
3356 lines
105 KiB

package protocol
import (
multiaccountscommon ""
v1protocol ""
const (
transactionRequestDeclinedMessage = "Transaction request declined"
requestAddressForTransactionAcceptedMessage = "Request address for transaction accepted"
requestAddressForTransactionDeclinedMessage = "Request address for transaction declined"
var (
ErrMessageNotAllowed = errors.New("message from a non-contact")
ErrMessageForWrongChatType = errors.New("message for the wrong chat type")
ErrNotWatchOnlyAccount = errors.New("an account is not a watch only account")
ErrWalletAccountNotSupportedForMobileApp = errors.New("handling account is not supported for mobile app")
ErrTryingToApplyOldWalletAccountsOrder = errors.New("trying to apply old wallet accounts order")
ErrTryingToStoreOldWalletAccount = errors.New("trying to store an old wallet account")
ErrTryingToStoreOldKeypair = errors.New("trying to store an old keypair")
ErrSomeFieldsMissingForWalletAccount = errors.New("some fields are missing for wallet account")
ErrUnknownKeypairForWalletAccount = errors.New("keypair is not known for the wallet account")
ErrInvalidCommunityID = errors.New("invalid community id")
// HandleMembershipUpdate updates a Chat instance according to the membership updates.
// It retrieves chat, if exists, and merges membership updates from the message.
// Finally, the Chat is updated with the new group events.
func (m *Messenger) HandleMembershipUpdate(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, chat *Chat, rawMembershipUpdate protobuf.MembershipUpdateMessage, translations *systemMessageTranslationsMap) error {
var group *v1protocol.Group
var err error
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "HandleMembershipUpdate"))
message, err := v1protocol.MembershipUpdateMessageFromProtobuf(&rawMembershipUpdate)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := ValidateMembershipUpdateMessage(message, messageState.Timesource.GetCurrentTime()); err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to validate message", zap.Error(err))
return err
senderID := messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID
allowed, err := m.isMessageAllowedFrom(senderID, chat)
if err != nil {
return err
if !allowed {
return ErrMessageNotAllowed
//if chat.InvitationAdmin exists means we are waiting for invitation request approvement, and in that case
//we need to create a new chat instance like we don't have a chat and just use a regular invitation flow
waitingForApproval := chat != nil && len(chat.InvitationAdmin) > 0
ourKey := contactIDFromPublicKey(&m.identity.PublicKey)
isActive := messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.added() || messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID == ourKey || waitingForApproval
showPushNotification := isActive && messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID != ourKey
// wasUserAdded indicates whether the user has been added to the group with this update
wasUserAdded := false
if chat == nil || waitingForApproval {
if len(message.Events) == 0 {
return errors.New("can't create new group chat without events")
//approve invitations
if waitingForApproval {
groupChatInvitation := &GroupChatInvitation{
GroupChatInvitation: protobuf.GroupChatInvitation{
ChatId: message.ChatID,
From: types.EncodeHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&m.identity.PublicKey)),
groupChatInvitation, err = m.persistence.InvitationByID(groupChatInvitation.ID())
if err != nil && err != common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return err
if groupChatInvitation != nil {
groupChatInvitation.State = protobuf.GroupChatInvitation_APPROVED
err := m.persistence.SaveInvitation(groupChatInvitation)
if err != nil {
return err
messageState.GroupChatInvitations[groupChatInvitation.ID()] = groupChatInvitation
group, err = v1protocol.NewGroupWithEvents(message.ChatID, message.Events)
if err != nil {
return err
// A new chat must contain us
if !group.IsMember(ourKey) {
return errors.New("can't create a new group chat without us being a member")
// A new chat always adds us
wasUserAdded = true
newChat := CreateGroupChat(messageState.Timesource)
// We set group chat inactive and create a notification instead
// unless is coming from us or a contact or were waiting for approval.
// Also, as message MEMBER_JOINED may come from member(not creator, not our contact)
// reach earlier than CHAT_CREATED from creator, we need check if creator is our contact
newChat.Active = isActive || m.checkIfCreatorIsOurContact(group)
newChat.ReceivedInvitationAdmin = senderID
chat = &newChat
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get group creator")
} else {
existingGroup, err := newProtocolGroupFromChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create a Group from Chat")
updateGroup, err := v1protocol.NewGroupWithEvents(message.ChatID, message.Events)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "invalid membership update")
merged := v1protocol.MergeMembershipUpdateEvents(existingGroup.Events(), updateGroup.Events())
group, err = v1protocol.NewGroupWithEvents(chat.ID, merged)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create a group with new membership updates")
// Reactivate deleted group chat on re-invite from contact
chat.Active = chat.Active || (isActive && group.IsMember(ourKey))
wasUserAdded = !existingGroup.IsMember(ourKey) && group.IsMember(ourKey)
// Show push notifications when our key is added to members list and chat is Active
showPushNotification = showPushNotification && wasUserAdded
maxClockVal := uint64(0)
for _, event := range group.Events() {
if event.ClockValue > maxClockVal {
maxClockVal = event.ClockValue
if chat.LastClockValue < maxClockVal {
chat.LastClockValue = maxClockVal
// Only create a message notification when the user is added, not when removed
if !chat.Active && wasUserAdded {
chat.Highlight = true
m.createMessageNotification(chat, messageState, chat.LastMessage)
profilePicturesVisibility, err := m.settings.GetProfilePicturesVisibility()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get profilePicturesVisibility setting")
if showPushNotification {
// chat is highlighted for new group invites or group re-invites
chat.Highlight = true
messageState.Response.AddNotification(NewPrivateGroupInviteNotification(chat.ID, chat, messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact, profilePicturesVisibility))
systemMessages := buildSystemMessages(message.Events, translations)
for _, message := range systemMessages {
messageID := message.ID
exists, err := m.messageExists(messageID, messageState.ExistingMessagesMap)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to check message exists", zap.Error(err))
if exists {
// Store in chats map as it might be a new one
messageState.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
// explicit join has been removed, mimic auto-join for backward compatibility
// no all cases are covered, e.g. if added to a group by non-contact
autoJoin := chat.Active && wasUserAdded
if autoJoin || waitingForApproval {
_, err = m.ConfirmJoiningGroup(context.Background(), chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if message.Message != nil {
messageState.CurrentMessageState.Message = *message.Message
return m.HandleChatMessage(messageState)
} else if message.EmojiReaction != nil {
return m.HandleEmojiReaction(messageState, *message.EmojiReaction)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) checkIfCreatorIsOurContact(group *v1protocol.Group) bool {
creator, err := group.Creator()
if err == nil {
contact, _ := m.allContacts.Load(creator)
return contact != nil &&
m.logger.Warn("failed to get creator from group", zap.String("group name", group.Name()), zap.String("group chat id", group.ChatID()), zap.Error(err))
return false
func (m *Messenger) createMessageNotification(chat *Chat, messageState *ReceivedMessageState, message *common.Message) {
var notificationType ActivityCenterType
if chat.OneToOne() {
notificationType = ActivityCenterNotificationTypeNewOneToOne
} else {
notificationType = ActivityCenterNotificationTypeNewPrivateGroupChat
notification := &ActivityCenterNotification{
ID: types.FromHex(chat.ID),
Name: chat.Name,
LastMessage: message,
Type: notificationType,
Author: messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID,
Timestamp: messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp,
ChatID: chat.ID,
CommunityID: chat.CommunityID,
UpdatedAt: m.getCurrentTimeInMillis(),
err := m.addActivityCenterNotification(messageState.Response, notification)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to create activity center notification", zap.Error(err))
func (m *Messenger) PendingNotificationContactRequest(contactID string) (*ActivityCenterNotification, error) {
return m.persistence.ActiveContactRequestNotification(contactID)
func (m *Messenger) createContactRequestForContactUpdate(contact *Contact, messageState *ReceivedMessageState) (*common.Message, error) {
contactRequest, err := m.generateContactRequest(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contactRequest.ID = defaultContactRequestID(contact.ID)
// save this message
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{contactRequest})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return contactRequest, nil
func (m *Messenger) createIncomingContactRequestNotification(contact *Contact, messageState *ReceivedMessageState, contactRequest *common.Message, createNewNotification bool) error {
if contactRequest.ContactRequestState == common.ContactRequestStateAccepted {
// Pull one from the db if there
notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(types.FromHex(contactRequest.ID))
if err != nil {
return err
if notification != nil {
notification.Name = contact.PrimaryName()
notification.Message = contactRequest
notification.Read = true
notification.Accepted = true
notification.Dismissed = false
notification.UpdatedAt = m.getCurrentTimeInMillis()
_, err = m.persistence.SaveActivityCenterNotification(notification, true)
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.syncActivityCenterNotifications([]*ActivityCenterNotification{notification})
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("createIncomingContactRequestNotification, failed to sync activity center notifications", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
if !createNewNotification {
return nil
notification := &ActivityCenterNotification{
ID: types.FromHex(contactRequest.ID),
Name: contact.PrimaryName(),
Message: contactRequest,
Type: ActivityCenterNotificationTypeContactRequest,
Author: contactRequest.From,
Timestamp: contactRequest.WhisperTimestamp,
ChatID: contact.ID,
Read: contactRequest.ContactRequestState == common.ContactRequestStateAccepted || contactRequest.ContactRequestState == common.ContactRequestStateDismissed,
Accepted: contactRequest.ContactRequestState == common.ContactRequestStateAccepted,
Dismissed: contactRequest.ContactRequestState == common.ContactRequestStateDismissed,
UpdatedAt: m.getCurrentTimeInMillis(),
return m.addActivityCenterNotification(messageState.Response, notification)
func (m *Messenger) handleCommandMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState, message *common.Message) error {
message.ID = state.CurrentMessageState.MessageID
message.From = state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID
message.Alias = state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.Alias
message.SigPubKey = state.CurrentMessageState.PublicKey
message.Identicon = state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.Identicon
message.WhisperTimestamp = state.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp
if err := message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to prepare content: %v", err)
chat, err := m.matchChatEntity(message)
if err != nil {
return err
allowed, err := m.isMessageAllowedFrom(state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID, chat)
if err != nil {
return err
if !allowed {
return ErrMessageNotAllowed
// If deleted-at is greater, ignore message
if chat.DeletedAtClockValue >= message.Clock {
return nil
// Set the LocalChatID for the message
message.LocalChatID = chat.ID
if c, ok := state.AllChats.Load(chat.ID); ok {
chat = c
// Set the LocalChatID for the message
message.LocalChatID = chat.ID
// Increase unviewed count
if !common.IsPubKeyEqual(message.SigPubKey, &m.identity.PublicKey) {
m.updateUnviewedCounts(chat, message.Mentioned || message.Replied)
message.OutgoingStatus = ""
} else {
// Our own message, mark as sent
message.OutgoingStatus = common.OutgoingStatusSent
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, state.Timesource)
if err != nil {
return err
if !chat.Active {
m.createMessageNotification(chat, state, chat.LastMessage)
// Add to response
if message != nil {
message.New = true
// Set in the modified maps chat
state.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) syncContactRequestForInstallationContact(contact *Contact, state *ReceivedMessageState, chat *Chat, outgoing bool) error {
if chat == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no chat restored during the contact synchronisation, contact.ID = %s", contact.ID)
contactRequestID, err := m.persistence.LatestPendingContactRequestIDForContact(contact.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if contactRequestID != "" {
m.logger.Warn("syncContactRequestForInstallationContact: skipping as contact request found", zap.String("contactRequestID", contactRequestID))
return nil
clock, timestamp := chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.transport)
contactRequest, err := m.generateContactRequest(clock, timestamp, contact, defaultContactRequestText(), outgoing)
if err != nil {
return err
contactRequest.ID = defaultContactRequestID(contact.ID)
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{contactRequest})
if err != nil {
return err
if outgoing {
notification := m.generateOutgoingContactRequestNotification(contact, contactRequest)
err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(state.Response, notification)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err = m.createIncomingContactRequestNotification(contact, state, contactRequest, true)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncInstallationContact(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncInstallationContactV2) error {
// Ignore own contact installation
if message.Id == m.myHexIdentity() {
m.logger.Warn("HandleSyncInstallationContact: skipping own contact")
return nil
removed := message.Removed && !message.Blocked
chat, ok := state.AllChats.Load(message.Id)
if !ok && (message.Added || message.HasAddedUs || message.Muted) && !removed {
pubKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(message.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
chat = OneToOneFromPublicKey(pubKey, state.Timesource)
// We don't want to show the chat to the user
chat.Active = false
contact, contactFound := state.AllContacts.Load(message.Id)
if !contactFound {
if message.Removed && !message.Blocked {
// Nothing to do in case if contact doesn't exist
return nil
var err error
contact, err = buildContactFromPkString(message.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
if message.ContactRequestRemoteClock != 0 || message.ContactRequestLocalClock != 0 {
// Some local action about contact requests were performed,
// process them
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
err := m.syncContactRequestForInstallationContact(contact, state, chat, contact.ContactRequestLocalState == ContactRequestStateSent)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if message.Added || message.HasAddedUs {
// NOTE(cammellos): this is for handling backward compatibility, old clients
// won't propagate ContactRequestRemoteClock or ContactRequestLocalClock
if message.Added && contact.LastUpdatedLocally < message.LastUpdatedLocally {
err := m.syncContactRequestForInstallationContact(contact, state, chat, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if message.HasAddedUs && contact.LastUpdated < message.LastUpdated {
err := m.syncContactRequestForInstallationContact(contact, state, chat, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if message.Removed && contact.LastUpdatedLocally < message.LastUpdatedLocally {
err := m.removeContact(context.Background(), state.Response, contact.ID, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// Sync last updated field
// We don't set `LastUpdated`, since that would cause some issues
// as `LastUpdated` tracks both display name & picture.
// The case where it would break is as follow:
// 1) User A pairs A1 with device A2.
// 2) User B publishes display name and picture with LastUpdated = 3.
// 3) Device A1 receives message from step 2.
// 4) Device A1 syncs with A2 (which has not received message from step 3).
// 5) Device A2 saves Display name and sets LastUpdated = 3,
// note that picture has not been set as it's not synced.
// 6) Device A2 receives the message from 2. because LastUpdated is 3
// it will be discarded, A2 will not have B's picture.
// The correct solution is to either sync profile image (expensive)
// or split the clock for image/display name, so they can be synced
// independently.
if !contactFound || (contact.LastUpdated < message.LastUpdated) {
if message.DisplayName != "" {
contact.DisplayName = message.DisplayName
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
if contact.LastUpdatedLocally < message.LastUpdatedLocally {
// NOTE(cammellos): probably is cleaner to pass a flag
// to method to tell them not to sync, or factor out in different
// methods
contact.IsSyncing = true
defer func() {
contact.IsSyncing = false
if message.EnsName != "" && contact.EnsName != message.EnsName {
contact.EnsName = message.EnsName
publicKey, err := contact.PublicKey()
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.ENSVerified(common.PubkeyToHex(publicKey), message.EnsName)
if err != nil {
contact.ENSVerified = false
contact.ENSVerified = true
contact.LastUpdatedLocally = message.LastUpdatedLocally
contact.LocalNickname = message.LocalNickname
contact.TrustStatus = verification.TrustStatus(message.TrustStatus)
contact.VerificationStatus = VerificationStatus(message.VerificationStatus)
_, err := m.verificationDatabase.UpsertTrustStatus(contact.ID, contact.TrustStatus, message.LastUpdatedLocally)
if err != nil {
return err
if message.Blocked != contact.Blocked {
if message.Blocked {
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
response, err := m.BlockContact(contact.ID, true)
if err != nil {
return err
err = state.Response.Merge(response)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
if chat != nil && message.Muted != chat.Muted {
if message.Muted {
_, err := m.muteChat(chat, contact, time.Time{})
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err := m.unmuteChat(chat, contact)
if err != nil {
return err
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
if chat != nil {
state.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncProfilePictures(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncProfilePictures) error {
dbImages, err := m.multiAccounts.GetIdentityImages(message.KeyUid)
if err != nil {
return err
dbImageMap := make(map[string]*images.IdentityImage)
for _, img := range dbImages {
dbImageMap[img.Name] = img
idImages := make([]images.IdentityImage, len(message.Pictures))
i := 0
for _, message := range message.Pictures {
dbImg := dbImageMap[message.Name]
if dbImg != nil && message.Clock <= dbImg.Clock {
image := images.IdentityImage{
Name: message.Name,
Payload: message.Payload,
Width: int(message.Width),
Height: int(message.Height),
FileSize: int(message.FileSize),
ResizeTarget: int(message.ResizeTarget),
Clock: message.Clock,
idImages[i] = image
if i == 0 {
return nil
err = m.multiAccounts.StoreIdentityImages(message.KeyUid, idImages[:i], false)
if err == nil {
state.Response.IdentityImages = idImages[:i]
return err
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncInstallationPublicChat(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncInstallationPublicChat) *Chat {
chatID := message.Id
existingChat, ok := state.AllChats.Load(chatID)
if ok && (existingChat.Active || uint32(message.GetClock()/1000) < existingChat.SyncedTo) {
return nil
chat := existingChat
if !ok {
chat = CreatePublicChat(chatID, state.Timesource)
chat.Joined = int64(message.Clock)
} else {
existingChat.Joined = int64(message.Clock)
state.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
return chat
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncChatRemoved(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncChatRemoved) error {
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(message.Id)
if !ok {
return ErrChatNotFound
if chat.Joined > int64(message.Clock) {
return nil
if chat.DeletedAtClockValue > message.Clock {
return nil
if chat.PrivateGroupChat() {
_, err := m.leaveGroupChat(context.Background(), state.Response, message.Id, true, false)
if err != nil {
return err
response, err := m.deactivateChat(message.Id, message.Clock, false, true)
if err != nil {
return err
return state.Response.Merge(response)
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncChatMessagesRead(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncChatMessagesRead) error {
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(message.Id)
if !ok {
return ErrChatNotFound
if chat.ReadMessagesAtClockValue > message.Clock {
return nil
err := m.markAllRead(message.Id, message.Clock, false)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) handlePinMessage(pinner *Contact, whisperTimestamp uint64, response *MessengerResponse, message protobuf.PinMessage) error {
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "HandlePinMessage"))
logger.Info("Handling pin message")
publicKey, err := pinner.PublicKey()
if err != nil {
return err
pinMessage := &common.PinMessage{
PinMessage: message,
// MessageID: message.MessageId,
WhisperTimestamp: whisperTimestamp,
From: pinner.ID,
SigPubKey: publicKey,
Identicon: pinner.Identicon,
Alias: pinner.Alias,
chat, err := m.matchChatEntity(pinMessage)
if err != nil {
return err // matchChatEntity returns a descriptive error message
pinMessage.ID, err = generatePinMessageID(&m.identity.PublicKey, pinMessage, chat)
if err != nil {
return err
// If deleted-at is greater, ignore message
if chat.DeletedAtClockValue >= pinMessage.Clock {
return nil
// Set the LocalChatID for the message
pinMessage.LocalChatID = chat.ID
if c, ok := m.allChats.Load(chat.ID); ok {
chat = c
// Set the LocalChatID for the message
pinMessage.LocalChatID = chat.ID
inserted, err := m.persistence.SavePinMessage(pinMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
// Nothing to do, returning
if !inserted {
m.logger.Info("pin message already processed")
return nil
if message.Pinned {
id, err := generatePinMessageNotificationID(&m.identity.PublicKey, pinMessage, chat)
if err != nil {
return err
message := &common.Message{
ChatMessage: protobuf.ChatMessage{
Clock: message.Clock,
Timestamp: whisperTimestamp,
ChatId: chat.ID,
MessageType: message.MessageType,
ResponseTo: message.MessageId,
ContentType: protobuf.ChatMessage_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_PINNED_MESSAGE,
WhisperTimestamp: whisperTimestamp,
ID: id,
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
From: pinner.ID,
if chat.LastClockValue < message.Clock {
chat.LastClockValue = message.Clock
// Set in the modified maps chat
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandlePinMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.PinMessage) error {
return m.handlePinMessage(state.CurrentMessageState.Contact, state.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp, state.Response, message)
func (m *Messenger) handleAcceptContactRequest(
response *MessengerResponse,
contact *Contact,
originalRequest *common.Message,
clock uint64) (ContactRequestProcessingResponse, error) {
m.logger.Debug("received contact request", zap.Uint64("clock-sent", clock), zap.Uint64("current-clock", contact.ContactRequestRemoteClock), zap.Uint64("current-state", uint64(contact.ContactRequestRemoteState)))
if contact.ContactRequestRemoteClock > clock {
m.logger.Debug("not handling accept since clock lower")
return ContactRequestProcessingResponse{}, nil
// The contact request accepted wasn't found, a reason for this might
// be that we sent a legacy contact request/contact-update, or another
// device has sent it, and we haven't synchronized it
if originalRequest == nil {
return contact.ContactRequestAccepted(clock), nil
if originalRequest.LocalChatID != contact.ID {
return ContactRequestProcessingResponse{}, errors.New("can't accept contact request not sent to user")
originalRequest.ContactRequestState = common.ContactRequestStateAccepted
err := m.persistence.SetContactRequestState(originalRequest.ID, originalRequest.ContactRequestState)
if err != nil {
return ContactRequestProcessingResponse{}, err
return ContactRequestProcessingResponse{}, nil
func (m *Messenger) handleAcceptContactRequestMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState, clock uint64, contactRequestID string, isOutgoing bool) error {
request, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(contactRequestID)
if err != nil && err != common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return err
contact := state.CurrentMessageState.Contact
processingResponse, err := m.handleAcceptContactRequest(state.Response, contact, request, clock)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the state has changed from non-mutual contact, to mutual contact
// we want to notify the user
if {
// We set the chat as active, this is currently the expected behavior
// for mobile, it might change as we implement further the activity
// center
chat, _, err := m.getOneToOneAndNextClock(contact)
if err != nil {
return err
if chat.LastClockValue < clock {
chat.LastClockValue = clock
// NOTE(cammellos): This will re-enable the chat if it was deleted, and only
// after we became contact, currently seems safe, but that needs
// discussing with UX.
if chat.DeletedAtClockValue < clock {
chat.Active = true
// Add mutual state update message for incoming contact request
clock, timestamp := chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.transport)
updateMessage, err := m.prepareMutualStateUpdateMessage(contact.ID, MutualStateUpdateTypeAdded, clock, timestamp, false)
if err != nil {
return err
m.prepareMessage(updateMessage, m.httpServer)
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{updateMessage})
if err != nil {
return err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(updateMessage, m.getTimesource())
if err != nil {
return err
state.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
if request != nil {
if isOutgoing {
notification := m.generateOutgoingContactRequestNotification(contact, request)
err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(state.Response, notification)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err = m.createIncomingContactRequestNotification(contact, state, request, processingResponse.newContactRequestReceived)
if err != nil {
return err
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("could not create contact request notification", zap.Error(err))
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleAcceptContactRequest(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.AcceptContactRequest, senderID string) error {
err := m.handleAcceptContactRequestMessage(state, message.Clock, message.Id, false)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("could not accept contact request", zap.Error(err))
return nil
func (m *Messenger) handleRetractContactRequest(state *ReceivedMessageState, contact *Contact, message protobuf.RetractContactRequest) error {
if contact.ID == m.myHexIdentity() {
m.logger.Debug("retraction coming from us, ignoring")
return nil
m.logger.Debug("handling retracted contact request", zap.Uint64("clock", message.Clock))
r := contact.ContactRequestRetracted(message.Clock, false)
if !r.processed {
m.logger.Debug("not handling retract since clock lower")
return nil
// System message for mutual state update
chat, clock, err := m.getOneToOneAndNextClock(contact)
if err != nil {
return err
timestamp := m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime()
updateMessage, err := m.prepareMutualStateUpdateMessage(contact.ID, MutualStateUpdateTypeRemoved, clock, timestamp, false)
if err != nil {
return err
m.prepareMessage(updateMessage, m.httpServer)
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{updateMessage})
if err != nil {
return err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(updateMessage, m.getTimesource())
if err != nil {
return err
notification := &ActivityCenterNotification{
ID: types.FromHex(uuid.New().String()),
Type: ActivityCenterNotificationTypeContactRemoved,
Name: contact.PrimaryName(),
Author: contact.ID,
Timestamp: m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime(),
ChatID: contact.ID,
Read: false,
UpdatedAt: m.getCurrentTimeInMillis(),
err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(state.Response, notification)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to create activity center notification", zap.Error(err))
return err
m.allContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleRetractContactRequest(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.RetractContactRequest) error {
contact := state.CurrentMessageState.Contact
err := m.handleRetractContactRequest(state, contact, message)
if err != nil {
return err
if contact.ID != m.myHexIdentity() {
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleContactUpdate(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.ContactUpdate) error {
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "HandleContactUpdate"))
contact := state.CurrentMessageState.Contact
chat, ok := state.AllChats.Load(contact.ID)
allowed, err := m.isMessageAllowedFrom(state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID, chat)
if err != nil {
return err
if !allowed {
return ErrMessageNotAllowed
if err = ValidateDisplayName(&message.DisplayName); err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
chat = OneToOneFromPublicKey(state.CurrentMessageState.PublicKey, state.Timesource)
// We don't want to show the chat to the user
chat.Active = false
logger.Debug("Handling contact update")
if message.ContactRequestPropagatedState != nil {
logger.Debug("handling contact request propagated state", zap.Any("state before update", contact.ContactRequestPropagatedState()))
result := contact.ContactRequestPropagatedStateReceived(message.ContactRequestPropagatedState)
if result.sendBackState {
logger.Debug("sending back state")
// This is a bit dangerous, since it might trigger a ping-pong of contact updates
// also it should backoff/debounce
_, err = m.sendContactUpdate(context.Background(), contact.ID, "", "", "", m.dispatchMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
if result.newContactRequestReceived {
contactRequest, err := m.createContactRequestForContactUpdate(contact, state)
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.createIncomingContactRequestNotification(contact, state, contactRequest, true)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Debug("handled propagated state", zap.Any("state after update", contact.ContactRequestPropagatedState()))
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
if contact.LastUpdated < message.Clock {
if contact.EnsName != message.EnsName {
contact.EnsName = message.EnsName
contact.ENSVerified = false
if len(message.DisplayName) != 0 {
contact.DisplayName = message.DisplayName
r := contact.ContactRequestReceived(message.ContactRequestClock)
if r.newContactRequestReceived {
err = m.createIncomingContactRequestNotification(contact, state, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
contact.LastUpdated = message.Clock
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
if chat.LastClockValue < message.Clock {
chat.LastClockValue = message.Clock
if && chat.DeletedAtClockValue < message.Clock {
chat.Active = true
// TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer?
state.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandlePairInstallation(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.PairInstallation) error {
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "HandlePairInstallation"))
if err := ValidateReceivedPairInstallation(&message, state.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp); err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to validate message", zap.Error(err))
return err
installation, ok := state.AllInstallations.Load(message.InstallationId)
if !ok {
return errors.New("installation not found")
metadata := &multidevice.InstallationMetadata{
Name: message.Name,
DeviceType: message.DeviceType,
installation.InstallationMetadata = metadata
// TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer?
state.AllInstallations.Store(message.InstallationId, installation)
state.ModifiedInstallations.Store(message.InstallationId, true)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleHistoryArchiveMagnetlinkMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState, communityPubKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, magnetlink string, clock uint64) error {
id := types.HexBytes(crypto.CompressPubkey(communityPubKey))
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByID(id)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Debug("Couldn't get community for community with id: ", zap.Any("id", id))
return err
if community == nil {
return nil
settings, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunitySettingsByID(id)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Debug("Couldn't get community settings for community with id: ", zap.Any("id", id))
return err
if settings == nil {
return nil
if m.torrentClientReady() && settings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled {
lastClock, err := m.communitiesManager.GetMagnetlinkMessageClock(id)
if err != nil {
return err
lastSeenMagnetlink, err := m.communitiesManager.GetLastSeenMagnetlink(id)
if err != nil {
return err
// We are only interested in a community archive magnet link
// if it originates from a community that the current account is
// part of and doesn't own the private key at the same time
if !community.IsControlNode() && community.Joined() && clock >= lastClock {
if lastSeenMagnetlink == magnetlink {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("already processed this magnetlink")
return nil
currentTask := m.communitiesManager.GetHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(id.String())
go func(currentTask *communities.HistoryArchiveDownloadTask, communityID types.HexBytes) {
// Cancel ongoing download/import task
if currentTask != nil && !currentTask.IsCancelled() {
// Create new task
task := &communities.HistoryArchiveDownloadTask{
CancelChan: make(chan struct{}),
Waiter: *new(sync.WaitGroup),
Cancelled: false,
m.communitiesManager.AddHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID.String(), task)
// this wait groups tracks the ongoing task for a particular community
defer task.Waiter.Done()
// this wait groups tracks all ongoing tasks across communities
defer m.downloadHistoryArchiveTasksWaitGroup.Done()
m.downloadAndImportHistoryArchives(communityID, magnetlink, task.CancelChan)
}(currentTask, id)
return m.communitiesManager.UpdateMagnetlinkMessageClock(id, clock)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) downloadAndImportHistoryArchives(id types.HexBytes, magnetlink string, cancel chan struct{}) {
downloadTaskInfo, err := m.communitiesManager.DownloadHistoryArchivesByMagnetlink(id, magnetlink, cancel)
if err != nil {
logMsg := "failed to download history archive data"
if err == communities.ErrTorrentTimedout {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("torrent has timed out, trying once more...")
downloadTaskInfo, err = m.communitiesManager.DownloadHistoryArchivesByMagnetlink(id, magnetlink, cancel)
if err != nil {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(logMsg, zap.Error(err))
} else {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(logMsg, zap.Error(err))
if downloadTaskInfo.Cancelled {
if downloadTaskInfo.TotalDownloadedArchivesCount > 0 {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(fmt.Sprintf("downloaded %d of %d archives so far", downloadTaskInfo.TotalDownloadedArchivesCount, downloadTaskInfo.TotalArchivesCount))
err = m.communitiesManager.UpdateLastSeenMagnetlink(id, magnetlink)
if err != nil {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("couldn't update last seen magnetlink", zap.Error(err))
err = m.importHistoryArchives(id, cancel)
if err != nil {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to import history archives", zap.Error(err))
func (m *Messenger) handleArchiveMessages(archiveMessages []*protobuf.WakuMessage) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
messagesToHandle := make(map[transport.Filter][]*types.Message)
for _, message := range archiveMessages {
filter := m.transport.FilterByTopic(message.Topic)
if filter != nil {
shhMessage := &types.Message{
Sig: message.Sig,
Timestamp: uint32(message.Timestamp),
Topic: types.BytesToTopic(message.Topic),
Payload: message.Payload,
Padding: message.Padding,
Hash: message.Hash,
ThirdPartyID: message.ThirdPartyId,
messagesToHandle[*filter] = append(messagesToHandle[*filter], shhMessage)
importedMessages := make(map[transport.Filter][]*types.Message, 0)
otherMessages := make(map[transport.Filter][]*types.Message, 0)
for filter, messages := range messagesToHandle {
for _, message := range messages {
if message.ThirdPartyID != "" {
importedMessages[filter] = append(importedMessages[filter], message)
} else {
otherMessages[filter] = append(otherMessages[filter], message)
err := m.handleImportedMessages(importedMessages)
if err != nil {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to handle imported messages", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
response, err := m.handleRetrievedMessages(otherMessages, false)
if err != nil {
m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to write history archive messages to database", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return response, nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleCommunityCancelRequestToJoin(state *ReceivedMessageState, signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, cancelRequestToJoinProto protobuf.CommunityCancelRequestToJoin) error {
if cancelRequestToJoinProto.CommunityId == nil {
return ErrInvalidCommunityID
requestToJoin, err := m.communitiesManager.HandleCommunityCancelRequestToJoin(signer, &cancelRequestToJoinProto)
if err != nil {
return err
state.Response.RequestsToJoinCommunity = append(state.Response.RequestsToJoinCommunity, requestToJoin)
// delete activity center notification
notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(requestToJoin.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if notification != nil {
notification.UpdatedAt = m.getCurrentTimeInMillis()
err = m.persistence.DeleteActivityCenterNotificationByID(types.FromHex(requestToJoin.ID.String()), notification.UpdatedAt)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to delete notification from Activity Center", zap.Error(err))
return err
// sending signal to client to remove the activity center notification from UI
response := &MessengerResponse{}
notification.Deleted = true
err = m.syncActivityCenterNotifications([]*ActivityCenterNotification{notification})
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("HandleCommunityCancelRequestToJoin, failed to sync activity center notifications", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
// HandleCommunityRequestToJoin handles an community request to join
func (m *Messenger) HandleCommunityRequestToJoin(state *ReceivedMessageState, signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, requestToJoinProto protobuf.CommunityRequestToJoin) error {
if requestToJoinProto.CommunityId == nil {
return ErrInvalidCommunityID
timeNow := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
requestTimeOutClock, err := communities.AddTimeoutToRequestToJoinClock(requestToJoinProto.Clock)
if err != nil {
return err
if timeNow >= requestTimeOutClock {
return errors.New("request is expired")
requestToJoin, err := m.communitiesManager.HandleCommunityRequestToJoin(signer, &requestToJoinProto)
if err != nil {
return err
if requestToJoin.State == communities.RequestToJoinStateAccepted || requestToJoin.State == communities.RequestToJoinStateAcceptedPending {
accept := &requests.AcceptRequestToJoinCommunity{
ID: requestToJoin.ID,
_, err = m.AcceptRequestToJoinCommunity(accept)
if err != nil {
if err == communities.ErrNoPermissionToJoin {
// only control node will end up here as it's the only one that
// performed token permission checks
requestToJoin.State = communities.RequestToJoinStateDeclined
} else {
return err
declinedOrDeclinedPending := requestToJoin.State == communities.RequestToJoinStateDeclined || requestToJoin.State == communities.RequestToJoinStateDeclinedPending
if declinedOrDeclinedPending {
cancel := &requests.DeclineRequestToJoinCommunity{
ID: requestToJoin.ID,
_, err = m.DeclineRequestToJoinCommunity(cancel)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByID(requestToJoinProto.CommunityId)
if err != nil {
return err
contactID := contactIDFromPublicKey(signer)
contact, _ := state.AllContacts.Load(contactID)
if len(requestToJoinProto.DisplayName) != 0 {
contact.DisplayName = requestToJoinProto.DisplayName
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
if requestToJoin.State == communities.RequestToJoinStatePending {
if state.Response.RequestsToJoinCommunity == nil {
state.Response.RequestsToJoinCommunity = make([]*communities.RequestToJoin, 0)
state.Response.RequestsToJoinCommunity = append(state.Response.RequestsToJoinCommunity, requestToJoin)
state.Response.AddNotification(NewCommunityRequestToJoinNotification(requestToJoin.ID.String(), community, contact))
// Activity Center notification, new for pending state
notification := &ActivityCenterNotification{
ID: types.FromHex(requestToJoin.ID.String()),
Type: ActivityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityMembershipRequest,
Timestamp: m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime(),
Author: contact.ID,
CommunityID: community.IDString(),
MembershipStatus: ActivityCenterMembershipStatusPending,
Deleted: false,
UpdatedAt: m.getCurrentTimeInMillis(),
err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(state.Response, notification)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to save notification", zap.Error(err))
return err
} else {
// Activity Center notification, updating existing for accepted/declined
notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(requestToJoin.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if notification != nil {
if requestToJoin.State == communities.RequestToJoinStateAccepted {
notification.MembershipStatus = ActivityCenterMembershipStatusAccepted
} else {
notification.MembershipStatus = ActivityCenterMembershipStatusDeclined
notification.UpdatedAt = m.getCurrentTimeInMillis()
err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(state.Response, notification)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to save notification", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
// HandleCommunityEditSharedAddresses handles an edit a user has made to their shared addresses
func (m *Messenger) HandleCommunityEditSharedAddresses(state *ReceivedMessageState, signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, editRevealedAddressesProto protobuf.CommunityEditRevealedAccounts) error {
if editRevealedAddressesProto.CommunityId == nil {
return ErrInvalidCommunityID
err := m.communitiesManager.HandleCommunityEditSharedAddresses(signer, &editRevealedAddressesProto)
if err != nil {
return err
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(string(editRevealedAddressesProto.GetCommunityId()))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleCommunityRequestToJoinResponse(state *ReceivedMessageState, signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, requestToJoinResponseProto protobuf.CommunityRequestToJoinResponse) error {
if requestToJoinResponseProto.CommunityId == nil {
return ErrInvalidCommunityID
updatedRequest, err := m.communitiesManager.HandleCommunityRequestToJoinResponse(signer, &requestToJoinResponseProto)
if err != nil {
return err
if updatedRequest != nil {
state.Response.RequestsToJoinCommunity = append(state.Response.RequestsToJoinCommunity, updatedRequest)
if requestToJoinResponseProto.Accepted {
response, err := m.JoinCommunity(context.Background(), requestToJoinResponseProto.CommunityId, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(response.Communities()) > 0 {
communitySettings := response.CommunitiesSettings()[0]
community := response.Communities()[0]
magnetlink := requestToJoinResponseProto.MagnetUri
if m.torrentClientReady() && communitySettings != nil && communitySettings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled && magnetlink != "" {
currentTask := m.communitiesManager.GetHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(community.IDString())
go func(currentTask *communities.HistoryArchiveDownloadTask) {
// Cancel ongoing download/import task
if currentTask != nil && !currentTask.IsCancelled() {
task := &communities.HistoryArchiveDownloadTask{
CancelChan: make(chan struct{}),
Waiter: *new(sync.WaitGroup),
Cancelled: false,
m.communitiesManager.AddHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(community.IDString(), task)
defer task.Waiter.Done()
defer m.downloadHistoryArchiveTasksWaitGroup.Done()
m.downloadAndImportHistoryArchives(community.ID(), magnetlink, task.CancelChan)
clock := requestToJoinResponseProto.Community.ArchiveMagnetlinkClock
return m.communitiesManager.UpdateMagnetlinkMessageClock(community.ID(), clock)
// Activity Center notification
requestID := communities.CalculateRequestID(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey), requestToJoinResponseProto.CommunityId)
notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(requestID)
if err != nil {
return err
if notification != nil {
if requestToJoinResponseProto.Accepted {
notification.MembershipStatus = ActivityCenterMembershipStatusAccepted
notification.Read = false
notification.Deleted = false
} else {
notification.MembershipStatus = ActivityCenterMembershipStatusDeclined
notification.UpdatedAt = m.getCurrentTimeInMillis()
err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(state.Response, notification)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to update notification", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleCommunityRequestToLeave(state *ReceivedMessageState, signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, requestToLeaveProto protobuf.CommunityRequestToLeave) error {
if requestToLeaveProto.CommunityId == nil {
return ErrInvalidCommunityID
err := m.communitiesManager.HandleCommunityRequestToLeave(signer, &requestToLeaveProto)
if err != nil {
return err
response, err := m.RemoveUserFromCommunity(requestToLeaveProto.CommunityId, common.PubkeyToHex(signer))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(response.Communities()) > 0 {
return nil
// handleWrappedCommunityDescriptionMessage handles a wrapped community description
func (m *Messenger) handleWrappedCommunityDescriptionMessage(payload []byte) (*communities.CommunityResponse, error) {
return m.communitiesManager.HandleWrappedCommunityDescriptionMessage(payload)
func (m *Messenger) HandleEditMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState, editMessage EditMessage) error {
if err := ValidateEditMessage(editMessage.EditMessage); err != nil {
return err
messageID := editMessage.MessageId
originalMessage, err := m.getMessageFromResponseOrDatabase(state.Response, messageID)
if err == common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return m.persistence.SaveEdit(editMessage)
} else if err != nil {
return err
originalMessageMentioned := originalMessage.Mentioned
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(originalMessage.LocalChatID)
if !ok {
return errors.New("chat not found")
// Check edit is valid
if originalMessage.From != editMessage.From {
return errors.New("invalid edit, not the right author")
// Check that edit should be applied
if originalMessage.EditedAt >= editMessage.Clock {
return m.persistence.SaveEdit(editMessage)
// applyEditMessage modifies the message. Changing the variable name to make it clearer
editedMessage := originalMessage
// Update message and return it
err = m.applyEditMessage(&editMessage.EditMessage, editedMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
needToSaveChat := false
if chat.LastMessage != nil && chat.LastMessage.ID == editedMessage.ID {
chat.LastMessage = editedMessage
needToSaveChat = true
responseTo, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(editedMessage.ResponseTo)
if err != nil && err != common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return err
err = state.updateExistingActivityCenterNotification(m.identity.PublicKey, m, editedMessage, responseTo)
if err != nil {
return err
editedMessageHasMentions := editedMessage.Mentioned
if editedMessageHasMentions && !originalMessageMentioned && !editedMessage.Seen {
// Increase unviewed count when the edited message has a mention and didn't have one before
needToSaveChat = true
} else if !editedMessageHasMentions && originalMessageMentioned && !editedMessage.Seen {
// Opposite of above, the message had a mention, but no longer does, so we reduce the count
needToSaveChat = true
if needToSaveChat {
err := m.saveChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return err
// pull updated messages
updatedMessages, err := m.persistence.MessagesByResponseTo(messageID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleDeleteMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState, deleteMessage DeleteMessage) error {
if err := ValidateDeleteMessage(deleteMessage.DeleteMessage); err != nil {
return err
messageID := deleteMessage.MessageId
// Check if it's already in the response
originalMessage := state.Response.GetMessage(messageID)
// otherwise pull from database
if originalMessage == nil {
var err error
originalMessage, err = m.persistence.MessageByID(messageID)
if err != nil && err != common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return err
if originalMessage == nil {
return m.persistence.SaveDelete(deleteMessage)
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(originalMessage.LocalChatID)
if !ok {
return errors.New("chat not found")
var canDeleteMessageForEveryone = false
if originalMessage.From != deleteMessage.From {
fromPublicKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(deleteMessage.From)
if err != nil {
return err
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypeCommunityChat {
canDeleteMessageForEveryone = m.CanDeleteMessageForEveryoneInCommunity(chat.CommunityID, fromPublicKey)
if !canDeleteMessageForEveryone {
return ErrInvalidDeletePermission
} else if chat.ChatType == ChatTypePrivateGroupChat {
canDeleteMessageForEveryone = m.CanDeleteMessageForEveryoneInPrivateGroupChat(chat, fromPublicKey)
if !canDeleteMessageForEveryone {
return ErrInvalidDeletePermission
// Check edit is valid
if !canDeleteMessageForEveryone {
return errors.New("invalid delete, not the right author")
messagesToDelete, err := m.getConnectedMessages(originalMessage, originalMessage.LocalChatID)
if err != nil {
return err
unreadCountDecreased := false
for _, messageToDelete := range messagesToDelete {
messageToDelete.Deleted = true
messageToDelete.DeletedBy = deleteMessage.DeleteMessage.DeletedBy
err := m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{messageToDelete})
if err != nil {
return err
m.logger.Debug("deleting activity center notification for message", zap.String("chatID", chat.ID), zap.String("messageID", messageToDelete.ID))
notifications, err := m.persistence.DeleteActivityCenterNotificationForMessage(chat.ID, messageToDelete.ID, m.getCurrentTimeInMillis())
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to delete notifications for deleted message", zap.Error(err))
return err
// Reduce chat mention count and unread count if unread
if !messageToDelete.Seen && !unreadCountDecreased {
unreadCountDecreased = true
if chat.UnviewedMessagesCount > 0 {
if chat.UnviewedMentionsCount > 0 && (messageToDelete.Mentioned || messageToDelete.Replied) {
err := m.saveChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.syncActivityCenterNotifications(notifications)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("HandleDeleteMessage, failed to sync activity center notifications", zap.Error(err))
return err
state.Response.AddRemovedMessage(&RemovedMessage{MessageID: messageToDelete.ID, ChatID: chat.ID, DeletedBy: deleteMessage.DeleteMessage.DeletedBy})
state.Response.AddNotification(DeletedMessageNotification(messageToDelete.ID, chat))
ID: types.FromHex(messageToDelete.ID),
Deleted: true,
if chat.LastMessage != nil && chat.LastMessage.ID == messageToDelete.ID {
chat.LastMessage = messageToDelete
err = m.saveChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return nil
messages, err := m.persistence.LatestMessageByChatID(chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(messages) > 0 {
previousNotDeletedMessage := messages[0]
if previousNotDeletedMessage != nil && !previousNotDeletedMessage.Seen && chat.OneToOne() && !chat.Active {
m.createMessageNotification(chat, state, previousNotDeletedMessage)
// pull updated messages
updatedMessages, err := m.persistence.MessagesByResponseTo(messageToDelete.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) getMessageFromResponseOrDatabase(response *MessengerResponse, messageID string) (*common.Message, error) {
originalMessage := response.GetMessage(messageID)
// otherwise pull from database
if originalMessage != nil {
return originalMessage, nil
return m.persistence.MessageByID(messageID)
func (m *Messenger) HandleDeleteForMeMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState, deleteForMeMessage protobuf.DeleteForMeMessage) error {
if err := ValidateDeleteForMeMessage(deleteForMeMessage); err != nil {
return err
messageID := deleteForMeMessage.MessageId
// Check if it's already in the response
originalMessage, err := m.getMessageFromResponseOrDatabase(state.Response, messageID)
if err == common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return m.persistence.SaveOrUpdateDeleteForMeMessage(&deleteForMeMessage)
} else if err != nil {
return err
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(originalMessage.LocalChatID)
if !ok {
return errors.New("chat not found")
messagesToDelete, err := m.getConnectedMessages(originalMessage, originalMessage.LocalChatID)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, messageToDelete := range messagesToDelete {
messageToDelete.DeletedForMe = true
err := m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{messageToDelete})
if err != nil {
return err
m.logger.Debug("deleting activity center notification for message", zap.String("chatID", chat.ID), zap.String("messageID", messageToDelete.ID))
notifications, err := m.persistence.DeleteActivityCenterNotificationForMessage(chat.ID, messageToDelete.ID, m.getCurrentTimeInMillis())
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to delete notifications for deleted message", zap.Error(err))
return err
if chat.LastMessage != nil && chat.LastMessage.ID == messageToDelete.ID {
chat.LastMessage = messageToDelete
err = m.saveChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return nil
err = m.syncActivityCenterNotifications(notifications)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("HandleDeleteForMeMessage, failed to sync activity center notifications", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
func handleContactRequestChatMessage(receivedMessage *common.Message, contact *Contact, outgoing bool, logger *zap.Logger) (bool, error) {
receivedMessage.ContactRequestState = common.ContactRequestStatePending
var response ContactRequestProcessingResponse
if outgoing {
response = contact.ContactRequestSent(receivedMessage.Clock)
} else {
response = contact.ContactRequestReceived(receivedMessage.Clock)
if !response.processed {
logger.Info("not handling contact message since clock lower")
return false, nil
if {
receivedMessage.ContactRequestState = common.ContactRequestStateAccepted
return response.newContactRequestReceived, nil
func (m *Messenger) handleChatMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState, forceSeen bool) error {
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "handleChatMessage"))
if err := ValidateReceivedChatMessage(&state.CurrentMessageState.Message, state.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp); err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to validate message", zap.Error(err))
return err
receivedMessage := &common.Message{
ID: state.CurrentMessageState.MessageID,
ChatMessage: state.CurrentMessageState.Message,
From: state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID,
Alias: state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.Alias,
SigPubKey: state.CurrentMessageState.PublicKey,
Identicon: state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.Identicon,
WhisperTimestamp: state.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp,
// is the message coming from us?
isSyncMessage := common.IsPubKeyEqual(receivedMessage.SigPubKey, &m.identity.PublicKey)
if forceSeen || isSyncMessage {
receivedMessage.Seen = true
err := receivedMessage.PrepareContent(m.myHexIdentity())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to prepare message content: %v", err)
// If the message is a reply, we check if it's a reply to one of own own messages
if receivedMessage.ResponseTo != "" {
repliedTo, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(receivedMessage.ResponseTo)
if err != nil && (err == sql.ErrNoRows || err == common.ErrRecordNotFound) {
logger.Error("failed to get quoted message", zap.Error(err))
} else if err != nil {
return err
} else if repliedTo.From == m.myHexIdentity() {
receivedMessage.Replied = true
chat, err := m.matchChatEntity(receivedMessage)
if err != nil {
return err // matchChatEntity returns a descriptive error message
if chat.ReadMessagesAtClockValue >= receivedMessage.Clock {
receivedMessage.Seen = true
allowed, err := m.isMessageAllowedFrom(state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID, chat)
if err != nil {
return err
if !allowed {
return ErrMessageNotAllowed
// It looks like status-mobile created profile chats as public chats
// so for now we need to check for the presence of "@" in their chatID
if chat.Public() && !chat.ProfileUpdates() {
switch receivedMessage.ContentType {
case protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE:
return errors.New("images are not allowed in public chats")
case protobuf.ChatMessage_AUDIO:
return errors.New("audio messages are not allowed in public chats")
// If profile updates check if author is the same as chat profile public key
if chat.ProfileUpdates() && receivedMessage.From != chat.Profile {
return nil
// If deleted-at is greater, ignore message
if chat.DeletedAtClockValue >= receivedMessage.Clock {
return nil
// Set the LocalChatID for the message
receivedMessage.LocalChatID = chat.ID
if err := m.updateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat, whisperToUnixTimestamp(receivedMessage.WhisperTimestamp), state.Response); err != nil {
return err
// Our own message, mark as sent
if isSyncMessage {
receivedMessage.OutgoingStatus = common.OutgoingStatusSent
} else if !receivedMessage.Seen {
// Increase unviewed count
skipUpdateUnviewedCountForAlbums := false
if receivedMessage.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE {
image := receivedMessage.GetImage()
if image != nil && image.AlbumId != "" {
// Skip unviewed counts increasing for other messages from album if we have it in memory
for _, message := range state.Response.Messages() {
if receivedMessage.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE {
img := message.GetImage()
if img != nil && img.AlbumId != "" && img.AlbumId == image.AlbumId {
skipUpdateUnviewedCountForAlbums = true
if !skipUpdateUnviewedCountForAlbums {
messages, err := m.persistence.AlbumMessages(chat.ID, image.AlbumId)
if err != nil {
return err
// Skip unviewed counts increasing for other messages from album if we have it in db
skipUpdateUnviewedCountForAlbums = len(messages) > 0
if !skipUpdateUnviewedCountForAlbums {
m.updateUnviewedCounts(chat, receivedMessage.Mentioned || receivedMessage.Replied)
contact := state.CurrentMessageState.Contact
// If we receive some propagated state from someone who's not
// our paired device, we handle it
if receivedMessage.ContactRequestPropagatedState != nil && !isSyncMessage {
result := contact.ContactRequestPropagatedStateReceived(receivedMessage.ContactRequestPropagatedState)
if result.sendBackState {
_, err = m.sendContactUpdate(context.Background(), contact.ID, "", "", "", m.dispatchMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
if result.newContactRequestReceived {
if contact.hasAddedUs() && ! {
receivedMessage.ContactRequestState = common.ContactRequestStatePending
// Add mutual state update message for outgoing contact request
clock := receivedMessage.Clock - 1
updateMessage, err := m.prepareMutualStateUpdateMessage(contact.ID, MutualStateUpdateTypeSent, clock, receivedMessage.Timestamp, false)
if err != nil {
return err
m.prepareMessage(updateMessage, m.httpServer)
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{updateMessage})
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.createIncomingContactRequestNotification(contact, state, receivedMessage, true)
if err != nil {
return err
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
if receivedMessage.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_CONTACT_REQUEST && chat.OneToOne() {
chatContact := contact
if isSyncMessage {
chatContact, err = m.BuildContact(&requests.BuildContact{PublicKey: chat.ID})
if err != nil {
return err
if || chatContact.dismissed() {
m.logger.Info("ignoring contact request message for a mutual or dismissed contact")
return nil
sendNotification, err := handleContactRequestChatMessage(receivedMessage, chatContact, isSyncMessage, m.logger)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to handle contact request message", zap.Error(err))
return err
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(chatContact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(chatContact.ID, chatContact)
if sendNotification {
err = m.createIncomingContactRequestNotification(chatContact, state, receivedMessage, true)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if receivedMessage.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_COMMUNITY {
chat.Highlight = true
if receivedMessage.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_DISCORD_MESSAGE {
discordMessage := receivedMessage.GetDiscordMessage()
discordMessageAuthor := discordMessage.GetAuthor()
discordMessageAttachments := discordMessage.GetAttachments()
if len(discordMessageAttachments) > 0 {
err = m.checkForEdits(receivedMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.checkForDeletes(receivedMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.checkForDeleteForMes(receivedMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
if !receivedMessage.Deleted && !receivedMessage.DeletedForMe {
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(receivedMessage, m.getTimesource())
if err != nil {
return err
// Set in the modified maps chat
// TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer?
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
if !isSyncMessage && receivedMessage.EnsName != "" {
oldRecord, err := m.ensVerifier.Add(contact.ID, receivedMessage.EnsName, receivedMessage.Clock)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to verify ENS name", zap.Error(err))
} else if oldRecord == nil {
// If oldRecord is nil, a new verification process will take place
// so we reset the record
contact.ENSVerified = false
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
if !isSyncMessage && contact.DisplayName != receivedMessage.DisplayName && len(receivedMessage.DisplayName) != 0 {
contact.DisplayName = receivedMessage.DisplayName
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
if receivedMessage.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_COMMUNITY {
m.logger.Debug("Handling community content type")
communityResponse, err := m.handleWrappedCommunityDescriptionMessage(receivedMessage.GetCommunity())
if err != nil {
return err
community := communityResponse.Community
receivedMessage.CommunityID = community.IDString()
state.Response.CommunityChanges = append(state.Response.CommunityChanges, communityResponse.Changes)
receivedMessage.New = true
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleChatMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState) error {
return m.handleChatMessage(state, false)
func (m *Messenger) HandleImportedChatMessage(state *ReceivedMessageState) error {
return m.handleChatMessage(state, true)
func (m *Messenger) addActivityCenterNotification(response *MessengerResponse, notification *ActivityCenterNotification) error {
_, err := m.persistence.SaveActivityCenterNotification(notification, true)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to save notification", zap.Error(err))
return err
err = m.syncActivityCenterNotifications([]*ActivityCenterNotification{notification})
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("addActivityCenterNotification, failed to sync activity center notifications", zap.Error(err))
return err
state, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterState()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to obtain activity center state", zap.Error(err))
return err
if !notification.Read {
return m.syncActivityCenterNotificationState(state)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleRequestAddressForTransaction(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, command protobuf.RequestAddressForTransaction) error {
err := ValidateReceivedRequestAddressForTransaction(&command, messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
message := &common.Message{
ChatMessage: protobuf.ChatMessage{
Clock: command.Clock,
Timestamp: messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp,
Text: "Request address for transaction",
// ChatId is only used as-is for messages sent to oneself (i.e: mostly sync) so no need to check it here
ChatId: command.GetChatId(),
MessageType: protobuf.MessageType_ONE_TO_ONE,
ContentType: protobuf.ChatMessage_TRANSACTION_COMMAND,
CommandParameters: &common.CommandParameters{
ID: messageState.CurrentMessageState.MessageID,
Value: command.Value,
Contract: command.Contract,
CommandState: common.CommandStateRequestAddressForTransaction,
return m.handleCommandMessage(messageState, message)
func (m *Messenger) handleSyncSetting(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, message *protobuf.SyncSetting) error {
settingField, err := m.extractAndSaveSyncSetting(message)
if err != nil {
return err
if settingField == nil {
return nil
switch message.GetType() {
case protobuf.SyncSetting_DISPLAY_NAME:
if newName := message.GetValueString(); newName != "" && m.account.Name != newName {
m.account.Name = newName
if err := m.multiAccounts.SaveAccount(*m.account); err != nil {
return err
case protobuf.SyncSetting_MNEMONIC_REMOVED:
if message.GetValueBool() {
if err := m.settings.DeleteMnemonic(); err != nil {
return err
messageState.Response.AddSetting(&settings.SyncSettingField{SettingField: settings.Mnemonic})
return nil
return nil
func (m *Messenger) handleSyncAccountCustomizationColor(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncAccountCustomizationColor) error {
err := m.multiAccounts.UpdateAccountCustomizationColor(message.GetKeyUid(), message.GetCustomizationColor(), message.GetUpdatedAt())
if err != nil {
return err
state.Response.CustomizationColor = message.GetCustomizationColor()
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleRequestTransaction(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, command protobuf.RequestTransaction) error {
err := ValidateReceivedRequestTransaction(&command, messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
message := &common.Message{
ChatMessage: protobuf.ChatMessage{
Clock: command.Clock,
Timestamp: messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp,
Text: "Request transaction",
// ChatId is only used for messages sent to oneself (i.e: mostly sync) so no need to check it here
ChatId: command.GetChatId(),
MessageType: protobuf.MessageType_ONE_TO_ONE,
ContentType: protobuf.ChatMessage_TRANSACTION_COMMAND,
CommandParameters: &common.CommandParameters{
ID: messageState.CurrentMessageState.MessageID,
Value: command.Value,
Contract: command.Contract,
CommandState: common.CommandStateRequestTransaction,
Address: command.Address,
return m.handleCommandMessage(messageState, message)
func (m *Messenger) HandleAcceptRequestAddressForTransaction(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, command protobuf.AcceptRequestAddressForTransaction) error {
err := ValidateReceivedAcceptRequestAddressForTransaction(&command, messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
initialMessage, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(command.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
if initialMessage == nil {
return errors.New("message not found")
if initialMessage.LocalChatID != messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID {
return errors.New("From must match")
if initialMessage.OutgoingStatus == "" {
return errors.New("Initial message must originate from us")
if initialMessage.CommandParameters.CommandState != common.CommandStateRequestAddressForTransaction {
return errors.New("Wrong state for command")
initialMessage.Clock = command.Clock
initialMessage.Timestamp = messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp
initialMessage.Text = requestAddressForTransactionAcceptedMessage
initialMessage.CommandParameters.Address = command.Address
initialMessage.Seen = false
initialMessage.CommandParameters.CommandState = common.CommandStateRequestAddressForTransactionAccepted
initialMessage.ChatId = command.GetChatId()
// Hide previous message
previousMessage, err := m.persistence.MessageByCommandID(messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID, command.Id)
if err != nil && err != common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return err
if previousMessage != nil {
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(previousMessage.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
initialMessage.Replace = previousMessage.ID
return m.handleCommandMessage(messageState, initialMessage)
func (m *Messenger) HandleSendTransaction(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, command protobuf.SendTransaction) error {
err := ValidateReceivedSendTransaction(&command, messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
transactionToValidate := &TransactionToValidate{
MessageID: messageState.CurrentMessageState.MessageID,
CommandID: command.Id,
TransactionHash: command.TransactionHash,
FirstSeen: messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp,
Signature: command.Signature,
Validate: true,
From: messageState.CurrentMessageState.PublicKey,
RetryCount: 0,
m.logger.Info("Saving transction to validate", zap.Any("transaction", transactionToValidate))
return m.persistence.SaveTransactionToValidate(transactionToValidate)
func (m *Messenger) HandleDeclineRequestAddressForTransaction(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, command protobuf.DeclineRequestAddressForTransaction) error {
err := ValidateReceivedDeclineRequestAddressForTransaction(&command, messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
oldMessage, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(command.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
if oldMessage == nil {
return errors.New("message not found")
if oldMessage.LocalChatID != messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID {
return errors.New("From must match")
if oldMessage.OutgoingStatus == "" {
return errors.New("Initial message must originate from us")
if oldMessage.CommandParameters.CommandState != common.CommandStateRequestAddressForTransaction {
return errors.New("Wrong state for command")
oldMessage.Clock = command.Clock
oldMessage.Timestamp = messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp
oldMessage.Text = requestAddressForTransactionDeclinedMessage
oldMessage.Seen = false
oldMessage.CommandParameters.CommandState = common.CommandStateRequestAddressForTransactionDeclined
oldMessage.ChatId = command.GetChatId()
// Hide previous message
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(command.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
oldMessage.Replace = command.Id
return m.handleCommandMessage(messageState, oldMessage)
func (m *Messenger) HandleDeclineRequestTransaction(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, command protobuf.DeclineRequestTransaction) error {
err := ValidateReceivedDeclineRequestTransaction(&command, messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
oldMessage, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(command.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
if oldMessage == nil {
return errors.New("message not found")
if oldMessage.LocalChatID != messageState.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID {
return errors.New("From must match")
if oldMessage.OutgoingStatus == "" {
return errors.New("Initial message must originate from us")
if oldMessage.CommandParameters.CommandState != common.CommandStateRequestTransaction {
return errors.New("Wrong state for command")
oldMessage.Clock = command.Clock
oldMessage.Timestamp = messageState.CurrentMessageState.WhisperTimestamp
oldMessage.Text = transactionRequestDeclinedMessage
oldMessage.Seen = false
oldMessage.CommandParameters.CommandState = common.CommandStateRequestTransactionDeclined
oldMessage.ChatId = command.GetChatId()
// Hide previous message
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(command.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
oldMessage.Replace = command.Id
return m.handleCommandMessage(messageState, oldMessage)
func (m *Messenger) matchChatEntity(chatEntity common.ChatEntity) (*Chat, error) {
if chatEntity.GetSigPubKey() == nil {
m.logger.Error("public key can't be empty")
return nil, errors.New("received a chatEntity with empty public key")
switch {
case chatEntity.GetMessageType() == protobuf.MessageType_PUBLIC_GROUP:
// For public messages, all outgoing and incoming messages have the same chatID
// equal to a public chat name.
chatID := chatEntity.GetChatId()
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("received a public chatEntity from non-existing chat")
if !chat.Public() && !chat.ProfileUpdates() && !chat.Timeline() {
return nil, ErrMessageForWrongChatType
return chat, nil
case chatEntity.GetMessageType() == protobuf.MessageType_ONE_TO_ONE && common.IsPubKeyEqual(chatEntity.GetSigPubKey(), &m.identity.PublicKey):
// It's a private message coming from us so we rely on Message.ChatID
// If chat does not exist, it should be created to support multidevice synchronization.
chatID := chatEntity.GetChatId()
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
if len(chatID) != PubKeyStringLength {
return nil, errors.New("invalid pubkey length")
bytePubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(chatID[2:])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to decode hex chatID")
pubKey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(bytePubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to decode pubkey")
chat = CreateOneToOneChat(chatID[:8], pubKey, m.getTimesource())
// if we are the sender, the chat must be active
chat.Active = true
return chat, nil
case chatEntity.GetMessageType() == protobuf.MessageType_ONE_TO_ONE:
// It's an incoming private chatEntity. ChatID is calculated from the signature.
// If a chat does not exist, a new one is created and saved.
chatID := contactIDFromPublicKey(chatEntity.GetSigPubKey())
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
// TODO: this should be a three-word name used in the mobile client
chat = CreateOneToOneChat(chatID[:8], chatEntity.GetSigPubKey(), m.getTimesource())
chat.Active = false
// We set the chat as inactive and will create a notification
// if it's not coming from a contact
contact, ok := m.allContacts.Load(chatID)
chat.Active = chat.Active || (ok && contact.added())
return chat, nil
case chatEntity.GetMessageType() == protobuf.MessageType_COMMUNITY_CHAT:
chatID := chatEntity.GetChatId()
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("received community chat chatEntity for non-existing chat")
if chat.CommunityID == "" || chat.ChatType != ChatTypeCommunityChat {
return nil, errors.New("not an community chat")
var emojiReaction bool
var pinMessage bool
// We allow emoji reactions from anyone
switch chatEntity.(type) {
case *EmojiReaction:
emojiReaction = true
case *common.PinMessage:
pinMessage = true
canPost, err := m.communitiesManager.CanPost(chatEntity.GetSigPubKey(), chat.CommunityID, chat.CommunityChatID(), chatEntity.GetGrant())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(chat.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hasPermission := community.IsPrivilegedMember(chatEntity.GetSigPubKey())
pinMessageAllowed := community.AllowsAllMembersToPinMessage()
if (pinMessage && !hasPermission && !pinMessageAllowed) || (!emojiReaction && !canPost) {
return nil, errors.New("user can't post")
return chat, nil
case chatEntity.GetMessageType() == protobuf.MessageType_PRIVATE_GROUP:
// In the case of a group chatEntity, ChatID is the same for all messages belonging to a group.
// It needs to be verified if the signature public key belongs to the chat.
chatID := chatEntity.GetChatId()
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("received group chat chatEntity for non-existing chat")
senderKeyHex := contactIDFromPublicKey(chatEntity.GetSigPubKey())
myKeyHex := contactIDFromPublicKey(&m.identity.PublicKey)
senderIsMember := false
iAmMember := false
for _, member := range chat.Members {
if member.ID == senderKeyHex {
senderIsMember = true
if member.ID == myKeyHex {
iAmMember = true
if senderIsMember && iAmMember {
return chat, nil
return nil, errors.New("did not find a matching group chat")
return nil, errors.New("can not match a chat because there is no valid case")
func (m *Messenger) messageExists(messageID string, existingMessagesMap map[string]bool) (bool, error) {
if _, ok := existingMessagesMap[messageID]; ok {
return true, nil
existingMessagesMap[messageID] = true
// Check against the database, this is probably a bit slow for
// each message, but for now might do, we'll make it faster later
existingMessage, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(messageID)
if err != nil && err != common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return false, err
if existingMessage != nil {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleEmojiReaction(state *ReceivedMessageState, pbEmojiR protobuf.EmojiReaction) error {
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "HandleEmojiReaction"))
if err := ValidateReceivedEmojiReaction(&pbEmojiR, state.Timesource.GetCurrentTime()); err != nil {
logger.Error("invalid emoji reaction", zap.Error(err))
return err
from := state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID
emojiReaction := &EmojiReaction{
EmojiReaction: pbEmojiR,
From: from,
SigPubKey: state.CurrentMessageState.PublicKey,
existingEmoji, err := m.persistence.EmojiReactionByID(emojiReaction.ID())
if err != common.ErrRecordNotFound && err != nil {
return err
if existingEmoji != nil && existingEmoji.Clock >= pbEmojiR.Clock {
// this is not a valid emoji, ignoring
return nil
chat, err := m.matchChatEntity(emojiReaction)
if err != nil {
return err // matchChatEntity returns a descriptive error message
// Set local chat id
emojiReaction.LocalChatID = chat.ID
logger.Debug("Handling emoji reaction")
if chat.LastClockValue < pbEmojiR.Clock {
chat.LastClockValue = pbEmojiR.Clock
// TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer?
state.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
// save emoji reaction
err = m.persistence.SaveEmojiReaction(emojiReaction)
if err != nil {
return err
state.EmojiReactions[emojiReaction.ID()] = emojiReaction
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleGroupChatInvitation(state *ReceivedMessageState, pbGHInvitations protobuf.GroupChatInvitation) error {
allowed, err := m.isMessageAllowedFrom(state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if !allowed {
return ErrMessageNotAllowed
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "HandleGroupChatInvitation"))
if err := ValidateReceivedGroupChatInvitation(&pbGHInvitations); err != nil {
logger.Error("invalid group chat invitation", zap.Error(err))
return err
groupChatInvitation := &GroupChatInvitation{
GroupChatInvitation: pbGHInvitations,
SigPubKey: state.CurrentMessageState.PublicKey,
//From is the PK of author of invitation request
if groupChatInvitation.State == protobuf.GroupChatInvitation_REJECTED {
//rejected so From is the current user who received this rejection
groupChatInvitation.From = types.EncodeHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&m.identity.PublicKey))
} else {
//invitation request, so From is the author of message
groupChatInvitation.From = state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID
existingInvitation, err := m.persistence.InvitationByID(groupChatInvitation.ID())
if err != common.ErrRecordNotFound && err != nil {
return err
if existingInvitation != nil && existingInvitation.Clock >= pbGHInvitations.Clock {
// this is not a valid invitation, ignoring
return nil
// save invitation
err = m.persistence.SaveInvitation(groupChatInvitation)
if err != nil {
return err
state.GroupChatInvitations[groupChatInvitation.ID()] = groupChatInvitation
return nil
// HandleChatIdentity handles an incoming protobuf.ChatIdentity
// extracts contact information stored in the protobuf and adds it to the user's contact for update.
func (m *Messenger) HandleChatIdentity(state *ReceivedMessageState, ci protobuf.ChatIdentity) error {
s, err := m.settings.GetSettings()
if err != nil {
return err
contact := state.CurrentMessageState.Contact
viewFromContacts := s.ProfilePicturesVisibility == settings.ProfilePicturesVisibilityContactsOnly
viewFromNoOne := s.ProfilePicturesVisibility == settings.ProfilePicturesVisibilityNone
m.logger.Debug("settings found",
zap.Bool("viewFromContacts", viewFromContacts),
zap.Bool("viewFromNoOne", viewFromNoOne),
// If we don't want to view profile images from anyone, don't process identity images.
// We don't want to store the profile images of other users, even if we don't display images.
inOurContacts, ok := m.allContacts.Load(state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID)
isContact := ok && inOurContacts.added()
if viewFromNoOne && !isContact {
return nil
// If there are no images attached to a ChatIdentity, check if message is allowed
// Or if there are images and visibility is set to from contacts only, check if message is allowed
// otherwise process the images without checking if the message is allowed
if len(ci.Images) == 0 || (len(ci.Images) > 0 && (viewFromContacts)) {
allowed, err := m.isMessageAllowedFrom(state.CurrentMessageState.Contact.ID, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if !allowed {
return ErrMessageNotAllowed
err = DecryptIdentityImagesWithIdentityPrivateKey(ci.Images, m.identity, state.CurrentMessageState.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// Remove any images still encrypted after the decryption process
for name, image := range ci.Images {
if image.Encrypted {
delete(ci.Images, name)
clockChanged, imagesChanged, err := m.persistence.SaveContactChatIdentity(contact.ID, &ci)
if err != nil {
return err
contactModified := false
if imagesChanged {
for imageType, image := range ci.Images {
if contact.Images == nil {
contact.Images = make(map[string]images.IdentityImage)
contact.Images[imageType] = images.IdentityImage{Name: imageType, Payload: image.Payload, Clock: ci.Clock}
if err = m.updateContactImagesURL(contact); err != nil {
return err
contactModified = true
if clockChanged {
if err = ValidateDisplayName(&ci.DisplayName); err != nil {
return err
if contact.DisplayName != ci.DisplayName && len(ci.DisplayName) != 0 {
contact.DisplayName = ci.DisplayName
contactModified = true
if err = ValidateBio(&ci.Description); err != nil {
return err
if contact.Bio != ci.Description {
contact.Bio = ci.Description
contactModified = true
socialLinks := identity.NewSocialLinks(ci.SocialLinks)
if err = ValidateSocialLinks(socialLinks); err != nil {
return err
if !contact.SocialLinks.Equal(socialLinks) {
contact.SocialLinks = socialLinks
contactModified = true
if contactModified {
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
state.AllContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleAnonymousMetricBatch(amb protobuf.AnonymousMetricBatch) error {
return nil
func (m *Messenger) checkForEdits(message *common.Message) error {
// Check for any pending edit
// If any pending edits are available and valid, apply them
edits, err := m.persistence.GetEdits(message.ID, message.From)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(edits) == 0 {
return nil
// Apply the first edit that is valid
for _, e := range edits {
if e.Clock >= message.Clock {
// Update message and return it
err := m.applyEditMessage(&e.EditMessage, message)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
func (m *Messenger) getMessagesToCheckForDelete(message *common.Message) ([]*common.Message, error) {
var messagesToCheck []*common.Message
if message.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE {
image := message.GetImage()
if image != nil && image.AlbumId != "" {
messagesInTheAlbum, err := m.persistence.albumMessages(message.ChatId, image.GetAlbumId())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messagesToCheck = append(messagesToCheck, messagesInTheAlbum...)
messagesToCheck = append(messagesToCheck, message)
return messagesToCheck, nil
func (m *Messenger) checkForDeletes(message *common.Message) error {
// Get all messages part of the album
messagesToCheck, err := m.getMessagesToCheckForDelete(message)
if err != nil {
return err
var messageDeletes []*DeleteMessage
applyDelete := false
// Loop all messages part of the album, if one of them is marked as deleted, we delete them all
for _, messageToCheck := range messagesToCheck {
// Check for any pending deletes
// If any pending deletes are available and valid, apply them
messageDeletes, err = m.persistence.GetDeletes(messageToCheck.ID, messageToCheck.From)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(messageDeletes) == 0 {
// Once one messageDelete has been found, we apply it to all the images in the album
applyDelete = true
if applyDelete {
for _, messageToCheck := range messagesToCheck {
err := m.applyDeleteMessage(messageDeletes, messageToCheck)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) checkForDeleteForMes(message *common.Message) error {
messagesToCheck, err := m.getMessagesToCheckForDelete(message)
if err != nil {
return err
var messageDeleteForMes []*protobuf.DeleteForMeMessage
applyDelete := false
for _, messageToCheck := range messagesToCheck {
if !applyDelete {
// Check for any pending delete for mes
// If any pending deletes are available and valid, apply them
messageDeleteForMes, err = m.persistence.GetDeleteForMeMessagesByMessageID(messageToCheck.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(messageDeleteForMes) == 0 {
// Once one messageDeleteForMes has been found, we apply it to all the images in the album
applyDelete = true
err := m.applyDeleteForMeMessage(messageToCheck)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) isMessageAllowedFrom(publicKey string, chat *Chat) (bool, error) {
onlyFromContacts, err := m.settings.GetMessagesFromContactsOnly()
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !onlyFromContacts {
return true, nil
// if it's from us, it's allowed
if m.myHexIdentity() == publicKey {
return true, nil
// If the chat is active, we allow it
if chat != nil && chat.Active {
return true, nil
// If the chat is public, we allow it
if chat != nil && chat.Public() {
return true, nil
contact, ok := m.allContacts.Load(publicKey)
if !ok {
// If it's not in contacts, we don't allow it
return false, nil
// Otherwise we check if we added it
return contact.added(), nil
func (m *Messenger) updateUnviewedCounts(chat *Chat, mentionedOrReplied bool) {
if mentionedOrReplied {
func mapSyncAccountToAccount(message *protobuf.SyncAccount, accountOperability accounts.AccountOperable, accType accounts.AccountType) *accounts.Account {
return &accounts.Account{
Address: types.BytesToAddress(message.Address),
KeyUID: message.KeyUid,
PublicKey: types.HexBytes(message.PublicKey),
Type: accType,
Path: message.Path,
Name: message.Name,
ColorID: multiaccountscommon.CustomizationColor(message.ColorId),
Emoji: message.Emoji,
Wallet: message.Wallet,
Chat: message.Chat,
Hidden: message.Hidden,
Clock: message.Clock,
Operable: accountOperability,
Removed: message.Removed,
Position: message.Position,
ProdPreferredChainIDs: message.ProdPreferredChainIDs,
TestPreferredChainIDs: message.TestPreferredChainIDs,
func (m *Messenger) resolveAccountOperability(syncAcc *protobuf.SyncAccount, syncKpMigratedToKeycard bool, accountReceivedFromLocalPairing bool) (accounts.AccountOperable, error) {
if accountReceivedFromLocalPairing {
return accounts.AccountOperable(syncAcc.Operable), nil
accountsOperability := accounts.AccountNonOperable
dbAccount, err := m.settings.GetAccountByAddress(types.BytesToAddress(syncAcc.Address))
if err != nil && err != accounts.ErrDbAccountNotFound {
return accountsOperability, err
if dbAccount != nil {
return dbAccount.Operable, nil
if !syncKpMigratedToKeycard {
// We're here when we receive a keypair from the paired device which is either:
// 1. regular keypair or
// 2. was just converted from keycard to a regular keypair.
dbKeycardsForKeyUID, err := m.settings.GetKeycardsWithSameKeyUID(syncAcc.KeyUid)
if err != nil {
return accounts.AccountNonOperable, err
if len(dbKeycardsForKeyUID) > 0 {
// We're here in case 2. from above and in this case we need to mark all accounts for this keypair non operable
return accounts.AccountNonOperable, nil
if syncKpMigratedToKeycard || syncAcc.Chat || syncAcc.Wallet {
accountsOperability = accounts.AccountFullyOperable
} else {
partiallyOrFullyOperable, err := m.settings.IsAnyAccountPartiallyOrFullyOperableForKeyUID(syncAcc.KeyUid)
if err != nil {
if err == accounts.ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
return accounts.AccountNonOperable, nil
return accounts.AccountNonOperable, err
if partiallyOrFullyOperable {
accountsOperability = accounts.AccountPartiallyOperable
return accountsOperability, nil
func (m *Messenger) handleSyncWatchOnlyAccount(message *protobuf.SyncAccount, fromBackup bool) (*accounts.Account, error) {
if message.KeyUid != "" {
return nil, ErrNotWatchOnlyAccount
accountOperability := accounts.AccountFullyOperable
accAddress := types.BytesToAddress(message.Address)
dbAccount, err := m.settings.GetAccountByAddress(accAddress)
if err != nil && err != accounts.ErrDbAccountNotFound {
return nil, err
if dbAccount != nil {
if message.Clock <= dbAccount.Clock {
return nil, ErrTryingToStoreOldWalletAccount
if message.Removed {
err = m.settings.RemoveAccount(accAddress, message.Clock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if keypair is retrieved from backed up data, no need for resolving accounts positions
if !fromBackup {
err = m.settings.ResolveAccountsPositions(message.Clock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dbAccount.Removed = true
return dbAccount, nil
acc := mapSyncAccountToAccount(message, accountOperability, accounts.AccountTypeWatch)
err = m.settings.SaveOrUpdateAccounts([]*accounts.Account{acc}, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return acc, nil
func (m *Messenger) handleSyncAccountsPositions(message *protobuf.SyncAccountsPositions) ([]*accounts.Account, error) {
if len(message.Accounts) == 0 {
return nil, nil
dbLastUpdate, err := m.settings.GetClockOfLastAccountsPositionChange()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Since adding new account updates `ClockOfLastAccountsPositionChange` we should handle account order changes
// even they are with the same clock, that ensures the correct order in case of syncing devices.
if message.Clock < dbLastUpdate {
return nil, ErrTryingToApplyOldWalletAccountsOrder
var accs []*accounts.Account
for _, sAcc := range message.Accounts {
acc := &accounts.Account{
Address: types.BytesToAddress(sAcc.Address),
KeyUID: sAcc.KeyUid,
Position: sAcc.Position,
accs = append(accs, acc)
err = m.settings.SetWalletAccountsPositions(accs, message.Clock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return accs, nil
func (m *Messenger) handleSyncKeypair(message *protobuf.SyncKeypair, fromLocalPairing bool) (*accounts.Keypair, error) {
if message == nil {
return nil, errors.New("handleSyncKeypair receive a nil message")
dbKeypair, err := m.settings.GetKeypairByKeyUID(message.KeyUid)
if err != nil && err != accounts.ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
return nil, err
kp := &accounts.Keypair{
KeyUID: message.KeyUid,
Name: message.Name,
Type: accounts.KeypairType(message.Type),
DerivedFrom: message.DerivedFrom,
LastUsedDerivationIndex: message.LastUsedDerivationIndex,
SyncedFrom: message.SyncedFrom,
Clock: message.Clock,
Removed: message.Removed,
if dbKeypair != nil {
if dbKeypair.Clock >= kp.Clock {
return nil, ErrTryingToStoreOldKeypair
// in case of keypair update, we need to keep `synced_from` field as it was when keypair was introduced to this device for the first time
// but in case if keypair on this device came from the backup (e.g. device A recovered from waku, then device B paired with the device A
// via local pairing, before device A made its keypairs fully operable) we need to update syncedFrom when user on this device when that
// keypair becomes operable on any of other paired devices
if dbKeypair.SyncedFrom != accounts.SyncedFromBackup {
kp.SyncedFrom = dbKeypair.SyncedFrom
for _, sAcc := range message.Accounts {
syncKpMigratedToKeycard := len(message.Keycards) > 0
if message.SyncedFrom == accounts.SyncedFromBackup && kp.Type == accounts.KeypairTypeProfile {
// if a profile keypair is coming from backup, we're handling within this block the case when a recovering
// was inititiated via keycard, while backed up profile keypair data refers to a regular profile
multiAcc, err := m.multiAccounts.GetAccount(kp.KeyUID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
syncKpMigratedToKeycard = multiAcc != nil && multiAcc.KeycardPairing != ""
accountOperability, err := m.resolveAccountOperability(sAcc, syncKpMigratedToKeycard, fromLocalPairing)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
acc := mapSyncAccountToAccount(sAcc, accountOperability, accounts.GetAccountTypeForKeypairType(kp.Type))
kp.Accounts = append(kp.Accounts, acc)
if kp.Removed {
// delete all keystore files
err = m.deleteKeystoreFilesForKeypair(dbKeypair)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !fromLocalPairing && dbKeypair != nil {
for _, dbAcc := range dbKeypair.Accounts {
found := false
for _, acc := range kp.Accounts {
if dbAcc.Address == acc.Address {
found = true
if !found {
err = m.deleteKeystoreFileForAddress(dbAcc.Address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// deleting keypair will delete related keycards as well
err = m.settings.RemoveKeypair(message.KeyUid, message.Clock)
if err != nil && err != accounts.ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
return nil, err
// if entire keypair was removed and keypair is already in db, there is no point to continue
if kp.Removed && dbKeypair != nil {
// if keypair is retrieved from backed up data, no need for resolving accounts positions
if message.SyncedFrom != accounts.SyncedFromBackup {
err = m.settings.ResolveAccountsPositions(message.Clock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return kp, nil
// save keypair first
err = m.settings.SaveOrUpdateKeypair(kp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if keypair is retrieved from backed up data, no need for resolving accounts positions
if message.SyncedFrom != accounts.SyncedFromBackup {
// then resolve accounts positions, cause some accounts might be removed
err = m.settings.ResolveAccountsPositions(message.Clock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, sKc := range message.Keycards {
kc := accounts.Keycard{}
err = m.settings.SaveOrUpdateKeycard(kc, message.Clock, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kp.Keycards = append(kp.Keycards, &kc)
// getting keypair form the db, cause keypair related accounts positions might be changed
dbKeypair, err = m.settings.GetKeypairByKeyUID(message.KeyUid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dbKeypair, nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncAccountsPositions(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncAccountsPositions) error {
accs, err := m.handleSyncAccountsPositions(&message)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrTryingToApplyOldWalletAccountsOrder ||
err == accounts.ErrAccountWrongPosition ||
err == accounts.ErrNotTheSameNumberOdAccountsToApplyReordering ||
err == accounts.ErrNotTheSameAccountsToApplyReordering {
m.logger.Warn("syncing accounts order issue", zap.Error(err))
return nil
return err
state.Response.AccountsPositions = append(state.Response.AccountsPositions, accs...)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncWatchOnlyAccount(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncAccount) error {
acc, err := m.handleSyncWatchOnlyAccount(&message, false)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrTryingToStoreOldWalletAccount {
return nil
return err
state.Response.WatchOnlyAccounts = append(state.Response.WatchOnlyAccounts, acc)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncKeypair(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncKeypair, fromLocalPairing bool) error {
kp, err := m.handleSyncKeypair(&message, fromLocalPairing)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrTryingToStoreOldKeypair {
return nil
return err
state.Response.Keypairs = append(state.Response.Keypairs, kp)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncContactRequestDecision(state *ReceivedMessageState, message protobuf.SyncContactRequestDecision) error {
var err error
var response *MessengerResponse
if message.DecisionStatus == protobuf.SyncContactRequestDecision_ACCEPTED {
response, err = m.updateAcceptedContactRequest(nil, message.RequestId)
} else {
response, err = m.declineContactRequest(message.RequestId, true)
if err != nil {
return err
state.Response = response
return nil