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synced 2025-02-03 18:37:24 +00:00
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162 lines
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package handshake
import (
func createAEAD(suite *qtls.CipherSuiteTLS13, trafficSecret []byte, v protocol.VersionNumber) cipher.AEAD {
keyLabel := hkdfLabelKeyV1
ivLabel := hkdfLabelIVV1
if v == protocol.Version2 {
keyLabel = hkdfLabelKeyV2
ivLabel = hkdfLabelIVV2
key := hkdfExpandLabel(suite.Hash, trafficSecret, []byte{}, keyLabel, suite.KeyLen)
iv := hkdfExpandLabel(suite.Hash, trafficSecret, []byte{}, ivLabel, suite.IVLen())
return suite.AEAD(key, iv)
type longHeaderSealer struct {
aead cipher.AEAD
headerProtector headerProtector
// use a single slice to avoid allocations
nonceBuf []byte
var _ LongHeaderSealer = &longHeaderSealer{}
func newLongHeaderSealer(aead cipher.AEAD, headerProtector headerProtector) LongHeaderSealer {
return &longHeaderSealer{
aead: aead,
headerProtector: headerProtector,
nonceBuf: make([]byte, aead.NonceSize()),
func (s *longHeaderSealer) Seal(dst, src []byte, pn protocol.PacketNumber, ad []byte) []byte {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(s.nonceBuf[len(s.nonceBuf)-8:], uint64(pn))
// The AEAD we're using here will be the qtls.aeadAESGCM13.
// It uses the nonce provided here and XOR it with the IV.
return s.aead.Seal(dst, s.nonceBuf, src, ad)
func (s *longHeaderSealer) EncryptHeader(sample []byte, firstByte *byte, pnBytes []byte) {
s.headerProtector.EncryptHeader(sample, firstByte, pnBytes)
func (s *longHeaderSealer) Overhead() int {
return s.aead.Overhead()
type longHeaderOpener struct {
aead cipher.AEAD
headerProtector headerProtector
highestRcvdPN protocol.PacketNumber // highest packet number received (which could be successfully unprotected)
// use a single slice to avoid allocations
nonceBuf []byte
var _ LongHeaderOpener = &longHeaderOpener{}
func newLongHeaderOpener(aead cipher.AEAD, headerProtector headerProtector) LongHeaderOpener {
return &longHeaderOpener{
aead: aead,
headerProtector: headerProtector,
nonceBuf: make([]byte, aead.NonceSize()),
func (o *longHeaderOpener) DecodePacketNumber(wirePN protocol.PacketNumber, wirePNLen protocol.PacketNumberLen) protocol.PacketNumber {
return protocol.DecodePacketNumber(wirePNLen, o.highestRcvdPN, wirePN)
func (o *longHeaderOpener) Open(dst, src []byte, pn protocol.PacketNumber, ad []byte) ([]byte, error) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(o.nonceBuf[len(o.nonceBuf)-8:], uint64(pn))
// The AEAD we're using here will be the qtls.aeadAESGCM13.
// It uses the nonce provided here and XOR it with the IV.
dec, err := o.aead.Open(dst, o.nonceBuf, src, ad)
if err == nil {
o.highestRcvdPN = utils.Max(o.highestRcvdPN, pn)
} else {
err = ErrDecryptionFailed
return dec, err
func (o *longHeaderOpener) DecryptHeader(sample []byte, firstByte *byte, pnBytes []byte) {
o.headerProtector.DecryptHeader(sample, firstByte, pnBytes)
type handshakeSealer struct {
dropInitialKeys func()
dropped bool
func newHandshakeSealer(
aead cipher.AEAD,
headerProtector headerProtector,
dropInitialKeys func(),
perspective protocol.Perspective,
) LongHeaderSealer {
sealer := newLongHeaderSealer(aead, headerProtector)
// The client drops Initial keys when sending the first Handshake packet.
if perspective == protocol.PerspectiveServer {
return sealer
return &handshakeSealer{
LongHeaderSealer: sealer,
dropInitialKeys: dropInitialKeys,
func (s *handshakeSealer) Seal(dst, src []byte, pn protocol.PacketNumber, ad []byte) []byte {
data := s.LongHeaderSealer.Seal(dst, src, pn, ad)
if !s.dropped {
s.dropped = true
return data
type handshakeOpener struct {
dropInitialKeys func()
dropped bool
func newHandshakeOpener(
aead cipher.AEAD,
headerProtector headerProtector,
dropInitialKeys func(),
perspective protocol.Perspective,
) LongHeaderOpener {
opener := newLongHeaderOpener(aead, headerProtector)
// The server drops Initial keys when first successfully processing a Handshake packet.
if perspective == protocol.PerspectiveClient {
return opener
return &handshakeOpener{
LongHeaderOpener: opener,
dropInitialKeys: dropInitialKeys,
func (o *handshakeOpener) Open(dst, src []byte, pn protocol.PacketNumber, ad []byte) ([]byte, error) {
dec, err := o.LongHeaderOpener.Open(dst, src, pn, ad)
if err == nil && !o.dropped {
o.dropped = true
return dec, err