import options, json, strformat from ../../eventemitter import Args import ../types/[transaction] type CollectibleList* = ref object collectibleType*, collectiblesJSON*, error*: string loading*: int type Collectible* = ref object name*, image*, id*, collectibleType*, description*, externalUrl*: string type CurrencyArgs* = ref object of Args currency*: string type Asset* = ref object name*, symbol*, value*, fiatBalanceDisplay*, fiatBalance*, accountAddress*, address*: string type WalletAccount* = ref object name*, address*, iconColor*, path*, walletType*, publicKey*: string balance*: Option[string] realFiatBalance*: Option[float] assetList*: seq[Asset] wallet*, chat*: bool collectiblesLists*: seq[CollectibleList] transactions*: tuple[hasMore: bool, data: seq[Transaction]] type AccountArgs* = ref object of Args account*: WalletAccount