable them before using them.\nPlease go to the device section under settings to pair your devices.",
"pairing-go-to-installation":"Go to pairing settings",
"pfs-warning-content":"PFS support is still experimental, so use at your own risk.\nIf enabled, only users who are running 0.9.32 and higher will be able to read your direct and public messages. This does not guarantee PFS for all your messages yet, and it will only encrypt your messages, not the one you receive.",
"agree-by-continuing":"By continuing you agree\n to our ",
"currency-display-name-sos":"Somalia Shilling",
"currency-display-name-zar":"South Africa Rand",
"currency-display-name-nad":"Namibia Dollar",
"creating-your-account":"Creating your account...",
"save-password":"Save password until logout",
"currency-display-name-kes":"Kenyan Shilling",
"view-etheremon":"View in Etheremon",
"wallet-transaction-fee-details":"Gas limit caps the units of gas spent on the transaction. Gas price sets the price per unit of gas. Increasing gas price can make your transaction faster.",
"photos-access-error":"To grant the required photos permission, please go to your system settings and make sure that Status > Photos is selected.",
"password-placeholder2":"Confirm your password",
"request-feature":"Request a feature",
"new-chat":"New chat",
"show-more":"Show more",
"create-account":"Create account",
"currency-display-name-pkr":"Pakistan Rupee",
"currency-display-name-vnd":"Viet Nam Dong",
"currency-display-name-bgn":"Bulgarian Lev",
"enter-url":"Enter URL",
"delete-network-title":"Delete network?",
"error-unable-to-get-transactions":"Unable to get transaction history",
"new-contract":"New Contract",
"wrong-word":"Wrong word",
"check-your-recovery-phrase":"Check your recovery phrase",
"your-recovery-phrase-description":"This is your recovery phrase. You use it to prove that this is your wallet. You only get to see it once! Write it on paper and keep it in a secure place. You will need it if you lose or reinstall your wallet.",
"currency-display-name-gel":"Georgian Lari",
"add-bootnode":"Add bootnode",
"currency-display-name-krw":"Korea (South) Won",
"browser-secure":"Connection is secure. Make sure you really trust this site before signing transactions or entering personal data.",
"browsing-site-blocked-title":"This site is blocked",
"browsing-site-blocked-description1":"We detected potential malicious activity from this address. To protect you and your wallet, we're preventing further navigation.\n\nIf you think this is an error, let us know in the ",
"browsing-site-blocked-description2":" public chat.",
"desktop-alpha-release-warning":"Thanks for trying Status Desktop! This is an early alpha release focused on chat, and is missing several features found in the mobile client and may contain bugs and other issues. Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds.",
"wallet-address-from-clipboard":"Use Address From Clipboard",
"currency-display-name-cad":"Canada Dollar",
"remove-network":"Remove network",
"recovery-typo-dialog-description":"If you enter the wrong words, you will create a new account instead of recovering an old one.",
"recovery-confirm-phrase":"Confirm phrase",
"delete-group-chat-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete this group chat?",
"currency-display-name-vef":"Venezuela Bolívar",
"send-message":"Send message",
"no-extension":"No extension installed",
"currency-display-name-nok":"Norway Krone",
"view-cryptokitties":"View in CryptoKitties",
"changed-amount-warning":"Amount was changed from {{old}} to {{new}}",
"network-chain":"Network chain",
"rpc-url":"RPC URL",
"currency-display-name-omr":"Oman Rial",
"changed-asset-warning":"Asset was changed from {{old}} to {{new}}",
"wallet-onboarding-set-up":"Let’s get set up",
"specify-rpc-url":"Specify a RPC URL",
"text-input-disabled":"Please wait a moment...",
"currency-display-name-aed":"Emirati Dirham",
"currency-display-name-egp":"Egypt Pound",
"transactions-sign-all":"Sign all",
"enter-contact-code":"Enter contact code or username",
"currency-display-name-twd":"Taiwan New Dollar",
"empty-chat-description-console":"Look under the hood! Console is a javascript runtime environment that exposes the whole web3 API. Type \"web3.\" to get started.",
"invalid-key-content":"{{message}}\n\nAccount's database can't be encrypted because file is corrupted. There is no way to restore it. If you press \"Cancel\" button, nothing will happen. If you press \"{{erase-accounts-data-button-text}}\" button, account's db will be removed and you will be able to unlock account. All account's data will be lost.",
"unknown-realm-error-content":"{{message}}\n\nAccount's database can't be opened. Please let us know about this problem at #status public chat. If you press \"Cancel\" button, nothing will happen. If you press \"{{erase-accounts-data-button-text}}\" button, account's db will be removed and you will be able to unlock account. All account's data will be lost.",
"mainnet-is-default-alert-text":"Status is in Beta and on the Ethereum Mainnet. Use it wisely. Don't store more crypto than you need for testing and only share data with people you trust. By using the app you assume full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds.",
"signing-phrase-description":"If you recognize these words, enter your login password to sign the transaction",
"currency-display-name-mad":"Moroccan Dirham",
"here-is-your-signing-phrase":"Here is your signing phrase. You will use it to verify your transactions. *Write it down and keep it safe!*",
"wants-to-access-profile":"wants to access to your profile",
"currency-display-name-huf":"Hungary Forint",
"currency-display-name-pgk":"Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency-display-name-cop":"Colombia Peso",
"decryption-failed-content":"We were not able to decrypt your data, you might need to create new account and erase your old data by tapping “Apply”. Clicking on “Cancel”, will try again",
"close-app-content":"The app will stop and close. When you reopen it, the selected network will be used",
"password-description":"You'll need this password to open the app and confirm transactions.",
"ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title":"Ethereum node started incorrectly",
"ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description":"Ethereum node was started with incorrect configuration, application will be stopped to recover from that condition. Configured network id = {{network-id}}, actual = {{fetched-network-id}}",
"your-data-belongs-to-you-description":"Status can’t help you recover your account if you lose your recovery phrase. You are in charge of the security of your data, and backing up your recovery phrase is the best safeguard.",
"cannot-use-default-pin":"PIN 000000 is not allowed.\nPlease use another number",
"pin-changed":"PIN has been changed to {{pin}}",
"pin-retries-left":"You have {{number}} retries left",
"keycard-blocked":"Keycard has been blocked.\nYou need to reset card to continue using it.",
"reset-card":"Reset card",
"reset-card-description":"This operation will reset card to initial state. It will erase all card data including private keys. Operation is not reversible.",
"unpair-card":"Unpair card",
"card-unpaired":"Card has been unpaired from current device",
"card-reseted":"Card has been reseted",
"unpair-card-confirmation":"This operation will unpair card from current device. Requires PIN authorization. Do you want to proceed?",
"enter-pair-code-description":"SECURITY NOTE: Use only the code you wrote down during card setup.",
"no-pairing-slots-available":"This card is already paired to 5 devices and cannot pair to this one. Please use one of the paired devices, log in with this card and free up pairing slots on the card",
"keycard-has-account-on-it":"This card has already an account on it. If you wish to change it, login first and reset your card.",
"tribute-to-talk-desc":"Monetize your attention by requiring SNT for new people to start a chat",
"tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount":"Set the amount of SNT required for new people to start a chat",
"personalized-message":"Personalized message",
"tribute-to-talk-message-placeholder":"Hi there, I ask you to pay tribute to start a chat with me. If you know me in real life, you know how to find me...",
"tribute-to-talk-you-can-leave-a-message":"You can leave a message for people to see when they want to start a chat with you.",
"tribute-to-talk-sign-and-set-tribute":"Sign and set tribute",
"tribute-to-talk-finish-desc":"From now on, you will only receive chats from contacts, and people who paid ",
"tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt":"You require SNT for new people to start a chat.",
"tribute-to-talk-removing-note":"Removing Tribute to Talk will allow new people to start a chat without sending SNT. Requires a transaction to be made.",
"tribute-to-talk-enabled":"You have Tribute to Talk enabled.",
"tribute-to-talk-add-friends":"Add friends as a contact to allow chats without tribute payment.",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1":"Your time and attention are your most valuable assets. Tribute to Talk lets you set an amount of SNT required for new people to start a chat with you.",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2":"Anyone who is not in your contact list will be asked to pay, and you can respond once they have.",
"tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3":"You can always send the money back, but to ensure that friends can reach you freely, add them as a contact first.",
"tribute-to-talk-sample-text":"Hi I’m Carmen. Message me to have your fortune told 🔮",
"tribute-to-talk-disabled":"Tribute to Talk disabled",
"tribute-to-talk-disabled-note":"From now on, new people can start a chat with you without sending SNT.",
"migrations-failed-content":"{{message}}\nschema version: initial {{initial-version}}, current {{current-version}}, last {{last-version}}\n\nPlease let us know about this problem at #status public chat. If you press \"Cancel\" button, nothing will happen. If you press \"{{erase-accounts-data-button-text}}\" button, account's db will be removed and you will be able to unlock account. All account's data will be lost.",