mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 00:21:01 +00:00
* fix_: publish community at app start * fix_: allow publishing community with same clock * chore_: increase community publish interval to 24 hours
5693 lines
160 KiB
5693 lines
160 KiB
package protocol
import (
datasyncnode "github.com/status-im/mvds/node"
gethcommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
utils "github.com/status-im/status-go/common"
multiaccountscommon "github.com/status-im/status-go/multiaccounts/common"
v1protocol "github.com/status-im/status-go/protocol/v1"
ensservice "github.com/status-im/status-go/services/ens"
localnotifications "github.com/status-im/status-go/services/local-notifications"
mailserversDB "github.com/status-im/status-go/services/mailservers"
const (
PubKeyStringLength = 132
transactionSentTxt = "Transaction sent"
publicChat ChatContext = "public-chat"
privateChat ChatContext = "private-chat"
// errors
var (
ErrChatNotFoundError = errors.New("Chat not found")
const communityAdvertiseIntervalSecond int64 = 24 * 60 * 60
// messageCacheIntervalMs is how long we should keep processed messages in the cache, in ms
var messageCacheIntervalMs uint64 = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 48
// Messenger is a entity managing chats and messages.
// It acts as a bridge between the application and encryption
// layers.
// It needs to expose an interface to manage installations
// because installations are managed by the user.
// Similarly, it needs to expose an interface to manage
// mailservers because they can also be managed by the user.
type Messenger struct {
node types.Node
server *p2p.Server
peerStore *mailservers.PeerStore
config *config
identity *ecdsa.PrivateKey
persistence *sqlitePersistence
transport *transport.Transport
encryptor *encryption.Protocol
sender *common.MessageSender
ensVerifier *ens.Verifier
anonMetricsClient *anonmetrics.Client
anonMetricsServer *anonmetrics.Server
pushNotificationClient *pushnotificationclient.Client
pushNotificationServer *pushnotificationserver.Server
communitiesManager *communities.Manager
archiveManager communities.ArchiveService
communitiesKeyDistributor communities.KeyDistributor
accountsManager account.Manager
mentionsManager *MentionManager
storeNodeRequestsManager *StoreNodeRequestManager
logger *zap.Logger
outputCSV bool
csvFile *os.File
verifyTransactionClient EthClient
featureFlags common.FeatureFlags
shutdownTasks []func() error
shouldPublishContactCode bool
systemMessagesTranslations *systemMessageTranslationsMap
allChats *chatMap
selfContact *Contact
selfContactSubscriptions []chan *SelfContactChangeEvent
allContacts *contactMap
allInstallations *installationMap
modifiedInstallations *stringBoolMap
installationID string
mailserverCycle mailserverCycle
communityStorenodes *storenodes.CommunityStorenodes
database *sql.DB
multiAccounts *multiaccounts.Database
settings *accounts.Database
account *multiaccounts.Account
mailserversDatabase *mailserversDB.Database
browserDatabase *browsers.Database
httpServer *server.MediaServer
started bool
quit chan struct{}
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
shutdownWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
importingCommunities map[string]bool
importingChannels map[string]bool
importRateLimiter *rate.Limiter
importDelayer struct {
wait chan struct{}
once sync.Once
connectionState connection.State
telemetryClient *telemetry.Client
contractMaker *contracts.ContractMaker
verificationDatabase *verification.Persistence
savedAddressesManager *wallet.SavedAddressesManager
walletAPI *wallet.API
// TODO(samyoul) Determine if/how the remaining usage of this mutex can be removed
mutex sync.Mutex
mailPeersMutex sync.RWMutex
handleMessagesMutex sync.Mutex
handleImportMessagesMutex sync.Mutex
// flag to disable checking #hasPairedDevices
localPairing bool
// flag to enable backedup messages processing, false by default
processBackedupMessages bool
communityTokensService communities.CommunityTokensServiceInterface
// used to track dispatched messages
dispatchMessageTestCallback func(common.RawMessage)
// used to track unhandled messages
unhandledMessagesTracker func(*v1protocol.StatusMessage, error)
// enables control over chat messages iteration
retrievedMessagesIteratorFactory func(map[transport.Filter][]*types.Message) MessagesIterator
peersyncing *peersyncing.PeerSyncing
peersyncingOffers map[string]uint64
peersyncingRequests map[string]uint64
mvdsStatusChangeEvent chan datasyncnode.PeerStatusChangeEvent
type connStatus int
const (
disconnected connStatus = iota + 1
type peerStatus struct {
status connStatus
canConnectAfter time.Time
lastConnectionAttempt time.Time
mailserver mailserversDB.Mailserver
type mailserverCycle struct {
allMailservers []mailserversDB.Mailserver
activeMailserver *mailserversDB.Mailserver
peers map[string]peerStatus
events chan *p2p.PeerEvent
subscription event.Subscription
availabilitySubscriptions []chan struct{}
type EnvelopeEventsInterceptor struct {
EnvelopeEventsHandler transport.EnvelopeEventsHandler
Messenger *Messenger
type LatestContactRequest struct {
MessageID string
ContactRequestState common.ContactRequestState
ContactID string
func (m *Messenger) GetOwnPrimaryName() (string, error) {
ensName, err := m.settings.ENSName()
if err != nil {
return ensName, nil
return m.settings.DisplayName()
func (m *Messenger) ResolvePrimaryName(mentionID string) (string, error) {
if mentionID == m.myHexIdentity() {
return m.GetOwnPrimaryName()
contact, ok := m.allContacts.Load(mentionID)
if !ok {
var err error
contact, err = buildContactFromPkString(mentionID)
if err != nil {
return mentionID, err
return contact.PrimaryName(), nil
// EnvelopeSent triggered when envelope delivered at least to 1 peer.
func (interceptor EnvelopeEventsInterceptor) EnvelopeSent(identifiers [][]byte) {
if interceptor.Messenger != nil {
signalIDs := make([][]byte, 0, len(identifiers))
for _, identifierBytes := range identifiers {
messageID := types.EncodeHex(identifierBytes)
err := interceptor.Messenger.processSentMessage(messageID)
if err != nil {
interceptor.Messenger.logger.Info("messenger failed to process sent messages", zap.Error(err))
message, err := interceptor.Messenger.MessageByID(messageID)
if err != nil {
interceptor.Messenger.logger.Error("failed to query message outgoing status", zap.Error(err))
if message.OutgoingStatus == common.OutgoingStatusDelivered {
// We don't want to send the signal if the message was already marked as delivered
signalIDs = append(signalIDs, identifierBytes)
} else {
// NOTE(rasom): In case if interceptor.Messenger is not nil and
// some error occurred on processing sent message we don't want
// to send envelop.sent signal to the client, thus `else` cause
// is necessary.
// EnvelopeExpired triggered when envelope is expired but wasn't delivered to any peer.
func (interceptor EnvelopeEventsInterceptor) EnvelopeExpired(identifiers [][]byte, err error) {
//we don't track expired events in Messenger, so just redirect to handler
interceptor.EnvelopeEventsHandler.EnvelopeExpired(identifiers, err)
// MailServerRequestCompleted triggered when the mailserver sends a message to notify that the request has been completed
func (interceptor EnvelopeEventsInterceptor) MailServerRequestCompleted(requestID types.Hash, lastEnvelopeHash types.Hash, cursor []byte, err error) {
//we don't track mailserver requests in Messenger, so just redirect to handler
interceptor.EnvelopeEventsHandler.MailServerRequestCompleted(requestID, lastEnvelopeHash, cursor, err)
// MailServerRequestExpired triggered when the mailserver request expires
func (interceptor EnvelopeEventsInterceptor) MailServerRequestExpired(hash types.Hash) {
//we don't track mailserver requests in Messenger, so just redirect to handler
func NewMessenger(
nodeName string,
identity *ecdsa.PrivateKey,
node types.Node,
installationID string,
peerStore *mailservers.PeerStore,
version string,
opts ...Option,
) (*Messenger, error) {
var messenger *Messenger
c := messengerDefaultConfig()
for _, opt := range opts {
if err := opt(&c); err != nil {
return nil, err
logger := c.logger
if c.logger == nil {
var err error
if logger, err = zap.NewDevelopment(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create a logger")
if c.systemMessagesTranslations == nil {
c.systemMessagesTranslations = defaultSystemMessagesTranslations
// Configure the database.
if c.appDb == nil {
return nil, errors.New("database instance or database path needs to be provided")
database := c.appDb
// Apply any post database creation changes to the database
for _, opt := range c.afterDbCreatedHooks {
if err := opt(&c); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Apply migrations for all components.
err := sqlite.Migrate(database)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to apply migrations")
// Initialize transport layer.
var transp *transport.Transport
var peerId peer.ID
if waku, err := node.GetWaku(nil); err == nil && waku != nil {
transp, err = transport.NewTransport(
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create Transport")
} else {
logger.Info("failed to find Waku service; trying WakuV2", zap.Error(err))
wakuV2, err := node.GetWakuV2(nil)
if err != nil || wakuV2 == nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to find Whisper and Waku V1/V2 services")
peerId = wakuV2.PeerID()
transp, err = transport.NewTransport(
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create Transport")
// Initialize encryption layer.
encryptionProtocol := encryption.New(
sender, err := common.NewMessageSender(
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create messageSender")
// Initialise anon metrics client
var anonMetricsClient *anonmetrics.Client
if c.anonMetricsClientConfig != nil &&
c.anonMetricsClientConfig.ShouldSend &&
c.anonMetricsClientConfig.Active == anonmetrics.ActiveClientPhrase {
anonMetricsClient = anonmetrics.NewClient(sender)
anonMetricsClient.Config = c.anonMetricsClientConfig
anonMetricsClient.Identity = identity
anonMetricsClient.DB = appmetrics.NewDB(database)
anonMetricsClient.Logger = logger
// Initialise anon metrics server
var anonMetricsServer *anonmetrics.Server
if c.anonMetricsServerConfig != nil &&
c.anonMetricsServerConfig.Enabled &&
c.anonMetricsServerConfig.Active == anonmetrics.ActiveServerPhrase {
server, err := anonmetrics.NewServer(c.anonMetricsServerConfig.PostgresURI)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create anonmetrics.Server")
anonMetricsServer = server
anonMetricsServer.Config = c.anonMetricsServerConfig
anonMetricsServer.Logger = logger
// Initialize push notification server
var pushNotificationServer *pushnotificationserver.Server
if c.pushNotificationServerConfig != nil && c.pushNotificationServerConfig.Enabled {
c.pushNotificationServerConfig.Identity = identity
pushNotificationServerPersistence := pushnotificationserver.NewSQLitePersistence(database)
pushNotificationServer = pushnotificationserver.New(c.pushNotificationServerConfig, pushNotificationServerPersistence, sender)
// Initialize push notification client
pushNotificationClientPersistence := pushnotificationclient.NewPersistence(database)
pushNotificationClientConfig := c.pushNotificationClientConfig
if pushNotificationClientConfig == nil {
pushNotificationClientConfig = &pushnotificationclient.Config{}
sqlitePersistence := newSQLitePersistence(database)
// Overriding until we handle different identities
pushNotificationClientConfig.Identity = identity
pushNotificationClientConfig.Logger = logger
pushNotificationClientConfig.InstallationID = installationID
pushNotificationClient := pushnotificationclient.New(pushNotificationClientPersistence, pushNotificationClientConfig, sender, sqlitePersistence)
ensVerifier := ens.New(node, logger, transp, database, c.verifyENSURL, c.verifyENSContractAddress)
managerOptions := []communities.ManagerOption{
var walletAPI *wallet.API
if c.walletService != nil {
walletAPI = wallet.NewAPI(c.walletService)
managerOptions = append(managerOptions, communities.WithCollectiblesManager(walletAPI))
} else if c.collectiblesManager != nil {
managerOptions = append(managerOptions, communities.WithCollectiblesManager(c.collectiblesManager))
if c.tokenManager != nil {
managerOptions = append(managerOptions, communities.WithTokenManager(c.tokenManager))
} else if c.rpcClient != nil {
tokenManager := token.NewTokenManager(c.walletDb, c.rpcClient, community.NewManager(database, c.httpServer, nil), c.rpcClient.NetworkManager, database, c.httpServer, nil, nil, nil, token.NewPersistence(c.walletDb))
managerOptions = append(managerOptions, communities.WithTokenManager(communities.NewDefaultTokenManager(tokenManager, c.rpcClient.NetworkManager)))
if c.walletConfig != nil {
managerOptions = append(managerOptions, communities.WithWalletConfig(c.walletConfig))
if c.communityTokensService != nil {
managerOptions = append(managerOptions, communities.WithCommunityTokensService(c.communityTokensService))
managerOptions = append(managerOptions, c.communityManagerOptions...)
communitiesKeyDistributor := &CommunitiesKeyDistributorImpl{
sender: sender,
encryptor: encryptionProtocol,
communitiesManager, err := communities.NewManager(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
amc := &communities.ArchiveManagerConfig{
TorrentConfig: c.torrentConfig,
Logger: logger,
Persistence: communitiesManager.GetPersistence(),
Transport: transp,
Identity: identity,
Encryptor: encryptionProtocol,
Publisher: communitiesManager,
// Depending on the OS go will choose whether to use the "communities/manager_archive_nop.go" or
// "communities/manager_archive.go" version of this function based on the build instructions for those files.
// See those file for more details.
archiveManager := communities.NewArchiveManager(amc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
settings, err := accounts.NewDB(database)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
savedAddressesManager := wallet.NewSavedAddressesManager(c.walletDb)
selfContact, err := buildSelfContact(identity, settings, c.multiAccount, c.account)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to build contact of ourself: %w", err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
var telemetryClient *telemetry.Client
if c.telemetryServerURL != "" {
telemetryClient = telemetry.NewClient(logger, c.telemetryServerURL, c.account.KeyUID, nodeName, version, telemetry.WithPeerID(peerId.String()))
if c.wakuService != nil {
go telemetryClient.Start(ctx)
messenger = &Messenger{
config: &c,
node: node,
identity: identity,
persistence: sqlitePersistence,
transport: transp,
encryptor: encryptionProtocol,
sender: sender,
anonMetricsClient: anonMetricsClient,
anonMetricsServer: anonMetricsServer,
telemetryClient: telemetryClient,
communityTokensService: c.communityTokensService,
pushNotificationClient: pushNotificationClient,
pushNotificationServer: pushNotificationServer,
communitiesManager: communitiesManager,
communitiesKeyDistributor: communitiesKeyDistributor,
archiveManager: archiveManager,
accountsManager: c.accountsManager,
ensVerifier: ensVerifier,
featureFlags: c.featureFlags,
systemMessagesTranslations: c.systemMessagesTranslations,
allChats: new(chatMap),
selfContact: selfContact,
allContacts: &contactMap{
logger: logger,
me: selfContact,
allInstallations: new(installationMap),
installationID: installationID,
modifiedInstallations: new(stringBoolMap),
verifyTransactionClient: c.verifyTransactionClient,
database: database,
multiAccounts: c.multiAccount,
settings: settings,
peersyncing: peersyncing.New(peersyncing.Config{Database: database, Timesource: transp}),
peersyncingOffers: make(map[string]uint64),
peersyncingRequests: make(map[string]uint64),
peerStore: peerStore,
mvdsStatusChangeEvent: make(chan datasyncnode.PeerStatusChangeEvent, 5),
verificationDatabase: verification.NewPersistence(database),
mailserverCycle: mailserverCycle{
peers: make(map[string]peerStatus),
availabilitySubscriptions: make([]chan struct{}, 0),
mailserversDatabase: c.mailserversDatabase,
communityStorenodes: storenodes.NewCommunityStorenodes(storenodes.NewDB(database), logger),
account: c.account,
quit: make(chan struct{}),
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
importingCommunities: make(map[string]bool),
importingChannels: make(map[string]bool),
importRateLimiter: rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(importSlowRate), 1),
importDelayer: struct {
wait chan struct{}
once sync.Once
}{wait: make(chan struct{})},
browserDatabase: c.browserDatabase,
httpServer: c.httpServer,
shutdownTasks: []func() error{
func() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
defer cancel()
err := transp.ResetFilters(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("could not reset filters", zap.Error(err))
// We don't want to thrown an error in this case, this is a soft
// fail
return nil
func() error { sender.Stop(); return nil },
// Currently this often fails, seems like it's safe to ignore them
// https://github.com/uber-go/zap/issues/328
func() error { _ = logger.Sync; return nil },
logger: logger,
savedAddressesManager: savedAddressesManager,
retrievedMessagesIteratorFactory: NewDefaultMessagesIterator,
if c.rpcClient != nil {
contractMaker, err := contracts.NewContractMaker(c.rpcClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messenger.contractMaker = contractMaker
messenger.mentionsManager = NewMentionManager(messenger)
messenger.storeNodeRequestsManager = NewStoreNodeRequestManager(messenger)
if c.walletService != nil {
messenger.walletAPI = walletAPI
if c.outputMessagesCSV {
messenger.outputCSV = c.outputMessagesCSV
csvFile, err := os.Create("messages-" + fmt.Sprint(time.Now().Unix()) + ".csv")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = csvFile.Write([]byte("timestamp\tmessageID\tfrom\ttopic\tchatID\tmessageType\tmessage\n"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messenger.csvFile = csvFile
messenger.shutdownTasks = append(messenger.shutdownTasks, csvFile.Close)
if anonMetricsClient != nil {
messenger.shutdownTasks = append(messenger.shutdownTasks, anonMetricsClient.Stop)
if anonMetricsServer != nil {
messenger.shutdownTasks = append(messenger.shutdownTasks, anonMetricsServer.Stop)
if c.envelopesMonitorConfig != nil {
interceptor := EnvelopeEventsInterceptor{c.envelopesMonitorConfig.EnvelopeEventsHandler, messenger}
err := messenger.transport.SetEnvelopeEventsHandler(interceptor)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("Unable to set envelopes event handler", zap.Error(err))
return messenger, nil
func (m *Messenger) SetP2PServer(server *p2p.Server) {
m.server = server
func (m *Messenger) EnableBackedupMessagesProcessing() {
m.processBackedupMessages = true
func (m *Messenger) processSentMessage(id string) error {
if m.connectionState.Offline {
return errors.New("Can't mark message as sent while offline")
rawMessage, err := m.persistence.RawMessageByID(id)
// If we have no raw message, we create a temporary one, so that
// the sent status is preserved
if err == sql.ErrNoRows || rawMessage == nil {
rawMessage = &common.RawMessage{
ID: id,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_CHAT_MESSAGE,
} else if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Can't get raw message with id %v", id)
rawMessage.Sent = true
err = m.persistence.SaveRawMessage(rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Can't save raw message marked as sent")
err = m.UpdateMessageOutgoingStatus(id, common.OutgoingStatusSent)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) ToForeground() {
if m.httpServer != nil {
func (m *Messenger) ToBackground() {
if m.httpServer != nil {
func (m *Messenger) Start() (*MessengerResponse, error) {
if m.started {
return nil, errors.New("messenger already started")
m.started = true
err := m.InitFilters()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
now := time.Now().UnixMilli()
if err := m.settings.CheckAndDeleteExpiredKeypairsAndAccounts(uint64(now)); err != nil {
return nil, err
m.logger.Info("starting messenger", zap.String("identity", types.EncodeHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&m.identity.PublicKey))))
// Start push notification server
if m.pushNotificationServer != nil {
if err := m.pushNotificationServer.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Start push notification client
if m.pushNotificationClient != nil {
if err := m.pushNotificationClient.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Start anonymous metrics client
if m.anonMetricsClient != nil {
if err := m.anonMetricsClient.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
ensSubscription := m.ensVerifier.Subscribe()
// Subscrbe
if err := m.ensVerifier.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := m.communitiesManager.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// set shared secret handles
if err := m.sender.StartDatasync(m.mvdsStatusChangeEvent, m.sendDataSync); err != nil {
return nil, err
subscriptions, err := m.encryptor.Start(m.identity)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// handle stored shared secrets
err = m.handleSharedSecrets(subscriptions.SharedSecrets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !m.config.featureFlags.DisableCheckingForBackup {
if !m.config.featureFlags.DisableAutoMessageLoop {
err = m.startAutoMessageLoop()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m.config.codeControlFlags.CuratedCommunitiesUpdateLoopEnabled {
if err := m.cleanTopics(); err != nil {
return nil, err
response := &MessengerResponse{}
mailservers, err := m.allMailservers()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response.Mailservers = mailservers
err = m.StartMailserverCycle(mailservers)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := m.communityStorenodes.ReloadFromDB(); err != nil {
return nil, err
go m.checkForMissingMessagesLoop()
controlledCommunities, err := m.communitiesManager.Controlled()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m.archiveManager.IsReady() {
available := m.SubscribeMailserverAvailable()
go func() {
for _, c := range controlledCommunities {
if c.Joined() && c.HasTokenPermissions() {
go m.communitiesManager.StartMembersReevaluationLoop(c.ID(), false)
joinedCommunities, err := m.communitiesManager.Joined()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, joinedCommunity := range joinedCommunities {
// resume importing message history archives in case
// imports have been interrupted previously
err := m.resumeHistoryArchivesImport(joinedCommunity.ID())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m.httpServer != nil {
err = m.httpServer.Start()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.GarbageCollectRemovedBookmarks()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.garbageCollectRemovedSavedAddresses()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := utils.ValidateDisplayName(&displayName); err != nil {
// Somehow a wrong display name was saved. We need to update it so that others accept our messages
pubKey, err := m.settings.GetPublicKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
replacementDisplayName := pubKey[:12]
m.logger.Warn("unaccepted display name was saved to the setting, reverting to pubkey substring", zap.String("displayName", displayName), zap.String("replacement", replacementDisplayName))
if err := m.SetDisplayName(replacementDisplayName); err != nil {
// We do not return the error as we do not want to block the login for it
m.logger.Warn("error setting display name", zap.Error(err))
return response, nil
func (m *Messenger) SetMediaServer(server *server.MediaServer) {
m.httpServer = server
func (m *Messenger) IdentityPublicKey() *ecdsa.PublicKey {
return &m.identity.PublicKey
func (m *Messenger) IdentityPublicKeyCompressed() []byte {
return crypto.CompressPubkey(m.IdentityPublicKey())
func (m *Messenger) IdentityPublicKeyString() string {
return types.EncodeHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(m.IdentityPublicKey()))
// cleanTopics remove any topic that does not have a Listen flag set
func (m *Messenger) cleanTopics() error {
if m.mailserversDatabase == nil {
return nil
var filters []*transport.Filter
for _, f := range m.transport.Filters() {
if f.Listen && !f.Ephemeral {
filters = append(filters, f)
m.logger.Debug("keeping topics", zap.Any("filters", filters))
return m.mailserversDatabase.SetTopics(filters)
// handle connection change is called each time we go from offline/online or viceversa
func (m *Messenger) handleConnectionChange(online bool) {
// Update pushNotificationClient
if m.pushNotificationClient != nil {
if online {
} else {
// Update torrent manager
if m.archiveManager != nil {
// Publish contact code
if online && m.shouldPublishContactCode {
if err := m.publishContactCode(); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("could not publish on contact code", zap.Error(err))
m.shouldPublishContactCode = false
// Start fetching messages from store nodes
if online {
// Update ENS verifier
func (m *Messenger) Online() bool {
switch m.transport.WakuVersion() {
case 2:
return m.transport.PeerCount() > 0
return m.node.PeersCount() > 0
func (m *Messenger) buildContactCodeAdvertisement() (*protobuf.ContactCodeAdvertisement, error) {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil || !m.pushNotificationClient.Enabled() {
return nil, nil
m.logger.Debug("adding push notification info to contact code bundle")
info, err := m.pushNotificationClient.MyPushNotificationQueryInfo()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(info) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return &protobuf.ContactCodeAdvertisement{
PushNotificationInfo: info,
}, nil
// publishContactCode sends a public message wrapped in the encryption
// layer, which will propagate our bundle
func (m *Messenger) publishContactCode() error {
var payload []byte
m.logger.Debug("sending contact code")
contactCodeAdvertisement, err := m.buildContactCodeAdvertisement()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("could not build contact code advertisement", zap.Error(err))
if contactCodeAdvertisement == nil {
contactCodeAdvertisement = &protobuf.ContactCodeAdvertisement{}
err = m.attachChatIdentity(contactCodeAdvertisement)
if err != nil {
return err
if contactCodeAdvertisement.ChatIdentity != nil {
m.logger.Debug("attached chat identity", zap.Int("images len", len(contactCodeAdvertisement.ChatIdentity.Images)))
} else {
m.logger.Debug("no attached chat identity")
payload, err = proto.Marshal(contactCodeAdvertisement)
if err != nil {
return err
contactCodeTopic := transport.ContactCodeTopic(&m.identity.PublicKey)
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: contactCodeTopic,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_CONTACT_CODE_ADVERTISEMENT,
Payload: payload,
Priority: &common.LowPriority,
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
_, err = m.sender.SendPublic(ctx, contactCodeTopic, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to send a contact code", zap.Error(err))
joinedCommunities, err := m.communitiesManager.Joined()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, community := range joinedCommunities {
rawMessage.LocalChatID = community.MemberUpdateChannelID()
rawMessage.PubsubTopic = community.PubsubTopic()
_, err = m.sender.SendPublic(ctx, rawMessage.LocalChatID, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
m.logger.Debug("contact code sent")
return err
// contactCodeAdvertisement attaches a protobuf.ChatIdentity to the given protobuf.ContactCodeAdvertisement,
// if the `shouldPublish` conditions are met
func (m *Messenger) attachChatIdentity(cca *protobuf.ContactCodeAdvertisement) error {
contactCodeTopic := transport.ContactCodeTopic(&m.identity.PublicKey)
shouldPublish, err := m.shouldPublishChatIdentity(contactCodeTopic)
if err != nil {
return err
if !shouldPublish {
return nil
cca.ChatIdentity, err = m.createChatIdentity(privateChat)
if err != nil {
return err
img, err := m.multiAccounts.GetIdentityImage(m.account.KeyUID, images.SmallDimName)
if err != nil {
return err
displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName()
if err != nil {
return err
bio, err := m.settings.Bio()
if err != nil {
return err
profileShowcase, err := m.GetProfileShowcaseForSelfIdentity()
if err != nil {
return err
identityHash, err := m.getIdentityHash(displayName, bio, img, profileShowcase, multiaccountscommon.IDToColorFallbackToBlue(cca.ChatIdentity.CustomizationColor))
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.persistence.SaveWhenChatIdentityLastPublished(contactCodeTopic, identityHash)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// handleStandaloneChatIdentity sends a standalone ChatIdentity message to a public or private channel if the publish criteria is met
func (m *Messenger) handleStandaloneChatIdentity(chat *Chat) error {
if chat.ChatType != ChatTypePublic && chat.ChatType != ChatTypeOneToOne {
return nil
shouldPublishChatIdentity, err := m.shouldPublishChatIdentity(chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if !shouldPublishChatIdentity {
return nil
chatContext := GetChatContextFromChatType(chat.ChatType)
ci, err := m.createChatIdentity(chatContext)
if err != nil {
return err
payload, err := proto.Marshal(ci)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_CHAT_IDENTITY,
Payload: payload,
Priority: &common.LowPriority,
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypePublic {
_, err = m.sender.SendPublic(ctx, chat.ID, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
pk, err := chat.PublicKey()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = m.sender.SendPrivate(ctx, pk, &rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
img, err := m.multiAccounts.GetIdentityImage(m.account.KeyUID, images.SmallDimName)
if err != nil {
return err
displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName()
if err != nil {
return err
bio, err := m.settings.Bio()
if err != nil {
return err
profileShowcase, err := m.GetProfileShowcaseForSelfIdentity()
if err != nil {
return err
identityHash, err := m.getIdentityHash(displayName, bio, img, profileShowcase, multiaccountscommon.IDToColorFallbackToBlue(ci.CustomizationColor))
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.persistence.SaveWhenChatIdentityLastPublished(chat.ID, identityHash)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) getIdentityHash(displayName, bio string, img *images.IdentityImage, profileShowcase *protobuf.ProfileShowcase, customizationColor multiaccountscommon.CustomizationColor) ([]byte, error) {
profileShowcaseData, err := proto.Marshal(profileShowcase)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
if img == nil {
return crypto.Keccak256([]byte(displayName), []byte(bio), profileShowcaseData, []byte(customizationColor)), nil
return crypto.Keccak256(img.Payload, []byte(displayName), []byte(bio), profileShowcaseData, []byte(customizationColor)), nil
// shouldPublishChatIdentity returns true if the last time the ChatIdentity was attached was more than 24 hours ago
func (m *Messenger) shouldPublishChatIdentity(chatID string) (bool, error) {
if m.account == nil {
return false, nil
// Check we have at least one image or a display name
img, err := m.multiAccounts.GetIdentityImage(m.account.KeyUID, images.SmallDimName)
if err != nil {
return false, err
displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName()
if err != nil {
return false, err
if img == nil && displayName == "" {
return false, nil
lp, hash, err := m.persistence.GetWhenChatIdentityLastPublished(chatID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
bio, err := m.settings.Bio()
if err != nil {
return false, err
profileShowcase, err := m.GetProfileShowcaseForSelfIdentity()
if err != nil {
return false, err
identityHash, err := m.getIdentityHash(displayName, bio, img, profileShowcase, m.account.GetCustomizationColor())
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !bytes.Equal(hash, identityHash) {
return true, nil
// Note: If Alice does not add bob as a contact she will not update her contact code with images
return lp == 0 || time.Now().Unix()-lp > 24*60*60, nil
// createChatIdentity creates a context based protobuf.ChatIdentity.
// context 'public-chat' will attach only the 'thumbnail' IdentityImage
// context 'private-chat' will attach all IdentityImage
func (m *Messenger) createChatIdentity(context ChatContext) (*protobuf.ChatIdentity, error) {
m.logger.Info("called createChatIdentity",
zap.String("account keyUID", m.account.KeyUID),
zap.String("context", string(context)),
displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bio, err := m.settings.Bio()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
profileShowcase, err := m.GetProfileShowcaseForSelfIdentity()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ci := &protobuf.ChatIdentity{
Clock: m.transport.GetCurrentTime(),
EnsName: "", // TODO add ENS name handling to dedicate PR
DisplayName: displayName,
Description: bio,
ProfileShowcase: profileShowcase,
CustomizationColor: m.account.GetCustomizationColorID(),
err = m.attachIdentityImagesToChatIdentity(context, ci)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ci, nil
// adaptIdentityImageToProtobuf Adapts a images.IdentityImage to protobuf.IdentityImage
func (m *Messenger) adaptIdentityImageToProtobuf(img *images.IdentityImage) *protobuf.IdentityImage {
return &protobuf.IdentityImage{
Payload: img.Payload,
SourceType: protobuf.IdentityImage_RAW_PAYLOAD, // TODO add ENS avatar handling to dedicated PR
ImageFormat: images.GetProtobufImageFormat(img.Payload),
func (m *Messenger) attachIdentityImagesToChatIdentity(context ChatContext, ci *protobuf.ChatIdentity) error {
s, err := m.getSettings()
if err != nil {
return err
if s.ProfilePicturesShowTo == settings.ProfilePicturesShowToNone {
m.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("settings.ProfilePicturesShowTo is set to '%d', skipping attaching IdentityImages", s.ProfilePicturesShowTo))
return nil
ciis := make(map[string]*protobuf.IdentityImage)
switch context {
case publicChat:
m.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("handling %s ChatIdentity", context))
img, err := m.multiAccounts.GetIdentityImage(m.account.KeyUID, images.SmallDimName)
if err != nil {
return err
if img == nil {
return nil
ciis[images.SmallDimName] = m.adaptIdentityImageToProtobuf(img)
ci.Images = ciis
case privateChat:
m.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("handling %s ChatIdentity", context))
imgs, err := m.multiAccounts.GetIdentityImages(m.account.KeyUID)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, img := range imgs {
ciis[img.Name] = m.adaptIdentityImageToProtobuf(img)
ci.Images = ciis
return fmt.Errorf("unknown ChatIdentity context '%s'", context)
if s.ProfilePicturesShowTo == settings.ProfilePicturesShowToContactsOnly {
err := EncryptIdentityImagesWithContactPubKeys(ci.Images, m)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// handleSharedSecrets process the negotiated secrets received from the encryption layer
func (m *Messenger) handleSharedSecrets(secrets []*sharedsecret.Secret) error {
for _, secret := range secrets {
fSecret := types.NegotiatedSecret{
PublicKey: secret.Identity,
Key: secret.Key,
_, err := m.transport.ProcessNegotiatedSecret(fSecret)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// handleInstallations adds the installations in the installations map
func (m *Messenger) handleInstallations(installations []*multidevice.Installation) {
for _, installation := range installations {
if installation.Identity == contactIDFromPublicKey(&m.identity.PublicKey) {
if _, ok := m.allInstallations.Load(installation.ID); !ok {
m.allInstallations.Store(installation.ID, installation)
m.modifiedInstallations.Store(installation.ID, true)
// handleEncryptionLayerSubscriptions handles events from the encryption layer
func (m *Messenger) handleEncryptionLayerSubscriptions(subscriptions *encryption.Subscriptions) {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-subscriptions.SendContactCode:
if err := m.publishContactCode(); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to publish contact code", zap.Error(err))
// we also piggy-back to clean up cached messages
if err := m.transport.CleanMessagesProcessed(m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime() - messageCacheIntervalMs); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to clean processed messages", zap.Error(err))
case keys := <-subscriptions.NewHashRatchetKeys:
if m.communitiesManager == nil {
if err := m.communitiesManager.NewHashRatchetKeys(keys); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to invalidate cache for decrypted communities", zap.Error(err))
case <-subscriptions.Quit:
m.logger.Debug("quitting encryption subscription loop")
func (m *Messenger) handleENSVerified(records []*ens.VerificationRecord) {
var contacts []*Contact
for _, record := range records {
m.logger.Info("handling record", zap.Any("record", record))
contact, ok := m.allContacts.Load(record.PublicKey)
if !ok {
m.logger.Info("contact not found")
contact.ENSVerified = record.Verified
contact.EnsName = record.Name
contacts = append(contacts, contact)
m.logger.Info("handled records", zap.Any("contacts", contacts))
if len(contacts) != 0 {
if err := m.persistence.SaveContacts(contacts); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to save contacts", zap.Error(err))
m.PublishMessengerResponse(&MessengerResponse{Contacts: contacts})
func (m *Messenger) handleENSVerificationSubscription(c chan []*ens.VerificationRecord) {
go func() {
for {
select {
case records, more := <-c:
if !more {
m.logger.Info("No more records, quitting")
if len(records) != 0 {
m.logger.Info("handling records", zap.Any("records", records))
case <-m.quit:
// watchConnectionChange checks the connection status and call handleConnectionChange when this changes
func (m *Messenger) watchConnectionChange() {
state := m.Online()
// lastCheck, sleepDetention and keepAlive helps us recognizing when computer was offline because of sleep, lid closed, etc.
lastCheck := time.Now().Unix()
sleepDetentionInSecs := int64(20)
keepAlivePeriod := 15 * time.Second // must be lower than sleepDetentionInSecs
processNewState := func(newState bool) {
now := time.Now().Unix()
force := now-lastCheck > sleepDetentionInSecs
lastCheck = now
if !force && state == newState {
state = newState
m.logger.Debug("connection changed", zap.Bool("online", state), zap.Bool("force", force))
pollConnectionStatus := func() {
func() {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(200 * time.Millisecond):
case <-m.quit:
subscribedConnectionStatus := func(subscription *types.ConnStatusSubscription) {
defer subscription.Unsubscribe()
ticker := time.NewTicker(keepAlivePeriod)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case status := <-subscription.C:
case <-ticker.C:
case <-m.quit:
m.logger.Debug("watching connection changes")
waku, err := m.node.GetWakuV2(nil)
if err != nil {
// No waku v2, we can't watch connection changes
// Instead we will poll the connection status.
m.logger.Warn("using WakuV1, can't watch connection changes, this might be have side-effects")
go pollConnectionStatus()
// Wakuv2 is not going to return an error
// from SubscribeToConnStatusChanges
subscription, _ := waku.SubscribeToConnStatusChanges()
go subscribedConnectionStatus(subscription)
// watchChatsAndCommunitiesToUnmute regularly checks for chats and communities that should be unmuted
func (m *Messenger) watchChatsAndCommunitiesToUnmute() {
m.logger.Debug("watching unmuted chats")
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Minute):
response := &MessengerResponse{}
m.allChats.Range(func(chatID string, c *Chat) bool {
chatMuteTill := c.MuteTill.Truncate(time.Second)
currTime := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
if currTime.After(chatMuteTill) && !chatMuteTill.Equal(time.Time{}) && c.Muted {
err := m.persistence.UnmuteChat(c.ID)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Info("err", zap.Any("Couldn't unmute chat", err))
return false
c.Muted = false
c.MuteTill = time.Time{}
return true
if !response.IsEmpty() {
case <-m.quit:
// watchCommunitiesToUnmute regularly checks for communities that should be unmuted
func (m *Messenger) watchCommunitiesToUnmute() {
m.logger.Debug("watching unmuted communities")
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Minute):
response, err := m.CheckCommunitiesToUnmute()
if err != nil {
if !response.IsEmpty() {
case <-m.quit:
// watchIdentityImageChanges checks for identity images changes and publishes to the contact code when it happens
func (m *Messenger) watchIdentityImageChanges() {
m.logger.Debug("watching identity image changes")
if m.multiAccounts == nil {
channel := m.multiAccounts.SubscribeToIdentityImageChanges()
go func() {
for {
select {
case change := <-channel:
identityImages, err := m.multiAccounts.GetIdentityImages(m.account.KeyUID)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to get profile pictures to save self contact", zap.Error(err))
identityImagesMap := make(map[string]images.IdentityImage)
for _, img := range identityImages {
identityImagesMap[img.Name] = *img
m.selfContact.Images = identityImagesMap
m.publishSelfContactSubscriptions(&SelfContactChangeEvent{ImagesChanged: true})
if change.PublishExpected {
err = m.syncProfilePictures(m.dispatchMessage, identityImages)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to sync profile pictures to paired devices", zap.Error(err))
err = m.PublishIdentityImage()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to publish identity image", zap.Error(err))
case <-m.quit:
func (m *Messenger) watchPendingCommunityRequestToJoin() {
m.logger.Debug("watching community request to join")
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(time.Minute * 10):
_, err := m.CheckAndDeletePendingRequestToJoinCommunity(context.Background(), false)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to check and delete pending request to join community", zap.Error(err))
case <-m.quit:
func (m *Messenger) PublishIdentityImage() error {
// Reset last published time for ChatIdentity so new contact can receive data
err := m.resetLastPublishedTimeForChatIdentity()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to reset publish time", zap.Error(err))
return err
// If not online, we schedule it
if !m.Online() {
m.shouldPublishContactCode = true
return nil
return m.publishContactCode()
// handlePushNotificationClientRegistration handles registration events
func (m *Messenger) handlePushNotificationClientRegistrations(c chan struct{}) {
go func() {
for {
_, more := <-c
if !more {
if err := m.publishContactCode(); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to publish contact code", zap.Error(err))
// InitFilters analyzes chats and contacts in order to setup filters
// which are responsible for retrieving messages.
func (m *Messenger) InitFilters() error {
// Seed the for color generation
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "Init"))
// Community requests will arrive in this pubsub topic
err := m.SubscribeToPubsubTopic(shard.DefaultNonProtectedPubsubTopic(), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
var (
filtersToInit []transport.FiltersToInitialize
publicKeys []*ecdsa.PublicKey
joinedCommunities, err := m.communitiesManager.Joined()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, org := range joinedCommunities {
// the org advertise on the public topic derived by the pk
filtersToInit = append(filtersToInit, m.DefaultFilters(org)...)
// This is for status-go versions that didn't have `CommunitySettings`
// We need to ensure communities that existed before community settings
// were introduced will have community settings as well
exists, err := m.communitiesManager.CommunitySettingsExist(org.ID())
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to check if community settings exist", zap.Error(err))
if !exists {
communitySettings := communities.CommunitySettings{
CommunityID: org.IDString(),
HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: true,
err = m.communitiesManager.SaveCommunitySettings(communitySettings)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to save community settings", zap.Error(err))
// In case we do have settings, but the history archive support is disabled
// for this community, we enable it, as this should be the default for all
// non-admin communities
communitySettings, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunitySettingsByID(org.ID())
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to fetch community settings", zap.Error(err))
if !org.IsControlNode() && !communitySettings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled {
communitySettings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled = true
err = m.communitiesManager.UpdateCommunitySettings(*communitySettings)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to update community settings", zap.Error(err))
spectatedCommunities, err := m.communitiesManager.Spectated()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, org := range spectatedCommunities {
filtersToInit = append(filtersToInit, m.DefaultFilters(org)...)
// Get chat IDs and public keys from the existing chats.
// TODO: Get only active chats by the query.
chats, err := m.persistence.Chats()
if err != nil {
return err
communityInfo := make(map[string]*communities.Community)
for _, chat := range chats {
if err := chat.Validate(); err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to validate chat", zap.Error(err))
if err = m.initChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat); err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to init first message timestamp", zap.Error(err))
if !chat.Active || chat.Timeline() {
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
switch chat.ChatType {
case ChatTypePublic, ChatTypeProfile:
filtersToInit = append(filtersToInit, transport.FiltersToInitialize{ChatID: chat.ID})
case ChatTypeCommunityChat:
community, ok := communityInfo[chat.CommunityID]
if !ok {
community, err = m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(chat.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return err
communityInfo[chat.CommunityID] = community
if chat.UnviewedMessagesCount > 0 || chat.UnviewedMentionsCount > 0 {
// Make sure the unread count is 0 for the channels the user cannot view
// It's possible that the users received messages to a channel before permissions were added
canView := community.CanView(&m.identity.PublicKey, chat.CommunityChatID())
if !canView {
chat.UnviewedMessagesCount = 0
chat.UnviewedMentionsCount = 0
filtersToInit = append(filtersToInit, transport.FiltersToInitialize{ChatID: chat.ID, PubsubTopic: community.PubsubTopic()})
case ChatTypeOneToOne:
pk, err := chat.PublicKey()
if err != nil {
return err
publicKeys = append(publicKeys, pk)
case ChatTypePrivateGroupChat:
for _, member := range chat.Members {
publicKey, err := member.PublicKey()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid public key for member %s in chat %s", member.ID, chat.Name)
publicKeys = append(publicKeys, publicKey)
return errors.New("invalid chat type")
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
// Timeline and profile chats are deprecated.
// This code can be removed after some reasonable time.
// upsert timeline chat
if !deprecation.ChatProfileDeprecated {
err = m.ensureTimelineChat()
if err != nil {
return err
// upsert profile chat
if !deprecation.ChatTimelineDeprecated {
err = m.ensureMyOwnProfileChat()
if err != nil {
return err
// Get chat IDs and public keys from the contacts.
contacts, err := m.persistence.Contacts()
if err != nil {
return err
for idx, contact := range contacts {
if err = m.updateContactImagesURL(contact); err != nil {
return err
m.allContacts.Store(contact.ID, contacts[idx])
// We only need filters for contacts added by us and not blocked.
if !contact.added() || contact.Blocked {
publicKey, err := contact.PublicKey()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to get contact's public key", zap.Error(err))
publicKeys = append(publicKeys, publicKey)
_, err = m.transport.InitFilters(filtersToInit, publicKeys)
if err != nil {
return err
// Init filters for the communities we control
var communityFiltersToInitialize []transport.CommunityFilterToInitialize
controlledCommunities, err := m.communitiesManager.Controlled()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, c := range controlledCommunities {
communityFiltersToInitialize = append(communityFiltersToInitialize, transport.CommunityFilterToInitialize{
Shard: c.Shard(),
PrivKey: c.PrivateKey(),
_, err = m.InitCommunityFilters(communityFiltersToInitialize)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Shutdown takes care of ensuring a clean shutdown of Messenger
func (m *Messenger) Shutdown() (err error) {
if m == nil {
return nil
select {
case _, ok := <-m.quit:
if !ok {
return errors.New("messenger already shutdown")
for i, task := range m.shutdownTasks {
m.logger.Debug("running shutdown task", zap.Int("n", i))
if tErr := task(); tErr != nil {
m.logger.Info("shutdown task failed", zap.Error(tErr))
if err == nil {
// First error appeared.
err = tErr
} else {
// We return all errors. They will be concatenated in the order of occurrence,
// however, they will also be returned as a single error.
err = errors.Wrap(err, tErr.Error())
func (m *Messenger) SelectMailserver(id string) error {
return ErrNotImplemented
func (m *Messenger) AddMailserver(enode string) error {
return ErrNotImplemented
func (m *Messenger) RemoveMailserver(id string) error {
return ErrNotImplemented
func (m *Messenger) Mailservers() ([]string, error) {
return nil, ErrNotImplemented
func (m *Messenger) initChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat *Chat) error {
if !chat.CommunityChat() || chat.FirstMessageTimestamp != FirstMessageTimestampUndefined {
return nil
oldestMessageTimestamp, hasAnyMessage, err := m.persistence.OldestMessageWhisperTimestampByChatID(chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if hasAnyMessage {
if oldestMessageTimestamp == FirstMessageTimestampUndefined {
return nil
return m.updateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat, whisperToUnixTimestamp(oldestMessageTimestamp), &MessengerResponse{})
return m.updateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat, FirstMessageTimestampNoMessage, &MessengerResponse{})
func (m *Messenger) addMessagesAndChat(chat *Chat, messages []*common.Message, response *MessengerResponse) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
err := m.persistence.SaveMessages(response.Messages())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, m.saveChat(chat)
func (m *Messenger) reregisterForPushNotifications() error {
m.logger.Info("contact state changed, re-registering for push notification")
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return nil
return m.pushNotificationClient.Reregister(m.pushNotificationOptions())
// ReSendChatMessage pulls a message from the database and sends it again
func (m *Messenger) ReSendChatMessage(ctx context.Context, messageID string) error {
return m.reSendRawMessage(ctx, messageID)
func (m *Messenger) SetLocalPairing(localPairing bool) {
m.localPairing = localPairing
func (m *Messenger) hasPairedDevices() bool {
logger := m.logger.Named("hasPairedDevices")
if m.localPairing {
return true
var count int
m.allInstallations.Range(func(installationID string, installation *multidevice.Installation) (shouldContinue bool) {
if installation.Enabled {
return true
logger.Debug("installations info",
zap.Int("Number of installations", m.allInstallations.Len()),
zap.Int("Number of enabled installations", count))
return count > 1
func (m *Messenger) HasPairedDevices() bool {
return m.hasPairedDevices()
// sendToPairedDevices will check if we have any paired devices and send to them if necessary
func (m *Messenger) sendToPairedDevices(ctx context.Context, spec common.RawMessage) error {
hasPairedDevices := m.hasPairedDevices()
// We send a message to any paired device
if hasPairedDevices {
_, err := m.sender.SendPrivate(ctx, &m.identity.PublicKey, &spec)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) dispatchPairInstallationMessage(ctx context.Context, spec common.RawMessage) (common.RawMessage, error) {
var err error
var id []byte
id, err = m.sender.SendPairInstallation(ctx, &m.identity.PublicKey, spec)
if err != nil {
return spec, err
spec.ID = types.EncodeHex(id)
err = m.persistence.SaveRawMessage(&spec)
if err != nil {
return spec, err
return spec, nil
func (m *Messenger) dispatchMessage(ctx context.Context, rawMessage common.RawMessage) (common.RawMessage, error) {
var err error
var id []byte
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "dispatchMessage"), zap.String("chatID", rawMessage.LocalChatID))
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(rawMessage.LocalChatID)
if !ok {
return rawMessage, errors.New("no chat found")
switch chat.ChatType {
case ChatTypeOneToOne:
publicKey, err := chat.PublicKey()
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
//SendPrivate will alter message identity and possibly datasyncid, so we save an unchanged
//message for sending to paired devices later
specCopyForPairedDevices := rawMessage
if !common.IsPubKeyEqual(publicKey, &m.identity.PublicKey) || rawMessage.SkipEncryptionLayer {
id, err = m.sender.SendPrivate(ctx, publicKey, &rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
err = m.sendToPairedDevices(ctx, specCopyForPairedDevices)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
case ChatTypePublic, ChatTypeProfile:
logger.Debug("sending public message", zap.String("chatName", chat.Name))
id, err = m.sender.SendPublic(ctx, chat.ID, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
case ChatTypeCommunityChat:
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(chat.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
rawMessage.PubsubTopic = community.PubsubTopic()
canPost, err := m.communitiesManager.CanPost(&m.identity.PublicKey, chat.CommunityID, chat.CommunityChatID(), rawMessage.MessageType)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
if !canPost {
m.logger.Error("can't post on chat",
zap.String("chatID", chat.ID),
zap.String("chatName", chat.Name),
zap.Any("messageType", rawMessage.MessageType),
return rawMessage, fmt.Errorf("can't post message type '%d' on chat '%s'", rawMessage.MessageType, chat.ID)
logger.Debug("sending community chat message", zap.String("chatName", chat.Name))
isCommunityEncrypted, err := m.communitiesManager.IsEncrypted(chat.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
isChannelEncrypted, err := m.communitiesManager.IsChannelEncrypted(chat.CommunityID, chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
isEncrypted := isCommunityEncrypted || isChannelEncrypted
if !isEncrypted {
id, err = m.sender.SendPublic(ctx, chat.ID, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
} else {
rawMessage.CommunityID, err = types.DecodeHex(chat.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
if isChannelEncrypted {
rawMessage.HashRatchetGroupID = []byte(chat.ID)
} else {
rawMessage.HashRatchetGroupID = rawMessage.CommunityID
id, err = m.sender.SendCommunityMessage(ctx, &rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
case ChatTypePrivateGroupChat:
logger.Debug("sending group message", zap.String("chatName", chat.Name))
if rawMessage.Recipients == nil {
rawMessage.Recipients, err = chat.MembersAsPublicKeys()
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
hasPairedDevices := m.hasPairedDevices()
if !hasPairedDevices {
// Filter out my key from the recipients
n := 0
for _, recipient := range rawMessage.Recipients {
if !common.IsPubKeyEqual(recipient, &m.identity.PublicKey) {
rawMessage.Recipients[n] = recipient
rawMessage.Recipients = rawMessage.Recipients[:n]
// We won't really send the message out if there's no recipients
if len(rawMessage.Recipients) == 0 {
rawMessage.Sent = true
// We skip wrapping in some cases (emoji reactions for example)
if !rawMessage.SkipGroupMessageWrap {
rawMessage.MessageType = protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATE_MESSAGE
id, err = m.sender.SendGroup(ctx, rawMessage.Recipients, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
return rawMessage, errors.New("chat type not supported")
rawMessage.ID = types.EncodeHex(id)
rawMessage.LastSent = m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime()
err = m.persistence.SaveRawMessage(&rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return rawMessage, err
if m.dispatchMessageTestCallback != nil {
return rawMessage, nil
// SendChatMessage takes a minimal message and sends it based on the corresponding chat
func (m *Messenger) SendChatMessage(ctx context.Context, message *common.Message) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
return m.sendChatMessage(ctx, message)
// SendChatMessages takes a array of messages and sends it based on the corresponding chats
func (m *Messenger) SendChatMessages(ctx context.Context, messages []*common.Message) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var response MessengerResponse
generatedAlbumID, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
imagesCount := uint32(0)
for _, message := range messages {
if message.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE {
for _, message := range messages {
if message.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE && len(messages) > 1 {
err = message.SetAlbumIDAndImagesCount(generatedAlbumID.String(), imagesCount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messageResponse, err := m.SendChatMessage(ctx, message)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = response.Merge(messageResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &response, nil
// sendChatMessage takes a minimal message and sends it based on the corresponding chat
func (m *Messenger) sendChatMessage(ctx context.Context, message *common.Message) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.DisplayName = displayName
replacedText, err := m.mentionsManager.ReplaceWithPublicKey(message.ChatId, message.Text)
if err == nil {
message.Text = replacedText
} else {
m.logger.Error("failed to replace text with public key", zap.String("chatID", message.ChatId), zap.String("text", message.Text))
if len(message.ImagePath) != 0 {
err := message.LoadImage()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(message.CommunityID) != 0 {
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(message.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
wrappedCommunity, err := community.ToProtocolMessageBytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.Payload = &protobuf.ChatMessage_Community{Community: wrappedCommunity}
message.Shard = community.Shard().Protobuffer()
message.ContentType = protobuf.ChatMessage_COMMUNITY
} else if len(message.AudioPath) != 0 {
err := message.LoadAudio()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We consider link previews non-critical data, so we do not want to block
// messages from being sent.
unfurledLinks, err := message.ConvertLinkPreviewsToProto()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to convert link previews", zap.Error(err))
} else {
message.UnfurledLinks = unfurledLinks
unfurledStatusLinks, err := message.ConvertStatusLinkPreviewsToProto()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to convert status link previews", zap.Error(err))
} else {
message.UnfurledStatusLinks = unfurledStatusLinks
var response MessengerResponse
// A valid added chat is required.
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(message.ChatId)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
err = m.handleStandaloneChatIdentity(chat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = extendMessageFromChat(message, chat, &m.identity.PublicKey, m.getTimesource())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.addContactRequestPropagatedState(message)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
encodedMessage, err := m.encodeChatEntity(chat, message)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
SendPushNotification: m.featureFlags.PushNotifications,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_CHAT_MESSAGE,
ResendType: chat.DefaultResendType(),
// We want to save the raw message before dispatching it, to avoid race conditions
// since it might get dispatched and confirmed before it's saved.
// This is not the best solution, probably it would be better to split
// the sent status in a different table and join on query for messages,
// but that's a much larger change and it would require an expensive migration of clients
rawMessage.BeforeDispatch = func(rawMessage *common.RawMessage) error {
if rawMessage.Sent {
message.OutgoingStatus = common.OutgoingStatusSent
message.ID = rawMessage.ID
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.getTimesource())
if err != nil {
return err
err := m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return err
var syncMessageType peersyncing.SyncMessageType
if chat.OneToOne() {
syncMessageType = peersyncing.SyncMessageOneToOneType
} else if chat.CommunityChat() {
syncMessageType = peersyncing.SyncMessageCommunityType
} else if chat.PrivateGroupChat() {
syncMessageType = peersyncing.SyncMessagePrivateGroup
wrappedMessage, err := v1protocol.WrapMessageV1(rawMessage.Payload, rawMessage.MessageType, rawMessage.Sender)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to wrap message")
syncMessage := peersyncing.SyncMessage{
Type: syncMessageType,
ID: types.Hex2Bytes(rawMessage.ID),
ChatID: []byte(chat.ID),
Payload: wrappedMessage,
Timestamp: m.transport.GetCurrentTime() / 1000,
// If the chat type is not supported, skip saving it
if syncMessageType == 0 {
return nil
// ensure that the message is saved only once
rawMessage.BeforeDispatch = nil
return m.peersyncing.Add(syncMessage)
rawMessage, err = m.dispatchMessage(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msg, err := m.pullMessagesAndResponsesFromDB([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := m.updateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat, whisperToUnixTimestamp(message.WhisperTimestamp), &response); err != nil {
return nil, err
m.logger.Debug("inside sendChatMessage",
zap.String("id", message.ID),
zap.String("from", message.From),
zap.String("displayName", message.DisplayName),
zap.String("ChatId", message.ChatId),
zap.String("Clock", strconv.FormatUint(message.Clock, 10)),
zap.String("Timestamp", strconv.FormatUint(message.Timestamp, 10)),
err = m.prepareMessages(response.messages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &response, m.saveChat(chat)
func whisperToUnixTimestamp(whisperTimestamp uint64) uint32 {
return uint32(whisperTimestamp / 1000)
func (m *Messenger) updateChatFirstMessageTimestamp(chat *Chat, timestamp uint32, response *MessengerResponse) error {
// Currently supported only for communities
if !chat.CommunityChat() {
return nil
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(chat.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return err
if community.IsControlNode() && chat.UpdateFirstMessageTimestamp(timestamp) {
community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.EditChatFirstMessageTimestamp(community.ID(), chat.ID, chat.FirstMessageTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
response.CommunityChanges = append(response.CommunityChanges, changes)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) ShareImageMessage(request *requests.ShareImageMessage) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
if err := request.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
response := &MessengerResponse{}
msg, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(request.MessageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var messages []*common.Message
for _, pk := range request.Users {
message := common.NewMessage()
message.ChatId = pk.String()
message.Payload = msg.Payload
message.Text = "This message has been shared with you"
message.ContentType = protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE
messages = append(messages, message)
r, err := m.CreateOneToOneChat(&requests.CreateOneToOneChat{ID: pk})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := response.Merge(r); err != nil {
return nil, err
sendMessagesResponse, err := m.SendChatMessages(context.Background(), messages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := response.Merge(sendMessagesResponse); err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
func (m *Messenger) InstallationID() string {
return m.installationID
func (m *Messenger) KeyUID() string {
return m.account.KeyUID
// syncChat sync a chat with paired devices
func (m *Messenger) syncChat(ctx context.Context, chatToSync *Chat, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
var err error
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncChat{
Clock: clock,
Id: chatToSync.ID,
Name: chatToSync.Name,
ChatType: uint32(chatToSync.ChatType),
Active: chatToSync.Active,
chatMuteTill, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, chatToSync.MuteTill.Format(time.RFC3339))
if chatToSync.Muted && chatMuteTill.Equal(time.Time{}) {
// Only set Muted if it is "permanently" muted
syncMessage.Muted = true
if chatToSync.OneToOne() {
syncMessage.Name = "" // The Name is useless in 1-1 chats
if chatToSync.PrivateGroupChat() {
syncMessage.MembershipUpdateEvents = make([]*protobuf.MembershipUpdateEvents, len(chatToSync.MembershipUpdates))
for i, membershipUpdate := range chatToSync.MembershipUpdates {
syncMessage.MembershipUpdateEvents[i] = &protobuf.MembershipUpdateEvents{
Clock: membershipUpdate.ClockValue,
Type: uint32(membershipUpdate.Type),
Members: membershipUpdate.Members,
Name: membershipUpdate.Name,
Signature: membershipUpdate.Signature,
ChatId: membershipUpdate.ChatID,
From: membershipUpdate.From,
RawPayload: membershipUpdate.RawPayload,
Color: membershipUpdate.Color,
Image: membershipUpdate.Image,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_CHAT,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
func (m *Messenger) syncClearHistory(ctx context.Context, publicChat *Chat, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
var err error
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncClearHistory{
ChatId: publicChat.ID,
ClearedAt: publicChat.DeletedAtClockValue,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_CLEAR_HISTORY,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
func (m *Messenger) syncChatRemoving(ctx context.Context, id string, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
var err error
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncChatRemoved{
Clock: clock,
Id: id,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_CHAT_REMOVED,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
// syncContact sync as contact with paired devices
func (m *Messenger) syncContact(ctx context.Context, contact *Contact, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
var err error
if contact.IsSyncing {
return nil
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage := m.buildSyncContactMessage(contact)
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_INSTALLATION_CONTACT_V2,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
func (m *Messenger) propagateSyncInstallationCommunityWithHRKeys(msg *protobuf.SyncInstallationCommunity, c *communities.Community) error {
communityKeys, err := m.encryptor.GetAllHRKeysMarshaledV1(c.ID())
if err != nil {
return err
msg.EncryptionKeysV1 = communityKeys
communityAndChannelKeys := [][]byte{}
communityKeys, err = m.encryptor.GetAllHRKeysMarshaledV2(c.ID())
if err != nil {
return err
if len(communityKeys) > 0 {
communityAndChannelKeys = append(communityAndChannelKeys, communityKeys)
for channelID := range c.Chats() {
channelKeys, err := m.encryptor.GetAllHRKeysMarshaledV2([]byte(c.IDString() + channelID))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(channelKeys) > 0 {
communityAndChannelKeys = append(communityAndChannelKeys, channelKeys)
msg.EncryptionKeysV2 = communityAndChannelKeys
return nil
func (m *Messenger) buildSyncInstallationCommunity(community *communities.Community, clock uint64) (*protobuf.SyncInstallationCommunity, error) {
communitySettings, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunitySettingsByID(community.ID())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
syncControlNode, err := m.communitiesManager.GetSyncControlNode(community.ID())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
syncMessage, err := community.ToSyncInstallationCommunityProtobuf(clock, communitySettings, syncControlNode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.propagateSyncInstallationCommunityWithHRKeys(syncMessage, community)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return syncMessage, nil
func (m *Messenger) syncCommunity(ctx context.Context, community *communities.Community, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
logger := m.logger.Named("syncCommunity")
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
logger.Debug("device has no paired devices")
return nil
logger.Debug("device has paired device(s)")
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage, err := m.buildSyncInstallationCommunity(community, clock)
if err != nil {
return err
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_INSTALLATION_COMMUNITY,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Debug("message dispatched")
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
func (m *Messenger) SyncBookmark(ctx context.Context, bookmark *browsers.Bookmark, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncBookmark{
Clock: clock,
Url: bookmark.URL,
Name: bookmark.Name,
ImageUrl: bookmark.ImageURL,
Removed: bookmark.Removed,
DeletedAt: bookmark.DeletedAt,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_BOOKMARK,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
func (m *Messenger) SyncEnsNamesWithDispatchMessage(ctx context.Context, usernameDetail *ensservice.UsernameDetail) error {
return m.syncEnsUsernameDetail(ctx, usernameDetail, m.dispatchMessage)
func (m *Messenger) syncEnsUsernameDetails(ctx context.Context, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
ensNameDetails, err := m.getEnsUsernameDetails()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, d := range ensNameDetails {
if err = m.syncEnsUsernameDetail(ctx, d, rawMessageHandler); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) saveEnsUsernameDetailProto(syncMessage *protobuf.SyncEnsUsernameDetail) (*ensservice.UsernameDetail, error) {
ud := &ensservice.UsernameDetail{
Username: syncMessage.Username,
Clock: syncMessage.Clock,
ChainID: syncMessage.ChainId,
Removed: syncMessage.Removed,
db := ensservice.NewEnsDatabase(m.database)
err := db.SaveOrUpdateEnsUsername(ud)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ud, nil
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncEnsUsernameDetail(state *ReceivedMessageState, syncMessage *protobuf.SyncEnsUsernameDetail, statusMessage *v1protocol.StatusMessage) error {
ud, err := m.saveEnsUsernameDetailProto(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) syncEnsUsernameDetail(ctx context.Context, usernameDetail *ensservice.UsernameDetail, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncEnsUsernameDetail{
Clock: usernameDetail.Clock,
Username: usernameDetail.Username,
ChainId: usernameDetail.ChainID,
Removed: usernameDetail.Removed,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
_, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_ENS_USERNAME_DETAIL,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
return err
func (m *Messenger) syncAccountCustomizationColor(ctx context.Context, acc *multiaccounts.Account) error {
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
_, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
message := &protobuf.SyncAccountCustomizationColor{
KeyUid: acc.KeyUID,
CustomizationColor: string(acc.CustomizationColor),
UpdatedAt: acc.CustomizationColorClock,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMIZATION_COLOR,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = m.dispatchMessage(ctx, rawMessage)
return err
func (m *Messenger) SyncTrustedUser(ctx context.Context, publicKey string, ts verification.TrustStatus, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncTrustedUser{
Clock: clock,
Id: publicKey,
Status: protobuf.SyncTrustedUser_TrustStatus(ts),
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_TRUSTED_USER,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
func (m *Messenger) SyncVerificationRequest(ctx context.Context, vr *verification.Request, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncVerificationRequest{
Id: vr.ID,
Clock: clock,
From: vr.From,
To: vr.To,
Challenge: vr.Challenge,
Response: vr.Response,
RequestedAt: vr.RequestedAt,
RepliedAt: vr.RepliedAt,
VerificationStatus: protobuf.SyncVerificationRequest_VerificationStatus(vr.RequestStatus),
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_VERIFICATION_REQUEST,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
// RetrieveAll retrieves messages from all filters, processes them and returns a
// MessengerResponse to the client
func (m *Messenger) RetrieveAll() (*MessengerResponse, error) {
chatWithMessages, err := m.transport.RetrieveRawAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.handleRetrievedMessages(chatWithMessages, true, false)
func (m *Messenger) StartRetrieveMessagesLoop(tick time.Duration, cancel <-chan struct{}) {
go func() {
defer m.shutdownWaitGroup.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(tick)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-cancel:
func (m *Messenger) ProcessAllMessages() {
response, err := m.RetrieveAll()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to retrieve raw messages", zap.Error(err))
func (m *Messenger) PublishMessengerResponse(response *MessengerResponse) {
if response.IsEmpty() {
notifications := response.Notifications()
// Clear notifications as not used for now
func (m *Messenger) GetStats() types.StatsSummary {
return m.transport.GetStats()
func (m *Messenger) GetTransport() *transport.Transport {
return m.transport
type CurrentMessageState struct {
// Message is the protobuf message received
Message *protobuf.ChatMessage
// MessageID is the ID of the message
MessageID string
// WhisperTimestamp is the whisper timestamp of the message
WhisperTimestamp uint64
// Contact is the contact associated with the author of the message
Contact *Contact
// PublicKey is the public key of the author of the message
PublicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey
StatusMessage *v1protocol.StatusMessage
type ReceivedMessageState struct {
// State on the message being processed
CurrentMessageState *CurrentMessageState
// AllChats in memory
AllChats *chatMap
// All contacts in memory
AllContacts *contactMap
// List of contacts modified
ModifiedContacts *stringBoolMap
// All installations in memory
AllInstallations *installationMap
// List of communities modified
ModifiedInstallations *stringBoolMap
// Map of existing messages
ExistingMessagesMap map[string]bool
// EmojiReactions is a list of emoji reactions for the current batch
// indexed by from-message-id-emoji-type
EmojiReactions map[string]*EmojiReaction
// GroupChatInvitations is a list of invitation requests or rejections
GroupChatInvitations map[string]*GroupChatInvitation
// Response to the client
Response *MessengerResponse
ResolvePrimaryName func(string) (string, error)
// Timesource is a time source for clock values/timestamps.
Timesource common.TimeSource
AllBookmarks map[string]*browsers.Bookmark
AllVerificationRequests []*verification.Request
AllTrustStatus map[string]verification.TrustStatus
// addNewMessageNotification takes a common.Message and generates a new NotificationBody and appends it to the
// []Response.Notifications if the message is m.New
func (r *ReceivedMessageState) addNewMessageNotification(publicKey ecdsa.PublicKey, m *common.Message, responseTo *common.Message, profilePicturesVisibility int) error {
if !m.New {
return nil
pubKey, err := m.GetSenderPubKey()
if err != nil {
return err
contactID := contactIDFromPublicKey(pubKey)
chat, ok := r.AllChats.Load(m.LocalChatID)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("chat ID '%s' not present", m.LocalChatID)
contact, ok := r.AllContacts.Load(contactID)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("contact ID '%s' not present", contactID)
if !chat.Muted {
if showMessageNotification(publicKey, m, chat, responseTo) {
notification, err := NewMessageNotification(m.ID, m, chat, contact, r.ResolvePrimaryName, profilePicturesVisibility)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// updateExistingActivityCenterNotification updates AC notification if it exists and hasn't been read yet
func (r *ReceivedMessageState) updateExistingActivityCenterNotification(publicKey ecdsa.PublicKey, m *Messenger, message *common.Message, responseTo *common.Message) error {
notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(types.FromHex(message.ID))
if err != nil {
return err
if notification == nil || notification.Read {
return nil
notification.Message = message
notification.ReplyMessage = responseTo
notification.UpdatedAt = m.GetCurrentTimeInMillis()
err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(r.Response, notification, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// function returns if the community is joined before the clock
func (m *Messenger) isCommunityJoinedBeforeClock(publicKey ecdsa.PublicKey, communityID string, clock uint64) (bool, error) {
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(communityID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !community.Joined() || clock < uint64(community.JoinedAt()) {
joinedClock, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunityRequestToJoinClock(&publicKey, communityID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// no request to join, or request to join is after the message
if joinedClock == 0 || clock < joinedClock {
return false, nil
return true, nil
return true, nil
// addNewActivityCenterNotification takes a common.Message and generates a new ActivityCenterNotification and appends it to the
// []Response.ActivityCenterNotifications if the message is m.New
func (r *ReceivedMessageState) addNewActivityCenterNotification(publicKey ecdsa.PublicKey, m *Messenger, message *common.Message, responseTo *common.Message) error {
if !message.New {
return nil
chat, ok := r.AllChats.Load(message.LocalChatID)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("chat ID '%s' not present", message.LocalChatID)
isNotification, notificationType := showMentionOrReplyActivityCenterNotification(publicKey, message, chat, responseTo)
if !isNotification {
return nil
if chat.CommunityChat() {
// Ignore mentions & replies in community before joining
ok, err := m.isCommunityJoinedBeforeClock(publicKey, chat.CommunityID, message.Clock)
if err != nil || !ok {
return nil
// Use albumId as notificationId to prevent multiple notifications
// for same message with multiple images
var notificationID string
image := message.GetImage()
var albumMessages = []*common.Message{}
if image != nil && image.GetAlbumId() != "" {
notificationID = image.GetAlbumId()
album, err := m.persistence.albumMessages(message.LocalChatID, image.AlbumId)
if err != nil {
return err
if m.httpServer != nil {
err = m.prepareMessagesList(album)
if err != nil {
return err
albumMessages = album
} else {
notificationID = message.ID
notification := &ActivityCenterNotification{
ID: types.FromHex(notificationID),
Name: chat.Name,
Message: message,
ReplyMessage: responseTo,
Type: notificationType,
Timestamp: message.WhisperTimestamp,
ChatID: chat.ID,
CommunityID: chat.CommunityID,
Author: message.From,
UpdatedAt: m.GetCurrentTimeInMillis(),
AlbumMessages: albumMessages,
Read: message.Seen,
return m.addActivityCenterNotification(r.Response, notification, nil)
func (m *Messenger) buildMessageState() *ReceivedMessageState {
return &ReceivedMessageState{
AllChats: m.allChats,
AllContacts: m.allContacts,
ModifiedContacts: new(stringBoolMap),
AllInstallations: m.allInstallations,
ModifiedInstallations: m.modifiedInstallations,
ExistingMessagesMap: make(map[string]bool),
EmojiReactions: make(map[string]*EmojiReaction),
GroupChatInvitations: make(map[string]*GroupChatInvitation),
Response: &MessengerResponse{},
Timesource: m.getTimesource(),
ResolvePrimaryName: m.ResolvePrimaryName,
AllBookmarks: make(map[string]*browsers.Bookmark),
AllTrustStatus: make(map[string]verification.TrustStatus),
func (m *Messenger) outputToCSV(timestamp uint32, messageID types.HexBytes, from string, topic types.TopicType, chatID string, msgType protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_Type, parsedMessage interface{}) {
if !m.outputCSV {
msgJSON, err := json.Marshal(parsedMessage)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("could not marshall message", zap.Error(err))
line := fmt.Sprintf("%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", timestamp, messageID.String(), from, topic.String(), chatID, msgType, msgJSON)
_, err = m.csvFile.Write([]byte(line))
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("could not write to csv", zap.Error(err))
func (m *Messenger) shouldSkipDuplicate(messageType protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_Type) bool {
// Permit re-processing of ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_DESCRIPTION messages,
// as they may be queued pending receipt of decryption keys.
allowedDuplicateTypes := map[protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_Type]struct{}{
protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_DESCRIPTION: struct{}{},
if _, isAllowedDuplicate := allowedDuplicateTypes[messageType]; isAllowedDuplicate {
return false
return true
func (m *Messenger) handleImportedMessages(messagesToHandle map[transport.Filter][]*types.Message) error {
messageState := m.buildMessageState()
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "handleImportedMessages"))
for filter, messages := range messagesToHandle {
for _, shhMessage := range messages {
handleMessageResponse, err := m.sender.HandleMessages(shhMessage)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("failed to decode messages", zap.Error(err))
statusMessages := handleMessageResponse.StatusMessages
for _, msg := range statusMessages {
logger := logger.With(zap.String("message-id", msg.TransportLayer.Message.ThirdPartyID))
logger.Debug("processing message")
publicKey := msg.SigPubKey()
senderID := contactIDFromPublicKey(publicKey)
if len(msg.EncryptionLayer.HashRatchetInfo) != 0 {
err := m.communitiesManager.NewHashRatchetKeys(msg.EncryptionLayer.HashRatchetInfo)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to invalidate communities description cache", zap.Error(err))
// Don't process duplicates
messageID := msg.TransportLayer.Message.ThirdPartyID
exists, err := m.messageExists(messageID, messageState.ExistingMessagesMap)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to check message exists", zap.Error(err))
if exists && m.shouldSkipDuplicate(msg.ApplicationLayer.Type) {
logger.Debug("skipping duplicate", zap.String("messageID", messageID))
var contact *Contact
if c, ok := messageState.AllContacts.Load(senderID); ok {
contact = c
} else {
c, err := buildContact(senderID, publicKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("failed to build contact", zap.Error(err))
contact = c
messageState.AllContacts.Store(senderID, contact)
messageState.CurrentMessageState = &CurrentMessageState{
MessageID: messageID,
WhisperTimestamp: uint64(msg.TransportLayer.Message.Timestamp) * 1000,
Contact: contact,
PublicKey: publicKey,
StatusMessage: msg,
if msg.ApplicationLayer.Payload != nil {
logger.Debug("Handling parsed message")
switch msg.ApplicationLayer.Type {
case protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_CHAT_MESSAGE:
err = m.handleChatMessageProtobuf(messageState, msg.ApplicationLayer.Payload, msg, filter, true)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to handle ChatMessage", zap.Error(err))
case protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_PIN_MESSAGE:
err = m.handlePinMessageProtobuf(messageState, msg.ApplicationLayer.Payload, msg, filter, true)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to handle PinMessage", zap.Error(err))
importMessageAuthors := messageState.Response.DiscordMessageAuthors()
if len(importMessageAuthors) > 0 {
err := m.persistence.SaveDiscordMessageAuthors(importMessageAuthors)
if err != nil {
return err
importMessagesToSave := messageState.Response.DiscordMessages()
if len(importMessagesToSave) > 0 {
m.logger.Debug("saving discord messages", zap.Int("count", len(importMessagesToSave)))
err := m.persistence.SaveDiscordMessages(importMessagesToSave)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Debug("failed to save discord messages", zap.Error(err))
return err
messageAttachmentsToSave := messageState.Response.DiscordMessageAttachments()
if len(messageAttachmentsToSave) > 0 {
m.logger.Debug("saving discord message attachments", zap.Int("count", len(messageAttachmentsToSave)))
err := m.persistence.SaveDiscordMessageAttachments(messageAttachmentsToSave)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Debug("failed to save discord message attachments", zap.Error(err))
return err
messagesToSave := messageState.Response.Messages()
if len(messagesToSave) > 0 {
m.logger.Debug("saving %d app messages", zap.Int("count", len(messagesToSave)))
err := m.SaveMessages(messagesToSave)
if err != nil {
return err
// Save chats if they were modified
if len(messageState.Response.chats) > 0 {
err := m.saveChats(messageState.Response.Chats())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) handleRetrievedMessages(chatWithMessages map[transport.Filter][]*types.Message, storeWakuMessages bool, fromArchive bool) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
defer m.handleMessagesMutex.Unlock()
messageState := m.buildMessageState()
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "RetrieveAll"))
controlledCommunitiesChatIDs, err := m.communitiesManager.GetOwnedCommunitiesChatIDs()
if err != nil {
logger.Info("failed to retrieve admin communities", zap.Error(err))
iterator := m.retrievedMessagesIteratorFactory(chatWithMessages)
for iterator.HasNext() {
filter, messages := iterator.Next()
var processedMessages []string
for _, shhMessage := range messages {
logger := logger.With(zap.String("hash", types.EncodeHex(shhMessage.Hash)))
// Indicates tha all messages in the batch have been processed correctly
allMessagesProcessed := true
if controlledCommunitiesChatIDs[filter.ChatID] && storeWakuMessages {
logger.Debug("storing waku message")
err := m.communitiesManager.StoreWakuMessage(shhMessage)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to store waku message", zap.Error(err))
handleMessagesResponse, err := m.sender.HandleMessages(shhMessage)
if err != nil {
if m.telemetryClient != nil {
go m.telemetryClient.UpdateEnvelopeProcessingError(shhMessage, err)
logger.Info("failed to decode messages", zap.Error(err))
if handleMessagesResponse == nil {
statusMessages := handleMessagesResponse.StatusMessages
if m.telemetryClient != nil {
m.telemetryClient.PushReceivedMessages(m.ctx, telemetry.ReceivedMessages{
Filter: filter,
SSHMessage: shhMessage,
Messages: statusMessages,
err = m.handleDatasyncMetadata(handleMessagesResponse)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("failed to handle datasync metadata", zap.Error(err))
logger.Debug("processing messages further", zap.Int("count", len(statusMessages)))
for _, msg := range statusMessages {
logger := logger.With(zap.String("message-id", msg.ApplicationLayer.ID.String()))
publicKey := msg.SigPubKey()
err := m.handleSharedSecrets(msg.EncryptionLayer.SharedSecrets)
if err != nil {
// log and continue, non-critical error
logger.Warn("failed to handle shared secrets")
senderID := contactIDFromPublicKey(publicKey)
ownID := contactIDFromPublicKey(m.IdentityPublicKey())
logger.Info("processing message", zap.Any("type", msg.ApplicationLayer.Type), zap.String("senderID", senderID))
if senderID == ownID {
// Skip own messages of certain types
if msg.ApplicationLayer.Type == protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_CONTACT_CODE_ADVERTISEMENT {
contact, contactFound := messageState.AllContacts.Load(senderID)
// Check for messages from blocked users
if contactFound && contact.Blocked {
// Don't process duplicates
messageID := types.EncodeHex(msg.ApplicationLayer.ID)
exists, err := m.messageExists(messageID, messageState.ExistingMessagesMap)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to check message exists", zap.Error(err))
if exists && m.shouldSkipDuplicate(msg.ApplicationLayer.Type) {
logger.Debug("skipping duplicate", zap.String("messageID", messageID))
if !contactFound {
c, err := buildContact(senderID, publicKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("failed to build contact", zap.Error(err))
allMessagesProcessed = false
contact = c
if msg.ApplicationLayer.Type != protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_QUERY {
messageState.AllContacts.Store(senderID, contact)
messageState.CurrentMessageState = &CurrentMessageState{
MessageID: messageID,
WhisperTimestamp: uint64(msg.TransportLayer.Message.Timestamp) * 1000,
Contact: contact,
PublicKey: publicKey,
StatusMessage: msg,
if msg.ApplicationLayer.Payload != nil {
err := m.dispatchToHandler(messageState, msg.ApplicationLayer.Payload, msg, filter, fromArchive)
if err != nil {
allMessagesProcessed = false
logger.Warn("failed to process protobuf", zap.Error(err))
if m.unhandledMessagesTracker != nil {
m.unhandledMessagesTracker(msg, err)
logger.Debug("Handled parsed message")
} else {
logger.Debug("parsed message is nil")
// NOTE: for now we confirm messages as processed regardless whether we
// actually processed them, this is because we need to differentiate
// from messages that we want to retry to process and messages that
// are never going to be processed
if allMessagesProcessed {
processedMessages = append(processedMessages, types.EncodeHex(shhMessage.Hash))
if len(processedMessages) != 0 {
if err := m.transport.ConfirmMessagesProcessed(processedMessages, m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime()); err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to confirm processed messages", zap.Error(err))
return m.saveDataAndPrepareResponse(messageState)
func (m *Messenger) saveDataAndPrepareResponse(messageState *ReceivedMessageState) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var err error
var contactsToSave []*Contact
messageState.ModifiedContacts.Range(func(id string, value bool) (shouldContinue bool) {
contact, ok := messageState.AllContacts.Load(id)
if ok {
contactsToSave = append(contactsToSave, contact)
return true
// Hydrate chat alias and identicon
for id := range messageState.Response.chats {
chat, _ := messageState.AllChats.Load(id)
if chat == nil {
if chat.OneToOne() {
contact, ok := m.allContacts.Load(chat.ID)
if ok {
chat.Alias = contact.Alias
chat.Identicon = contact.Identicon
messageState.ModifiedInstallations.Range(func(id string, value bool) (shouldContinue bool) {
installation, _ := messageState.AllInstallations.Load(id)
if installation.InstallationMetadata != nil {
err = m.setInstallationMetadata(id, installation.InstallationMetadata)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(messageState.Response.chats) > 0 {
err = m.saveChats(messageState.Response.Chats())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messagesToSave := messageState.Response.Messages()
if len(messagesToSave) > 0 {
err = m.SaveMessages(messagesToSave)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, emojiReaction := range messageState.EmojiReactions {
for _, groupChatInvitation := range messageState.GroupChatInvitations {
messageState.Response.Invitations = append(messageState.Response.Invitations, groupChatInvitation)
if len(contactsToSave) > 0 {
err = m.persistence.SaveContacts(contactsToSave)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newMessagesIds := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, message := range messagesToSave {
if message.New {
newMessagesIds[message.ID] = struct{}{}
messagesWithResponses, err := m.pullMessagesAndResponsesFromDB(messagesToSave)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messagesByID := map[string]*common.Message{}
for _, message := range messagesWithResponses {
messagesByID[message.ID] = message
notificationsEnabled, err := m.settings.GetNotificationsEnabled()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
profilePicturesVisibility, err := m.settings.GetProfilePicturesVisibility()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.prepareMessages(messageState.Response.messages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, message := range messageState.Response.messages {
if _, ok := newMessagesIds[message.ID]; ok {
message.New = true
if notificationsEnabled {
// Create notification body to be eventually passed to `localnotifications.SendMessageNotifications()`
if err = messageState.addNewMessageNotification(m.identity.PublicKey, message, messagesByID[message.ResponseTo], profilePicturesVisibility); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create activity center notification body to be eventually passed to `activitycenter.SendActivityCenterNotifications()`
if err = messageState.addNewActivityCenterNotification(m.identity.PublicKey, m, message, messagesByID[message.ResponseTo]); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Reset installations
m.modifiedInstallations = new(stringBoolMap)
if len(messageState.AllBookmarks) > 0 {
bookmarks, err := m.storeSyncBookmarks(messageState.AllBookmarks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(messageState.AllVerificationRequests) > 0 {
for _, vr := range messageState.AllVerificationRequests {
if len(messageState.AllTrustStatus) > 0 {
// Hydrate pinned messages
for _, pinnedMessage := range messageState.Response.PinMessages() {
if pinnedMessage.Pinned {
pinnedMessage.Message = &common.PinnedMessage{
Message: messageState.Response.GetMessage(pinnedMessage.MessageId),
PinnedBy: pinnedMessage.From,
PinnedAt: pinnedMessage.Clock,
return messageState.Response, nil
func (m *Messenger) storeSyncBookmarks(bookmarkMap map[string]*browsers.Bookmark) ([]*browsers.Bookmark, error) {
var bookmarks []*browsers.Bookmark
for _, bookmark := range bookmarkMap {
bookmarks = append(bookmarks, bookmark)
return m.browserDatabase.StoreSyncBookmarks(bookmarks)
func (m *Messenger) MessageByID(id string) (*common.Message, error) {
msg, err := m.persistence.MessageByID(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m.httpServer != nil {
err = m.prepareMessage(msg, m.httpServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return msg, nil
func (m *Messenger) MessagesExist(ids []string) (map[string]bool, error) {
return m.persistence.MessagesExist(ids)
func (m *Messenger) FirstUnseenMessageID(chatID string) (string, error) {
return m.persistence.FirstUnseenMessageID(chatID)
func (m *Messenger) latestIncomingMessageClock(chatID string) (uint64, error) {
return m.persistence.latestIncomingMessageClock(chatID)
func (m *Messenger) MessageByChatID(chatID, cursor string, limit int) ([]*common.Message, string, error) {
chat, err := m.persistence.Chat(chatID)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if chat == nil {
return nil, "", ErrChatNotFound
var msgs []*common.Message
var nextCursor string
if chat.Timeline() {
var chatIDs = []string{"@" + contactIDFromPublicKey(&m.identity.PublicKey)}
m.allContacts.Range(func(contactID string, contact *Contact) (shouldContinue bool) {
if contact.added() {
chatIDs = append(chatIDs, "@"+contact.ID)
return true
msgs, nextCursor, err = m.persistence.MessageByChatIDs(chatIDs, cursor, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
} else {
msgs, nextCursor, err = m.persistence.MessageByChatID(chatID, cursor, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if m.httpServer != nil {
err = m.prepareMessagesList(msgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return msgs, nextCursor, nil
func (m *Messenger) prepareMessages(messages map[string]*common.Message) error {
if m.httpServer == nil {
return nil
for idx := range messages {
err := m.prepareMessage(messages[idx], m.httpServer)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Messenger) prepareMessagesList(messages []*common.Message) error {
if m.httpServer == nil {
return nil
for idx := range messages {
err := m.prepareMessage(messages[idx], m.httpServer)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func extractQuotedImages(messages []*common.Message, s *server.MediaServer) []string {
var quotedImages []string
for _, message := range messages {
if message.ChatMessage != nil && message.ChatMessage.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE {
quotedImages = append(quotedImages, s.MakeImageURL(message.ID))
return quotedImages
func (m *Messenger) prepareTokenData(tokenData *ActivityTokenData, s *server.MediaServer) error {
if tokenData.TokenType == int(protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC721) {
tokenData.ImageURL = s.MakeWalletCollectibleImagesURL(tokenData.CollectibleID)
} else if tokenData.TokenType == int(protobuf.CommunityTokenType_ERC20) {
tokenData.ImageURL = s.MakeCommunityTokenImagesURL(tokenData.CommunityID, tokenData.ChainID, tokenData.Symbol)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) prepareMessage(msg *common.Message, s *server.MediaServer) error {
if msg.QuotedMessage != nil && msg.QuotedMessage.ContentType == int64(protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE) {
msg.QuotedMessage.ImageLocalURL = s.MakeImageURL(msg.QuotedMessage.ID)
quotedMessage, err := m.MessageByID(msg.QuotedMessage.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if quotedMessage == nil {
return errors.New("message not found")
if quotedMessage.ChatMessage != nil {
image := quotedMessage.ChatMessage.GetImage()
albumID := quotedMessage.ChatMessage.GetImage().AlbumId
if image != nil && image.GetAlbumId() != "" {
albumMessages, err := m.persistence.albumMessages(quotedMessage.LocalChatID, albumID)
if err != nil {
return err
quotedImages := extractQuotedImages(albumMessages, s)
quotedImagesJSON, err := json.Marshal(quotedImages)
if err != nil {
return err
msg.QuotedMessage.AlbumImages = quotedImagesJSON
if msg.QuotedMessage != nil && msg.QuotedMessage.ContentType == int64(protobuf.ChatMessage_AUDIO) {
msg.QuotedMessage.AudioLocalURL = s.MakeAudioURL(msg.QuotedMessage.ID)
if msg.QuotedMessage != nil && msg.QuotedMessage.ContentType == int64(protobuf.ChatMessage_STICKER) {
msg.QuotedMessage.HasSticker = true
if msg.QuotedMessage != nil && msg.QuotedMessage.ContentType == int64(protobuf.ChatMessage_DISCORD_MESSAGE) {
dm := msg.QuotedMessage.DiscordMessage
exists, err := m.persistence.HasDiscordMessageAuthorImagePayload(dm.Author.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
if exists {
msg.QuotedMessage.DiscordMessage.Author.LocalUrl = s.MakeDiscordAuthorAvatarURL(dm.Author.Id)
if msg.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE {
msg.ImageLocalURL = s.MakeImageURL(msg.ID)
if msg.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_DISCORD_MESSAGE {
dm := msg.GetDiscordMessage()
exists, err := m.persistence.HasDiscordMessageAuthorImagePayload(dm.Author.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
if exists {
dm.Author.LocalUrl = s.MakeDiscordAuthorAvatarURL(dm.Author.Id)
for idx, attachment := range dm.Attachments {
if strings.Contains(attachment.ContentType, "image") {
hasPayload, err := m.persistence.HasDiscordMessageAttachmentPayload(attachment.Id, dm.Id)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to check if message attachment exist", zap.Error(err))
if hasPayload {
localURL := s.MakeDiscordAttachmentURL(dm.Id, attachment.Id)
dm.Attachments[idx].LocalUrl = localURL
msg.Payload = &protobuf.ChatMessage_DiscordMessage{
DiscordMessage: dm,
if msg.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_AUDIO {
msg.AudioLocalURL = s.MakeAudioURL(msg.ID)
if msg.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_STICKER {
msg.StickerLocalURL = s.MakeStickerURL(msg.GetSticker().Hash)
msg.LinkPreviews = msg.ConvertFromProtoToLinkPreviews(s.MakeLinkPreviewThumbnailURL, s.MakeLinkPreviewFaviconURL)
msg.StatusLinkPreviews = msg.ConvertFromProtoToStatusLinkPreviews(s.MakeStatusLinkPreviewThumbnailURL)
return nil
func (m *Messenger) AllMessageByChatIDWhichMatchTerm(chatID string, searchTerm string, caseSensitive bool) ([]*common.Message, error) {
_, err := m.persistence.Chat(chatID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messages, err := m.persistence.AllMessageByChatIDWhichMatchTerm(chatID, searchTerm, caseSensitive)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.filterOutHiddenChatMessages(messages)
func (m *Messenger) AllMessagesFromChatsAndCommunitiesWhichMatchTerm(communityIds []string, chatIds []string, searchTerm string, caseSensitive bool) ([]*common.Message, error) {
messages, err := m.persistence.AllMessagesFromChatsAndCommunitiesWhichMatchTerm(communityIds, chatIds, searchTerm, caseSensitive)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.filterOutHiddenChatMessages(messages)
func (m *Messenger) filterOutHiddenChatMessages(messages []*common.Message) ([]*common.Message, error) {
communitiesCache := make(map[string]*communities.Community)
chatVisibilityCache := make(map[string]bool)
var filteredMessages []*common.Message
for _, message := range messages {
chatVisible, ok := chatVisibilityCache[message.ChatId]
if ok && chatVisible {
filteredMessages = append(filteredMessages, message)
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(message.ChatId)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
if chat.CommunityID == "" {
filteredMessages = append(filteredMessages, message)
community, ok := communitiesCache[chat.CommunityID]
if !ok {
communityID, err := hexutil.Decode(chat.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
comm, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByID(communityID)
if err != nil {
if err == communities.ErrOrgNotFound {
return nil, err
communitiesCache[chat.CommunityID] = comm
community = comm
canView := community.CanView(&m.identity.PublicKey, chat.CommunityChannelID())
chatVisibilityCache[chat.ID] = canView
if canView {
filteredMessages = append(filteredMessages, message)
return filteredMessages, nil
func (m *Messenger) SaveMessages(messages []*common.Message) error {
return m.persistence.SaveMessages(messages)
func (m *Messenger) DeleteMessage(id string) error {
return m.persistence.DeleteMessage(id)
func (m *Messenger) DeleteMessagesByChatID(id string) error {
return m.persistence.DeleteMessagesByChatID(id)
func (m *Messenger) markMessageAsUnreadImpl(chatID string, messageID string) (uint64, uint64, error) {
count, countWithMentions, err := m.persistence.MarkMessageAsUnread(chatID, messageID)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
chat, err := m.persistence.Chat(chatID)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
m.allChats.Store(chatID, chat)
return count, countWithMentions, nil
func (m *Messenger) MarkMessageAsUnread(chatID string, messageID string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
count, countWithMentions, err := m.markMessageAsUnreadImpl(chatID, messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := &MessengerResponse{}
ChatID: chatID,
Count: count,
CountWithMentions: countWithMentions,
Seen: false,
ids, err := m.persistence.GetMessageIdsWithGreaterTimestamp(chatID, messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hexBytesIds := []types.HexBytes{}
for _, id := range ids {
hexBytesIds = append(hexBytesIds, types.FromHex(id))
updatedAt := m.GetCurrentTimeInMillis()
notifications, err := m.persistence.MarkActivityCenterNotificationsUnread(hexBytesIds, updatedAt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
// MarkMessagesSeen marks messages with `ids` as seen in the chat `chatID`.
// It returns the number of affected messages or error. If there is an error,
// the number of affected messages is always zero.
func (m *Messenger) markMessagesSeenImpl(chatID string, ids []string) (uint64, uint64, *Chat, error) {
count, countWithMentions, err := m.persistence.MarkMessagesSeen(chatID, ids)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, nil, err
chat, err := m.persistence.Chat(chatID)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, nil, err
m.allChats.Store(chatID, chat)
return count, countWithMentions, chat, nil
// Deprecated: Use MarkMessagesRead instead
func (m *Messenger) MarkMessagesSeen(chatID string, ids []string) (uint64, uint64, []*ActivityCenterNotification, error) {
count, countWithMentions, _, err := m.markMessagesSeenImpl(chatID, ids)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, nil, err
hexBytesIds := []types.HexBytes{}
for _, id := range ids {
hexBytesIds = append(hexBytesIds, types.FromHex(id))
// Mark notifications as read in the database
updatedAt := m.GetCurrentTimeInMillis()
err = m.persistence.MarkActivityCenterNotificationsRead(hexBytesIds, updatedAt)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, nil, err
notifications, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationsByID(hexBytesIds)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, nil, err
return count, countWithMentions, notifications, nil
func (m *Messenger) MarkMessagesRead(chatID string, ids []string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
count, countWithMentions, _, err := m.markMessagesSeenImpl(chatID, ids)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := &MessengerResponse{}
ChatID: chatID,
Count: count,
CountWithMentions: countWithMentions,
Seen: true,
hexBytesIds := []types.HexBytes{}
for _, id := range ids {
hexBytesIds = append(hexBytesIds, types.FromHex(id))
// Mark notifications as read in the database
updatedAt := m.GetCurrentTimeInMillis()
err = m.persistence.MarkActivityCenterNotificationsRead(hexBytesIds, updatedAt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
notifications, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationsByID(hexBytesIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
func (m *Messenger) syncChatMessagesRead(ctx context.Context, chatID string, clock uint64, rawMessageHandler RawMessageHandler) error {
if !m.hasPairedDevices() {
return nil
_, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncChatMessagesRead{
Clock: clock,
Id: chatID,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_CHAT_MESSAGES_READ,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err = rawMessageHandler(ctx, rawMessage)
return err
func (m *Messenger) markAllRead(chatID string, clock uint64, shouldBeSynced bool) error {
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return ErrChatNotFoundError
_, _, err := m.persistence.MarkAllRead(chatID, clock)
if err != nil {
return err
if shouldBeSynced {
err := m.syncChatMessagesRead(context.Background(), chatID, clock, m.dispatchMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.ReadMessagesAtClockValue = clock
chat.Highlight = false
chat.UnviewedMessagesCount = 0
chat.UnviewedMentionsCount = 0
if chat.LastMessage != nil {
chat.LastMessage.Seen = true
// TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer?
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
return m.persistence.SaveChats([]*Chat{chat})
func (m *Messenger) MarkAllRead(ctx context.Context, chatID string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
response := &MessengerResponse{}
notifications, err := m.DismissAllActivityCenterNotificationsFromChatID(ctx, chatID, m.GetCurrentTimeInMillis())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clock, _ := m.latestIncomingMessageClock(chatID)
if clock == 0 {
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
clock, _ = chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.getTimesource())
err = m.markAllRead(chatID, clock, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
func (m *Messenger) MarkAllReadInCommunity(ctx context.Context, communityID string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
response := &MessengerResponse{}
notifications, err := m.DismissAllActivityCenterNotificationsFromCommunity(ctx, communityID, m.GetCurrentTimeInMillis())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chatIDs, err := m.persistence.AllChatIDsByCommunity(nil, communityID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.persistence.MarkAllReadMultiple(chatIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, chatID := range chatIDs {
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if ok {
chat.UnviewedMessagesCount = 0
chat.UnviewedMentionsCount = 0
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("chat with chatID %s not found", chatID)
return response, err
// MuteChat signals to the messenger that we don't want to be notified
// on new messages from this chat
func (m *Messenger) MuteChat(request *requests.MuteChat) (time.Time, error) {
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(request.ChatID)
if !ok {
// Only one to one chan be muted when it's not in the database
publicKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(request.ChatID)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
// Create a one to one chat and set active to false
chat = CreateOneToOneChat(request.ChatID, publicKey, m.getTimesource())
chat.Active = false
err = m.initChatSyncFields(chat)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
err = m.saveChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
var contact *Contact
if chat.OneToOne() {
contact, _ = m.allContacts.Load(request.ChatID)
var MuteTill time.Time
switch request.MutedType {
case MuteTill1Min:
MuteTill = time.Now().Add(MuteFor1MinDuration)
case MuteFor15Min:
MuteTill = time.Now().Add(MuteFor15MinsDuration)
case MuteFor1Hr:
MuteTill = time.Now().Add(MuteFor1HrsDuration)
case MuteFor8Hr:
MuteTill = time.Now().Add(MuteFor8HrsDuration)
case MuteFor1Week:
MuteTill = time.Now().Add(MuteFor1WeekDuration)
MuteTill = time.Time{}
err := m.saveChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
muteTillTimeRemoveMs, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, MuteTill.Format(time.RFC3339))
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return m.muteChat(chat, contact, muteTillTimeRemoveMs)
func (m *Messenger) MuteChatV2(muteParams *requests.MuteChat) (time.Time, error) {
return m.MuteChat(muteParams)
func (m *Messenger) muteChat(chat *Chat, contact *Contact, mutedTill time.Time) (time.Time, error) {
err := m.persistence.MuteChat(chat.ID, mutedTill)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
chat.Muted = true
chat.MuteTill = mutedTill
// TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer?
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
if contact != nil {
err := m.syncContact(context.Background(), contact, m.dispatchMessage)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
if !chat.MuteTill.IsZero() {
err := m.reregisterForPushNotifications()
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return mutedTill, nil
return time.Time{}, m.reregisterForPushNotifications()
// UnmuteChat signals to the messenger that we want to be notified
// on new messages from this chat
func (m *Messenger) UnmuteChat(chatID string) error {
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return ErrChatNotFoundError
var contact *Contact
if chat.OneToOne() {
contact, _ = m.allContacts.Load(chatID)
return m.unmuteChat(chat, contact)
func (m *Messenger) unmuteChat(chat *Chat, contact *Contact) error {
err := m.persistence.UnmuteChat(chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.Muted = false
chat.MuteTill = time.Time{}
// TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer?
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
if chat.CommunityChat() {
community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(chat.CommunityID)
if err != nil {
return err
err = m.communitiesManager.SetMuted(community.ID(), false)
if err != nil {
return err
if contact != nil {
err := m.syncContact(context.Background(), contact, m.dispatchMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
return m.reregisterForPushNotifications()
func (m *Messenger) UpdateMessageOutgoingStatus(id, newOutgoingStatus string) error {
return m.persistence.UpdateMessageOutgoingStatus(id, newOutgoingStatus)
// Identicon returns an identicon based on the input string
func Identicon(id string) (string, error) {
return identicon.GenerateBase64(id)
// GenerateAlias name returns the generated name given a public key hex encoded prefixed with 0x
func GenerateAlias(id string) (string, error) {
return alias.GenerateFromPublicKeyString(id)
func (m *Messenger) RequestTransaction(ctx context.Context, chatID, value, contract, address string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var response MessengerResponse
// A valid added chat is required.
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
if chat.ChatType != ChatTypeOneToOne {
return nil, errors.New("Need to be a one-to-one chat")
message := common.NewMessage()
err := extendMessageFromChat(message, chat, &m.identity.PublicKey, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.MessageType = protobuf.MessageType_ONE_TO_ONE
message.ContentType = protobuf.ChatMessage_TRANSACTION_COMMAND
message.Seen = true
message.Text = "Request transaction"
request := &protobuf.RequestTransaction{
Clock: message.Clock,
Address: address,
Value: value,
Contract: contract,
ChatId: chatID,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resendType := common.ResendTypeRawMessage
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypeOneToOne {
resendType = common.ResendTypeDataSync
rawMessage, err := m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_REQUEST_TRANSACTION,
ResendType: resendType,
message.CommandParameters = &common.CommandParameters{
ID: rawMessage.ID,
Value: value,
Address: address,
Contract: contract,
CommandState: common.CommandStateRequestTransaction,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messageID := rawMessage.ID
message.ID = messageID
message.CommandParameters.ID = messageID
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.addMessagesAndChat(chat, []*common.Message{message}, &response)
func (m *Messenger) RequestAddressForTransaction(ctx context.Context, chatID, from, value, contract string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var response MessengerResponse
// A valid added chat is required.
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
if chat.ChatType != ChatTypeOneToOne {
return nil, errors.New("Need to be a one-to-one chat")
message := common.NewMessage()
err := extendMessageFromChat(message, chat, &m.identity.PublicKey, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.MessageType = protobuf.MessageType_ONE_TO_ONE
message.ContentType = protobuf.ChatMessage_TRANSACTION_COMMAND
message.Seen = true
message.Text = "Request address for transaction"
request := &protobuf.RequestAddressForTransaction{
Clock: message.Clock,
Value: value,
Contract: contract,
ChatId: chatID,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resendType := common.ResendTypeRawMessage
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypeOneToOne {
resendType = common.ResendTypeDataSync
rawMessage, err := m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_REQUEST_ADDRESS_FOR_TRANSACTION,
ResendType: resendType,
message.CommandParameters = &common.CommandParameters{
ID: rawMessage.ID,
From: from,
Value: value,
Contract: contract,
CommandState: common.CommandStateRequestAddressForTransaction,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messageID := rawMessage.ID
message.ID = messageID
message.CommandParameters.ID = messageID
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.addMessagesAndChat(chat, []*common.Message{message}, &response)
func (m *Messenger) AcceptRequestAddressForTransaction(ctx context.Context, messageID, address string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var response MessengerResponse
message, err := m.MessageByID(messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if message == nil {
return nil, errors.New("message not found")
chatID := message.LocalChatID
// A valid added chat is required.
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
if chat.ChatType != ChatTypeOneToOne {
return nil, errors.New("Need to be a one-to-one chat")
clock, timestamp := chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.transport)
message.Clock = clock
message.WhisperTimestamp = timestamp
message.Timestamp = timestamp
message.Text = "Request address for transaction accepted"
message.Seen = true
message.OutgoingStatus = common.OutgoingStatusSending
// Hide previous message
previousMessage, err := m.persistence.MessageByCommandID(chatID, messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if previousMessage == nil {
return nil, errors.New("No previous message found")
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(previousMessage.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.Replace = previousMessage.ID
request := &protobuf.AcceptRequestAddressForTransaction{
Clock: message.Clock,
Id: messageID,
Address: address,
ChatId: chatID,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resendType := common.ResendTypeRawMessage
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypeOneToOne {
resendType = common.ResendTypeDataSync
rawMessage, err := m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_ACCEPT_REQUEST_ADDRESS_FOR_TRANSACTION,
ResendType: resendType,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.ID = rawMessage.ID
message.CommandParameters.Address = address
message.CommandParameters.CommandState = common.CommandStateRequestAddressForTransactionAccepted
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.addMessagesAndChat(chat, []*common.Message{message}, &response)
func (m *Messenger) DeclineRequestTransaction(ctx context.Context, messageID string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var response MessengerResponse
message, err := m.MessageByID(messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if message == nil {
return nil, errors.New("message not found")
chatID := message.LocalChatID
// A valid added chat is required.
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
if chat.ChatType != ChatTypeOneToOne {
return nil, errors.New("Need to be a one-to-one chat")
clock, timestamp := chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.transport)
message.Clock = clock
message.WhisperTimestamp = timestamp
message.Timestamp = timestamp
message.Text = "Transaction request declined"
message.Seen = true
message.OutgoingStatus = common.OutgoingStatusSending
message.Replace = messageID
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
request := &protobuf.DeclineRequestTransaction{
Clock: message.Clock,
Id: messageID,
ChatId: chatID,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resendType := common.ResendTypeRawMessage
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypeOneToOne {
resendType = common.ResendTypeDataSync
rawMessage, err := m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_DECLINE_REQUEST_TRANSACTION,
ResendType: resendType,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.ID = rawMessage.ID
message.CommandParameters.CommandState = common.CommandStateRequestTransactionDeclined
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.addMessagesAndChat(chat, []*common.Message{message}, &response)
func (m *Messenger) DeclineRequestAddressForTransaction(ctx context.Context, messageID string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var response MessengerResponse
message, err := m.MessageByID(messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if message == nil {
return nil, errors.New("message not found")
chatID := message.LocalChatID
// A valid added chat is required.
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
if chat.ChatType != ChatTypeOneToOne {
return nil, errors.New("Need to be a one-to-one chat")
clock, timestamp := chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.transport)
message.Clock = clock
message.WhisperTimestamp = timestamp
message.Timestamp = timestamp
message.Text = "Request address for transaction declined"
message.Seen = true
message.OutgoingStatus = common.OutgoingStatusSending
message.Replace = messageID
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
request := &protobuf.DeclineRequestAddressForTransaction{
Clock: message.Clock,
Id: messageID,
ChatId: chatID,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resendType := common.ResendTypeRawMessage
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypeOneToOne {
resendType = common.ResendTypeDataSync
rawMessage, err := m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_DECLINE_REQUEST_ADDRESS_FOR_TRANSACTION,
ResendType: resendType,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.ID = rawMessage.ID
message.CommandParameters.CommandState = common.CommandStateRequestAddressForTransactionDeclined
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.addMessagesAndChat(chat, []*common.Message{message}, &response)
func (m *Messenger) AcceptRequestTransaction(ctx context.Context, transactionHash, messageID string, signature []byte) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var response MessengerResponse
message, err := m.MessageByID(messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if message == nil {
return nil, errors.New("message not found")
chatID := message.LocalChatID
// A valid added chat is required.
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
if chat.ChatType != ChatTypeOneToOne {
return nil, errors.New("Need to be a one-to-one chat")
clock, timestamp := chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.transport)
message.Clock = clock
message.WhisperTimestamp = timestamp
message.Timestamp = timestamp
message.Seen = true
message.Text = transactionSentTxt
message.OutgoingStatus = common.OutgoingStatusSending
// Hide previous message
previousMessage, err := m.persistence.MessageByCommandID(chatID, messageID)
if err != nil && err != common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, err
if previousMessage != nil {
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(previousMessage.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.Replace = previousMessage.ID
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
request := &protobuf.SendTransaction{
Clock: message.Clock,
Id: messageID,
TransactionHash: transactionHash,
Signature: signature,
ChatId: chatID,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resendType := common.ResendTypeRawMessage
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypeOneToOne {
resendType = common.ResendTypeDataSync
rawMessage, err := m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SEND_TRANSACTION,
ResendType: resendType,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.ID = rawMessage.ID
message.CommandParameters.TransactionHash = transactionHash
message.CommandParameters.Signature = signature
message.CommandParameters.CommandState = common.CommandStateTransactionSent
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.addMessagesAndChat(chat, []*common.Message{message}, &response)
func (m *Messenger) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, chatID, value, contract, transactionHash string, signature []byte) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
var response MessengerResponse
// A valid added chat is required.
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrChatNotFoundError
if chat.ChatType != ChatTypeOneToOne {
return nil, errors.New("Need to be a one-to-one chat")
message := common.NewMessage()
err := extendMessageFromChat(message, chat, &m.identity.PublicKey, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.MessageType = protobuf.MessageType_ONE_TO_ONE
message.ContentType = protobuf.ChatMessage_TRANSACTION_COMMAND
message.LocalChatID = chatID
clock, timestamp := chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.transport)
message.Clock = clock
message.WhisperTimestamp = timestamp
message.Seen = true
message.Timestamp = timestamp
message.Text = transactionSentTxt
request := &protobuf.SendTransaction{
Clock: message.Clock,
TransactionHash: transactionHash,
Signature: signature,
ChatId: chatID,
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resendType := common.ResendTypeRawMessage
if chat.ChatType == ChatTypeOneToOne {
resendType = common.ResendTypeDataSync
rawMessage, err := m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chat.ID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SEND_TRANSACTION,
ResendType: resendType,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.ID = rawMessage.ID
message.CommandParameters = &common.CommandParameters{
TransactionHash: transactionHash,
Value: value,
Contract: contract,
Signature: signature,
CommandState: common.CommandStateTransactionSent,
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.persistence.SaveMessages([]*common.Message{message})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.addMessagesAndChat(chat, []*common.Message{message}, &response)
func (m *Messenger) ValidateTransactions(ctx context.Context, addresses []types.Address) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
if m.verifyTransactionClient == nil {
return nil, nil
logger := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "ValidateTransactions"))
logger.Debug("Validating transactions")
txs, err := m.persistence.TransactionsToValidate()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error pulling", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
logger.Debug("Txs", zap.Int("count", len(txs)), zap.Any("txs", txs))
var response MessengerResponse
validator := NewTransactionValidator(addresses, m.persistence, m.verifyTransactionClient, m.logger)
responses, err := validator.ValidateTransactions(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error validating", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
for _, validationResult := range responses {
var message *common.Message
chatID := contactIDFromPublicKey(validationResult.Transaction.From)
chat, ok := m.allChats.Load(chatID)
if !ok {
chat = OneToOneFromPublicKey(validationResult.Transaction.From, m.transport)
if validationResult.Message != nil {
message = validationResult.Message
} else {
message = common.NewMessage()
err := extendMessageFromChat(message, chat, &m.identity.PublicKey, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.MessageType = protobuf.MessageType_ONE_TO_ONE
message.ContentType = protobuf.ChatMessage_TRANSACTION_COMMAND
message.LocalChatID = chatID
message.OutgoingStatus = ""
clock, timestamp := chat.NextClockAndTimestamp(m.transport)
message.Clock = clock
message.Timestamp = timestamp
message.WhisperTimestamp = timestamp
message.Text = "Transaction received"
message.Seen = false
message.ID = validationResult.Transaction.MessageID
if message.CommandParameters == nil {
message.CommandParameters = &common.CommandParameters{}
} else {
message.CommandParameters = validationResult.Message.CommandParameters
message.CommandParameters.Value = validationResult.Value
message.CommandParameters.Contract = validationResult.Contract
message.CommandParameters.Address = validationResult.Address
message.CommandParameters.CommandState = common.CommandStateTransactionSent
message.CommandParameters.TransactionHash = validationResult.Transaction.TransactionHash
err = message.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = chat.UpdateFromMessage(message, m.transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(message.CommandParameters.ID) != 0 {
// Hide previous message
previousMessage, err := m.persistence.MessageByCommandID(chatID, message.CommandParameters.ID)
if err != nil && err != common.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, err
if previousMessage != nil {
err = m.persistence.HideMessage(previousMessage.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.Replace = previousMessage.ID
m.allChats.Store(chat.ID, chat)
contact, err := m.getOrBuildContactFromMessage(message)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
notificationsEnabled, err := m.settings.GetNotificationsEnabled()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
profilePicturesVisibility, err := m.settings.GetProfilePicturesVisibility()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if notificationsEnabled {
notification, err := NewMessageNotification(message.ID, message, chat, contact, m.ResolvePrimaryName, profilePicturesVisibility)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(response.messages) > 0 {
err = m.SaveMessages(response.Messages())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &response, nil
// pullMessagesAndResponsesFromDB pulls all the messages and the one that have
// been replied to from the database
func (m *Messenger) pullMessagesAndResponsesFromDB(messages []*common.Message) ([]*common.Message, error) {
var messageIDs []string
for _, message := range messages {
messageIDs = append(messageIDs, message.ID)
if len(message.ResponseTo) != 0 {
messageIDs = append(messageIDs, message.ResponseTo)
// We pull from the database all the messages & replies involved,
// so we let the db build the correct messages
return m.persistence.MessagesByIDs(messageIDs)
func (m *Messenger) SignMessage(message string) ([]byte, error) {
hash := crypto.TextHash([]byte(message))
return crypto.Sign(hash, m.identity)
func (m *Messenger) CreateCommunityTokenDeploymentSignature(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, addressFrom string, communityID string) ([]byte, error) {
return m.communitiesManager.CreateCommunityTokenDeploymentSignature(ctx, chainID, addressFrom, communityID)
func (m *Messenger) getTimesource() common.TimeSource {
return m.transport
func (m *Messenger) GetCurrentTimeInMillis() uint64 {
return m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime()
// AddPushNotificationsServer adds a push notification server
func (m *Messenger) AddPushNotificationsServer(ctx context.Context, publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, serverType pushnotificationclient.ServerType) error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("push notification client not enabled")
return m.pushNotificationClient.AddPushNotificationsServer(publicKey, serverType)
// RemovePushNotificationServer removes a push notification server
func (m *Messenger) RemovePushNotificationServer(ctx context.Context, publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey) error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("push notification client not enabled")
return m.pushNotificationClient.RemovePushNotificationServer(publicKey)
// UnregisterFromPushNotifications unregister from any server
func (m *Messenger) UnregisterFromPushNotifications(ctx context.Context) error {
return m.pushNotificationClient.Unregister()
// DisableSendingPushNotifications signals the client not to send any push notification
func (m *Messenger) DisableSendingPushNotifications() error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("push notification client not enabled")
return nil
// EnableSendingPushNotifications signals the client to send push notifications
func (m *Messenger) EnableSendingPushNotifications() error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("push notification client not enabled")
return nil
func (m *Messenger) pushNotificationOptions() *pushnotificationclient.RegistrationOptions {
var contactIDs []*ecdsa.PublicKey
var mutedChatIDs []string
var publicChatIDs []string
var blockedChatIDs []string
m.allContacts.Range(func(contactID string, contact *Contact) (shouldContinue bool) {
if contact.added() && !contact.Blocked {
pk, err := contact.PublicKey()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Warn("could not parse contact public key")
return true
contactIDs = append(contactIDs, pk)
} else if contact.Blocked {
blockedChatIDs = append(blockedChatIDs, contact.ID)
return true
m.allChats.Range(func(chatID string, chat *Chat) (shouldContinue bool) {
if chat.Muted {
mutedChatIDs = append(mutedChatIDs, chat.ID)
return true
if chat.Active && (chat.Public() || chat.CommunityChat()) {
publicChatIDs = append(publicChatIDs, chat.ID)
return true
return &pushnotificationclient.RegistrationOptions{
ContactIDs: contactIDs,
MutedChatIDs: mutedChatIDs,
PublicChatIDs: publicChatIDs,
BlockedChatIDs: blockedChatIDs,
// RegisterForPushNotification register deviceToken with any push notification server enabled
func (m *Messenger) RegisterForPushNotifications(ctx context.Context, deviceToken, apnTopic string, tokenType protobuf.PushNotificationRegistration_TokenType) error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("push notification client not enabled")
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
err := m.pushNotificationClient.Register(deviceToken, apnTopic, tokenType, m.pushNotificationOptions())
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to register for push notifications", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
// RegisteredForPushNotifications returns whether we successfully registered with all the servers
func (m *Messenger) RegisteredForPushNotifications() (bool, error) {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return false, errors.New("no push notification client")
return m.pushNotificationClient.Registered()
// EnablePushNotificationsFromContactsOnly is used to indicate that we want to received push notifications only from contacts
func (m *Messenger) EnablePushNotificationsFromContactsOnly() error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("no push notification client")
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
return m.pushNotificationClient.EnablePushNotificationsFromContactsOnly(m.pushNotificationOptions())
// DisablePushNotificationsFromContactsOnly is used to indicate that we want to received push notifications from anyone
func (m *Messenger) DisablePushNotificationsFromContactsOnly() error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("no push notification client")
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
return m.pushNotificationClient.DisablePushNotificationsFromContactsOnly(m.pushNotificationOptions())
// EnablePushNotificationsBlockMentions is used to indicate that we dont want to received push notifications for mentions
func (m *Messenger) EnablePushNotificationsBlockMentions() error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("no push notification client")
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
return m.pushNotificationClient.EnablePushNotificationsBlockMentions(m.pushNotificationOptions())
// DisablePushNotificationsBlockMentions is used to indicate that we want to received push notifications for mentions
func (m *Messenger) DisablePushNotificationsBlockMentions() error {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return errors.New("no push notification client")
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
return m.pushNotificationClient.DisablePushNotificationsBlockMentions(m.pushNotificationOptions())
// GetPushNotificationsServers returns the servers used for push notifications
func (m *Messenger) GetPushNotificationsServers() ([]*pushnotificationclient.PushNotificationServer, error) {
if m.pushNotificationClient == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no push notification client")
return m.pushNotificationClient.GetServers()
// StartPushNotificationsServer initialize and start a push notification server, using the current messenger identity key
func (m *Messenger) StartPushNotificationsServer() error {
if m.pushNotificationServer == nil {
pushNotificationServerPersistence := pushnotificationserver.NewSQLitePersistence(m.database)
config := &pushnotificationserver.Config{
Enabled: true,
Logger: m.logger,
Identity: m.identity,
m.pushNotificationServer = pushnotificationserver.New(config, pushNotificationServerPersistence, m.sender)
return m.pushNotificationServer.Start()
// StopPushNotificationServer stops the push notification server if running
func (m *Messenger) StopPushNotificationsServer() error {
m.pushNotificationServer = nil
return nil
func generateAliasAndIdenticon(pk string) (string, string, error) {
identicon, err := identicon.GenerateBase64(pk)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
name, err := alias.GenerateFromPublicKeyString(pk)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return name, identicon, nil
func (m *Messenger) encodeChatEntity(chat *Chat, message common.ChatEntity) ([]byte, error) {
var encodedMessage []byte
var err error
l := m.logger.With(zap.String("site", "Send"), zap.String("chatID", chat.ID))
switch chat.ChatType {
case ChatTypeOneToOne:
l.Debug("sending private message")
encodedMessage, err = proto.Marshal(message.GetProtobuf())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case ChatTypePublic, ChatTypeProfile:
l.Debug("sending public message", zap.String("chatName", chat.Name))
encodedMessage, err = proto.Marshal(message.GetProtobuf())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case ChatTypeCommunityChat:
l.Debug("sending community chat message", zap.String("chatName", chat.Name))
encodedMessage, err = proto.Marshal(message.GetProtobuf())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case ChatTypePrivateGroupChat:
l.Debug("sending group message", zap.String("chatName", chat.Name))
if !message.WrapGroupMessage() {
encodedMessage, err = proto.Marshal(message.GetProtobuf())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
group, err := newProtocolGroupFromChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// NOTE(cammellos): Disabling for now since the optimiziation is not
// applicable anymore after we changed group rules to allow
// anyone to change group details
encodedMessage, err = m.sender.EncodeMembershipUpdate(group, message)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.New("chat type not supported")
return encodedMessage, nil
func (m *Messenger) getOrBuildContactFromMessage(msg *common.Message) (*Contact, error) {
if c, ok := m.allContacts.Load(msg.From); ok {
return c, nil
senderPubKey, err := msg.GetSenderPubKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
senderID := contactIDFromPublicKey(senderPubKey)
c, err := buildContact(senderID, senderPubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer?
m.allContacts.Store(msg.From, c)
return c, nil
func (m *Messenger) BloomFilter() []byte {
return m.transport.BloomFilter()
func (m *Messenger) getSettings() (settings.Settings, error) {
sDB, err := accounts.NewDB(m.database)
if err != nil {
return settings.Settings{}, err
return sDB.GetSettings()
func (m *Messenger) getEnsUsernameDetails() (result []*ensservice.UsernameDetail, err error) {
db := ensservice.NewEnsDatabase(m.database)
return db.GetEnsUsernames(nil)
func ToVerificationRequest(message *protobuf.SyncVerificationRequest) *verification.Request {
return &verification.Request{
From: message.From,
To: message.To,
Challenge: message.Challenge,
Response: message.Response,
RequestedAt: message.RequestedAt,
RepliedAt: message.RepliedAt,
RequestStatus: verification.RequestStatus(message.VerificationStatus),
func (m *Messenger) HandleSyncVerificationRequest(state *ReceivedMessageState, message *protobuf.SyncVerificationRequest, statusMessage *v1protocol.StatusMessage) error {
verificationRequest := ToVerificationRequest(message)
err := m.verificationDatabase.SaveVerificationRequest(verificationRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
myPubKey := hexutil.Encode(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&m.identity.PublicKey))
state.AllVerificationRequests = append(state.AllVerificationRequests, verificationRequest)
if message.From == myPubKey { // Verification requests we sent
contact, ok := m.allContacts.Load(message.To)
if !ok {
m.logger.Info("contact not found")
return nil
contact.VerificationStatus = VerificationStatus(message.VerificationStatus)
if err := m.persistence.SaveContact(contact, nil); err != nil {
return err
m.allContacts.Store(contact.ID, contact)
state.ModifiedContacts.Store(contact.ID, true)
// TODO: create activity center notif
// else { // Verification requests we received
// // TODO: activity center notif
return nil
func (m *Messenger) ImageServerURL() string {
return m.httpServer.MakeImageServerURL()
func (m *Messenger) myHexIdentity() string {
return common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey)
func (m *Messenger) GetMentionsManager() *MentionManager {
return m.mentionsManager
func (m *Messenger) getOtherMessagesInAlbum(message *common.Message, chatID string) ([]*common.Message, error) {
var connectedMessages []*common.Message
// In case of Image messages, we need to delete all the images in the album
if message.ContentType == protobuf.ChatMessage_IMAGE {
image := message.GetImage()
if image != nil && image.AlbumId != "" {
messagesInTheAlbum, err := m.persistence.albumMessages(chatID, image.GetAlbumId())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
connectedMessages = append(connectedMessages, messagesInTheAlbum...)
return connectedMessages, nil
return append(connectedMessages, message), nil
func (m *Messenger) withChatClock(callback func(string, uint64) error) error {
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
err := callback(chat.ID, clock)
if err != nil {
return err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
return m.saveChat(chat)
func (m *Messenger) syncDeleteForMeMessage(ctx context.Context, rawMessageDispatcher RawMessageHandler) error {
deleteForMes, err := m.persistence.GetDeleteForMeMessages()
if err != nil {
return err
return m.withChatClock(func(chatID string, _ uint64) error {
for _, deleteForMe := range deleteForMes {
encodedMessage, err2 := proto.Marshal(deleteForMe)
if err2 != nil {
return err2
rawMessage := common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chatID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_DELETE_FOR_ME_MESSAGE,
ResendType: common.ResendTypeDataSync,
_, err2 = rawMessageDispatcher(ctx, rawMessage)
if err2 != nil {
return err2
return nil
func (m *Messenger) GetDeleteForMeMessages() ([]*protobuf.SyncDeleteForMeMessage, error) {
return m.persistence.GetDeleteForMeMessages()
func (m *Messenger) startCleanupLoop(name string, cleanupFunc func() error) {
logger := m.logger.Named(name)
go func() {
// Delay by a few minutes to minimize messenger's startup time
var interval time.Duration = 5 * time.Minute
for {
select {
case <-time.After(interval):
// Set the regular interval after the first execution
interval = 1 * time.Hour
err := cleanupFunc()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to cleanup", zap.Error(err))
case <-m.quit:
func (m *Messenger) startMessageSegmentsCleanupLoop() {
m.startCleanupLoop("messageSegmentsCleanupLoop", m.sender.CleanupSegments)
func (m *Messenger) startHashRatchetEncryptedMessagesCleanupLoop() {
m.startCleanupLoop("hashRatchetEncryptedMessagesCleanupLoop", m.sender.CleanupHashRatchetEncryptedMessages)
func (m *Messenger) FindStatusMessageIDForBridgeMessageID(bridgeMessageID string) (string, error) {
return m.persistence.FindStatusMessageIDForBridgeMessageID(bridgeMessageID)