import secrets import hmac import hashlib import os import struct import subprocess gpshell_template = """ mode_211 enable_trace establish_context card_connect select -AID A000000151000000 open_sc -security 1 -keyind 0 -keyver 0 -mac_key 404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f -enc_key 404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f -kek_key 404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f send_apdu_nostop -sc 1 -APDU 80E400800E4F0C53746174757357616C6C6574 install_for_load -pkgAID 53746174757357616C6C6574 load -file wallet.cap send_apdu -sc 1 -APDU 80E60C005F0C53746174757357616C6C65740F53746174757357616C6C65744170700F53746174757357616C6C657441707001002EC92C{:s}{:s}00 card_disconnect release_context """ def pbkdf2(digestmod, password: 'bytes', salt, count, dk_length) -> 'bytes': def pbkdf2_function(pw, salt, count, i): # in the first iteration, the hmac message is the salt # concatinated with the block number in the form of \x00\x00\x00\x01 r = u =, salt + struct.pack(">i", i), digestmod).digest() for i in range(2, count + 1): # in subsequent iterations, the hmac message is the # previous hmac digest. The key is always the users password # see the hmac specification for notes on padding and stretching u =, u, digestmod).digest() # this is the exclusive or of the two byte-strings r = bytes(i ^ j for i, j in zip(r, u)) return r dk, h_length = b'', digestmod().digest_size # we generate as many blocks as are required to # concatinate to the desired key size: blocks = (dk_length // h_length) + (1 if dk_length % h_length else 0) for i in range(1, blocks + 1): dk += pbkdf2_function(password, salt, count, i) # The length of the key wil be dk_length to the nearest # hash block size, i.e. larger than or equal to it. We # slice it to the desired length befor returning it. return dk[:dk_length] def run(): puk = '{:012d}'.format(secrets.randbelow(999999999999)) pairing = secrets.token_urlsafe(12) pairing_key = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha256, pairing.encode('utf-8'), 'Status Hardware Wallet Lite'.encode('utf-8'), 50000, 32).hex() perso_script = gpshell_template.format(puk.encode('utf-8').hex(), pairing_key)"gpshell", shell=True, check=True, input=perso_script.encode('utf-8')) print('\n**************************************\nPairing password: {:s}\nPUK: {:s}'.format(pairing, puk)) if __name__ == '__main__': run()