mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 14:10:54 +00:00
- API is async - Node manager, backend and API modules have more that 90% coverage - For each level (node manager, backend, public API) random testing was used to ensure that we don't have race conditions
742 lines
22 KiB
742 lines
22 KiB
package api_test
import (
gethcommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
whisper "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/whisper/whisperv5"
. "github.com/status-im/status-go/geth/testing"
const (
whisperMessage1 = `test message 1 (K1 -> K2, signed+encrypted, from us)`
whisperMessage2 = `test message 2 (K1 -> K1, signed+encrypted to ourselves)`
whisperMessage3 = `test message 3 (K1 -> "", signed broadcast)`
whisperMessage4 = `test message 4 ("" -> "", anon broadcast)`
whisperMessage5 = `test message 5 ("" -> K1, encrypted anon broadcast)`
whisperMessage6 = `test message 6 (K2 -> K1, signed+encrypted, to us)`
txSendFolder = "testdata/jail/tx-send/"
testChatID = "testChat"
func (s *BackendTestSuite) TestJailContractDeployment() {
require := s.Require()
defer s.StopTestBackend()
time.Sleep(TestConfig.Node.SyncSeconds * time.Second) // allow to sync
jailInstance := s.backend.JailManager()
jailInstance.Parse(testChatID, "")
// obtain VM for a given chat (to send custom JS to jailed version of Send())
vm, err := jailInstance.JailCellVM(testChatID)
// make sure you panic if transaction complete doesn't return
completeQueuedTransaction := make(chan struct{}, 1)
common.PanicAfter(30*time.Second, completeQueuedTransaction, s.T().Name())
// replace transaction notification handler
var txHash gethcommon.Hash
node.SetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler(func(jsonEvent string) {
var envelope node.SignalEnvelope
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonEvent), &envelope)
s.NoError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot unmarshal JSON: %s", jsonEvent))
if envelope.Type == node.EventTransactionQueued {
event := envelope.Event.(map[string]interface{})
log.Info("transaction queued (will be completed shortly)", "id", event["id"].(string))
//t.Logf("Transaction queued (will be completed shortly): {id: %s}\n", event["id"].(string))
s.NoError(s.backend.AccountManager().SelectAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Address, TestConfig.Account1.Password))
var err error
txHash, err = s.backend.CompleteTransaction(event["id"].(string), TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot complete queued transaction[%v]", event["id"]))
log.Info("contract transaction complete", "URL", "https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/tx/"+txHash.Hex())
_, err = vm.Run(`
var responseValue = null;
var testContract = web3.eth.contract([{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"a","type":"int256"}],"name":"double","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int256"}],"payable":false,"type":"function"}]);
var test = testContract.new(
from: '` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `',
data: '0x6060604052341561000c57fe5b5b60a58061001b6000396000f30060606040526000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff1680636ffa1caa14603a575bfe5b3415604157fe5b60556004808035906020019091905050606b565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b60008160020290505b9190505600a165627a7a72305820ccdadd737e4ac7039963b54cee5e5afb25fa859a275252bdcf06f653155228210029',
gas: '` + strconv.Itoa(params.DefaultGas) + `'
}, function (e, contract){
if (!e) {
responseValue = contract.transactionHash
responseValue, err := vm.Get("responseValue")
require.NoError(err, "vm.Get() failed")
response, err := responseValue.ToString()
require.NoError(err, "cannot parse result")
expectedResponse := txHash.Hex()
require.Equal(expectedResponse, response, "expected response is not returned")
func (s *BackendTestSuite) TestJailSendQueuedTransaction() {
require := s.Require()
defer s.StopTestBackend()
time.Sleep(TestConfig.Node.SyncSeconds * time.Second) // allow to sync
jailInstance := s.backend.JailManager()
// log into account from which transactions will be sent
require.NoError(s.backend.AccountManager().SelectAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Address, TestConfig.Account1.Password))
txParams := `{
"from": "` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `",
"to": "0xf82da7547534045b4e00442bc89e16186cf8c272",
"value": "0.000001"
txCompletedSuccessfully := make(chan struct{})
txCompletedCounter := make(chan struct{})
txHashes := make(chan gethcommon.Hash)
// replace transaction notification handler
requireMessageId := false
node.SetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler(func(jsonEvent string) {
var envelope node.SignalEnvelope
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonEvent), &envelope)
s.NoError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot unmarshal JSON: %s", jsonEvent))
if envelope.Type == node.EventTransactionQueued {
event := envelope.Event.(map[string]interface{})
messageId, ok := event["message_id"].(string)
s.True(ok, "Message id is required, but not found")
if requireMessageId {
if len(messageId) == 0 {
s.Fail("Message id is required, but not provided")
} else {
if len(messageId) != 0 {
s.Fail("Message id is not required, but provided")
log.Info("Transaction queued (will be completed shortly)", "id", event["id"].(string))
var txHash gethcommon.Hash
if txHash, err = s.backend.CompleteTransaction(event["id"].(string), TestConfig.Account1.Password); err != nil {
s.Fail(fmt.Sprintf("cannot complete queued transaction[%v]: %v", event["id"], err))
} else {
log.Info("Transaction complete", "URL", "https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/tx/%s"+txHash.Hex())
txCompletedSuccessfully <- struct{}{} // so that timeout is aborted
txHashes <- txHash
txCompletedCounter <- struct{}{}
type testCommand struct {
command string
params string
expectedResponse string
type testCase struct {
name string
file string
requireMessageId bool
commands []testCommand
tests := []testCase{
// no context or message id
name: "Case 1: no message id or context in inited JS",
file: "no-message-id-or-context.js",
requireMessageId: false,
commands: []testCommand{
`["commands", "send"]`,
`{"result": {"transaction-hash":"TX_HASH"}}`,
`["commands", "getBalance"]`,
`{"address": "` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `"}`,
`{"result": {"balance":42}}`,
// context is present in inited JS (but no message id is there)
name: "Case 2: context is present in inited JS (but no message id is there)",
file: "context-no-message-id.js",
requireMessageId: false,
commands: []testCommand{
`["commands", "send"]`,
`{"result": {"context":{"` + jail.SendTransactionRequest + `":true},"result":{"transaction-hash":"TX_HASH"}}}`,
`["commands", "getBalance"]`,
`{"address": "` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `"}`,
`{"result": {"context":{},"result":{"balance":42}}}`, // note empty (but present) context!
// message id is present in inited JS, but no context is there
name: "Case 3: message id is present, context is not present",
file: "message-id-no-context.js",
requireMessageId: true,
commands: []testCommand{
`["commands", "send"]`,
`{"result": {"transaction-hash":"TX_HASH"}}`,
`["commands", "getBalance"]`,
`{"address": "` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `"}`,
`{"result": {"balance":42}}`, // note empty context!
// both message id and context are present in inited JS (this UC is what we normally expect to see)
name: "Case 4: both message id and context are present",
file: "tx-send.js",
requireMessageId: true,
commands: []testCommand{
`["commands", "send"]`,
`{"result": {"context":{"eth_sendTransaction":true,"message_id":"foobar"},"result":{"transaction-hash":"TX_HASH"}}}`,
`["commands", "getBalance"]`,
`{"address": "` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `"}`,
`{"result": {"context":{"message_id":"42"},"result":{"balance":42}}}`, // message id in context, but default one is used!
for _, test := range tests {
jailInstance.BaseJS(string(static.MustAsset(txSendFolder + test.file)))
common.PanicAfter(60*time.Second, txCompletedSuccessfully, test.name)
jailInstance.Parse(testChatID, ``)
requireMessageId = test.requireMessageId
for _, command := range test.commands {
go func(jail common.JailManager, test testCase, command testCommand) {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("->%s: %s", test.name, command.command))
response := jail.Call(testChatID, command.command, command.params)
var txHash gethcommon.Hash
if command.command == `["commands", "send"]` {
txHash = <-txHashes
expectedResponse := strings.Replace(command.expectedResponse, "TX_HASH", txHash.Hex(), 1)
s.Equal(expectedResponse, response)
}(jailInstance, test, command)
func (s *BackendTestSuite) TestGasEstimation() {
require := s.Require()
defer s.StopTestBackend()
jailInstance := s.backend.JailManager()
jailInstance.Parse(testChatID, "")
// obtain VM for a given chat (to send custom JS to jailed version of Send())
vm, err := jailInstance.JailCellVM(testChatID)
// make sure you panic if transaction complete doesn't return
completeQueuedTransaction := make(chan struct{}, 1)
common.PanicAfter(30*time.Second, completeQueuedTransaction, s.T().Name())
// replace transaction notification handler
var txHash gethcommon.Hash
node.SetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler(func(jsonEvent string) {
var envelope node.SignalEnvelope
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonEvent), &envelope)
s.NoError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot unmarshal JSON: %s", jsonEvent))
if envelope.Type == node.EventTransactionQueued {
event := envelope.Event.(map[string]interface{})
log.Info("transaction queued (will be completed shortly)", "id", event["id"].(string))
//t.Logf("Transaction queued (will be completed shortly): {id: %s}\n", event["id"].(string))
s.NoError(s.backend.AccountManager().SelectAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Address, TestConfig.Account1.Password))
var err error
txHash, err = s.backend.CompleteTransaction(event["id"].(string), TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot complete queued transaction[%v]", event["id"]))
log.Info("contract transaction complete", "URL", "https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/tx/"+txHash.Hex())
_, err = vm.Run(`
var responseValue = null;
var testContract = web3.eth.contract([{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"a","type":"int256"}],"name":"double","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int256"}],"payable":false,"type":"function"}]);
var test = testContract.new(
from: '` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `',
data: '0x6060604052341561000c57fe5b5b60a58061001b6000396000f30060606040526000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff1680636ffa1caa14603a575bfe5b3415604157fe5b60556004808035906020019091905050606b565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b60008160020290505b9190505600a165627a7a72305820ccdadd737e4ac7039963b54cee5e5afb25fa859a275252bdcf06f653155228210029',
}, function (e, contract){
if (!e) {
responseValue = contract.transactionHash
responseValue, err := vm.Get("responseValue")
s.NoError(err, "vm.Get() failed")
response, err := responseValue.ToString()
s.NoError(err, "cannot parse result")
expectedResponse := txHash.Hex()
s.Equal(expectedResponse, response, "expected response is not returned")
s.T().Logf("estimation complete: %s", response)
func (s *BackendTestSuite) TestJailWhisper() {
require := s.Require()
defer s.StopTestBackend()
jailInstance := s.backend.JailManager()
whisperService := s.WhisperService()
whisperAPI := whisper.NewPublicWhisperAPI(whisperService)
accountManager := s.backend.AccountManager()
// account1
_, accountKey1, err := accountManager.AddressToDecryptedAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Address, TestConfig.Account1.Password)
accountKey1Hex := gethcommon.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&accountKey1.PrivateKey.PublicKey))
_, err = whisperService.AddKeyPair(accountKey1.PrivateKey)
require.NoError(err, fmt.Sprintf("identity not injected: %v", accountKey1Hex))
if ok, err := whisperAPI.HasKeyPair(accountKey1Hex); err != nil || !ok {
require.FailNow(fmt.Sprintf("identity not injected: %v", accountKey1Hex))
// account2
_, accountKey2, err := accountManager.AddressToDecryptedAccount(TestConfig.Account2.Address, TestConfig.Account2.Password)
accountKey2Hex := gethcommon.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&accountKey2.PrivateKey.PublicKey))
_, err = whisperService.AddKeyPair(accountKey2.PrivateKey)
require.NoError(err, fmt.Sprintf("identity not injected: %v", accountKey2Hex))
if ok, err := whisperAPI.HasKeyPair(accountKey2Hex); err != nil || !ok {
require.FailNow(fmt.Sprintf("identity not injected: %v", accountKey2Hex))
passedTests := map[string]bool{
whisperMessage1: false,
whisperMessage2: false,
whisperMessage3: false,
whisperMessage4: false,
whisperMessage5: false,
whisperMessage6: false,
installedFilters := map[string]string{
whisperMessage1: "",
whisperMessage2: "",
whisperMessage3: "",
whisperMessage4: "",
whisperMessage5: "",
whisperMessage6: "",
testCases := []struct {
name string
testCode string
useFilter bool
"test 0: ensure correct version of Whisper is used",
var expectedVersion = '0x5';
if (web3.version.whisper != expectedVersion) {
throw 'unexpected shh version, expected: ' + expectedVersion + ', got: ' + web3.version.whisper;
"test 1: encrypted signed message from us (From != nil && To != nil)",
var identity1 = '` + accountKey1Hex + `';
if (!web3.shh.hasKeyPair(identity1)) {
throw 'idenitity "` + accountKey1Hex + `" not found in whisper';
var identity2 = '` + accountKey2Hex + `';
if (!web3.shh.hasKeyPair(identity2)) {
throw 'idenitity "` + accountKey2Hex + `" not found in whisper';
var topic = makeTopic();
var payload = '` + whisperMessage1 + `';
// start watching for messages
var filter = shh.filter({
type: "asym",
sig: identity1,
key: identity2,
topics: [topic]
// post message
var message = {
type: "asym",
sig: identity1,
key: identity2,
topic: topic,
payload: payload,
ttl: 20,
var err = shh.post(message)
if (err !== null) {
throw 'message not sent: ' + message;
var filterName = '` + whisperMessage1 + `';
var filterId = filter.filterId;
if (!filterId) {
throw 'filter not installed properly';
"test 2: encrypted signed message to yourself (From != nil && To != nil)",
var identity = '` + accountKey1Hex + `';
if (!web3.shh.hasKeyPair(identity)) {
throw 'idenitity "` + accountKey1Hex + `" not found in whisper';
var topic = makeTopic();
var payload = '` + whisperMessage2 + `';
// start watching for messages
var filter = shh.filter({
type: "asym",
sig: identity,
key: identity,
topics: [topic],
// post message
var message = {
type: "asym",
sig: identity,
key: identity,
topic: topic,
payload: payload,
ttl: 20,
var err = shh.post(message)
if (err !== null) {
throw 'message not sent: ' + message;
var filterName = '` + whisperMessage2 + `';
var filterId = filter.filterId;
if (!filterId) {
throw 'filter not installed properly';
"test 3: signed (known sender) broadcast (From != nil && To == nil)",
var identity = '` + accountKey1Hex + `';
if (!web3.shh.hasKeyPair(identity)) {
throw 'idenitity "` + accountKey1Hex + `" not found in whisper';
var topic = makeTopic();
var payload = '` + whisperMessage3 + `';
// generate symmetric key
var keyid = shh.generateSymmetricKey();
if (!shh.hasSymmetricKey(keyid)) {
throw new Error('key not found');
// start watching for messages
var filter = shh.filter({
type: "sym",
sig: identity,
topics: [topic],
key: keyid
// post message
var message = {
type: "sym",
sig: identity,
topic: topic,
payload: payload,
ttl: 20,
key: keyid
var err = shh.post(message)
if (err !== null) {
throw 'message not sent: ' + message;
var filterName = '` + whisperMessage3 + `';
var filterId = filter.filterId;
if (!filterId) {
throw 'filter not installed properly';
"test 4: anonymous broadcast (From == nil && To == nil)",
var topic = makeTopic();
var payload = '` + whisperMessage4 + `';
// generate symmetric key
var keyid = shh.generateSymmetricKey();
if (!shh.hasSymmetricKey(keyid)) {
throw new Error('key not found');
// start watching for messages
var filter = shh.filter({
type: "sym",
topics: [topic],
key: keyid
// post message
var message = {
type: "sym",
topic: topic,
payload: payload,
ttl: 20,
key: keyid
var err = shh.post(message)
if (err !== null) {
throw 'message not sent: ' + err;
var filterName = '` + whisperMessage4 + `';
var filterId = filter.filterId;
if (!filterId) {
throw 'filter not installed properly';
"test 5: encrypted anonymous message (From == nil && To != nil)",
var identity = '` + accountKey2Hex + `';
if (!web3.shh.hasKeyPair(identity)) {
throw 'idenitity "` + accountKey2Hex + `" not found in whisper';
var topic = makeTopic();
var payload = '` + whisperMessage5 + `';
// start watching for messages
var filter = shh.filter({
type: "asym",
key: identity,
topics: [topic],
// post message
var message = {
type: "asym",
key: identity,
topic: topic,
payload: payload,
ttl: 20
var err = shh.post(message)
if (err !== null) {
throw 'message not sent: ' + message;
var filterName = '` + whisperMessage5 + `';
var filterId = filter.filterId;
if (!filterId) {
throw 'filter not installed properly';
"test 6: encrypted signed response to us (From != nil && To != nil)",
var identity1 = '` + accountKey1Hex + `';
if (!web3.shh.hasKeyPair(identity1)) {
throw 'idenitity "` + accountKey1Hex + `" not found in whisper';
var identity2 = '` + accountKey2Hex + `';
if (!web3.shh.hasKeyPair(identity2)) {
throw 'idenitity "` + accountKey2Hex + `" not found in whisper';
var topic = makeTopic();
var payload = '` + whisperMessage6 + `';
// start watching for messages
var filter = shh.filter({
type: "asym",
sig: identity2,
key: identity1,
topics: [topic]
// post message
var message = {
type: "asym",
sig: identity2,
key: identity1,
topic: topic,
payload: payload,
ttl: 20
var err = shh.post(message)
if (err !== null) {
throw 'message not sent: ' + message;
var filterName = '` + whisperMessage6 + `';
var filterId = filter.filterId;
if (!filterId) {
throw 'filter not installed properly';
for _, testCase := range testCases {
testCaseKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte(testCase.name)).Hex()
jailInstance.Parse(testCaseKey, `
var shh = web3.shh;
var makeTopic = function () {
var min = 1;
var max = Math.pow(16, 8);
var randInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
return web3.toHex(randInt);
vm, err := jailInstance.JailCellVM(testCaseKey)
require.NoError(err, "cannot get VM")
// post messages
if _, err := vm.Run(testCase.testCode); err != nil {
if !testCase.useFilter {
// update installed filters
filterId, err := vm.Get("filterId")
require.NoError(err, "cannot get filterId")
filterName, err := vm.Get("filterName")
require.NoError(err, "cannot get filterName")
if _, ok := installedFilters[filterName.String()]; !ok {
require.FailNow("unrecognized filter")
installedFilters[filterName.String()] = filterId.String()
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // allow whisper to poll
for testKey, filter := range installedFilters {
if filter != "" {
s.T().Logf("filter found: %v", filter)
for _, message := range whisperAPI.GetNewSubscriptionMessages(filter) {
s.T().Logf("message found: %s", gethcommon.FromHex(message.Payload))
passedTests[testKey] = true
for testName, passedTest := range passedTests {
if !passedTest {
s.Fail(fmt.Sprintf("test not passed: %v", testName))