# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH. Licensed under # either of: # - Apache License, version 2.0 # - MIT license # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. SHELL := bash # the shell used internally by Make # used inside the included makefiles BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR := vendor/nimbus-build-system # we don't want an error here, so we can handle things later, in the ".DEFAULT" target -include $(BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR)/makefiles/variables.mk .PHONY: \ all \ bottles \ clean \ deps \ libstatuslib \ status-go \ update \ build_ctest \ ctest ifeq ($(NIM_PARAMS),) # "variables.mk" was not included, so we update the submodules. GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE := git submodule update --init --recursive .DEFAULT: +@ echo -e "Git submodules not found. Running '$(GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE)'.\n"; \ $(GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE); \ echo # Now that the included *.mk files appeared, and are newer than this file, Make will restart itself: # https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Remaking-Makefiles # # After restarting, it will execute its original goal, so we don't have to start a child Make here # with "$(MAKE) $(MAKECMDGOALS)". Isn't hidden control flow great? else # "variables.mk" was included. Business as usual until the end of this file. all: libstatuslib # must be included after the default target -include $(BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR)/makefiles/targets.mk ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) # is Windows_NT on XP, 2000, 7, Vista, 10... detected_OS := Windows else detected_OS := $(strip $(shell uname)) endif ifeq ($(detected_OS),Darwin) CFLAGS := -mmacosx-version-min=10.14 export CFLAGS CGO_CFLAGS := -mmacosx-version-min=10.14 export CGO_CFLAGS LIBSTATUS_EXT := dylib MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET := 10.14 export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET else ifeq ($(detected_OS),Windows) LIBSTATUS_EXT := dll else LIBSTATUS_EXT := so endif ifeq ($(detected_OS),Darwin) bottles/openssl: ./scripts/fetch-brew-bottle.sh openssl bottles/pcre: bottles/openssl ./scripts/fetch-brew-bottle.sh pcre bottles: bottles/openssl bottles/pcre endif deps: | deps-common bottles update: | update-common RELEASE ?= false ifeq ($(RELEASE),false) # We need `-d:debug` to get Nim's default stack traces NIM_PARAMS += -d:debug # Enable debugging symbols in DOtherSide, in case we need GDB backtraces CFLAGS += -g CXXFLAGS += -g else # Additional optimization flags for release builds are not included at present; # adding them will involve refactoring config.nims in the root of this repo NIM_PARAMS += -d:release endif NIM_PARAMS += --outdir:./build STATUSGO := vendor/status-go/build/bin/libstatus.$(LIBSTATUS_EXT) STATUSGO_LIBDIR := $(shell pwd)/$(shell dirname "$(STATUSGO)") export STATUSGO_LIBDIR status-go: $(STATUSGO) $(STATUSGO): | deps echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "status-go" + cd vendor/status-go && \ $(MAKE) statusgo-shared-library $(HANDLE_OUTPUT) libstatuslib: | $(STATUSGO) echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "$@" && \ $(ENV_SCRIPT) nim c $(NIM_PARAMS) $(NIM_EXTRA_PARAMS) --passL:"-L$(STATUSGO_LIBDIR)" --passL:"-lstatus" -o:build/$@.$(LIBSTATUS_EXT).0 -d:ssl --app:lib --noMain --header --nimcache:nimcache/libstatuslib statuslib.nim && \ rm -f build/$@.$(LIBSTATUS_EXT) && \ ln -s $@.$(LIBSTATUS_EXT).0 build/$@.so && \ cp nimcache/libstatuslib/*.h build/. && \ [[ $$? = 0 ]] # libraries for dynamic linking of non-Nim objects EXTRA_LIBS_DYNAMIC := -L"$(CURDIR)/build" -lstatuslib -lm -L"$(STATUSGO_LIBDIR)" -lstatus build_ctest: | libstatuslib build deps echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/ctest" && \ $(CC) test/main.c -Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN' -I./vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/lib $(EXTRA_LIBS_DYNAMIC) -g -o build/ctest ctest: | build_ctest echo -e "Running ctest:" && \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(STATUSGO_LIBDIR)" \ ./build/ctest clean: | clean-common rm -rf bin/* node_modules bottles/* pkg/* tmp/* $(STATUSGO) endif # "variables.mk" was not included