
143 lines
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// Copyright 2015 Jean Niklas L'orange. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package edn implements encoding and decoding of EDN values as defined in
// For a full introduction on how to use
// go-edn, see Fully
// self-contained examples of go-edn can be found at
// Note that the small examples in this package is not checking errors as
// persively as you should do when you use this package. This is done because
// I'd like the examples to be easily readable and understandable. The bigger
// examples provide proper error handling.
package edn
import (
var (
ErrNotFunc = errors.New("Value is not a function")
ErrMismatchArities = errors.New("Function does not have single argument in, two argument out")
ErrNotConcrete = errors.New("Value is not a concrete non-function type")
ErrTagOverwritten = errors.New("Previous tag implementation was overwritten")
var globalTags TagMap
// A TagMap contains mappings from tag literals to functions and structs that is
// used when decoding.
type TagMap struct {
m map[string]reflect.Value
var errorType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
// AddTagFn adds fn as a converter function for tagname tags to this TagMap. fn
// must have the signature func(T) (U, error), where T is the expected input
// type and U is the output type. See Decoder.AddTagFn for examples.
func (tm *TagMap) AddTagFn(tagname string, fn interface{}) error {
// TODO: check name
rfn := reflect.ValueOf(fn)
rtyp := rfn.Type()
if rtyp.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return ErrNotFunc
if rtyp.NumIn() != 1 || rtyp.NumOut() != 2 || !rtyp.Out(1).Implements(errorType) {
// ok to have variadic arity?
return ErrMismatchArities
return tm.addVal(tagname, rfn)
// MustAddTagFn adds fn as a converter function for tagname tags to this TagMap
// like AddTagFn, except this function panics if the tag could not be added.
func (tm *TagMap) MustAddTagFn(tagname string, fn interface{}) {
if err := tm.AddTagFn(tagname, fn); err != nil {
func (tm *TagMap) addVal(name string, val reflect.Value) error {
if tm.m == nil {
tm.m = map[string]reflect.Value{}
_, ok := tm.m[name]
tm.m[name] = val
if ok {
return ErrTagOverwritten
} else {
return nil
// AddTagFn adds fn as a converter function for tagname tags to the global
// TagMap. fn must have the signature func(T) (U, error), where T is the
// expected input type and U is the output type. See Decoder.AddTagFn for
// examples.
func AddTagFn(tagname string, fn interface{}) error {
return globalTags.AddTagFn(tagname, fn)
// MustAddTagFn adds fn as a converter function for tagname tags to the global
// TagMap like AddTagFn, except this function panics if the tag could not be added.
func MustAddTagFn(tagname string, fn interface{}) {
globalTags.MustAddTagFn(tagname, fn)
// AddTagStructs adds the struct as a matching struct for tagname tags to this
// TagMap. val can not be a channel, function, interface or an unsafe pointer.
// See Decoder.AddTagStruct for examples.
func (tm *TagMap) AddTagStruct(tagname string, val interface{}) error {
rstruct := reflect.ValueOf(val)
switch rstruct.Type().Kind() {
case reflect.Invalid, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.UnsafePointer:
return ErrNotConcrete
return tm.addVal(tagname, rstruct)
// AddTagStructs adds the struct as a matching struct for tagname tags to the
// global TagMap. val can not be a channel, function, interface or an unsafe
// pointer. See Decoder.AddTagStruct for examples.
func AddTagStruct(tagname string, val interface{}) error {
return globalTags.AddTagStruct(tagname, val)
func init() {
err := AddTagFn("inst", func(s string) (time.Time, error) {
return time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, s)
if err != nil {
err = AddTagFn("base64", base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString)
if err != nil {
// A MathContext specifies the precision and rounding mode for
// `math/big.Float`s when decoding.
type MathContext struct {
Precision uint
Mode big.RoundingMode
// The GlobalMathContext is the global MathContext. It is used if no other
// context is provided. See MathContext for example usage.
var GlobalMathContext = MathContext{
Mode: big.ToNearestEven,
Precision: 192,