2021-09-11 21:50:36 +00:00
# used to be statusgo_backend, should be merged with tokens
2021-09-11 12:27:07 +00:00
json, chronicles, strformat, stint, strutils, sequtils, tables, atomics
web3/[ethtypes, conversions], json_serialization
2021-09-11 21:50:36 +00:00
./statusgo_backend/settings, ./statusgo_backend/core, ./statusgo_backend/wallet, eth/contracts,
2021-09-11 12:27:07 +00:00
types/[setting, network_type, rpc_response]
from utils import parseAddress
2021-09-11 21:50:36 +00:00
import statusgo_backend/tokens as statusgo_backend_tokens
2021-09-11 12:27:07 +00:00
customTokens {.threadvar.}: seq[Erc20Contract]
proc visibleTokensSNTDefault(): JsonNode =
let currentNetwork = getCurrentNetwork()
let SNT = if currentNetwork == NetworkType.Mainnet: "SNT" else: "STT"
let response = getSetting[string](Setting.VisibleTokens, "{}").parseJSON
if not response.hasKey($currentNetwork):
# Set STT/SNT visible by default
response[$currentNetwork] = %* [SNT]
return response
proc convertStringSeqToERC20ContractSeq*(stringSeq: seq[string]): seq[Erc20Contract] =
result = @[]
for v in stringSeq:
let t = getErc20Contract(v)
if t != nil: result.add t
let ct = customTokens.getErc20ContractBySymbol(v)
if ct != nil: result.add ct
proc toggleAsset*(symbol: string): seq[Erc20Contract] =
let currentNetwork = getCurrentNetwork()
let visibleTokens = visibleTokensSNTDefault()
var visibleTokenList = visibleTokens[$currentNetwork].to(seq[string])
let symbolIdx = visibleTokenList.find(symbol)
if symbolIdx > -1:
visibleTokenList.add symbol
visibleTokens[$currentNetwork] = newJArray()
visibleTokens[$currentNetwork] = %* visibleTokenList
let saved = saveSetting(Setting.VisibleTokens, $visibleTokens)
proc hideAsset*(symbol: string) =
let currentNetwork = getCurrentNetwork()
let visibleTokens = visibleTokensSNTDefault()
var visibleTokenList = visibleTokens[$currentNetwork].to(seq[string])
var symbolIdx = visibleTokenList.find(symbol)
if symbolIdx > -1:
visibleTokens[$currentNetwork] = newJArray()
visibleTokens[$currentNetwork] = %* visibleTokenList
discard saveSetting(Setting.VisibleTokens, $visibleTokens)
proc getVisibleTokens*(): seq[Erc20Contract] =
let currentNetwork = getCurrentNetwork()
let visibleTokens = visibleTokensSNTDefault()
var visibleTokenList = visibleTokens[$currentNetwork].to(seq[string])
2021-09-11 21:50:36 +00:00
let customTokens = statusgo_backend_tokens.getCustomTokens()
2021-09-11 12:27:07 +00:00
result = convertStringSeqToERC20ContractSeq(visibleTokenList)
proc getToken*(tokenAddress: string): Erc20Contract =
2021-09-11 21:50:36 +00:00
2021-09-11 12:27:07 +00:00
proc getTokenBalance*(tokenAddress: string, account: string): string =
var postfixedAccount: string = account
let payload = %* [{
"to": tokenAddress, "from": account, "data": fmt"0x70a08231000000000000000000000000{postfixedAccount}"
}, "latest"]
let response = callPrivateRPC("eth_call", payload)
let balance = response.parseJson["result"].getStr
var decimals = 18
let address = parseAddress(tokenAddress)
let t = getErc20Contract(address)
2021-09-11 21:50:36 +00:00
let ct = statusgo_backend_tokens.getCustomTokens().getErc20ContractByAddress(address)
2021-09-11 12:27:07 +00:00
if t != nil:
decimals = t.decimals
elif ct != nil:
decimals = ct.decimals
result = $hex2Token(balance, decimals)
proc getSNTAddress*(): string =
let snt = contracts.getSntContract()
result = $snt.address
proc getSNTBalance*(account: string): string =
let snt = contracts.getSntContract()
result = getTokenBalance($snt.address, account)
proc getTokenString*(contract: Contract, methodName: string): string =
let payload = %* [{
"to": $contract.address,
"data": contract.methods[methodName].encodeAbi()
}, "latest"]
let responseStr = callPrivateRPC("eth_call", payload)
let response = Json.decode(responseStr, RpcResponse)
if not response.error.isNil:
raise newException(RpcException, "Error getting token string - " & methodName & ": " & response.error.message)
if response.result == "0x":
return ""
let size = fromHex(Stuint[256], response.result[66..129]).truncate(int)
result = response.result[130..129+size*2].parseHexStr
proc tokenName*(contract: Contract): string = getTokenString(contract, "name")
proc tokenSymbol*(contract: Contract): string = getTokenString(contract, "symbol")
proc tokenDecimals*(contract: Contract): int =
let payload = %* [{
"to": $contract.address,
"data": contract.methods["decimals"].encodeAbi()
}, "latest"]
let responseStr = callPrivateRPC("eth_call", payload)
let response = Json.decode(responseStr, RpcResponse)
if not response.error.isNil:
raise newException(RpcException, "Error getting token decimals: " & response.error.message)
if response.result == "0x":
return 0
result = parseHexInt(response.result)