mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 13:56:39 +00:00
Brings consistency in case when sender and receiver are both in the filter address list. This fixes the case of sender and receiver in addresses and filters out duplicate entries. Also - refactor tests to provide support for owners - adapt TestGetActivityEntriesWithSameTransactionForSenderAndReceiverInDB to the use of owner instead of from
750 lines
24 KiB
750 lines
24 KiB
package activity
import (
// used for embedding the sql query in the binary
_ "embed"
eth "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
type PayloadType = int
// Beware: please update multiTransactionTypeToActivityType if changing this enum
const (
MultiTransactionPT PayloadType = iota + 1
const keypairAccountsTable = "keypairs_accounts"
var (
ZeroAddress = eth.Address{}
type TransferType = int
const (
TransferTypeEth TransferType = iota + 1
type Entry struct {
payloadType PayloadType
transaction *transfer.TransactionIdentity
id transfer.MultiTransactionIDType
timestamp int64
activityType Type
activityStatus Status
amountOut *hexutil.Big // Used for activityType SendAT, SwapAT, BridgeAT
amountIn *hexutil.Big // Used for activityType ReceiveAT, BuyAT, SwapAT, BridgeAT
tokenOut *Token // Used for activityType SendAT, SwapAT, BridgeAT
tokenIn *Token // Used for activityType ReceiveAT, BuyAT, SwapAT, BridgeAT
symbolOut *string
symbolIn *string
sender *eth.Address
recipient *eth.Address
chainIDOut *common.ChainID
chainIDIn *common.ChainID
transferType *TransferType
contractAddress *eth.Address
type EntryData struct {
PayloadType PayloadType `json:"payloadType"`
Transaction *transfer.TransactionIdentity `json:"transaction,omitempty"`
ID *transfer.MultiTransactionIDType `json:"id,omitempty"`
Timestamp *int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
ActivityType *Type `json:"activityType,omitempty"`
ActivityStatus *Status `json:"activityStatus,omitempty"`
AmountOut *hexutil.Big `json:"amountOut,omitempty"`
AmountIn *hexutil.Big `json:"amountIn,omitempty"`
TokenOut *Token `json:"tokenOut,omitempty"`
TokenIn *Token `json:"tokenIn,omitempty"`
SymbolOut *string `json:"symbolOut,omitempty"`
SymbolIn *string `json:"symbolIn,omitempty"`
Sender *eth.Address `json:"sender,omitempty"`
Recipient *eth.Address `json:"recipient,omitempty"`
ChainIDOut *common.ChainID `json:"chainIdOut,omitempty"`
ChainIDIn *common.ChainID `json:"chainIdIn,omitempty"`
TransferType *TransferType `json:"transferType,omitempty"`
ContractAddress *eth.Address `json:"contractAddress,omitempty"`
NftName *string `json:"nftName,omitempty"`
NftURL *string `json:"nftUrl,omitempty"`
func (e *Entry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
data := EntryData{
Timestamp: &e.timestamp,
ActivityType: &e.activityType,
ActivityStatus: &e.activityStatus,
AmountOut: e.amountOut,
AmountIn: e.amountIn,
TokenOut: e.tokenOut,
TokenIn: e.tokenIn,
SymbolOut: e.symbolOut,
SymbolIn: e.symbolIn,
Sender: e.sender,
Recipient: e.recipient,
ChainIDOut: e.chainIDOut,
ChainIDIn: e.chainIDIn,
TransferType: e.transferType,
ContractAddress: e.contractAddress,
if e.payloadType == MultiTransactionPT {
data.ID = common.NewAndSet(e.id)
} else {
data.Transaction = e.transaction
data.PayloadType = e.payloadType
return json.Marshal(data)
func (e *Entry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
aux := EntryData{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &aux); err != nil {
return err
e.payloadType = aux.PayloadType
e.transaction = aux.Transaction
if aux.ID != nil {
e.id = *aux.ID
if aux.Timestamp != nil {
e.timestamp = *aux.Timestamp
if aux.ActivityType != nil {
e.activityType = *aux.ActivityType
if aux.ActivityStatus != nil {
e.activityStatus = *aux.ActivityStatus
e.amountOut = aux.AmountOut
e.amountIn = aux.AmountIn
e.tokenOut = aux.TokenOut
e.tokenIn = aux.TokenIn
e.symbolOut = aux.SymbolOut
e.symbolIn = aux.SymbolIn
e.sender = aux.Sender
e.recipient = aux.Recipient
e.chainIDOut = aux.ChainIDOut
e.chainIDIn = aux.ChainIDIn
e.transferType = aux.TransferType
return nil
func newActivityEntryWithPendingTransaction(transaction *transfer.TransactionIdentity, timestamp int64, activityType Type, activityStatus Status) Entry {
return newActivityEntryWithTransaction(true, transaction, timestamp, activityType, activityStatus)
func newActivityEntryWithSimpleTransaction(transaction *transfer.TransactionIdentity, timestamp int64, activityType Type, activityStatus Status) Entry {
return newActivityEntryWithTransaction(false, transaction, timestamp, activityType, activityStatus)
func newActivityEntryWithTransaction(pending bool, transaction *transfer.TransactionIdentity, timestamp int64, activityType Type, activityStatus Status) Entry {
payloadType := SimpleTransactionPT
if pending {
payloadType = PendingTransactionPT
return Entry{
payloadType: payloadType,
transaction: transaction,
id: 0,
timestamp: timestamp,
activityType: activityType,
activityStatus: activityStatus,
func NewActivityEntryWithMultiTransaction(id transfer.MultiTransactionIDType, timestamp int64, activityType Type, activityStatus Status) Entry {
return Entry{
payloadType: MultiTransactionPT,
id: id,
timestamp: timestamp,
activityType: activityType,
activityStatus: activityStatus,
func (e *Entry) PayloadType() PayloadType {
return e.payloadType
func (e *Entry) isNFT() bool {
tt := e.transferType
return tt != nil && (*tt == TransferTypeErc721 || *tt == TransferTypeErc1155) && ((e.tokenIn != nil && e.tokenIn.TokenID != nil) || (e.tokenOut != nil && e.tokenOut.TokenID != nil))
// TODO - #11952: use only one of (big.Int, bigint.BigInt and hexutil.Big)
func tokenIDToWalletBigInt(tokenID *hexutil.Big) *bigint.BigInt {
if tokenID == nil {
return nil
bi := new(big.Int).Set((*big.Int)(tokenID))
return &bigint.BigInt{Int: bi}
func (e *Entry) anyIdentity() *thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID {
if e.tokenIn != nil {
return &thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID{
ContractID: thirdparty.ContractID{
ChainID: e.tokenIn.ChainID,
Address: e.tokenIn.Address,
TokenID: tokenIDToWalletBigInt(e.tokenIn.TokenID),
} else if e.tokenOut != nil {
return &thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID{
ContractID: thirdparty.ContractID{
ChainID: e.tokenOut.ChainID,
Address: e.tokenOut.Address,
TokenID: tokenIDToWalletBigInt(e.tokenOut.TokenID),
return nil
func multiTransactionTypeToActivityType(mtType transfer.MultiTransactionType) Type {
if mtType == transfer.MultiTransactionSend {
return SendAT
} else if mtType == transfer.MultiTransactionSwap {
return SwapAT
} else if mtType == transfer.MultiTransactionBridge {
return BridgeAT
panic("unknown multi transaction type")
func sliceContains[T constraints.Ordered](slice []T, item T) bool {
for _, a := range slice {
if a == item {
return true
return false
func sliceChecksCondition[T any](slice []T, condition func(*T) bool) bool {
for i := range slice {
if condition(&slice[i]) {
return true
return false
func joinItems[T interface{}](items []T, itemConversion func(T) string) string {
if len(items) == 0 {
return ""
var sb strings.Builder
if itemConversion == nil {
itemConversion = func(item T) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", item)
for i, item := range items {
if i == 0 {
} else {
return sb.String()
func joinAddresses(addresses []eth.Address) string {
return joinItems(addresses, func(a eth.Address) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(a[:])))
func activityTypesToMultiTransactionTypes(trTypes []Type) []transfer.MultiTransactionType {
mtTypes := make([]transfer.MultiTransactionType, 0, len(trTypes))
for _, t := range trTypes {
var mtType transfer.MultiTransactionType
if t == SendAT {
mtType = transfer.MultiTransactionSend
} else if t == SwapAT {
mtType = transfer.MultiTransactionSwap
} else if t == BridgeAT {
mtType = transfer.MultiTransactionBridge
} else {
mtTypes = append(mtTypes, mtType)
return mtTypes
const (
fromTrType = byte(1)
toTrType = byte(2)
noEntriesInTmpTableSQLValues = "(NULL)"
noEntriesInTwoColumnsTmpTableSQLValues = "(NULL, NULL)"
//go:embed filter.sql
var queryFormatString string
type FilterDependencies struct {
db *sql.DB
accountsDb *accounts.Database
// use token.TokenType, token.ChainID and token.Address to find the available symbol
tokenSymbol func(token Token) string
// use the chainID and symbol to look up token.TokenType and token.Address. Return nil if not found
tokenFromSymbol func(chainID *common.ChainID, symbol string) *Token
// getActivityEntries queries the transfers, pending_transactions, and multi_transactions tables based on filter parameters and arguments
// it returns metadata for all entries ordered by timestamp column
// Adding a no-limit option was never considered or required.
// TODO: optimization: consider implementing nullable []byte instead of using strings for addresses or insert binary (X'...' syntax) directly into the query
func getActivityEntries(ctx context.Context, deps FilterDependencies, addresses []eth.Address, chainIDs []common.ChainID, filter Filter, offset int, limit int) ([]Entry, error) {
includeAllTokenTypeAssets := len(filter.Assets) == 0 && !filter.FilterOutAssets
// Used for symbol bearing tables multi_transactions and pending_transactions
assetsTokenCodes := noEntriesInTmpTableSQLValues
// Used for identity bearing tables transfers
assetsERC20 := noEntriesInTwoColumnsTmpTableSQLValues
if !includeAllTokenTypeAssets && !filter.FilterOutAssets {
symbolsSet := make(map[string]struct{})
var symbols []string
for _, item := range filter.Assets {
symbol := deps.tokenSymbol(item)
if _, ok := symbolsSet[symbol]; !ok {
symbols = append(symbols, symbol)
symbolsSet[symbol] = struct{}{}
assetsTokenCodes = joinItems(symbols, func(s string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", s)
if sliceChecksCondition(filter.Assets, func(item *Token) bool { return item.TokenType == Erc20 }) {
assetsERC20 = joinItems(filter.Assets, func(item Token) string {
if item.TokenType == Erc20 {
// SQL HEX() (Blob->Hex) conversion returns uppercase digits with no 0x prefix
return fmt.Sprintf("%d, '%s'", item.ChainID, strings.ToUpper(item.Address.Hex()[2:]))
return ""
// construct chain IDs
includeAllNetworks := len(chainIDs) == 0
networks := noEntriesInTmpTableSQLValues
if !includeAllNetworks {
networks = joinItems(chainIDs, nil)
startFilterDisabled := !(filter.Period.StartTimestamp > 0)
endFilterDisabled := !(filter.Period.EndTimestamp > 0)
filterActivityTypeAll := len(filter.Types) == 0
filterAllAddresses := len(addresses) == 0
filterAllToAddresses := len(filter.CounterpartyAddresses) == 0
includeAllStatuses := len(filter.Statuses) == 0
filterStatusPending := false
filterStatusCompleted := false
filterStatusFailed := false
filterStatusFinalized := false
if !includeAllStatuses {
filterStatusPending = sliceContains(filter.Statuses, PendingAS)
filterStatusCompleted = sliceContains(filter.Statuses, CompleteAS)
filterStatusFailed = sliceContains(filter.Statuses, FailedAS)
filterStatusFinalized = sliceContains(filter.Statuses, FinalizedAS)
involvedAddresses := noEntriesInTmpTableSQLValues
if !filterAllAddresses {
involvedAddresses = joinAddresses(addresses)
toAddresses := noEntriesInTmpTableSQLValues
if !filterAllToAddresses {
toAddresses = joinAddresses(filter.CounterpartyAddresses)
mtTypes := activityTypesToMultiTransactionTypes(filter.Types)
joinedMTTypes := joinItems(mtTypes, func(t transfer.MultiTransactionType) string {
return strconv.Itoa(int(t))
// Since the filter query needs addresses which are in a different database, we need to update the
// keypairs_accounts table in the current database with the latest addresses from the accounts database
err := updateKeypairsAccountsTable(deps.accountsDb, deps.db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
queryString := fmt.Sprintf(queryFormatString, keypairAccountsTable, involvedAddresses, toAddresses, assetsTokenCodes, assetsERC20, networks,
rows, err := deps.db.QueryContext(ctx, queryString,
startFilterDisabled, filter.Period.StartTimestamp, endFilterDisabled, filter.Period.EndTimestamp,
filterActivityTypeAll, sliceContains(filter.Types, SendAT), sliceContains(filter.Types, ReceiveAT),
sliceContains(filter.Types, ContractDeploymentAT), sliceContains(filter.Types, MintAT),
fromTrType, toTrType,
filterAllAddresses, filterAllToAddresses,
includeAllStatuses, filterStatusCompleted, filterStatusFailed, filterStatusFinalized, filterStatusPending,
FailedAS, CompleteAS, PendingAS,
limit, offset)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var entries []Entry
for rows.Next() {
var transferHash, pendingHash []byte
var chainID, outChainIDDB, inChainIDDB, multiTxID, aggregatedCount sql.NullInt64
var timestamp int64
var dbMtType, dbTrType sql.NullByte
var toAddress, fromAddress eth.Address
var toAddressDB, ownerAddressDB, contractAddressDB, dbTokenID sql.RawBytes
var tokenAddress, contractAddress *eth.Address
var aggregatedStatus int
var dbTrAmount sql.NullString
var dbMtFromAmount, dbMtToAmount, contractType sql.NullString
var tokenCode, fromTokenCode, toTokenCode sql.NullString
var transferType *TransferType
err := rows.Scan(&transferHash, &pendingHash, &chainID, &multiTxID, ×tamp, &dbMtType, &dbTrType, &fromAddress,
&toAddressDB, &ownerAddressDB, &dbTrAmount, &dbMtFromAmount, &dbMtToAmount, &aggregatedStatus, &aggregatedCount,
&tokenAddress, &dbTokenID, &tokenCode, &fromTokenCode, &toTokenCode, &outChainIDDB, &inChainIDDB, &contractType, &contractAddressDB)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(toAddressDB) > 0 {
toAddress = eth.BytesToAddress(toAddressDB)
if contractType.Valid {
transferType = contractTypeFromDBType(contractType.String)
if len(contractAddressDB) > 0 {
contractAddress = new(eth.Address)
*contractAddress = eth.BytesToAddress(contractAddressDB)
getActivityType := func(trType sql.NullByte) (activityType Type, filteredAddress eth.Address) {
if trType.Valid {
if trType.Byte == fromTrType {
if toAddress == ZeroAddress && transferType != nil && *transferType == TransferTypeEth && contractAddress != nil && *contractAddress != ZeroAddress {
return ContractDeploymentAT, fromAddress
return SendAT, fromAddress
} else if trType.Byte == toTrType {
if fromAddress == ZeroAddress && transferType != nil && *transferType == TransferTypeErc721 {
return MintAT, toAddress
return ReceiveAT, toAddress
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected activity type. Missing from [%s] or to [%s] in addresses?", fromAddress, toAddress))
return ReceiveAT, toAddress
// Can be mapped directly because the values are injected into the query
activityStatus := Status(aggregatedStatus)
var outChainID, inChainID *common.ChainID
var entry Entry
var tokenID *hexutil.Big
if len(dbTokenID) > 0 {
tokenID = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(dbTokenID))
if transferHash != nil && chainID.Valid {
// Process `transfers` row
// Extract activity type: SendAT/ReceiveAT
activityType, _ := getActivityType(dbTrType)
ownerAddress := eth.BytesToAddress(ownerAddressDB)
inAmount, outAmount := getTrInAndOutAmounts(activityType, dbTrAmount)
// Extract tokens and chains
var involvedToken *Token
if tokenAddress != nil && *tokenAddress != ZeroAddress {
involvedToken = &Token{TokenType: Erc20, ChainID: common.ChainID(chainID.Int64), TokenID: tokenID, Address: *tokenAddress}
} else {
involvedToken = &Token{TokenType: Native, ChainID: common.ChainID(chainID.Int64), TokenID: tokenID}
entry = newActivityEntryWithSimpleTransaction(
&transfer.TransactionIdentity{ChainID: common.ChainID(chainID.Int64),
Hash: eth.BytesToHash(transferHash),
Address: ownerAddress,
timestamp, activityType, activityStatus,
// Extract tokens
if activityType == SendAT || activityType == ContractDeploymentAT {
entry.tokenOut = involvedToken
outChainID = new(common.ChainID)
*outChainID = common.ChainID(chainID.Int64)
} else {
entry.tokenIn = involvedToken
inChainID = new(common.ChainID)
*inChainID = common.ChainID(chainID.Int64)
entry.symbolOut, entry.symbolIn = lookupAndFillInTokens(deps, entry.tokenOut, entry.tokenIn)
// Complete the data
entry.amountOut = outAmount
entry.amountIn = inAmount
} else if pendingHash != nil && chainID.Valid {
// Process `pending_transactions` row
// Extract activity type: SendAT/ReceiveAT
activityType, _ := getActivityType(dbTrType)
inAmount, outAmount := getTrInAndOutAmounts(activityType, dbTrAmount)
outChainID = new(common.ChainID)
*outChainID = common.ChainID(chainID.Int64)
entry = newActivityEntryWithPendingTransaction(
&transfer.TransactionIdentity{ChainID: common.ChainID(chainID.Int64),
Hash: eth.BytesToHash(pendingHash),
timestamp, activityType, activityStatus,
// Extract tokens
if tokenCode.Valid {
cID := common.ChainID(chainID.Int64)
entry.tokenOut = deps.tokenFromSymbol(&cID, tokenCode.String)
entry.symbolOut, entry.symbolIn = lookupAndFillInTokens(deps, entry.tokenOut, nil)
// Complete the data
entry.amountOut = outAmount
entry.amountIn = inAmount
} else if multiTxID.Valid {
// Process `multi_transactions` row
mtInAmount, mtOutAmount := getMtInAndOutAmounts(dbMtFromAmount, dbMtToAmount)
// Extract activity type: SendAT/SwapAT/BridgeAT
activityType := multiTransactionTypeToActivityType(transfer.MultiTransactionType(dbMtType.Byte))
if outChainIDDB.Valid && outChainIDDB.Int64 != 0 {
outChainID = new(common.ChainID)
*outChainID = common.ChainID(outChainIDDB.Int64)
if inChainIDDB.Valid && inChainIDDB.Int64 != 0 {
inChainID = new(common.ChainID)
*inChainID = common.ChainID(inChainIDDB.Int64)
entry = NewActivityEntryWithMultiTransaction(transfer.MultiTransactionIDType(multiTxID.Int64),
timestamp, activityType, activityStatus)
// Extract tokens
if fromTokenCode.Valid {
entry.tokenOut = deps.tokenFromSymbol(outChainID, fromTokenCode.String)
entry.symbolOut = common.NewAndSet(fromTokenCode.String)
if toTokenCode.Valid {
entry.tokenIn = deps.tokenFromSymbol(inChainID, toTokenCode.String)
entry.symbolIn = common.NewAndSet(toTokenCode.String)
// Complete the data
entry.amountOut = mtOutAmount
entry.amountIn = mtInAmount
} else {
return nil, errors.New("invalid row data")
// Complete common data
entry.sender = &fromAddress
entry.recipient = &toAddress
entry.sender = &fromAddress
entry.recipient = &toAddress
entry.chainIDOut = outChainID
entry.chainIDIn = inChainID
entry.transferType = transferType
entries = append(entries, entry)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return entries, nil
func getTrInAndOutAmounts(activityType Type, trAmount sql.NullString) (inAmount *hexutil.Big, outAmount *hexutil.Big) {
if trAmount.Valid {
amount, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(trAmount.String, 16)
if ok {
switch activityType {
case ContractDeploymentAT:
case SendAT:
inAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
outAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(amount)
case MintAT:
case ReceiveAT:
inAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(amount)
outAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected activity type %d", activityType))
} else {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse amount %s", trAmount.String))
} else {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transaction amount for type %d", activityType))
inAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
outAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
func getMtInAndOutAmounts(dbFromAmount sql.NullString, dbToAmount sql.NullString) (inAmount *hexutil.Big, outAmount *hexutil.Big) {
if dbFromAmount.Valid && dbToAmount.Valid {
fromHexStr := dbFromAmount.String
toHexStr := dbToAmount.String
if len(fromHexStr) > 2 && len(toHexStr) > 2 {
fromAmount, frOk := new(big.Int).SetString(dbFromAmount.String[2:], 16)
toAmount, toOk := new(big.Int).SetString(dbToAmount.String[2:], 16)
if frOk && toOk {
inAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(toAmount)
outAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(fromAmount)
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse amounts %s %s", fromHexStr, toHexStr))
} else {
log.Warn("invalid transaction amounts")
inAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
outAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
func contractTypeFromDBType(dbType string) (transferType *TransferType) {
transferType = new(TransferType)
switch common.Type(dbType) {
case common.EthTransfer:
*transferType = TransferTypeEth
case common.Erc20Transfer:
*transferType = TransferTypeErc20
case common.Erc721Transfer:
*transferType = TransferTypeErc721
return nil
return transferType
func updateKeypairsAccountsTable(accountsDb *accounts.Database, db *sql.DB) error {
_, err := db.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (address VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY)",
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to create 'keypairs_accounts' table", "err", err)
return err
// TODO: remove dependency on accounts table by removing"all accounts filter" optimization; see #11980
if accountsDb == nil {
return nil
addresses, err := accountsDb.GetWalletAddresses()
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get wallet addresses", "err", err)
return err
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err == nil {
err = tx.Commit()
_ = tx.Rollback()
for _, address := range addresses {
_, err = tx.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO %s (address) VALUES (?)", keypairAccountsTable), address)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to insert wallet addresses", "err", err)
return err
return nil
// lookupAndFillInTokens ignores NFTs
func lookupAndFillInTokens(deps FilterDependencies, tokenOut *Token, tokenIn *Token) (symbolOut *string, symbolIn *string) {
if tokenOut != nil && tokenOut.TokenID == nil {
symbol := deps.tokenSymbol(*tokenOut)
if len(symbol) > 0 {
symbolOut = common.NewAndSet(symbol)
if tokenIn != nil && tokenIn.TokenID == nil {
symbol := deps.tokenSymbol(*tokenIn)
if len(symbol) > 0 {
symbolIn = common.NewAndSet(symbol)
return symbolOut, symbolIn