mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 22:30:36 +00:00
Closes #17
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ javacard {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ dependencies {
@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
package im.status.wallet;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESEngine;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.CBCBlockCipherMac;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.ECNamedCurveTable;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.ECPublicKey;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECParameterSpec;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECPublicKeySpec;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
import javax.smartcardio.CardException;
import javax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU;
import javax.smartcardio.ResponseAPDU;
import java.security.*;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Handles a SecureChannel session with the card.
public class SecureChannelSession {
public static final int PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE = 223;
private byte[] secret;
private byte[] publicKey;
private byte[] pairingKey;
private byte[] iv;
private byte pairingIndex;
private Cipher sessionCipher;
private CBCBlockCipherMac sessionMac;
private SecretKeySpec sessionEncKey;
private KeyParameter sessionMacKey;
private SecureRandom random;
private boolean open;
* Constructs a SecureChannel session on the client. The client should generate a fresh key pair for each session.
* The public key of the card is used as input for the EC-DH algorithm. The output is stored as the secret.
* @param keyData the public key returned by the applet as response to the SELECT command
public SecureChannelSession(byte[] keyData) {
random = new SecureRandom();
open = false;
public void generateSecret(byte[] keyData) {
try {
ECParameterSpec ecSpec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("secp256k1");
KeyPairGenerator g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECDH", "BC");
g.initialize(ecSpec, random);
KeyPair keyPair = g.generateKeyPair();
publicKey = ((ECPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic()).getQ().getEncoded(false);
KeyAgreement keyAgreement = KeyAgreement.getInstance("ECDH", "BC");
ECPublicKeySpec cardKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(ecSpec.getCurve().decodePoint(keyData), ecSpec);
ECPublicKey cardKey = (ECPublicKey) KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDSA", "BC").generatePublic(cardKeySpec);
keyAgreement.doPhase(cardKey, true);
secret = keyAgreement.generateSecret();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Is BouncyCastle in the classpath?", e);
* Returns the public key
* @return the public key
public byte[] getPublicKey() {
return publicKey;
* Returns the pairing index
* @return the pairing index
public byte getPairingIndex() {
return pairingIndex;
* Establishes a Secure Channel with the card. The command parameters are the public key generated in the first step.
* Follows the specifications from the SECURE_CHANNEL.md document.
* @param apduChannel the apdu channel
* @return the card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public void autoOpenSecureChannel(CardChannel apduChannel) throws CardException {
ResponseAPDU response = openSecureChannel(apduChannel, pairingIndex, publicKey);
if (response.getSW() != 0x9000) {
throw new CardException("OPEN SECURE CHANNEL failed");
response = mutuallyAuthenticate(apduChannel);
if (response.getSW() != 0x9000) {
throw new CardException("MUTUALLY AUTHENTICATE failed");
if(!verifyMutuallyAuthenticateResponse(response)) {
throw new CardException("Invalid authentication data from the card");
* Processes the response from OPEN SECURE CHANNEL. This initialize the session keys, Cipher and MAC internally.
* @param response the card response
public void processOpenSecureChannelResponse(ResponseAPDU response) {
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA512", "BC");
byte[] data = response.getData();
byte[] keyData = md.digest(Arrays.copyOf(data, SecureChannel.SC_SECRET_LENGTH));
iv = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, SecureChannel.SC_SECRET_LENGTH, data.length);
sessionEncKey = new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(keyData, SecureChannel.SC_SECRET_LENGTH), "AES");
sessionMacKey = new KeyParameter(keyData, SecureChannel.SC_SECRET_LENGTH, SecureChannel.SC_SECRET_LENGTH);
sessionCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/ISO7816-4Padding", "BC");
sessionMac = new CBCBlockCipherMac(new AESEngine(), 128, null);
open = true;
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Is BouncyCastle in the classpath?", e);
* Verify that the response from MUTUALLY AUTHENTICATE is correct.
* @param response the card response
* @return true if response is correct, false otherwise
public boolean verifyMutuallyAuthenticateResponse(ResponseAPDU response) {
return response.getNr() == SecureChannel.SC_SECRET_LENGTH;
* Handles the entire pairing procedure in order to be able to use the secure channel
* @param apduChannel the apdu channel
* @throws CardException communication error
public void autoPair(CardChannel apduChannel, byte[] sharedSecret) throws CardException {
byte[] challenge = new byte[32];
ResponseAPDU resp = pair(apduChannel, SecureChannel.PAIR_P1_FIRST_STEP, challenge);
if (resp.getSW() != 0x9000) {
throw new CardException("Pairing failed on step 1");
byte[] respData = resp.getData();
byte[] cardCryptogram = Arrays.copyOf(respData, 32);
byte[] cardChallenge = Arrays.copyOfRange(respData, 32, respData.length);
byte[] checkCryptogram;
MessageDigest md;
try {
md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA256", "BC");
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Is BouncyCastle in the classpath?", e);
checkCryptogram = md.digest(challenge);
if (!Arrays.equals(checkCryptogram, cardCryptogram)) {
throw new CardException("Invalid card cryptogram");
checkCryptogram = md.digest(cardChallenge);
resp = pair(apduChannel, SecureChannel.PAIR_P1_LAST_STEP, checkCryptogram);
if (resp.getSW() != 0x9000) {
throw new CardException("Pairing failed on step 2");
respData = resp.getData();
pairingKey = md.digest(Arrays.copyOfRange(respData, 1, respData.length));
pairingIndex = respData[0];
* Unpairs the current paired key
* @param apduChannel the apdu channel
* @throws CardException communication error
public void autoUnpair(CardChannel apduChannel) throws CardException {
ResponseAPDU resp = unpair(apduChannel, pairingIndex);
if (resp.getSW() != 0x9000) {
throw new CardException("Unpairing failed");
* @param apduChannel the apdu channel
* @param index the P1 parameter
* @param data the data
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU openSecureChannel(CardChannel apduChannel, byte index, byte[] data) throws CardException {
open = false;
CommandAPDU openSecureChannel = new CommandAPDU(0x80, SecureChannel.INS_OPEN_SECURE_CHANNEL, index, 0, data);
return apduChannel.transmit(openSecureChannel);
* Sends a MUTUALLY AUTHENTICATE APDU. The data is generated automatically
* @param apduChannel the apdu channel
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU mutuallyAuthenticate(CardChannel apduChannel) throws CardException {
byte[] data = new byte[SecureChannel.SC_SECRET_LENGTH];
return mutuallyAuthenticate(apduChannel, data);
* @param apduChannel the apdu channel
* @param data the data
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU mutuallyAuthenticate(CardChannel apduChannel, byte[] data) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU mutuallyAuthenticate = protectedCommand(0x80, SecureChannel.INS_MUTUALLY_AUTHENTICATE, 0, 0, data);
return transmit(apduChannel, mutuallyAuthenticate);
* Sends a PAIR APDU.
* @param apduChannel the apdu channel
* @param p1 the P1 parameter
* @param data the data
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU pair(CardChannel apduChannel, byte p1, byte[] data) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU openSecureChannel = new CommandAPDU(0x80, SecureChannel.INS_PAIR, p1, 0, data);
return transmit(apduChannel, openSecureChannel);
* Sends a UNPAIR APDU.
* @param apduChannel the apdu channel
* @param p1 the P1 parameter
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU unpair(CardChannel apduChannel, byte p1) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU openSecureChannel = protectedCommand(0x80, SecureChannel.INS_UNPAIR, p1, 0, new byte[0]);
return transmit(apduChannel, openSecureChannel);
* Encrypts the plaintext data using the session key. The maximum plaintext size is 223 bytes. The returned ciphertext
* already includes the IV and padding and can be sent as-is in the APDU payload. If the input is an empty byte array
* the returned data will still contain the IV and padding.
* @param data the plaintext data
* @return the encrypted data
private byte[] encryptAPDU(byte[] data) {
assert data.length <= PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE;
try {
IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv);
sessionCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sessionEncKey, ivParameterSpec);
return sessionCipher.doFinal(data);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Is BouncyCastle in the classpath?", e);
* Decrypts the response from the card using the session key. The returned data is already stripped from IV and padding
* and can be potentially empty.
* @param data the ciphetext
* @return the plaintext
private byte[] decryptAPDU(byte[] data) {
try {
IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv);
sessionCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, sessionEncKey, ivParameterSpec);
return sessionCipher.doFinal(data);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Is BouncyCastle in the classpath?", e);
* Returns a command APDU with MAC and encrypted data.
* @param cla the CLA byte
* @param ins the INS byte
* @param p1 the P1 byte
* @param p2 the P2 byte
* @param data the data, can be an empty array but not null
* @return the command APDU
public CommandAPDU protectedCommand(int cla, int ins, int p1, int p2, byte[] data) {
byte[] finalData;
if (open) {
data = encryptAPDU(data);
byte[] meta = new byte[]{(byte) cla, (byte) ins, (byte) p1, (byte) p2, (byte) (data.length + SecureChannel.SC_BLOCK_SIZE), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
updateIV(meta, data);
finalData = Arrays.copyOf(iv, iv.length + data.length);
System.arraycopy(data, 0, finalData, iv.length, data.length);
} else {
finalData = data;
return new CommandAPDU(cla, ins, p1, p2, finalData);
* Transmits a protected command APDU and unwraps the response data. The MAC is verified, the data decrypted and the
* SW read from the payload.
* @param apduChannel the APDU channel
* @param apdu the APDU to send
* @return the unwrapped response APDU
* @throws CardException transmission error
public ResponseAPDU transmit(CardChannel apduChannel, CommandAPDU apdu) throws CardException {
ResponseAPDU resp = apduChannel.transmit(apdu);
if (resp.getSW() == 0x6982) {
open = false;
if (open) {
byte[] data = resp.getData();
byte[] meta = new byte[]{(byte) data.length, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
byte[] mac = Arrays.copyOf(data, iv.length);
data = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, iv.length, data.length);
byte[] plainData = decryptAPDU(data);
updateIV(meta, data);
if (!Arrays.equals(iv, mac)) {
throw new CardException("Invalid MAC");
return new ResponseAPDU(plainData);
} else {
return resp;
* Marks the SecureChannel as closed
public void reset() {
open = false;
* Encrypts the payload for the INIT command
* @param initData the payload for the INIT command
* @return the encrypted buffer
public byte[] oneShotEncrypt(byte[] initData) {
try {
iv = new byte[SecureChannel.SC_BLOCK_SIZE];
IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv);
sessionEncKey = new SecretKeySpec(secret, "AES");
sessionCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/ISO7816-4Padding", "BC");
sessionCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sessionEncKey, ivParameterSpec);
initData = sessionCipher.doFinal(initData);
byte[] encrypted = new byte[1 + publicKey.length + iv.length + initData.length];
encrypted[0] = (byte) publicKey.length;
System.arraycopy(publicKey, 0, encrypted, 1, publicKey.length);
System.arraycopy(iv, 0, encrypted, (1 + publicKey.length), iv.length);
System.arraycopy(initData, 0, encrypted, (1 + publicKey.length + iv.length), initData.length);
return encrypted;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Is BouncyCastle in the classpath?", e);
* Marks the SecureChannel as open. Only to be used when writing tests for the SecureChannel, in normal operation this
* would only make things wrong.
void setOpen() {
open = true;
* Calculates a CMAC from the metadata and data provided and sets it as the IV for the next message.
* @param meta metadata
* @param data data
private void updateIV(byte[] meta, byte[] data) {
try {
sessionMac.update(meta, 0, meta.length);
sessionMac.update(data, 0, data.length);
sessionMac.doFinal(iv, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Is BouncyCastle in the classpath?", e);
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package im.status.wallet;
import im.status.hardwallet.lite.SecureChannelSession;
public class TestSecureChannelSession extends SecureChannelSession {
public void setOpen() {
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package im.status.wallet;
import im.status.hardwallet.lite.WalletAppletCommandSet;
import org.web3j.crypto.ECKeyPair;
import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
import javax.smartcardio.CardException;
import javax.smartcardio.ResponseAPDU;
public class TestWalletAppletCommandSet extends WalletAppletCommandSet {
public TestWalletAppletCommandSet(CardChannel apduChannel) {
public void setSecureChannel(TestSecureChannelSession secureChannel) {
* Sends a LOAD KEY APDU. The key is sent in TLV format, includes the public key and no chain code, meaning that
* the card will not be able to do further key derivation. This is needed when the argument is an EC keypair from
* the web3j package instead of the regular Java ones. Used by the test which actually submits the transaction to
* the network.
* @param ecKeyPair a key pair
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU loadKey(ECKeyPair ecKeyPair) throws CardException {
byte[] publicKey = ecKeyPair.getPublicKey().toByteArray();
byte[] privateKey = ecKeyPair.getPrivateKey().toByteArray();
int pubLen = publicKey.length;
int pubOff = 0;
if(publicKey[0] == 0x00) {
byte[] ansiPublic = new byte[pubLen + 1];
ansiPublic[0] = 0x04;
System.arraycopy(publicKey, pubOff, ansiPublic, 1, pubLen);
return loadKey(ansiPublic, privateKey, null);
@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
package im.status.wallet;
import com.licel.jcardsim.utils.ByteUtil;
import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.ECPrivateKey;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.ECPublicKey;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
import org.web3j.crypto.ECKeyPair;
import javax.smartcardio.CardChannel;
import javax.smartcardio.CardException;
import javax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU;
import javax.smartcardio.ResponseAPDU;
import java.security.KeyPair;
import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.util.Arrays;
* This class is used to send APDU to the applet. Each method corresponds to an APDU as defined in the APPLICATION.md
* file. Some APDUs map to multiple methods for the sake of convenience since their payload or response require some
* pre/post processing.
public class WalletAppletCommandSet {
public static final String APPLET_AID = "53746174757357616C6C6574417070";
public static final byte[] APPLET_AID_BYTES = Hex.decode(APPLET_AID);
private final CardChannel apduChannel;
private SecureChannelSession secureChannel;
public WalletAppletCommandSet(CardChannel apduChannel) {
this.apduChannel = apduChannel;
public void setSecureChannel(SecureChannelSession secureChannel) {
this.secureChannel = secureChannel;
* Selects the applet. The applet is assumed to have been installed with its default AID. The returned data is a
* public key which must be used to initialize the secure channel.
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU select() throws CardException {
if (secureChannel != null) {
CommandAPDU selectApplet = new CommandAPDU(ISO7816.CLA_ISO7816, ISO7816.INS_SELECT, 4, 0, APPLET_AID_BYTES);
return apduChannel.transmit(selectApplet);
* Opens the secure channel. Calls the corresponding method of the SecureChannel class.
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public void autoOpenSecureChannel() throws CardException {
* Automatically pairs. Calls the corresponding method of the SecureChannel class.
* @throws CardException communication error
public void autoPair(byte[] sharedSecret) throws CardException {
secureChannel.autoPair(apduChannel, sharedSecret);
* Automatically unpairs. Calls the corresponding method of the SecureChannel class.
* @throws CardException communication error
public void autoUnpair() throws CardException {
* Sends a OPEN SECURE CHANNEL APDU. Calls the corresponding method of the SecureChannel class.
public ResponseAPDU openSecureChannel(byte index, byte[] data) throws CardException {
return secureChannel.openSecureChannel(apduChannel, index, data);
* Sends a MUTUALLY AUTHENTICATE APDU. Calls the corresponding method of the SecureChannel class.
public ResponseAPDU mutuallyAuthenticate() throws CardException {
return secureChannel.mutuallyAuthenticate(apduChannel);
* Sends a MUTUALLY AUTHENTICATE APDU. Calls the corresponding method of the SecureChannel class.
public ResponseAPDU mutuallyAuthenticate(byte[] data) throws CardException {
return secureChannel.mutuallyAuthenticate(apduChannel, data);
* Sends a PAIR APDU. Calls the corresponding method of the SecureChannel class.
public ResponseAPDU pair(byte p1, byte[] data) throws CardException {
return secureChannel.pair(apduChannel, p1, data);
* Sends a UNPAIR APDU. Calls the corresponding method of the SecureChannel class.
public ResponseAPDU unpair(byte p1) throws CardException {
return secureChannel.unpair(apduChannel, p1);
* Sends a GET STATUS APDU. The info byte is the P1 parameter of the command, valid constants are defined in the applet
* class itself.
* @param info the P1 of the APDU
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU getStatus(byte info) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU getStatus = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_GET_STATUS, info, 0, new byte[0]);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, getStatus);
* Sends a SET NDEF APDU.
* @param ndef the data field of the APDU
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU setNDEF(byte[] ndef) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU setNDEF = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_SET_NDEF, 0, 0, ndef);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, setNDEF);
* Sends a GET STATUS APDU to retrieve the APPLICATION STATUS template and reads the byte indicating key initialization
* status
* @return whether public key derivation is supported or not
* @throws CardException communication error
public boolean getKeyInitializationStatus() throws CardException {
ResponseAPDU resp = getStatus(WalletApplet.GET_STATUS_P1_APPLICATION);
byte[] data = resp.getData();
return data[data.length - 1] != 0x00;
* Sends a VERIFY PIN APDU. The raw bytes of the given string are encrypted using the secure channel and used as APDU
* data.
* @param pin the pin
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU verifyPIN(String pin) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU verifyPIN = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_VERIFY_PIN, 0, 0, pin.getBytes());
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, verifyPIN);
* Sends a CHANGE PIN APDU. The raw bytes of the given string are encrypted using the secure channel and used as APDU
* data.
* @param pinType the PIN type
* @param pin the new PIN
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU changePIN(int pinType, String pin) throws CardException {
return changePIN(pinType, pin.getBytes());
* Sends a CHANGE PIN APDU. The raw bytes of the given string are encrypted using the secure channel and used as APDU
* data.
* @param pinType the PIN type
* @param pin the new PIN
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU changePIN(int pinType, byte[] pin) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU changePIN = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_CHANGE_PIN, pinType, 0, pin);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, changePIN);
* Sends an UNBLOCK PIN APDU. The PUK and PIN are concatenated and the raw bytes are encrypted using the secure
* channel and used as APDU data.
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU unblockPIN(String puk, String newPin) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU unblockPIN = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_UNBLOCK_PIN, 0, 0, (puk + newPin).getBytes());
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, unblockPIN);
* Sends a LOAD KEY APDU. The given private key and chain code are formatted as a raw binary seed and the P1 of
* the command is set to WalletApplet.LOAD_KEY_P1_SEED (0x03). This works on cards which support public key derivation.
* The loaded keyset is extended and support further key derivation.
* @param aPrivate a private key
* @param chainCode the chain code
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU loadKey(PrivateKey aPrivate, byte[] chainCode) throws CardException {
byte[] privateKey = ((ECPrivateKey) aPrivate).getD().toByteArray();
int privLen = privateKey.length;
int privOff = 0;
if(privateKey[0] == 0x00) {
byte[] data = new byte[chainCode.length + privLen];
System.arraycopy(privateKey, privOff, data, 0, privLen);
System.arraycopy(chainCode, 0, data, privLen, chainCode.length);
return loadKey(data, WalletApplet.LOAD_KEY_P1_SEED);
* Sends a LOAD KEY APDU. The key is sent in TLV format, includes the public key and no chain code, meaning that
* the card will not be able to do further key derivation.
* @param ecKeyPair a key pair
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU loadKey(KeyPair ecKeyPair) throws CardException {
return loadKey(ecKeyPair, false, null);
* Sends a LOAD KEY APDU. The key is sent in TLV format. The public key is included or not depending on the value
* of the omitPublicKey parameter. The chain code is included if the chainCode is not null. P1 is set automatically
* to either WalletApplet.LOAD_KEY_P1_EC or WalletApplet.LOAD_KEY_P1_EXT_EC depending on the presence of the chainCode.
* @param keyPair a key pair
* @param omitPublicKey whether the public key is sent or not
* @param chainCode the chain code
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU loadKey(KeyPair keyPair, boolean omitPublicKey, byte[] chainCode) throws CardException {
byte[] publicKey = omitPublicKey ? null : ((ECPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic()).getQ().getEncoded(false);
byte[] privateKey = ((ECPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate()).getD().toByteArray();
return loadKey(publicKey, privateKey, chainCode);
* Sends a LOAD KEY APDU. The key is sent in TLV format, includes the public key and no chain code, meaning that
* the card will not be able to do further key derivation. This is needed when the argument is an EC keypair from
* the web3j package instead of the regular Java ones. Used by the test which actually submits the transaction to
* the network.
* @param ecKeyPair a key pair
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU loadKey(ECKeyPair ecKeyPair) throws CardException {
byte[] publicKey = ecKeyPair.getPublicKey().toByteArray();
byte[] privateKey = ecKeyPair.getPrivateKey().toByteArray();
int pubLen = publicKey.length;
int pubOff = 0;
if(publicKey[0] == 0x00) {
byte[] ansiPublic = new byte[pubLen + 1];
ansiPublic[0] = 0x04;
System.arraycopy(publicKey, pubOff, ansiPublic, 1, pubLen);
return loadKey(ansiPublic, privateKey, null);
* Sends a LOAD KEY APDU. The key is sent in TLV format. The public key is included if not null. The chain code is
* included if not null. P1 is set automatically to either WalletApplet.LOAD_KEY_P1_EC or
* WalletApplet.LOAD_KEY_P1_EXT_EC depending on the presence of the chainCode.
* @param publicKey a raw public key
* @param privateKey a raw private key
* @param chainCode the chain code
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU loadKey(byte[] publicKey, byte[] privateKey, byte[] chainCode) throws CardException {
int privLen = privateKey.length;
int privOff = 0;
if(privateKey[0] == 0x00) {
int off = 0;
int totalLength = publicKey == null ? 0 : (publicKey.length + 2);
totalLength += (privLen + 2);
totalLength += chainCode == null ? 0 : (chainCode.length + 2);
if (totalLength > 127) {
totalLength += 3;
} else {
totalLength += 2;
byte[] data = new byte[totalLength];
data[off++] = (byte) 0xA1;
if (totalLength > 127) {
data[off++] = (byte) 0x81;
data[off++] = (byte) (totalLength - 3);
} else {
data[off++] = (byte) (totalLength - 2);
if (publicKey != null) {
data[off++] = WalletApplet.TLV_PUB_KEY;
data[off++] = (byte) publicKey.length;
System.arraycopy(publicKey, 0, data, off, publicKey.length);
off += publicKey.length;
data[off++] = WalletApplet.TLV_PRIV_KEY;
data[off++] = (byte) privLen;
System.arraycopy(privateKey, privOff, data, off, privLen);
off += privLen;
byte p1;
if (chainCode != null) {
p1 = WalletApplet.LOAD_KEY_P1_EXT_EC;
data[off++] = (byte) WalletApplet.TLV_CHAIN_CODE;
data[off++] = (byte) chainCode.length;
System.arraycopy(chainCode, 0, data, off, chainCode.length);
} else {
p1 = WalletApplet.LOAD_KEY_P1_EC;
return loadKey(data, p1);
* Sends a LOAD KEY APDU. The data is encrypted and sent as-is. The keyType parameter is used as P1.
* @param data key data
* @param keyType the P1 parameter
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU loadKey(byte[] data, byte keyType) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU loadKey = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_LOAD_KEY, keyType, 0, data);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, loadKey);
* Sends a GENERATE MNEMONIC APDU. The cs parameter is the length of the checksum and is used as P1.
* @param cs the P1 parameter
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU generateMnemonic(int cs) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU generateMnemonic = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_GENERATE_MNEMONIC, cs, 0, new byte[0]);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, generateMnemonic);
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU removeKey() throws CardException {
CommandAPDU removeKey = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_REMOVE_KEY, 0, 0, new byte[0]);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, removeKey);
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU generateKey() throws CardException {
CommandAPDU generateKey = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_GENERATE_KEY, 0, 0, new byte[0]);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, generateKey);
* Sends a SIGN APDU. This signs a precomputed hash so the input must be exactly 32-bytes long.
* @param data the data to sign
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU sign(byte[] data) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU sign = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_SIGN, 0x00, 0x00, data);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, sign);
* Sends a DERIVE KEY APDU. The data is encrypted and sent as-is. The P1 is forced to 0, meaning that the derivation
* starts from the master key.
* @param data the raw key path
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU deriveKey(byte[] data) throws CardException {
return deriveKey(data, WalletApplet.DERIVE_P1_SOURCE_MASTER);
* Sends a DERIVE KEY APDU. The data is encrypted and sent as-is. The source parameter is used as P1
* @param data the raw key path or a public key
* @param source the source to start derivation
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU deriveKey(byte[] data, int source) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU deriveKey = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_DERIVE_KEY, source, 0, data);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, deriveKey);
* Sends a SET PINLESS PATH APDU. The data is encrypted and sent as-is.
* @param data the raw key path
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU setPinlessPath(byte [] data) throws CardException {
CommandAPDU setPinlessPath = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_SET_PINLESS_PATH, 0x00, 0x00, data);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, setPinlessPath);
* Sends an EXPORT KEY APDU. The keyPathIndex is used as P1. Valid values are defined in the applet itself
* @param keyPathIndex the P1 parameter
* @param publicOnly the P2 parameter
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU exportKey(byte keyPathIndex, boolean publicOnly) throws CardException {
byte p2 = publicOnly ? WalletApplet.EXPORT_KEY_P2_PUBLIC_ONLY : WalletApplet.EXPORT_KEY_P2_PRIVATE_AND_PUBLIC;
CommandAPDU exportKey = secureChannel.protectedCommand(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_EXPORT_KEY, keyPathIndex, p2, new byte[0]);
return secureChannel.transmit(apduChannel, exportKey);
* Sends the INIT command to the card.
* @param pin the PIN
* @param puk the PUK
* @param sharedSecret the shared secret for pairing
* @return the raw card response
* @throws CardException communication error
public ResponseAPDU init(String pin, String puk, byte[] sharedSecret) throws CardException {
byte[] initData = Arrays.copyOf(pin.getBytes(), pin.length() + puk.length() + sharedSecret.length);
System.arraycopy(puk.getBytes(), 0, initData, pin.length(), puk.length());
System.arraycopy(sharedSecret, 0, initData, pin.length() + puk.length(), sharedSecret.length);
CommandAPDU init = new CommandAPDU(0x80, WalletApplet.INS_INIT, 0, 0, secureChannel.oneShotEncrypt(initData));
return apduChannel.transmit(init);
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package im.status.wallet;
import com.licel.jcardsim.smartcardio.CardSimulator;
import com.licel.jcardsim.smartcardio.CardTerminalSimulator;
import com.licel.jcardsim.utils.AIDUtil;
import im.status.hardwallet.lite.WalletAppletCommandSet;
import javacard.framework.AID;
import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey;
import org.bitcoinj.crypto.ChildNumber;
@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ public class WalletAppletTest {
private static CardChannel apduChannel;
private static CardSimulator simulator;
private SecureChannelSession secureChannel;
private WalletAppletCommandSet cmdSet;
private TestSecureChannelSession secureChannel;
private TestWalletAppletCommandSet cmdSet;
private static final boolean USE_SIMULATOR;
@ -88,18 +89,16 @@ public class WalletAppletTest {
WalletAppletCommandSet cmdSet = new WalletAppletCommandSet(apduChannel);
byte[] data = cmdSet.select().getData();
if (data[0] == WalletApplet.TLV_APPLICATION_INFO_TEMPLATE) return;
SecureChannelSession secureChannel = new SecureChannelSession(Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 2, data.length));
assertEquals(0x9000, cmdSet.init("000000", "123456789012", SHARED_SECRET).getSW());
void init() throws CardException {
cmdSet = new WalletAppletCommandSet(apduChannel);
byte[] keyData = extractPublicKeyFromSelect(cmdSet.select().getData());
secureChannel = new SecureChannelSession(keyData);
cmdSet = new TestWalletAppletCommandSet(apduChannel);
secureChannel = new TestSecureChannelSession();
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