mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 16:56:53 +00:00
Refactored transfers loading to reduce blockchain RPC requests (getBaseFee, getTransaction, getTransactionReceipt) by reusing preloaded transaction and block fee. Split extraction of subtransaction from logs and from ETH transfer into different methods. Refactored log_parser to extract sender and receiver addresses uniformly for different transfer types. Replaced info logs with debug where needed. closes #4221
450 lines
13 KiB
450 lines
13 KiB
package appdatabase
import (
migrationsprevnodecfg "github.com/status-im/status-go/appdatabase/migrationsprevnodecfg"
w_common "github.com/status-im/status-go/services/wallet/common"
const nodeCfgMigrationDate = 1640111208
var customSteps = []*sqlite.PostStep{
{Version: 1674136690, CustomMigration: migrateEnsUsernames},
{Version: 1686048341, CustomMigration: migrateWalletJSONBlobs, RollBackVersion: 1686041510},
{Version: 1687193315, CustomMigration: migrateWalletTransferFromToAddresses, RollBackVersion: 1686825075},
type DbInitializer struct {
func (a DbInitializer) Initialize(path, password string, kdfIterationsNumber int) (*sql.DB, error) {
return InitializeDB(path, password, kdfIterationsNumber)
func doMigration(db *sql.DB) error {
lastMigration, migrationTableExists, err := sqlite.GetLastMigrationVersion(db)
if err != nil {
return err
if !migrationTableExists || (lastMigration > 0 && lastMigration < nodeCfgMigrationDate) {
// If it's the first time migration's being run, or latest migration happened before migrating the nodecfg table
err = migrationsprevnodecfg.Migrate(db)
if err != nil {
return err
// NodeConfig migration cannot be done with SQL
err = nodecfg.MigrateNodeConfig(db)
if err != nil {
return err
// Run all the new migrations
err = migrations.Migrate(db, customSteps)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// InitializeDB creates db file at a given path and applies migrations.
func InitializeDB(path, password string, kdfIterationsNumber int) (*sql.DB, error) {
db, err := sqlite.OpenDB(path, password, kdfIterationsNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = doMigration(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return db, nil
func migrateEnsUsernames(sqlTx *sql.Tx) error {
// 1. Check if ens_usernames table already exist
// row := sqlTx.QueryRow("SELECT exists(SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='ens_usernames')")
// tableExists := false
// err := row.Scan(&tableExists)
// if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
// return err
// }
// if tableExists {
// return nil
// }
// -- 1. Create new ens_usernames table
// _, err = sqlTx.Exec(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ens_usernames (
// "username" TEXT NOT NULL,
// "chain_id" UNSIGNED BIGINT DEFAULT 1);`)
// if err != nil {
// log.Error("Migrating ens usernames: failed to create table", "err", err.Error())
// return err
// }
// -- 2. Move current `settings.usernames` to the new table
INSERT INTO ens_usernames (username)
SELECT json_each.value FROM settings, json_each(usernames);
rows, err := sqlTx.Query(`SELECT usernames FROM settings`)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Migrating ens usernames: failed to query 'settings.usernames'", "err", err.Error())
return err
defer rows.Close()
var usernames []string
for rows.Next() {
var usernamesJSON sql.NullString
err := rows.Scan(&usernamesJSON)
if err != nil {
return err
if !usernamesJSON.Valid {
var list []string
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(usernamesJSON.String), &list)
if err != nil {
return err
usernames = append(usernames, list...)
defaultChainID := 1
for _, username := range usernames {
var usernameAlreadyMigrated bool
row := sqlTx.QueryRow(`SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ens_usernames WHERE username=? AND chain_id=?)`, username, defaultChainID)
err := row.Scan(&usernameAlreadyMigrated)
if err != nil {
return err
if usernameAlreadyMigrated {
_, err = sqlTx.Exec(`INSERT INTO ens_usernames (username, chain_id) VALUES (?, ?)`, username, defaultChainID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Migrating ens usernames: failed to insert username into new database", "ensUsername", username, "err", err.Error())
return nil
func MigrateV3ToV4(v3Path string, v4Path string, password string, kdfIterationsNumber int, onStart func(), onEnd func()) error {
return sqlite.MigrateV3ToV4(v3Path, v4Path, password, kdfIterationsNumber, onStart, onEnd)
const (
batchSize = 1000
func migrateWalletJSONBlobs(sqlTx *sql.Tx) error {
var batchEntries [][]interface{}
// Extract useful information from the receipt blob and store it as sql interpretable
// Added tx_hash because the hash column in the transfers table is not (always) the transaction hash.
// Each entry in that table could either be: A native token (ETH) transfer or ERC20/ERC721 token transfer
// Added block_hash because the block_hash we have is generated by us and used as block entry ID
// Added receipt_type, the type we have only indicates if chain or token
// Added log_index that the log data represents
// Dropped storing postState because it was replaced by the status after EIP 658
// Dropped duplicating logs until we have a more structured way to store them.
// They can be extracted from the transfers.receipt still
// Dropped the bloom filter because in SQLite is not possible to use it in an
// efficient manner
// Extract useful information from the tx blob
// Added tx_type, which might be different than the receipt type
// Dropped access_list, need a separate table for it
// Already there chain_id
// Dropped v, r, s because I see no way to be useful as BLOBs
// Added BIGINT values as clamped 64 INT because we can't use 128 bits blobs/strings for int arithmetics
// _clamped64 prefix indicate clamped 64 bits INT values might be useful for queries (sorting, filtering ...)
// The amount is stored as a fixed length 128 bit hex string, in
// order to be able to sort and filter by it
newColumnsAndIndexSetup := `
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN status INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN receipt_type INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_hash BLOB;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN log_index INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN block_hash BLOB;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN cumulative_gas_used INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN contract_address TEXT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_used INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_index INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_type INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_price_clamped64 INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_tip_cap_clamped64 INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN gas_fee_cap_clamped64 INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN amount_padded128hex CHAR(32);
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN account_nonce INT;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN token_address BLOB;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN token_id BLOB;
CREATE INDEX idx_transfers_filter ON transfers (status, token_address, token_id);`
rowIndex := 0
mightHaveRows := true
_, err := sqlTx.Exec(newColumnsAndIndexSetup)
if err != nil {
return err
for mightHaveRows {
var chainID uint64
var hash common.Hash
var address common.Address
var entryType string
rows, err := sqlTx.Query(`SELECT hash, address, network_id, tx, receipt, log, type FROM transfers WHERE tx IS NOT NULL OR receipt IS NOT NULL LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`, batchSize, rowIndex)
if err != nil {
return err
curProcessed := 0
for rows.Next() {
tx := &types.Transaction{}
r := &types.Receipt{}
l := &types.Log{}
// Scan row data into the transaction and receipt objects
nullableTx := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: tx}
nullableR := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: r}
nullableL := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: l}
err = rows.Scan(&hash, &address, &chainID, &nullableTx, &nullableR, &nullableL, &entryType)
if err != nil {
return err
var logIndex *uint
if nullableL.Valid {
logIndex = new(uint)
*logIndex = l.Index
var currentRow []interface{}
// Check if the receipt is not null before transferring the receipt data
if nullableR.Valid {
currentRow = append(currentRow, r.Status, r.Type, r.TxHash, logIndex, r.BlockHash, r.CumulativeGasUsed, r.ContractAddress, r.GasUsed, r.TransactionIndex)
} else {
for i := 0; i < 9; i++ {
currentRow = append(currentRow, nil)
if nullableTx.Valid {
correctType, tokenID, value, tokenAddress := extractToken(entryType, tx, l, nullableL.Valid)
gasPrice := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(tx.GasPrice())
gasTipCap := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(tx.GasTipCap())
gasFeeCap := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(tx.GasFeeCap())
valueStr := sqlite.BigIntToPadded128BitsStr(value)
currentRow = append(currentRow, tx.Type(), tx.Protected(), tx.Gas(), gasPrice, gasTipCap, gasFeeCap, valueStr, tx.Nonce(), int64(tx.Size()), tokenAddress, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(tokenID), correctType)
} else {
for i := 0; i < 11; i++ {
currentRow = append(currentRow, nil)
currentRow = append(currentRow, w_common.EthTransfer)
currentRow = append(currentRow, hash, address, chainID)
batchEntries = append(batchEntries, currentRow)
rowIndex += curProcessed
// Check if there was an error in the last rows.Next()
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return err
mightHaveRows = (curProcessed == batchSize)
// insert extracted data into the new columns
if len(batchEntries) > 0 {
var stmt *sql.Stmt
stmt, err = sqlTx.Prepare(`UPDATE transfers SET status = ?, receipt_type = ?, tx_hash = ?, log_index = ?, block_hash = ?, cumulative_gas_used = ?, contract_address = ?, gas_used = ?, tx_index = ?,
tx_type = ?, protected = ?, gas_limit = ?, gas_price_clamped64 = ?, gas_tip_cap_clamped64 = ?, gas_fee_cap_clamped64 = ?, amount_padded128hex = ?, account_nonce = ?, size = ?, token_address = ?, token_id = ?, type = ?
WHERE hash = ? AND address = ? AND network_id = ?`)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, dataEntry := range batchEntries {
_, err = stmt.Exec(dataEntry...)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reset placeHolders and batchEntries for the next batch
batchEntries = [][]interface{}{}
return nil
func extractToken(entryType string, tx *types.Transaction, l *types.Log, logValid bool) (correctType w_common.Type, tokenID *big.Int, value *big.Int, tokenAddress *common.Address) {
if logValid {
correctType, tokenAddress, _, _ = w_common.ExtractTokenTransferData(w_common.Type(entryType), l, tx)
_, _, _, tokenIDs, values, _ := w_common.ParseTransferLog(*l)
if len(tokenIDs) > 0 {
tokenID = tokenIDs[0]
if len(values) > 0 {
value = values[0]
} else {
correctType = w_common.Type(entryType)
value = new(big.Int).Set(tx.Value())
func migrateWalletTransferFromToAddresses(sqlTx *sql.Tx) error {
var batchEntries [][]interface{}
// Extract transfer from/to addresses and add the information into the new columns
// Re-extract token address and insert it as blob instead of string
newColumnsAndIndexSetup := `
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_from_address BLOB;
ALTER TABLE transfers ADD COLUMN tx_to_address BLOB;`
rowIndex := 0
mightHaveRows := true
_, err := sqlTx.Exec(newColumnsAndIndexSetup)
if err != nil {
return err
for mightHaveRows {
var chainID uint64
var hash common.Hash
var address common.Address
var sender common.Address
var entryType string
rows, err := sqlTx.Query(`SELECT hash, address, sender, network_id, tx, log, type FROM transfers WHERE tx IS NOT NULL OR receipt IS NOT NULL LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`, batchSize, rowIndex)
if err != nil {
return err
curProcessed := 0
for rows.Next() {
tx := &types.Transaction{}
l := &types.Log{}
// Scan row data into the transaction and receipt objects
nullableTx := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: tx}
nullableL := sqlite.JSONBlob{Data: l}
err = rows.Scan(&hash, &address, &sender, &chainID, &nullableTx, &nullableL, &entryType)
if err != nil {
return err
var currentRow []interface{}
var tokenAddress *common.Address
var txFrom *common.Address
var txTo *common.Address
if nullableTx.Valid {
if nullableL.Valid {
_, tokenAddress, txFrom, txTo = w_common.ExtractTokenTransferData(w_common.Type(entryType), l, tx)
} else {
txFrom = &sender
txTo = tx.To()
currentRow = append(currentRow, tokenAddress, txFrom, txTo)
currentRow = append(currentRow, hash, address, chainID)
batchEntries = append(batchEntries, currentRow)
rowIndex += curProcessed
// Check if there was an error in the last rows.Next()
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return err
mightHaveRows = (curProcessed == batchSize)
// insert extracted data into the new columns
if len(batchEntries) > 0 {
var stmt *sql.Stmt
stmt, err = sqlTx.Prepare(`UPDATE transfers SET token_address = ?, tx_from_address = ?, tx_to_address = ?
WHERE hash = ? AND address = ? AND network_id = ?`)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, dataEntry := range batchEntries {
_, err = stmt.Exec(dataEntry...)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reset placeHolders and batchEntries for the next batch
batchEntries = [][]interface{}{}
return nil