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//go:build disable_torrent
// +build disable_torrent
package communities
import (
type TorrentManagerNop struct {
// NewTorrentManager this function is only built and called when the "disable_torrent" build tag is set
// In this case this version of NewTorrentManager will return the mobile "nil" TorrentManagerNop ensuring that the
// build command will not import or build the torrent deps for the mobile OS.
// NOTE: It is intentional that this file contains the identical function name as in "manager_torrent.go"
func NewTorrentManager(torrentConfig *params.TorrentConfig, logger *zap.Logger, persistence *Persistence, transport *transport.Transport, identity *ecdsa.PrivateKey, encryptor *encryption.Protocol, publisher Publisher) *TorrentManagerNop {
return &TorrentManagerNop{}
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) SetOnline(online bool) {}
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) SetTorrentConfig(*params.TorrentConfig) {}
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) StartTorrentClient() error {
return nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) Stop() error {
return nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) IsReady() bool {
return false
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) GetCommunityChatsFilters(communityID types.HexBytes) ([]*transport.Filter, error) {
return nil, nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) GetCommunityChatsTopics(communityID types.HexBytes) ([]types.TopicType, error) {
return nil, nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) GetHistoryArchivePartitionStartTimestamp(communityID types.HexBytes) (uint64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) CreateAndSeedHistoryArchive(communityID types.HexBytes, topics []types.TopicType, startDate time.Time, endDate time.Time, partition time.Duration, encrypt bool) error {
return nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(community *Community, interval time.Duration) {
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) StopHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(communityID types.HexBytes) {}
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) SeedHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) error {
return nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) UnseedHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) {}
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) IsSeedingHistoryArchiveTorrent(communityID types.HexBytes) bool {
return false
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) GetHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID string) *HistoryArchiveDownloadTask {
return nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) AddHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID string, task *HistoryArchiveDownloadTask) {
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) DownloadHistoryArchivesByMagnetlink(communityID types.HexBytes, magnetlink string, cancelTask chan struct{}) (*HistoryArchiveDownloadTaskInfo, error) {
return nil, nil
func (tmm *TorrentManagerNop) TorrentFileExists(communityID string) bool {
return false