Dmitry Shulyak 741422af73
Add a test with network connection problem while syncing a chain (#677)
Test waits till synchronization is started, then interrupts network connection, wait for a failure event and restore network connection, confirming that after the connection is restored synchronization will proceed.
2018-02-23 09:03:55 +02:00

107 lines
2.8 KiB

package destructive
import (
. ""
const (
defaultTimeout = 40 * time.Second
func TestPeersSuiteNetworkConnection(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, &PeersTestSuite{controller: new(NetworkConnectionController)})
type PeersTestSuite struct {
backend *api.StatusBackend
controller *NetworkConnectionController
func (s *PeersTestSuite) SetupTest() {
s.backend = api.NewStatusBackend()
config, err := e2e.MakeTestNodeConfig(GetNetworkID())
// we need to enable atleast 1 protocol, otherwise peers won't connect
config.LightEthConfig.Enabled = false
config.WhisperConfig.Enabled = true
func (s *PeersTestSuite) TearDownTest() {
func consumeUntil(events <-chan *p2p.PeerEvent, f func(ev *p2p.PeerEvent) bool, timeout time.Duration) error {
timer := time.After(timeout)
for {
select {
case ev := <-events:
if f(ev) {
return nil
case <-timer:
return errors.New("timeout")
func (s *PeersTestSuite) TestStaticPeersReconnect() {
// both on rinkeby and ropsten we can expect atleast 2 peers connected
expectedPeersCount := 2
events := make(chan *p2p.PeerEvent, 10)
node, err := s.backend.NodeManager().Node()
subscription := node.Server().SubscribeEvents(events)
defer subscription.Unsubscribe()
peers := map[discover.NodeID]struct{}{}
before := time.Now()
s.Require().NoError(consumeUntil(events, func(ev *p2p.PeerEvent) bool {
log.Info("tests", "event", ev)
if ev.Type == p2p.PeerEventTypeAdd {
peers[ev.Peer] = struct{}{}
return len(peers) == expectedPeersCount
}, defaultTimeout))
s.WithinDuration(time.Now(), before, 5*time.Second)
before = time.Now()
s.Require().NoError(consumeUntil(events, func(ev *p2p.PeerEvent) bool {
log.Info("tests", "event", ev)
if ev.Type == p2p.PeerEventTypeDrop {
delete(peers, ev.Peer)
return len(peers) == 0
}, defaultTimeout))
s.WithinDuration(time.Now(), before, 31*time.Second)
before = time.Now()
go func() {
s.Require().NoError(consumeUntil(events, func(ev *p2p.PeerEvent) bool {
log.Info("tests", "event", ev)
if ev.Type == p2p.PeerEventTypeAdd {
peers[ev.Peer] = struct{}{}
return len(peers) == expectedPeersCount
}, defaultTimeout))
s.WithinDuration(time.Now(), before, 31*time.Second)