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synced 2025-03-03 08:00:54 +00:00
Implement activity.Scheduler to serialize and limit the number of calls on the activity service. This way we protect form inefficient parallel queries and easy support async and rate limiting based on the API requirements. Refactor the activity APIs async and use the Scheduler for managing the activity service calls configured with one of the two rules: cancel ignore. Updates status-desktop #11170
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// Package orderedmap implements an ordered map, i.e. a map that also keeps track of
// the order in which keys were inserted.
// All operations are constant-time.
// Github repo: https://github.com/wk8/go-ordered-map
package orderedmap
import (
list "github.com/bahlo/generic-list-go"
type Pair[K comparable, V any] struct {
Key K
Value V
element *list.Element[*Pair[K, V]]
type OrderedMap[K comparable, V any] struct {
pairs map[K]*Pair[K, V]
list *list.List[*Pair[K, V]]
type initConfig[K comparable, V any] struct {
capacity int
initialData []Pair[K, V]
type InitOption[K comparable, V any] func(config *initConfig[K, V])
// WithCapacity allows giving a capacity hint for the map, akin to the standard make(map[K]V, capacity).
func WithCapacity[K comparable, V any](capacity int) InitOption[K, V] {
return func(c *initConfig[K, V]) {
c.capacity = capacity
// WithInitialData allows passing in initial data for the map.
func WithInitialData[K comparable, V any](initialData ...Pair[K, V]) InitOption[K, V] {
return func(c *initConfig[K, V]) {
c.initialData = initialData
if c.capacity < len(initialData) {
c.capacity = len(initialData)
// New creates a new OrderedMap.
// options can either be one or several InitOption[K, V], or a single integer,
// which is then interpreted as a capacity hint, à la make(map[K]V, capacity).
func New[K comparable, V any](options ...any) *OrderedMap[K, V] { //nolint:varnamelen
orderedMap := &OrderedMap[K, V]{}
var config initConfig[K, V]
for _, untypedOption := range options {
switch option := untypedOption.(type) {
case int:
if len(options) != 1 {
config.capacity = option
case InitOption[K, V]:
return orderedMap
const invalidOptionMessage = `when using orderedmap.New[K,V]() with options, either provide one or several InitOption[K, V]; or a single integer which is then interpreted as a capacity hint, à la make(map[K]V, capacity).` //nolint:lll
func invalidOption() { panic(invalidOptionMessage) }
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) initialize(capacity int) {
om.pairs = make(map[K]*Pair[K, V], capacity)
om.list = list.New[*Pair[K, V]]()
// Get looks for the given key, and returns the value associated with it,
// or V's nil value if not found. The boolean it returns says whether the key is present in the map.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Get(key K) (val V, present bool) {
if pair, present := om.pairs[key]; present {
return pair.Value, true
// Load is an alias for Get, mostly to present an API similar to `sync.Map`'s.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Load(key K) (V, bool) {
return om.Get(key)
// Value returns the value associated with the given key or the zero value.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Value(key K) (val V) {
if pair, present := om.pairs[key]; present {
val = pair.Value
// GetPair looks for the given key, and returns the pair associated with it,
// or nil if not found. The Pair struct can then be used to iterate over the ordered map
// from that point, either forward or backward.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) GetPair(key K) *Pair[K, V] {
return om.pairs[key]
// Set sets the key-value pair, and returns what `Get` would have returned
// on that key prior to the call to `Set`.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) (val V, present bool) {
if pair, present := om.pairs[key]; present {
oldValue := pair.Value
pair.Value = value
return oldValue, true
pair := &Pair[K, V]{
Key: key,
Value: value,
pair.element = om.list.PushBack(pair)
om.pairs[key] = pair
// AddPairs allows setting multiple pairs at a time. It's equivalent to calling
// Set on each pair sequentially.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) AddPairs(pairs ...Pair[K, V]) {
for _, pair := range pairs {
om.Set(pair.Key, pair.Value)
// Store is an alias for Set, mostly to present an API similar to `sync.Map`'s.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Store(key K, value V) (V, bool) {
return om.Set(key, value)
// Delete removes the key-value pair, and returns what `Get` would have returned
// on that key prior to the call to `Delete`.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Delete(key K) (val V, present bool) {
if pair, present := om.pairs[key]; present {
delete(om.pairs, key)
return pair.Value, true
// Len returns the length of the ordered map.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Len() int {
if om == nil || om.pairs == nil {
return 0
return len(om.pairs)
// Oldest returns a pointer to the oldest pair. It's meant to be used to iterate on the ordered map's
// pairs from the oldest to the newest, e.g.:
// for pair := orderedMap.Oldest(); pair != nil; pair = pair.Next() { fmt.Printf("%v => %v\n", pair.Key, pair.Value) }
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Oldest() *Pair[K, V] {
if om == nil || om.list == nil {
return nil
return listElementToPair(om.list.Front())
// Newest returns a pointer to the newest pair. It's meant to be used to iterate on the ordered map's
// pairs from the newest to the oldest, e.g.:
// for pair := orderedMap.Oldest(); pair != nil; pair = pair.Next() { fmt.Printf("%v => %v\n", pair.Key, pair.Value) }
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) Newest() *Pair[K, V] {
if om == nil || om.list == nil {
return nil
return listElementToPair(om.list.Back())
// Next returns a pointer to the next pair.
func (p *Pair[K, V]) Next() *Pair[K, V] {
return listElementToPair(p.element.Next())
// Prev returns a pointer to the previous pair.
func (p *Pair[K, V]) Prev() *Pair[K, V] {
return listElementToPair(p.element.Prev())
func listElementToPair[K comparable, V any](element *list.Element[*Pair[K, V]]) *Pair[K, V] {
if element == nil {
return nil
return element.Value
// KeyNotFoundError may be returned by functions in this package when they're called with keys that are not present
// in the map.
type KeyNotFoundError[K comparable] struct {
MissingKey K
func (e *KeyNotFoundError[K]) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("missing key: %v", e.MissingKey)
// MoveAfter moves the value associated with key to its new position after the one associated with markKey.
// Returns an error iff key or markKey are not present in the map. If an error is returned,
// it will be a KeyNotFoundError.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) MoveAfter(key, markKey K) error {
elements, err := om.getElements(key, markKey)
if err != nil {
return err
om.list.MoveAfter(elements[0], elements[1])
return nil
// MoveBefore moves the value associated with key to its new position before the one associated with markKey.
// Returns an error iff key or markKey are not present in the map. If an error is returned,
// it will be a KeyNotFoundError.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) MoveBefore(key, markKey K) error {
elements, err := om.getElements(key, markKey)
if err != nil {
return err
om.list.MoveBefore(elements[0], elements[1])
return nil
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) getElements(keys ...K) ([]*list.Element[*Pair[K, V]], error) {
elements := make([]*list.Element[*Pair[K, V]], len(keys))
for i, k := range keys {
pair, present := om.pairs[k]
if !present {
return nil, &KeyNotFoundError[K]{k}
elements[i] = pair.element
return elements, nil
// MoveToBack moves the value associated with key to the back of the ordered map,
// i.e. makes it the newest pair in the map.
// Returns an error iff key is not present in the map. If an error is returned,
// it will be a KeyNotFoundError.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) MoveToBack(key K) error {
_, err := om.GetAndMoveToBack(key)
return err
// MoveToFront moves the value associated with key to the front of the ordered map,
// i.e. makes it the oldest pair in the map.
// Returns an error iff key is not present in the map. If an error is returned,
// it will be a KeyNotFoundError.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) MoveToFront(key K) error {
_, err := om.GetAndMoveToFront(key)
return err
// GetAndMoveToBack combines Get and MoveToBack in the same call. If an error is returned,
// it will be a KeyNotFoundError.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) GetAndMoveToBack(key K) (val V, err error) {
if pair, present := om.pairs[key]; present {
val = pair.Value
} else {
err = &KeyNotFoundError[K]{key}
// GetAndMoveToFront combines Get and MoveToFront in the same call. If an error is returned,
// it will be a KeyNotFoundError.
func (om *OrderedMap[K, V]) GetAndMoveToFront(key K) (val V, err error) {
if pair, present := om.pairs[key]; present {
val = pair.Value
} else {
err = &KeyNotFoundError[K]{key}