
87 lines
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package router_test
import (
mock_client ""
walletCommon ""
type CalculateFeesTestSuite struct {
ethClient *mock_client.MockClientInterface // Mock client implementing ContractCaller
mockCtrl *gomock.Controller
chainID uint64
func (s *CalculateFeesTestSuite) SetupTest() {
s.mockCtrl = gomock.NewController(s.T())
s.ethClient = mock_client.NewMockClientInterface(s.mockCtrl)
s.chainID = walletCommon.OptimismMainnet
func (s *CalculateFeesTestSuite) TearDownTest() {
func (s *CalculateFeesTestSuite) TestCalculateApprovalL1Fee_Success() {
// Test inputs
amountIn := big.NewInt(1000)
approvalContractAddress := common.HexToAddress("0xApprovalAddress")
expectedFee := big.NewInt(500)
// Prepare mock return data
expectedReturnData := expectedFee.FillBytes(make([]byte, 32)) // Mocked return as ABI encoded uint256
// Mock CallContract to simulate contract interaction
CallContract(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Nil()).
DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, call ethereum.CallMsg, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]byte, error) {
// Check that the call message matches expectations
require.NotEmpty(s.T(), call.Data)
// Return encoded data
return expectedReturnData, nil
// Call the function
fee, err := router.CalculateApprovalL1Fee(amountIn, s.chainID, &approvalContractAddress, s.ethClient)
// Assertions
require.NoError(s.T(), err)
require.Equal(s.T(), expectedFee.Uint64(), fee)
func (s *CalculateFeesTestSuite) TestCalculateApprovalL1Fee_ZeroFeeOnContractCallError() {
// Test inputs
amountIn := big.NewInt(1000)
approvalContractAddress := common.HexToAddress("0xApprovalAddress")
// Mock CallContract to return an error
CallContract(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Nil()).
Return(nil, errors.New("contract call failed"))
// Call the function
fee, err := router.CalculateApprovalL1Fee(amountIn, s.chainID, &approvalContractAddress, s.ethClient)
// Assertions
require.Nil(s.T(), err)
require.Equal(s.T(), uint64(0), fee)
func TestCalculateFeesTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(CalculateFeesTestSuite))