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synced 2025-03-03 16:11:05 +00:00
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//go:build nimbus
// +build nimbus
package shhext
import (
enstypes "github.com/status-im/status-go/eth-node/types/ens"
// -----
// -----
// NimbusPublicAPI extends whisper public API.
type NimbusPublicAPI struct {
service *NimbusService
publicAPI types.PublicWhisperAPI
log log.Logger
// NewPublicAPI returns instance of the public API.
func NewNimbusPublicAPI(s *NimbusService) *NimbusPublicAPI {
return &NimbusPublicAPI{
service: s,
publicAPI: s.w.PublicWhisperAPI(),
log: log.New("package", "status-go/services/sshext.NimbusPublicAPI"),
// func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) getPeer(rawurl string) (*enode.Node, error) {
// if len(rawurl) == 0 {
// return mailservers.GetFirstConnected(api.service.server, api.service.peerStore)
// }
// return enode.ParseV4(rawurl)
// }
// // RetryConfig specifies configuration for retries with timeout and max amount of retries.
// type RetryConfig struct {
// BaseTimeout time.Duration
// // StepTimeout defines duration increase per each retry.
// StepTimeout time.Duration
// MaxRetries int
// }
// RequestMessagesSync repeats MessagesRequest using configuration in retry conf.
// func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) RequestMessagesSync(conf RetryConfig, r MessagesRequest) (MessagesResponse, error) {
// var resp MessagesResponse
// shh := api.service.w
// events := make(chan types.EnvelopeEvent, 10)
// var (
// requestID types.HexBytes
// err error
// retries int
// )
// for retries <= conf.MaxRetries {
// sub := shh.SubscribeEnvelopeEvents(events)
// r.Timeout = conf.BaseTimeout + conf.StepTimeout*time.Duration(retries)
// timeout := r.Timeout
// // FIXME this weird conversion is required because MessagesRequest expects seconds but defines time.Duration
// r.Timeout = time.Duration(int(r.Timeout.Seconds()))
// requestID, err = api.RequestMessages(context.Background(), r)
// if err != nil {
// sub.Unsubscribe()
// return resp, err
// }
// mailServerResp, err := waitForExpiredOrCompleted(types.BytesToHash(requestID), events, timeout)
// sub.Unsubscribe()
// if err == nil {
// resp.Cursor = hex.EncodeToString(mailServerResp.Cursor)
// resp.Error = mailServerResp.Error
// return resp, nil
// }
// retries++
// api.log.Error("[RequestMessagesSync] failed", "err", err, "retries", retries)
// }
// return resp, fmt.Errorf("failed to request messages after %d retries", retries)
// }
// func waitForExpiredOrCompleted(requestID types.Hash, events chan types.EnvelopeEvent, timeout time.Duration) (*types.MailServerResponse, error) {
// expired := fmt.Errorf("request %x expired", requestID)
// after := time.NewTimer(timeout)
// defer after.Stop()
// for {
// var ev types.EnvelopeEvent
// select {
// case ev = <-events:
// case <-after.C:
// return nil, expired
// }
// if ev.Hash != requestID {
// continue
// }
// switch ev.Event {
// case types.EventMailServerRequestCompleted:
// data, ok := ev.Data.(*types.MailServerResponse)
// if ok {
// return data, nil
// }
// return nil, errors.New("invalid event data type")
// case types.EventMailServerRequestExpired:
// return nil, expired
// }
// }
// }
// // RequestMessages sends a request for historic messages to a MailServer.
// func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) RequestMessages(_ context.Context, r MessagesRequest) (types.HexBytes, error) {
// api.log.Info("RequestMessages", "request", r)
// shh := api.service.w
// now := api.service.w.GetCurrentTime()
// r.setDefaults(now)
// if r.From > r.To {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("Query range is invalid: from > to (%d > %d)", r.From, r.To)
// }
// mailServerNode, err := api.getPeer(r.MailServerPeer)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", ErrInvalidMailServerPeer, err)
// }
// var (
// symKey []byte
// publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey
// )
// if r.SymKeyID != "" {
// symKey, err = shh.GetSymKey(r.SymKeyID)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", ErrInvalidSymKeyID, err)
// }
// } else {
// publicKey = mailServerNode.Pubkey()
// }
// payload, err := makeMessagesRequestPayload(r)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// envelope, err := makeEnvelop(
// payload,
// symKey,
// publicKey,
// api.service.nodeID,
// shh.MinPow(),
// now,
// )
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// hash := envelope.Hash()
// if !r.Force {
// err = api.service.requestsRegistry.Register(hash, r.Topics)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// }
// if err := shh.RequestHistoricMessagesWithTimeout(mailServerNode.ID().Bytes(), envelope, r.Timeout*time.Second); err != nil {
// if !r.Force {
// api.service.requestsRegistry.Unregister(hash)
// }
// return nil, err
// }
// return hash[:], nil
// }
// // createSyncMailRequest creates SyncMailRequest. It uses a full bloom filter
// // if no topics are given.
// func createSyncMailRequest(r SyncMessagesRequest) (types.SyncMailRequest, error) {
// var bloom []byte
// if len(r.Topics) > 0 {
// bloom = topicsToBloom(r.Topics...)
// } else {
// bloom = types.MakeFullNodeBloom()
// }
// cursor, err := hex.DecodeString(r.Cursor)
// if err != nil {
// return types.SyncMailRequest{}, err
// }
// return types.SyncMailRequest{
// Lower: r.From,
// Upper: r.To,
// Bloom: bloom,
// Limit: r.Limit,
// Cursor: cursor,
// }, nil
// }
// func createSyncMessagesResponse(r types.SyncEventResponse) SyncMessagesResponse {
// return SyncMessagesResponse{
// Cursor: hex.EncodeToString(r.Cursor),
// Error: r.Error,
// }
// }
// // SyncMessages sends a request to a given MailServerPeer to sync historic messages.
// // MailServerPeers needs to be added as a trusted peer first.
// func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SyncMessages(ctx context.Context, r SyncMessagesRequest) (SyncMessagesResponse, error) {
// log.Info("SyncMessages start", "request", r)
// var response SyncMessagesResponse
// mailServerEnode, err := enode.ParseV4(r.MailServerPeer)
// if err != nil {
// return response, fmt.Errorf("invalid MailServerPeer: %v", err)
// }
// mailServerID := mailServerEnode.ID().Bytes()
// request, err := createSyncMailRequest(r)
// if err != nil {
// return response, fmt.Errorf("failed to create a sync mail request: %v", err)
// }
// for {
// log.Info("Sending a request to sync messages", "request", request)
// resp, err := api.service.syncMessages(ctx, mailServerID, request)
// if err != nil {
// return response, err
// }
// log.Info("Syncing messages response", "error", resp.Error, "cursor", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", resp.Cursor))
// if resp.Error != "" || len(resp.Cursor) == 0 || !r.FollowCursor {
// return createSyncMessagesResponse(resp), nil
// }
// request.Cursor = resp.Cursor
// }
// }
// ConfirmMessagesProcessedByID is a method to confirm that messages was consumed by
// the client side.
// TODO: this is broken now as it requires dedup ID while a message hash should be used.
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) ConfirmMessagesProcessedByID(messageConfirmations []*Metadata) error {
confirmationCount := len(messageConfirmations)
dedupIDs := make([][]byte, confirmationCount)
encryptionIDs := make([][]byte, confirmationCount)
for i, confirmation := range messageConfirmations {
dedupIDs[i] = confirmation.DedupID
encryptionIDs[i] = confirmation.EncryptionID
return api.service.ConfirmMessagesProcessed(encryptionIDs)
// Post is used to send one-to-one for those who did not enabled device-to-device sync,
// in other words don't use PFS-enabled messages. Otherwise, SendDirectMessage is used.
// It's important to call NimbusPublicAPI.afterSend() so that the client receives a signal
// with confirmation that the message left the device.
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) Post(ctx context.Context, newMessage types.NewMessage) (types.HexBytes, error) {
return api.publicAPI.Post(ctx, newMessage)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) Join(chat protocol.Chat) error {
return api.service.messenger.Join(chat)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) Leave(chat protocol.Chat) error {
return api.service.messenger.Leave(chat)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) LeaveGroupChat(ctx Context, chatID string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.LeaveGroupChat(ctx, chatID)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) CreateGroupChatWithMembers(ctx Context, name string, members []string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.CreateGroupChatWithMembers(ctx, name, members)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) AddMembersToGroupChat(ctx Context, chatID string, members []string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.AddMembersToGroupChat(ctx, chatID, members)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) RemoveMemberFromGroupChat(ctx Context, chatID string, member string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.RemoveMembersFromGroupChat(ctx, chatID, []string{member})
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) AddAdminsToGroupChat(ctx Context, chatID string, members []string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.AddAdminsToGroupChat(ctx, chatID, members)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) ConfirmJoiningGroup(ctx context.Context, chatID string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.ConfirmJoiningGroup(ctx, chatID)
// func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) requestMessagesUsingPayload(request db.HistoryRequest, peer, symkeyID string, payload []byte, force bool, timeout time.Duration, topics []types.TopicType) (hash types.Hash, err error) {
// shh := api.service.w
// now := api.service.w.GetCurrentTime()
// mailServerNode, err := api.getPeer(peer)
// if err != nil {
// return hash, fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", ErrInvalidMailServerPeer, err)
// }
// var (
// symKey []byte
// publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey
// )
// if symkeyID != "" {
// symKey, err = shh.GetSymKey(symkeyID)
// if err != nil {
// return hash, fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", ErrInvalidSymKeyID, err)
// }
// } else {
// publicKey = mailServerNode.Pubkey()
// }
// envelope, err := makeEnvelop(
// payload,
// symKey,
// publicKey,
// api.service.nodeID,
// shh.MinPow(),
// now,
// )
// if err != nil {
// return hash, err
// }
// hash = envelope.Hash()
// err = request.Replace(hash)
// if err != nil {
// return hash, err
// }
// if !force {
// err = api.service.requestsRegistry.Register(hash, topics)
// if err != nil {
// return hash, err
// }
// }
// if err := shh.RequestHistoricMessagesWithTimeout(mailServerNode.ID().Bytes(), envelope, timeout); err != nil {
// if !force {
// api.service.requestsRegistry.Unregister(hash)
// }
// return hash, err
// }
// return hash, nil
// }
// // InitiateHistoryRequests is a stateful API for initiating history request for each topic.
// // Caller of this method needs to define only two parameters per each TopicRequest:
// // - Topic
// // - Duration in nanoseconds. Will be used to determine starting time for history request.
// // After that status-go will guarantee that request for this topic and date will be performed.
// func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) InitiateHistoryRequests(parent context.Context, request InitiateHistoryRequestParams) (rst []types.HexBytes, err error) {
// tx := api.service.storage.NewTx()
// defer func() {
// if err == nil {
// err = tx.Commit()
// }
// }()
// ctx := NewContextFromService(parent, api.service, tx)
// requests, err := api.service.historyUpdates.CreateRequests(ctx, request.Requests)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// var (
// payload []byte
// hash types.Hash
// )
// for i := range requests {
// req := requests[i]
// options := CreateTopicOptionsFromRequest(req)
// bloom := options.ToBloomFilterOption()
// payload, err = bloom.ToMessagesRequestPayload()
// if err != nil {
// return rst, err
// }
// hash, err = api.requestMessagesUsingPayload(req, request.Peer, request.SymKeyID, payload, request.Force, request.Timeout, options.Topics())
// if err != nil {
// return rst, err
// }
// rst = append(rst, hash.Bytes())
// }
// return rst, err
// }
// // CompleteRequest client must mark request completed when all envelopes were processed.
// func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) CompleteRequest(parent context.Context, hex string) (err error) {
// tx := api.service.storage.NewTx()
// ctx := NewContextFromService(parent, api.service, tx)
// err = api.service.historyUpdates.UpdateFinishedRequest(ctx, types.HexToHash(hex))
// if err == nil {
// return tx.Commit()
// }
// return err
// }
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) LoadFilters(parent context.Context, chats []*transport.Filter) ([]*transport.Filter, error) {
return api.service.messenger.LoadFilters(chats)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SaveChat(parent context.Context, chat *protocol.Chat) error {
api.log.Info("saving chat", "chat", chat)
return api.service.messenger.SaveChat(chat)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) Chats(parent context.Context) []*protocol.Chat {
return api.service.messenger.Chats()
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) DeleteChat(parent context.Context, chatID string) error {
return api.service.messenger.DeleteChat(chatID)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SaveContact(parent context.Context, contact *protocol.Contact) error {
return api.service.messenger.SaveContact(contact)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) BlockContact(parent context.Context, contact *protocol.Contact) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
api.log.Info("blocking contact", "contact", contact.ID)
return api.service.messenger.BlockContact(contact)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) Contacts(parent context.Context) []*protocol.Contact {
return api.service.messenger.Contacts()
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) RemoveFilters(parent context.Context, chats []*transport.Filter) error {
return api.service.messenger.RemoveFilters(chats)
// EnableInstallation enables an installation for multi-device sync.
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) EnableInstallation(installationID string) error {
return api.service.messenger.EnableInstallation(installationID)
// DisableInstallation disables an installation for multi-device sync.
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) DisableInstallation(installationID string) error {
return api.service.messenger.DisableInstallation(installationID)
// GetOurInstallations returns all the installations available given an identity
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) GetOurInstallations() []*multidevice.Installation {
return api.service.messenger.Installations()
// SetInstallationMetadata sets the metadata for our own installation
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SetInstallationMetadata(installationID string, data *multidevice.InstallationMetadata) error {
return api.service.messenger.SetInstallationMetadata(installationID, data)
// VerifyENSNames takes a list of ensdetails and returns whether they match the public key specified
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) VerifyENSNames(details []enstypes.ENSDetails) (map[string]enstypes.ENSResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.VerifyENSNames(api.service.config.VerifyENSURL, ensContractAddress, details)
type ApplicationMessagesResponse struct {
Messages []*common.Message `json:"messages"`
Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) ChatMessages(chatID, cursor string, limit int) (*ApplicationMessagesResponse, error) {
messages, cursor, err := api.service.messenger.MessageByChatID(chatID, cursor, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ApplicationMessagesResponse{
Messages: messages,
Cursor: cursor,
}, nil
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) DeleteMessage(id string) error {
return api.service.messenger.DeleteMessage(id)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) DeleteMessagesByChatID(id string) error {
return api.service.messenger.DeleteMessagesByChatID(id)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) MarkMessagesSeen(chatID string, ids []string) error {
return api.service.messenger.MarkMessagesSeen(chatID, ids)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) UpdateMessageOutgoingStatus(id, newOutgoingStatus string) error {
return api.service.messenger.UpdateMessageOutgoingStatus(id, newOutgoingStatus)
func (api *PublicAPI) StartMessenger() error {
return api.service.StartMessenger()
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SendChatMessage(ctx context.Context, message *common.Message) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.SendChatMessage(ctx, message)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SendPinMessage(ctx context.Context, message *common.PinMessage) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.SendPinMessage(ctx, message)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) ReSendChatMessage(ctx context.Context, messageID string) error {
return api.service.messenger.ReSendChatMessage(ctx, messageID)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) RequestTransaction(ctx context.Context, chatID, value, contract, address string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.RequestTransaction(ctx, chatID, value, contract, address)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) RequestAddressForTransaction(ctx context.Context, chatID, from, value, contract string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.RequestAddressForTransaction(ctx, chatID, from, value, contract)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) DeclineRequestAddressForTransaction(ctx context.Context, messageID string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.DeclineRequestAddressForTransaction(ctx, messageID)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) DeclineRequestTransaction(ctx context.Context, messageID string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.DeclineRequestTransaction(ctx, messageID)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) AcceptRequestAddressForTransaction(ctx context.Context, messageID, address string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.AcceptRequestAddressForTransaction(ctx, messageID, address)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, chatID, value, contract, transactionHash string, signature types.HexBytes) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.SendTransaction(ctx, chatID, value, contract, transactionHash, signature)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) AcceptRequestTransaction(ctx context.Context, transactionHash, messageID string, signature types.HexBytes) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.AcceptRequestTransaction(ctx, transactionHash, messageID, signature)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SendContactUpdates(ctx context.Context, name, picture string) error {
return api.service.messenger.SendContactUpdates(ctx, name, picture)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SendContactUpdate(ctx context.Context, contactID, name, picture string) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.SendContactUpdate(ctx, contactID, name, picture)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SendPairInstallation(ctx context.Context) (*protocol.MessengerResponse, error) {
return api.service.messenger.SendPairInstallation(ctx)
func (api *NimbusPublicAPI) SyncDevices(ctx context.Context, name, picture string) error {
return api.service.messenger.SyncDevices(ctx, name, picture)
// -----
// -----
// makeEnvelop makes an envelop for a historic messages request.
// Symmetric key is used to authenticate to MailServer.
// PK is the current node ID.
// func makeEnvelop(
// payload []byte,
// symKey []byte,
// publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey,
// nodeID *ecdsa.PrivateKey,
// pow float64,
// now time.Time,
// ) (types.Envelope, error) {
// params := whisper.MessageParams{
// PoW: pow,
// Payload: payload,
// WorkTime: defaultWorkTime,
// Src: nodeID,
// }
// // Either symKey or public key is required.
// // This condition is verified in `message.Wrap()` method.
// if len(symKey) > 0 {
// params.KeySym = symKey
// } else if publicKey != nil {
// params.Dst = publicKey
// }
// message, err := whisper.NewSentMessage(¶ms)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// envelope, err := message.Wrap(¶ms, now)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return nimbusbridge.NewNimbusEnvelopeWrapper(envelope), nil
// }
// // makeMessagesRequestPayload makes a specific payload for MailServer
// // to request historic messages.
// func makeMessagesRequestPayload(r MessagesRequest) ([]byte, error) {
// cursor, err := hex.DecodeString(r.Cursor)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cursor: %v", err)
// }
// if len(cursor) > 0 && len(cursor) != mailserver.CursorLength {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cursor size: expected %d but got %d", mailserver.CursorLength, len(cursor))
// }
// payload := mailserver.MessagesRequestPayload{
// Lower: r.From,
// Upper: r.To,
// Bloom: createBloomFilter(r),
// Limit: r.Limit,
// Cursor: cursor,
// // Client must tell the MailServer if it supports batch responses.
// // This can be removed in the future.
// Batch: true,
// }
// return rlp.EncodeToBytes(payload)
// }
// func createBloomFilter(r MessagesRequest) []byte {
// if len(r.Topics) > 0 {
// return topicsToBloom(r.Topics...)
// }
// return types.TopicToBloom(r.Topic)
// }
// func topicsToBloom(topics ...types.TopicType) []byte {
// i := new(big.Int)
// for _, topic := range topics {
// bloom := types.TopicToBloom(topic)
// i.Or(i, new(big.Int).SetBytes(bloom[:]))
// }
// combined := make([]byte, types.BloomFilterSize)
// data := i.Bytes()
// copy(combined[types.BloomFilterSize-len(data):], data[:])
// return combined
// }