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2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
import # std libs
atomics, strformat, httpclient, json, chronicles, sequtils, strutils, tables,
sugar, net
import # vendor libs
import # status-desktop libs
2021-09-22 19:49:45 +02:00
../statusgo_backend/core as status,
../statusgo_backend/settings as status_settings,
../eth/contracts as contracts,
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
../stickers as status_stickers,
../utils as status_utils,
2021-09-22 19:49:45 +02:00
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
web3/[conversions, ethtypes], ../utils, account
const CRYPTOKITTY* = "cryptokitty"
const KUDO* = "kudo"
const ETHERMON* = "ethermon"
const STICKER* = "stickers"
const MAX_TOKENS = 200
proc getTokenUri(contract: Erc721Contract, tokenId: Stuint[256]): string =
tokenUri = TokenUri(tokenId: tokenId)
payload = %* [{
"to": $contract.address,
"data": contract.methods["tokenURI"].encodeAbi(tokenUri)
}, "latest"]
response = callPrivateRPC("eth_call", payload)
var postfixedResult: string = parseJson($response)["result"].str
postfixedResult = parseHexStr(postfixedResult)
let index = postfixedResult.find("http")
if (index < -1):
return ""
result = postfixedResult[index .. postfixedResult.high]
except Exception as e:
error "Error getting the token URI", mes = e.msg
result = ""
proc tokenOfOwnerByIndex(contract: Erc721Contract, address: Address, index: Stuint[256]): int =
tokenOfOwnerByIndex = TokenOfOwnerByIndex(address: address, index: index)
payload = %* [{
"to": $contract.address,
"data": contract.methods["tokenOfOwnerByIndex"].encodeAbi(tokenOfOwnerByIndex)
}, "latest"]
response = callPrivateRPC("eth_call", payload)
jsonResponse = parseJson($response)
if (not jsonResponse.hasKey("result")):
return -1
let res = jsonResponse["result"].getStr
if (res == "0x"):
return -1
result = fromHex[int](res)
proc balanceOf(contract: Erc721Contract, address: Address): int =
balanceOf = BalanceOf(address: address)
payload = %* [{
"to": $contract.address,
"data": contract.methods["balanceOf"].encodeAbi(balanceOf)
}, "latest"]
response = callPrivateRPC("eth_call", payload)
jsonResponse = parseJson($response)
if (not jsonResponse.hasKey("result")):
return 0
let res = jsonResponse["result"].getStr
if (res == "0x"):
return 0
result = fromHex[int](res)
proc tokensOfOwnerByIndex(contract: Erc721Contract, address: Address): seq[int] =
var index = 0
var token: int
var maxIndex: int = balanceOf(contract, address)
result = @[]
while index < maxIndex and result.len <= MAX_TOKENS:
token = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(contract, address, index.u256)
index = index + 1
return result
proc getCryptoKittiesBatch*(address: Address, offset: int = 0): seq[Collectible] =
var cryptokitties: seq[Collectible]
cryptokitties = @[]
# TODO handle testnet -- does this API exist in testnet??
let url: string = fmt"{$offset}&owner_wallet_address={$address}&parents=false"
let secureSSLContext = newContext()
let client = newHttpClient(sslContext = secureSSLContext)
client.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "Content-Type": "application/json" })
let response = client.request(url)
let responseBody = parseJson(response.body)
let kitties = responseBody["kitties"]
for kitty in kitties:
var id = kitty["id"]
var name = kitty["name"]
var finalId = ""
var finalName = ""
if id.kind != JNull:
finalId = $id
if name.kind != JNull:
finalName = $name
cryptokitties.add(Collectible(id: finalId,
name: finalName,
image: kitty["image_url_png"].str,
collectibleType: CRYPTOKITTY,
description: "",
externalUrl: ""))
except Exception as e2:
error "Error with this individual cat", msg = e2.msg, cat = kitty
let limit = responseBody["limit"].getInt
let total = responseBody["total"].getInt
let currentCount = limit * (offset + 1)
if (currentCount < total and currentCount < MAX_TOKENS):
# Call the API again with offset + 1
let nextBatch = getCryptoKittiesBatch(address, offset + 1)
return concat(cryptokitties, nextBatch)
return cryptokitties
proc getCryptoKitties*(address: Address): string =
let cryptokitties = getCryptoKittiesBatch(address, 0)
return $(%*cryptokitties)
except Exception as e:
error "Error getting Cryptokitties", msg = e.msg
return e.msg
proc getCryptoKitties*(address: string): string =
let eth_address = parseAddress(address)
result = getCryptoKitties(eth_address)
proc getEthermons*(address: Address): string =
2021-09-22 19:49:45 +02:00
let network = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toNetwork()
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
var ethermons: seq[Collectible]
ethermons = @[]
2021-09-22 19:49:45 +02:00
let contract = findErc721Contract(network.chainId, "ethermon")
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
if contract == nil: return $(%*ethermons)
let tokens = tokensOfOwnerByIndex(contract, address)
if (tokens.len == 0):
return $(%*ethermons)
let tokensJoined = strutils.join(tokens, ",")
let url = fmt"{tokensJoined}"
let secureSSLContext = newContext()
let client = newHttpClient(sslContext = secureSSLContext)
client.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "Content-Type": "application/json" })
let response = client.request(url)
let monsters = parseJson(response.body)["data"]
var i = 0
for monsterKey in json.keys(monsters):
let monster = monsters[monsterKey]
ethermons.add(Collectible(id: $tokens[i],
name: monster["class_name"].str,
image: monster["image"].str,
collectibleType: ETHERMON,
description: "",
externalUrl: ""))
i = i + 1
return $(%*ethermons)
except Exception as e:
error "Error getting Ethermons", msg = e.msg
result = e.msg
proc getEthermons*(address: string): string =
let eth_address = parseAddress(address)
result = getEthermons(eth_address)
proc getKudos*(address: Address): string =
2021-09-22 19:49:45 +02:00
let network = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toNetwork()
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
var kudos: seq[Collectible]
kudos = @[]
2021-09-22 19:49:45 +02:00
let contract = findErc721Contract(network.chainId, "kudos")
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
if contract == nil: return $(%*kudos)
let tokens = tokensOfOwnerByIndex(contract, address)
if (tokens.len == 0):
return $(%*kudos)
for token in tokens:
let url = getTokenUri(contract, token.u256)
if (url == ""):
return $(%*kudos)
let secureSSLContext = newContext()
let client = newHttpClient(sslContext = secureSSLContext)
client.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "Content-Type": "application/json" })
let response = client.request(url)
let kudo = parseJson(response.body)
kudos.add(Collectible(id: $token,
name: kudo["name"].str,
image: kudo["image"].str,
collectibleType: KUDO,
description: kudo["description"].str,
externalUrl: kudo["external_url"].str))
return $(%*kudos)
except Exception as e:
error "Error getting Kudos", msg = e.msg
result = e.msg
proc getKudos*(address: string): string =
let eth_address = parseAddress(address)
result = getKudos(eth_address)
proc getStickers*(address: Address, running: var Atomic[bool]): string =
2021-09-22 19:49:45 +02:00
let network = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toNetwork()
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
var stickers: seq[Collectible]
stickers = @[]
2021-09-22 19:49:45 +02:00
let contract = findErc721Contract(network.chainId, "sticker-pack")
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
if contract == nil: return
let tokensIds = tokensOfOwnerByIndex(contract, address)
if (tokensIds.len == 0):
return $(%*stickers)
let purchasedStickerPacks = => status_stickers.getPackIdFromTokenId(tokenId.u256))
if (purchasedStickerPacks.len == 0):
return $(%*stickers)
# TODO find a way to keep those in memory so as not to reload it each time
let availableStickerPacks = getAvailableStickerPacks(running)
var index = 0
for stickerId in purchasedStickerPacks:
let sticker = availableStickerPacks[stickerId]
stickers.add(Collectible(id: $tokensIds[index],
image: fmt"{status_utils.decodeContentHash(sticker.preview)}",
2021-09-08 14:05:39 -04:00
collectibleType: STICKER,
externalUrl: "")
index = index + 1
return $(%*stickers)
except Exception as e:
error "Error getting Stickers", msg = e.msg
result = e.msg
proc getStickers*(address: string, running: var Atomic[bool]): string =
let eth_address = parseAddress(address)
result = getStickers(eth_address, running)