import json, os, nimcrypto, uuids, json_serialization, chronicles, strutils from status_go import multiAccountGenerateAndDeriveAddresses, generateAlias, identicon, saveAccountAndLogin, login, openAccounts, getNodeConfig import core import ../utils as utils from ../wallet/account as walletAccount import WalletAccount import ../types/[account, fleet, rpc_response] import accounts/constants proc getNetworkConfig(currentNetwork: string): JsonNode = result = constants.DEFAULT_NETWORKS.first("id", currentNetwork) proc getDefaultNodeConfig*(fleetConfig: FleetConfig, installationId: string): JsonNode = let networkConfig = getNetworkConfig(constants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME) let upstreamUrl = networkConfig["config"]["UpstreamConfig"]["URL"] let fleet = Fleet.PROD var newDataDir = networkConfig["config"]["DataDir"].getStr newDataDir.removeSuffix("_rpc") result = constants.NODE_CONFIG.copy() result["ClusterConfig"]["Fleet"] = newJString($fleet) result["ClusterConfig"]["BootNodes"] = %* fleetConfig.getNodes(fleet, FleetNodes.Bootnodes) result["ClusterConfig"]["TrustedMailServers"] = %* fleetConfig.getNodes(fleet, FleetNodes.Mailservers) result["ClusterConfig"]["StaticNodes"] = %* fleetConfig.getNodes(fleet, FleetNodes.Whisper) result["ClusterConfig"]["RendezvousNodes"] = %* fleetConfig.getNodes(fleet, FleetNodes.Rendezvous) result["NetworkId"] = networkConfig["config"]["NetworkId"] result["DataDir"] = newDataDir.newJString() result["UpstreamConfig"]["Enabled"] = networkConfig["config"]["UpstreamConfig"]["Enabled"] result["UpstreamConfig"]["URL"] = upstreamUrl result["ShhextConfig"]["InstallationID"] = newJString(installationId) result["ClusterConfig"]["RelayNodes"] = %* @["enrtree://"] result["ClusterConfig"]["StoreNodes"] = %* @["enrtree://"] result["ClusterConfig"]["FilterNodes"] = %* @["enrtree://"] result["ClusterConfig"]["LightpushNodes"] = %* @["enrtree://"] #TODO: in the meantime we're using the go-waku test fleet for rendezvous. # once we have a prod fleet this code needs to be updated result["ClusterConfig"]["WakuRendezvousNodes"] = %* fleetConfig.getNodes(Fleet.GoWakuTest, FleetNodes.LibP2P) # TODO: commented since it's not necessary (we do the connections thru C bindings). Enable it thru an option once status-nodes are able to be configured in desktop # result["ListenAddr"] = if existsEnv("STATUS_PORT"): newJString("" & $getEnv("STATUS_PORT")) else: newJString("") proc hashPassword*(password: string): string = result = "0x" & $keccak_256.digest(password) proc generateAddresses*(n = 5): seq[GeneratedAccount] = let multiAccountConfig = %* { "n": n, "mnemonicPhraseLength": 12, "bip39Passphrase": "", "paths": [PATH_WALLET_ROOT, PATH_EIP_1581, PATH_WHISPER, PATH_DEFAULT_WALLET] } let generatedAccounts = $status_go.multiAccountGenerateAndDeriveAddresses($multiAccountConfig) result = Json.decode(generatedAccounts, seq[GeneratedAccount]) proc getWalletAccounts*(): seq[WalletAccount] = try: var response = callPrivateRPC("accounts_getAccounts") let accounts = parseJson(response)["result"] var walletAccounts:seq[WalletAccount] = @[] for account in accounts: if (account["chat"].to(bool) == false): # Might need a better condition walletAccounts.add(WalletAccount( address: $account["address"].getStr, path: $account["path"].getStr, walletType: if (account.hasKey("type")): $account["type"].getStr else: "", # Watch accoutns don't have a public key publicKey: if (account.hasKey("public-key")): $account["public-key"].getStr else: "", name: $account["name"].getStr, iconColor: $account["color"].getStr, wallet: account["wallet"].getBool, chat: account["chat"].getBool, )) result = walletAccounts except: let msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg() error "Failed getting wallet accounts", msg proc generateAlias*(publicKey: string): string = result = $status_go.generateAlias(publicKey) proc generateIdenticon*(publicKey: string): string = result = $status_go.identicon(publicKey) proc initNode*(statusGoDir, keystoreDir: string) = createDir(statusGoDir) createDir(keystoreDir) discard $status_go.initKeystore(keystoreDir) proc parseIdentityImage*(images: JsonNode): IdentityImage = result = IdentityImage() if (images.kind != JNull): for image in images: if (image["type"].getStr == "thumbnail"): # TODO check if this can be url or if it's always uri result.thumbnail = image["uri"].getStr elif (image["type"].getStr == "large"): result.large = image["uri"].getStr proc openAccounts*(STATUSGODIR: string): seq[NodeAccount] = let strNodeAccounts = status_go.openAccounts(STATUSGODIR).parseJson # FIXME fix serialization result = @[] if (strNodeAccounts.kind != JNull): for account in strNodeAccounts: let nodeAccount = NodeAccount( name: account["name"].getStr, timestamp: account["timestamp"].getInt, keyUid: account["key-uid"].getStr, identicon: account["identicon"].getStr, keycardPairing: account["keycard-pairing"].getStr ) if (account{"images"}.kind != JNull): nodeAccount.identityImage = parseIdentityImage(account["images"]) result.add(nodeAccount) proc saveAccountAndLogin*( account: GeneratedAccount, accountData: string, password: string, configJSON: string, settingsJSON: string): Account = let hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) let subaccountData = %* [ { "public-key": account.derived.defaultWallet.publicKey, "address": account.derived.defaultWallet.address, "color": "#4360df", "wallet": true, "path": constants.PATH_DEFAULT_WALLET, "name": "Status account" }, { "public-key": account.derived.whisper.publicKey, "address": account.derived.whisper.address, "name":, "identicon": account.identicon, "path": constants.PATH_WHISPER, "chat": true } ] var savedResult = $status_go.saveAccountAndLogin(accountData, hashedPassword, settingsJSON, configJSON, $subaccountData) let parsedSavedResult = savedResult.parseJson let error = parsedSavedResult["error"].getStr if error == "": debug "Account saved succesfully" result = account.toAccount return raise newException(StatusGoException, "Error saving account and logging in: " & error) proc storeDerivedAccounts*(account: GeneratedAccount, password: string, paths: seq[string] = @[PATH_WALLET_ROOT, PATH_EIP_1581, PATH_WHISPER, PATH_DEFAULT_WALLET]): MultiAccounts = let hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) let multiAccount = %* { "accountID":, "paths": paths, "password": hashedPassword } let response = $status_go.multiAccountStoreDerivedAccounts($multiAccount); try: result = Json.decode($response, MultiAccounts) except: let err = Json.decode($response, StatusGoError) raise newException(StatusGoException, "Error storing multiaccount derived accounts: " & err.error) proc getAccountData*(account: GeneratedAccount): JsonNode = result = %* { "name":, "address": account.address, "identicon": account.identicon, "key-uid": account.keyUid, "keycard-pairing": nil } proc getAccountSettings*(account: GeneratedAccount, defaultNetworks: JsonNode, installationId: string): JsonNode = result = %* { "key-uid": account.keyUid, "mnemonic": account.mnemonic, "public-key": account.derived.whisper.publicKey, "name":, "address": account.address, "eip1581-address": account.derived.eip1581.address, "dapps-address": account.derived.defaultWallet.address, "wallet-root-address": account.derived.walletRoot.address, "preview-privacy?": true, "signing-phrase": generateSigningPhrase(3), "log-level": "INFO", "latest-derived-path": 0, "networks/networks": defaultNetworks, "currency": "usd", "identicon": account.identicon, "waku-enabled": true, "wallet/visible-tokens": { "mainnet": ["SNT"] }, "appearance": 0, "networks/current-network": constants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME, "installation-id": installationId } proc setupAccount*(fleetConfig: FleetConfig, account: GeneratedAccount, password: string): Account = try: let storeDerivedResult = storeDerivedAccounts(account, password) let accountData = getAccountData(account) let installationId = $genUUID() var settingsJSON = getAccountSettings(account, constants.DEFAULT_NETWORKS, installationId) var nodeConfig = getDefaultNodeConfig(fleetConfig, installationId) result = saveAccountAndLogin(account, $accountData, password, $nodeConfig, $settingsJSON) except StatusGoException as e: raise newException(StatusGoException, "Error setting up account: " & e.msg) finally: # TODO this is needed for now for the retrieving of past messages. We'll either move or remove it later let peer = "enode://44160e22e8b42bd32a06c1532165fa9e096eebedd7fa6d6e5f8bbef0440bc4a4591fe3651be68193a7ec029021cdb496cfe1d7f9f1dc69eb99226e6f39a7a5d4@" discard status_go.addPeer(peer) proc login*(nodeAccount: NodeAccount, password: string): NodeAccount = let hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) let account = nodeAccount.toAccount let loginResult = $status_go.login($toJson(account), hashedPassword) let error = parseJson(loginResult)["error"].getStr if error == "": debug "Login requested", result = nodeAccount return raise newException(StatusGoException, "Error logging in: " & error) proc loadAccount*(address: string, password: string): GeneratedAccount = let hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) let inputJson = %* { "address": address, "password": hashedPassword } let loadResult = $status_go.multiAccountLoadAccount($inputJson) let parsedLoadResult = loadResult.parseJson let error = parsedLoadResult{"error"}.getStr if error == "": debug "Account loaded succesfully" result = Json.decode(loadResult, GeneratedAccount) return raise newException(StatusGoException, "Error loading wallet account: " & error) proc verifyAccountPassword*(address: string, password: string, keystoreDir: string): bool = let hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) let verifyResult = $status_go.verifyAccountPassword(keystoreDir, address, hashedPassword) let error = parseJson(verifyResult)["error"].getStr if error == "": return true return false proc changeDatabasePassword*(keyUID: string, password: string, newPassword: string): bool = let hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) let hashedNewPassword = hashPassword(newPassword) let changeResult = $status_go.changeDatabasePassword(keyUID, hashedPassword, hashedNewPassword) let error = parseJson(changeResult)["error"].getStr return error == "" proc multiAccountImportMnemonic*(mnemonic: string): GeneratedAccount = let mnemonicJson = %* { "mnemonicPhrase": mnemonic, "Bip39Passphrase": "" } # status_go.multiAccountImportMnemonic never results in an error given ANY input let importResult = $status_go.multiAccountImportMnemonic($mnemonicJson) result = Json.decode(importResult, GeneratedAccount) proc MultiAccountImportPrivateKey*(privateKey: string): GeneratedAccount = let privateKeyJson = %* { "privateKey": privateKey } # status_go.MultiAccountImportPrivateKey never results in an error given ANY input try: let importResult = $status_go.multiAccountImportPrivateKey($privateKeyJson) result = Json.decode(importResult, GeneratedAccount) except Exception as e: error "Error getting account from private key", msg=e.msg proc storeDerivedWallet*(account: GeneratedAccount, password: string, walletIndex: int, accountType: string): string = let hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) let derivationPath = (if accountType == constants.GENERATED: "m/" else: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/") & $walletIndex let multiAccount = %* { "accountID":, "paths": [derivationPath], "password": hashedPassword } let response = parseJson($status_go.multiAccountStoreDerivedAccounts($multiAccount)); let error = response{"error"}.getStr if error == "": debug "Wallet stored succesfully" return "m/44'/60'/0'/0/" & $walletIndex raise newException(StatusGoException, error) proc storePrivateKeyAccount*(account: GeneratedAccount, password: string) = let hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) let response = parseJson($status_go.multiAccountStoreAccount($(%*{"accountID":, "password": hashedPassword}))); let error = response{"error"}.getStr if error == "": debug "Wallet stored succesfully" return raise newException(StatusGoException, error) proc saveAccount*(account: GeneratedAccount, password: string, color: string, accountType: string, isADerivedAccount = true, walletIndex: int = 0 ): DerivedAccount = try: var derivationPath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" if (isADerivedAccount): # Only store derived accounts. Private key accounts are not multiaccounts derivationPath = storeDerivedWallet(account, password, walletIndex, accountType) elif accountType == constants.KEY: storePrivateKeyAccount(account, password) var address = account.derived.defaultWallet.address var publicKey = account.derived.defaultWallet.publicKey if (address == ""): address = account.address publicKey = account.publicKey echo callPrivateRPC("accounts_saveAccounts", %* [ [{ "color": color, "name":, "address": address, "public-key": publicKey, "type": accountType, "path": derivationPath }] ]) result = DerivedAccount(address: address, publicKey: publicKey, derivationPath: derivationPath) except: error "Error storing the new account. Bad password?" raise proc changeAccount*(name, address, publicKey, walletType, iconColor: string): string = try: let response = callPrivateRPC("accounts_saveAccounts", %* [ [{ "color": iconColor, "name": name, "address": address, "public-key": publicKey, "type": walletType, "path": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1" # <--- TODO: fix this. Derivation path is not supposed to change }] ]) utils.handleRPCErrors(response) return "" except Exception as e: error "Error saving the account", msg=e.msg result = e.msg proc deleteAccount*(address: string): string = try: let response = callPrivateRPC("accounts_deleteAccount", %* [address]) utils.handleRPCErrors(response) return "" except Exception as e: error "Error removing the account", msg=e.msg result = e.msg proc deriveWallet*(accountId: string, walletIndex: int): DerivedAccount = let path = "m/" & $walletIndex let deriveJson = %* { "accountID": accountId, "paths": [path] } let deriveResult = parseJson($status_go.multiAccountDeriveAddresses($deriveJson)) result = DerivedAccount( address: deriveResult[path]["address"].getStr, publicKey: deriveResult[path]["publicKey"].getStr) proc deriveAccounts*(accountId: string): MultiAccounts = let deriveJson = %* { "accountID": accountId, "paths": [PATH_WALLET_ROOT, PATH_EIP_1581, PATH_WHISPER, PATH_DEFAULT_WALLET] } let deriveResult = $status_go.multiAccountDeriveAddresses($deriveJson) result = Json.decode(deriveResult, MultiAccounts) proc logout*(): StatusGoError = result = Json.decode($status_go.logout(), StatusGoError) proc storeIdentityImage*(keyUID: string, imagePath: string, aX, aY, bX, bY: int): IdentityImage = let response = callPrivateRPC("multiaccounts_storeIdentityImage", %* [keyUID, imagePath, aX, aY, bX, bY]).parseJson result = parseIdentityImage(response{"result"}) proc getIdentityImage*(keyUID: string): IdentityImage = try: let response = callPrivateRPC("multiaccounts_getIdentityImages", %* [keyUID]).parseJson result = parseIdentityImage(response{"result"}) except Exception as e: error "Error getting identity image", msg=e.msg proc deleteIdentityImage*(keyUID: string): string = try: let response = callPrivateRPC("multiaccounts_deleteIdentityImage", %* [keyUID]).parseJson result = "" except Exception as e: error "Error getting identity image", msg=e.msg result = e.msg