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synced 2025-03-02 07:30:49 +00:00
This commit adds new tables to the database and APIs in `Messenger` and communities `Manager` to store `CheckChannelPermissionsResponse`s. The responses are stored whenever channel permissions have been checked. The reason we're doing this is so that clients can retrieve the last known channel permission state before waiting for onchain checks to finish.
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package communities
import (
func TestPersistenceSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(PersistenceSuite))
type PersistenceSuite struct {
db *Persistence
func (s *PersistenceSuite) SetupTest() {
s.db = nil
dbPath, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
s.NoError(err, "creating temp file for db")
db, err := appdatabase.InitializeDB(dbPath.Name(), "", sqlite.ReducedKDFIterationsNumber)
s.NoError(err, "creating sqlite db instance")
err = sqlite.Migrate(db)
s.NoError(err, "protocol migrate")
s.db = &Persistence{db: db}
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestSaveCommunity() {
id, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
// there is one community inserted by default
communities, err := s.db.AllCommunities(&id.PublicKey)
s.Require().Len(communities, 1)
community := Community{
config: &Config{
PrivateKey: id,
ID: &id.PublicKey,
Joined: true,
Spectated: true,
Verified: true,
CommunityDescription: &protobuf.CommunityDescription{},
communities, err = s.db.AllCommunities(&id.PublicKey)
s.Require().Len(communities, 2)
s.Equal(types.HexBytes(crypto.CompressPubkey(&id.PublicKey)), communities[1].ID())
s.Equal(true, communities[1].Joined())
s.Equal(true, communities[1].Spectated())
s.Equal(true, communities[1].Verified())
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestShouldHandleSyncCommunity() {
sc := &protobuf.SyncCommunity{
Id: []byte("0x123456"),
PrivateKey: []byte("0xfedcba"),
Description: []byte("this is a description"),
Joined: true,
Verified: true,
Clock: uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
// check an empty db to see if a community should be synced
should, err := s.db.ShouldHandleSyncCommunity(sc)
s.NoError(err, "SaveSyncCommunity")
// add a new community to the db
err = s.db.saveRawCommunityRow(fromSyncCommunityProtobuf(sc))
s.NoError(err, "saveRawCommunityRow")
rcrs, err := s.db.getAllCommunitiesRaw()
s.NoError(err, "should have no error from getAllCommunitiesRaw")
s.Len(rcrs, 2, "length of all communities raw should be 2")
// check again to see is the community should be synced
should, err = s.db.ShouldHandleSyncCommunity(sc)
s.NoError(err, "SaveSyncCommunity")
// check again to see is the community should be synced
should, err = s.db.ShouldHandleSyncCommunity(sc)
s.NoError(err, "SaveSyncCommunity")
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestSetSyncClock() {
sc := &protobuf.SyncCommunity{
Id: []byte("0x123456"),
PrivateKey: []byte("0xfedcba"),
Description: []byte("this is a description"),
Joined: true,
Verified: true,
// add a new community to the db
err := s.db.saveRawCommunityRow(fromSyncCommunityProtobuf(sc))
s.NoError(err, "saveRawCommunityRow")
// retrieve row from db synced_at must be zero
rcr, err := s.db.getRawCommunityRow(sc.Id)
s.NoError(err, "getRawCommunityRow")
s.Zero(rcr.SyncedAt, "synced_at must be zero value")
// Set the synced_at value
clock := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
err = s.db.SetSyncClock(sc.Id, clock)
s.NoError(err, "SetSyncClock")
// Retrieve row from db and check clock matches synced_at value
rcr, err = s.db.getRawCommunityRow(sc.Id)
s.NoError(err, "getRawCommunityRow")
s.Equal(clock, rcr.SyncedAt, "synced_at must equal the value of the clock")
// Set Synced At with an older clock value
olderClock := clock - uint64(256)
err = s.db.SetSyncClock(sc.Id, olderClock)
s.NoError(err, "SetSyncClock")
// Retrieve row from db and check olderClock matches synced_at value
rcr, err = s.db.getRawCommunityRow(sc.Id)
s.NoError(err, "getRawCommunityRow")
s.NotEqual(olderClock, rcr.SyncedAt, "synced_at must not equal the value of the olderClock value")
// Set Synced At with a newer clock value
newerClock := clock + uint64(512)
err = s.db.SetSyncClock(sc.Id, newerClock)
s.NoError(err, "SetSyncClock")
// Retrieve row from db and check olderClock matches synced_at value
rcr, err = s.db.getRawCommunityRow(sc.Id)
s.NoError(err, "getRawCommunityRow")
s.Equal(newerClock, rcr.SyncedAt, "synced_at must equal the value of the newerClock value")
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestSetPrivateKey() {
sc := &protobuf.SyncCommunity{
Id: []byte("0x123456"),
Description: []byte("this is a description"),
Joined: true,
Verified: true,
// add a new community to the db with no private key
err := s.db.saveRawCommunityRow(fromSyncCommunityProtobuf(sc))
s.NoError(err, "saveRawCommunityRow")
// retrieve row from db, private key must be zero
rcr, err := s.db.getRawCommunityRow(sc.Id)
s.NoError(err, "getRawCommunityRow")
s.Zero(rcr.PrivateKey, "private key must be zero value")
// Set private key
pk, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
s.NoError(err, "crypto.GenerateKey")
err = s.db.SetPrivateKey(sc.Id, pk)
s.NoError(err, "SetPrivateKey")
// retrieve row from db again, private key must match the given key
rcr, err = s.db.getRawCommunityRow(sc.Id)
s.NoError(err, "getRawCommunityRow")
s.Equal(crypto.FromECDSA(pk), rcr.PrivateKey, "private key must match given key")
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestJoinedAndPendingCommunitiesWithRequests() {
identity, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
s.NoError(err, "crypto.GenerateKey shouldn't give any error")
clock := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
// Add a new community that we have joined
com := s.makeNewCommunity(identity)
sc, err := com.ToSyncCommunityProtobuf(clock, nil)
s.NoError(err, "Community.ToSyncCommunityProtobuf shouldn't give any error")
err = s.db.saveRawCommunityRow(fromSyncCommunityProtobuf(sc))
s.NoError(err, "saveRawCommunityRow")
// Add a new community that we have requested to join, but not yet joined
com2 := s.makeNewCommunity(identity)
err = s.db.SaveCommunity(com2)
s.NoError(err, "SaveCommunity shouldn't give any error")
rtj := &RequestToJoin{
ID: types.HexBytes{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8},
PublicKey: common.PubkeyToHex(&identity.PublicKey),
Clock: clock,
CommunityID: com2.ID(),
State: RequestToJoinStatePending,
err = s.db.SaveRequestToJoin(rtj)
s.NoError(err, "SaveRequestToJoin shouldn't give any error")
comms, err := s.db.JoinedAndPendingCommunitiesWithRequests(&identity.PublicKey)
s.NoError(err, "JoinedAndPendingCommunitiesWithRequests shouldn't give any error")
s.Len(comms, 2, "Should have 2 communities")
for _, comm := range comms {
switch comm.IDString() {
case com.IDString():
s.Len(comm.RequestsToJoin(), 0, "Should have no RequestsToJoin")
case com2.IDString():
rtjs := comm.RequestsToJoin()
s.Len(rtjs, 1, "Should have one RequestsToJoin")
s.Equal(rtjs[0], rtj, "RequestToJoin should match the Request stored in the db")
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestSaveRequestToLeave() {
rtl := &RequestToLeave{
ID: []byte("0x123456"),
PublicKey: "0xffffff",
Clock: 2,
CommunityID: []byte("0x654321"),
err := s.db.SaveRequestToLeave(rtl)
// older clocks should not be saved
rtl.Clock = 1
err = s.db.SaveRequestToLeave(rtl)
func (s *PersistenceSuite) makeNewCommunity(identity *ecdsa.PrivateKey) *Community {
comPrivKey, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
s.NoError(err, "crypto.GenerateKey shouldn't give any error")
com, err := New(Config{
MemberIdentity: &identity.PublicKey,
PrivateKey: comPrivKey,
ID: &comPrivKey.PublicKey,
s.NoError(err, "New shouldn't give any error")
md, err := com.MarshaledDescription()
s.NoError(err, "Community.MarshaledDescription shouldn't give any error")
com.config.MarshaledCommunityDescription = md
return com
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestGetSyncedRawCommunity() {
sc := &protobuf.SyncCommunity{
Id: []byte("0x123456"),
PrivateKey: []byte("0xfedcba"),
Description: []byte("this is a description"),
Joined: true,
Verified: true,
Spectated: true,
// add a new community to the db
err := s.db.saveRawCommunityRowWithoutSyncedAt(fromSyncCommunityProtobuf(sc))
s.NoError(err, "saveRawCommunityRow")
// retrieve row from db synced_at must be zero
rcr, err := s.db.getRawCommunityRow(sc.Id)
s.NoError(err, "getRawCommunityRow")
s.Zero(rcr.SyncedAt, "synced_at must be zero value")
// retrieve synced row from db, should fail
src, err := s.db.getSyncedRawCommunity(sc.Id)
s.EqualError(err, sql.ErrNoRows.Error())
// Set the synced_at value
clock := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
err = s.db.SetSyncClock(sc.Id, clock)
s.NoError(err, "SetSyncClock")
// retrieve row from db synced_at must not be zero
rcr, err = s.db.getRawCommunityRow(sc.Id)
s.NoError(err, "getRawCommunityRow")
s.NotZero(rcr.SyncedAt, "synced_at must be zero value")
// retrieve synced row from db, should succeed
src, err = s.db.getSyncedRawCommunity(sc.Id)
s.Equal(clock, src.SyncedAt)
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestGetCommunitiesSettings() {
settings := []CommunitySettings{
{CommunityID: "0x01", HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: false},
{CommunityID: "0x02", HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: true},
{CommunityID: "0x03", HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: false},
for i := range settings {
stg := settings[i]
err := s.db.SaveCommunitySettings(stg)
rst, err := s.db.GetCommunitiesSettings()
s.Equal(settings, rst)
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestSaveCommunitySettings() {
settings := CommunitySettings{CommunityID: "0x01", HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: false}
err := s.db.SaveCommunitySettings(settings)
rst, err := s.db.GetCommunitiesSettings()
s.Equal(1, len(rst))
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestDeleteCommunitySettings() {
settings := CommunitySettings{CommunityID: "0x01", HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: false}
err := s.db.SaveCommunitySettings(settings)
rst, err := s.db.GetCommunitiesSettings()
s.Equal(1, len(rst))
rst2, err := s.db.GetCommunitiesSettings()
s.Equal(0, len(rst2))
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestUpdateCommunitySettings() {
settings := []CommunitySettings{
{CommunityID: "0x01", HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: true},
{CommunityID: "0x02", HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: false},
settings[0].HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled = true
settings[1].HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled = false
rst, err := s.db.GetCommunitiesSettings()
s.Equal(settings, rst)
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestGetCommunityTokens() {
tokens, err := s.db.GetCommunityTokens("123")
s.Require().Len(tokens, 0)
token := CommunityToken{
CommunityID: "123",
TokenType: protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC721,
Address: "0x123",
Name: "StatusToken",
Symbol: "STT",
Description: "desc",
Supply: 123,
InfiniteSupply: false,
Transferable: true,
RemoteSelfDestruct: true,
ChainID: 1,
DeployState: InProgress,
Base64Image: "ABCD",
token2 := CommunityToken{
CommunityID: "345",
TokenType: protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC721,
Address: "0x345",
Name: "StatusToken",
Symbol: "STT",
Description: "desc",
Supply: 345,
InfiniteSupply: false,
Transferable: true,
RemoteSelfDestruct: true,
ChainID: 2,
DeployState: Failed,
Base64Image: "QWERTY",
err = s.db.AddCommunityToken(&token)
err = s.db.AddCommunityToken(&token2)
tokens, err = s.db.GetCommunityTokens("123")
s.Require().Len(tokens, 1)
s.Require().Equal(token, *tokens[0])
err = s.db.UpdateCommunityTokenState(1, "0x123", Deployed)
tokens, err = s.db.GetCommunityTokens("123")
s.Require().Len(tokens, 1)
s.Require().Equal(Deployed, tokens[0].DeployState)
func (s *PersistenceSuite) TestSaveCheckChannelPermissionResponse() {
viewAndPostPermissionResults := make(map[string]*PermissionTokenCriteriaResult)
viewAndPostPermissionResults["one"] = &PermissionTokenCriteriaResult{
Criteria: []bool{true, true, true, true},
viewAndPostPermissionResults["two"] = &PermissionTokenCriteriaResult{
Criteria: []bool{false},
chatID := "some-chat-id"
communityID := "some-community-id"
checkChannelPermissionResponse := &CheckChannelPermissionsResponse{
ViewOnlyPermissions: &CheckChannelViewOnlyPermissionsResult{
Satisfied: true,
Permissions: make(map[string]*PermissionTokenCriteriaResult),
ViewAndPostPermissions: &CheckChannelViewAndPostPermissionsResult{
Satisfied: true,
Permissions: viewAndPostPermissionResults,
err := s.db.SaveCheckChannelPermissionResponse(communityID, chatID, checkChannelPermissionResponse)
responses, err := s.db.GetCheckChannelPermissionResponses(communityID)
s.Require().Len(responses, 1)
s.Require().Len(responses[chatID].ViewOnlyPermissions.Permissions, 0)
s.Require().Len(responses[chatID].ViewAndPostPermissions.Permissions, 2)
s.Require().Equal(responses[chatID].ViewAndPostPermissions.Permissions["one"].Criteria, []bool{true, true, true, true})
s.Require().Equal(responses[chatID].ViewAndPostPermissions.Permissions["two"].Criteria, []bool{false})