mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 00:21:01 +00:00
instead. Fixed padding points being removed from final result, regression. Edge points not added per address as it does not make sense. Fixed padding points number with respect to edge points number. Padding points now duplicate previous entry. Fixed timestamp boundaries to ignore addresses, as we want the whole range for all passed addresses. Fixed missing indices in balance_history table and clean up of duplicate rows. Removed ERC1155 from balance history sql query
594 lines
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594 lines
19 KiB
package history
import (
statustypes "github.com/status-im/status-go/eth-node/types"
statusrpc "github.com/status-im/status-go/rpc"
const minPointsForGraph = 14 // for minimal time frame - 7 days, twice a day
// EventBalanceHistoryUpdateStarted and EventBalanceHistoryUpdateDone are used to notify the UI that balance history is being updated
const (
EventBalanceHistoryUpdateStarted walletevent.EventType = "wallet-balance-history-update-started"
EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinished walletevent.EventType = "wallet-balance-history-update-finished"
EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinishedWithError walletevent.EventType = "wallet-balance-history-update-finished-with-error"
type ValuePoint struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Timestamp uint64 `json:"time"`
func (vp *ValuePoint) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %f", vp.Timestamp, vp.Value)
type Service struct {
balance *Balance
db *sql.DB
accountsDB *accounts.Database
accountFeed *event.Feed
eventFeed *event.Feed
rpcClient *statusrpc.Client
networkManager *network.Manager
tokenManager *token.Manager
serviceContext context.Context
cancelFn context.CancelFunc
transferWatcher *Watcher
accWatcher *accountsevent.Watcher
exchange *Exchange
balanceCache balance.CacheIface
func NewService(db *sql.DB, accountsDB *accounts.Database, accountFeed *event.Feed, eventFeed *event.Feed, rpcClient *statusrpc.Client, tokenManager *token.Manager, marketManager *market.Manager, balanceCache balance.CacheIface) *Service {
return &Service{
balance: NewBalance(NewBalanceDB(db)),
db: db,
accountsDB: accountsDB,
accountFeed: accountFeed,
eventFeed: eventFeed,
rpcClient: rpcClient,
networkManager: rpcClient.NetworkManager,
tokenManager: tokenManager,
exchange: NewExchange(marketManager),
balanceCache: balanceCache,
func (s *Service) Stop() {
if s.cancelFn != nil {
func (s *Service) triggerEvent(eventType walletevent.EventType, account statustypes.Address, message string) {
Type: eventType,
Accounts: []common.Address{
Message: message,
func (s *Service) Start() {
log.Debug("Starting balance history service")
go func() {
s.serviceContext, s.cancelFn = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
err := s.updateBalanceHistory(s.serviceContext)
if s.serviceContext.Err() != nil {
s.triggerEvent(EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinished, statustypes.Address{}, "Service canceled")
if err != nil {
s.triggerEvent(EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinishedWithError, statustypes.Address{}, err.Error())
func (s *Service) mergeChainsBalances(chainIDs []uint64, addresses []common.Address, tokenSymbol string, fromTimestamp uint64, data map[uint64][]*entry) ([]*DataPoint, error) {
log.Debug("Merging balances", "address", addresses, "tokenSymbol", tokenSymbol, "fromTimestamp", fromTimestamp, "len(data)", len(data))
toTimestamp := uint64(time.Now().UTC().Unix())
allData := make([]*entry, 0)
// Add edge points per chain
// Iterate over chainIDs param, not data keys, because data may not contain all the chains, but we need edge points for all of them
for _, chainID := range chainIDs {
// edge points are needed to properly calculate total balance, as they contain the balance for the first and last timestamp
chainData, err := s.balance.addEdgePoints(chainID, tokenSymbol, addresses, fromTimestamp, toTimestamp, data[chainID])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allData = append(allData, chainData...)
// Sort by timestamp
sort.Slice(allData, func(i, j int) bool {
return allData[i].timestamp < allData[j].timestamp
// Add padding points to make chart look nice
numEdgePoints := 2 * len(chainIDs) // 2 edge points per chain
if len(allData) < minPointsForGraph {
allData, _ = addPaddingPoints(tokenSymbol, addresses, toTimestamp, allData, minPointsForGraph+numEdgePoints)
return entriesToDataPoints(allData)
// Expects sorted data
func entriesToDataPoints(data []*entry) ([]*DataPoint, error) {
var resSlice []*DataPoint
var groupedEntries []*entry // Entries with the same timestamp
type AddressKey struct {
Address common.Address
ChainID uint64
sumBalances := func(balanceMap map[AddressKey]*big.Int) *big.Int {
// Sum balances of all accounts and chains in current timestamp
sum := big.NewInt(0)
for _, balance := range balanceMap {
sum.Add(sum, balance)
return sum
updateBalanceMap := func(balanceMap map[AddressKey]*big.Int, entries []*entry) map[AddressKey]*big.Int {
// Update balance map for this timestamp
for _, entry := range entries {
key := AddressKey{
Address: entry.address,
ChainID: entry.chainID,
balanceMap[key] = entry.balance
return balanceMap
// Balance map always contains current balance for each address in specific timestamp
// It is required to sum up balances from previous timestamp from accounts not present in current timestamp
balanceMap := make(map[AddressKey]*big.Int)
for _, entry := range data {
if len(groupedEntries) > 0 {
if entry.timestamp == groupedEntries[0].timestamp {
groupedEntries = append(groupedEntries, entry)
} else {
// Split grouped entries into addresses
balanceMap = updateBalanceMap(balanceMap, groupedEntries)
// Calculate balance for all the addresses
cumulativeBalance := sumBalances(balanceMap)
// Points in slice contain balances for all chains
resSlice = appendPointToSlice(resSlice, &DataPoint{
Timestamp: uint64(groupedEntries[0].timestamp),
Balance: (*hexutil.Big)(cumulativeBalance),
// Reset grouped entries
groupedEntries = nil
groupedEntries = append(groupedEntries, entry)
} else {
groupedEntries = append(groupedEntries, entry)
// If only edge points are present, groupedEntries will be non-empty
if len(groupedEntries) > 0 {
// Split grouped entries into addresses
balanceMap = updateBalanceMap(balanceMap, groupedEntries)
// Calculate balance for all the addresses
cumulativeBalance := sumBalances(balanceMap)
resSlice = appendPointToSlice(resSlice, &DataPoint{
Timestamp: uint64(groupedEntries[0].timestamp),
Balance: (*hexutil.Big)(cumulativeBalance),
return resSlice, nil
func appendPointToSlice(slice []*DataPoint, point *DataPoint) []*DataPoint {
// Replace the last point in slice if it has the same timestamp or add a new one if different
if len(slice) > 0 {
if slice[len(slice)-1].Timestamp != point.Timestamp {
// Timestamps are different, appending to slice
slice = append(slice, point)
} else {
// Replace last item in slice because timestamps are the same
slice[len(slice)-1] = point
} else {
slice = append(slice, point)
return slice
// GetBalanceHistory returns token count balance
func (s *Service) GetBalanceHistory(ctx context.Context, chainIDs []uint64, addresses []common.Address, tokenSymbol string, currencySymbol string, fromTimestamp uint64) ([]*ValuePoint, error) {
log.Debug("GetBalanceHistory", "chainIDs", chainIDs, "address", addresses, "tokenSymbol", tokenSymbol, "currencySymbol", currencySymbol, "fromTimestamp", fromTimestamp)
chainDataMap := make(map[uint64][]*entry)
for _, chainID := range chainIDs {
chainData, err := s.balance.get(ctx, chainID, tokenSymbol, addresses, fromTimestamp) // TODO Make chainID a slice?
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(chainData) == 0 {
chainDataMap[chainID] = chainData
// Need to get balance for all the chains for the first timestamp, otherwise total values will be incorrect
data, err := s.mergeChainsBalances(chainIDs, addresses, tokenSymbol, fromTimestamp, chainDataMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(data) == 0 {
return make([]*ValuePoint, 0), nil
return s.dataPointsToValuePoints(chainIDs, tokenSymbol, currencySymbol, data)
func (s *Service) dataPointsToValuePoints(chainIDs []uint64, tokenSymbol string, currencySymbol string, data []*DataPoint) ([]*ValuePoint, error) {
if len(data) == 0 {
return make([]*ValuePoint, 0), nil
// Check if historical exchange rate for data point is present and fetch remaining if not
lastDayTime := time.Unix(int64(data[len(data)-1].Timestamp), 0).UTC()
currentTime := time.Now().UTC()
currentDayStart := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
if lastDayTime.After(currentDayStart) {
// No chance to have today, use the previous day value for the last data point
lastDayTime = lastDayTime.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
lastDayValue, err := s.exchange.GetExchangeRateForDay(tokenSymbol, currencySymbol, lastDayTime)
if err != nil {
err := s.exchange.FetchAndCacheMissingRates(tokenSymbol, currencySymbol)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error fetching exchange rates", "tokenSymbol", tokenSymbol, "currencySymbol", currencySymbol, "err", err)
return nil, err
lastDayValue, err = s.exchange.GetExchangeRateForDay(tokenSymbol, currencySymbol, lastDayTime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Exchange rate missing for", "tokenSymbol", tokenSymbol, "currencySymbol", currencySymbol, "lastDayTime", lastDayTime, "err", err)
return nil, err
decimals, err := s.decimalsForToken(tokenSymbol, chainIDs[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
weisInOneMain := big.NewFloat(math.Pow(10, float64(decimals)))
var res []*ValuePoint
for _, d := range data {
var dayValue float32
dayTime := time.Unix(int64(d.Timestamp), 0).UTC()
if dayTime.After(currentDayStart) {
// No chance to have today, use the previous day value for the last data point
if lastDayValue > 0 {
dayValue = lastDayValue
} else {
log.Warn("Exchange rate missing for", "dayTime", dayTime, "err", err)
} else {
dayValue, err = s.exchange.GetExchangeRateForDay(tokenSymbol, currencySymbol, dayTime)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Exchange rate missing for", "dayTime", dayTime, "err", err)
// The big.Int values are discarded, hence copy the original values
res = append(res, &ValuePoint{
Timestamp: d.Timestamp,
Value: tokenToValue((*big.Int)(d.Balance), dayValue, weisInOneMain),
return res, nil
func (s *Service) decimalsForToken(tokenSymbol string, chainID uint64) (int, error) {
network := s.networkManager.Find(chainID)
if network == nil {
return 0, errors.New("network not found")
token := s.tokenManager.FindToken(network, tokenSymbol)
if token == nil {
return 0, errors.New("token not found")
return int(token.Decimals), nil
func tokenToValue(tokenCount *big.Int, mainDenominationValue float32, weisInOneMain *big.Float) float64 {
weis := new(big.Float).SetInt(tokenCount)
mainTokens := new(big.Float).Quo(weis, weisInOneMain)
mainTokenValue := new(big.Float).SetFloat64(float64(mainDenominationValue))
res, accuracy := new(big.Float).Mul(mainTokens, mainTokenValue).Float64()
if res == 0 && accuracy == big.Below {
return math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64
} else if res == math.Inf(1) && accuracy == big.Above {
return math.Inf(1)
return res
// updateBalanceHistory iterates over all networks depending on test/prod for the s.visibleTokenSymbol
// and updates the balance history for the given address
// expects ctx to have cancellation support and processing to be cancelled by the caller
func (s *Service) updateBalanceHistory(ctx context.Context) error {
log.Debug("updateBalanceHistory started")
addresses, err := s.accountsDB.GetWalletAddresses()
if err != nil {
return err
areTestNetworksEnabled, err := s.accountsDB.GetTestNetworksEnabled()
if err != nil {
return err
onlyEnabledNetworks := false
networks, err := s.networkManager.Get(onlyEnabledNetworks)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, address := range addresses {
s.triggerEvent(EventBalanceHistoryUpdateStarted, address, "")
for _, network := range networks {
if network.IsTest != areTestNetworksEnabled {
entries, err := s.balance.db.getEntriesWithoutBalances(network.ChainID, common.Address(address))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting blocks without balances", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)
return err
log.Debug("Blocks without balances", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "entries", entries)
client, err := s.rpcClient.EthClient(network.ChainID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting client", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)
return err
err = s.addEntriesToDB(ctx, client, network, address, entries)
if err != nil {
return err
s.triggerEvent(EventBalanceHistoryUpdateFinished, address, "")
log.Debug("updateBalanceHistory finished")
return nil
func (s *Service) addEntriesToDB(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, network *params.Network, address statustypes.Address, entries []*entry) (err error) {
for _, entry := range entries {
var balance *big.Int
// tokenAddess is zero for native currency
if (entry.tokenAddress == common.Address{}) {
// Check in cache
balance = s.balanceCache.GetBalance(common.Address(address), network.ChainID, entry.block)
log.Debug("Balance from cache", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "block", entry.block, "balance", balance)
if balance == nil {
balance, err = client.BalanceAt(ctx, common.Address(address), entry.block)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting balance", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err, "unwrapped", errors.Unwrap(err))
return err
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) // TODO Remove this sleep after fixing exceeding rate limit
entry.tokenSymbol = network.NativeCurrencySymbol
} else {
// Check token first if it is supported
token := s.tokenManager.FindTokenByAddress(network.ChainID, entry.tokenAddress)
if token == nil {
log.Warn("Token not found", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "tokenAddress", entry.tokenAddress.String())
// TODO Add "supported=false" flag to such tokens to avoid checking them again and again
continue // Skip token that we don't have symbol for. For example we don't have tokens in store for goerli optimism
} else {
entry.tokenSymbol = token.Symbol
// Check balance for token
balance, err = s.tokenManager.GetTokenBalanceAt(ctx, client, common.Address(address), entry.tokenAddress, entry.block)
log.Debug("Balance from token manager", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "block", entry.block, "balance", balance)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting token balance", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "tokenAddress", entry.tokenAddress.String(), "err", err)
return err
entry.balance = balance
err = s.balance.db.add(entry)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error adding balance", "chainID", network.ChainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)
return err
return nil
func (s *Service) startTransfersWatcher() {
if s.transferWatcher != nil {
transferLoadedCb := func(chainID uint64, addresses []common.Address, block *big.Int) {
log.Debug("Balance history watcher: transfer loaded:", "chainID", chainID, "addresses", addresses, "block", block.Uint64())
client, err := s.rpcClient.EthClient(chainID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting client", "chainID", chainID, "err", err)
network := s.networkManager.Find(chainID)
if network == nil {
log.Error("Network not found", "chainID", chainID)
transferDB := transfer.NewDB(s.db)
for _, address := range addresses {
transfers, err := transferDB.GetTransfersByAddressAndBlock(chainID, address, block, 1500) // 1500 is quite arbitrary and far from real, but should be enough to cover all transfers in a block
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting transfers", "chainID", chainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)
if len(transfers) == 0 {
log.Debug("No transfers found", "chainID", chainID, "address", address.String(), "block", block.Uint64())
entries := transfersToEntries(address, block, transfers) // TODO Remove address and block after testing that they match
unique := removeDuplicates(entries)
log.Debug("Entries after filtering", "entries", entries, "unique", unique)
err = s.addEntriesToDB(s.serviceContext, client, network, statustypes.Address(address), unique)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error adding entries to DB", "chainID", chainID, "address", address.String(), "err", err)
// No event triggering here, because noone cares about balance history updates yet
s.transferWatcher = NewWatcher(s.eventFeed, transferLoadedCb)
func removeDuplicates(entries []*entry) []*entry {
unique := make([]*entry, 0, len(entries))
for _, entry := range entries {
found := false
for _, u := range unique {
if reflect.DeepEqual(entry, u) {
found = true
if !found {
unique = append(unique, entry)
return unique
func transfersToEntries(address common.Address, block *big.Int, transfers []transfer.Transfer) []*entry {
entries := make([]*entry, 0)
for _, transfer := range transfers {
entry := &entry{
chainID: transfer.NetworkID,
address: transfer.Address,
tokenAddress: transfer.Log.Address,
block: transfer.BlockNumber,
timestamp: (int64)(transfer.Timestamp),
entries = append(entries, entry)
return entries
func (s *Service) stopTransfersWatcher() {
if s.transferWatcher != nil {
s.transferWatcher = nil
func (s *Service) startAccountWatcher() {
if s.accWatcher == nil {
s.accWatcher = accountsevent.NewWatcher(s.accountsDB, s.accountFeed, func(changedAddresses []common.Address, eventType accountsevent.EventType, currentAddresses []common.Address) {
s.onAccountsChanged(changedAddresses, eventType, currentAddresses)
func (s *Service) stopAccountWatcher() {
if s.accWatcher != nil {
s.accWatcher = nil
func (s *Service) onAccountsChanged(changedAddresses []common.Address, eventType accountsevent.EventType, currentAddresses []common.Address) {
if eventType == accountsevent.EventTypeRemoved {
for _, address := range changedAddresses {
err := s.balance.db.removeBalanceHistory(address)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error removing balance history", "address", address, "err", err)