mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 18:55:47 +00:00
- favourite column removed from the saved_addresses table - favourite property removed from the SavedAddress struct - ens name removed from the primary key, the primary key now is composed of address and is_test columns - ens parameter removed from wakuext_deleteSavedAddress - wallet_getSavedAddresses moved to wakuext_getSavedAddresses (to keep them all in a single place) - saved addresses related endpoints removed from the wallet service, even they logically belong there, a reason for that is avoiding emitting sync message if one uses calls from the wallet service, while that's not the case in ext service. Once we refactor this and introduce devices syncing mechanism in the wallet service, we should not only these but other wallet related endpoints move there (removed: wallet_getSavedAddresses, wallet_addSavedAddress and wallet_deleteSavedAddress). Affected area: Saved addresses
426 lines
9.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
426 lines
9.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
import "chat_identity.proto";
import "sync_settings.proto";
import 'application_metadata_message.proto';
import 'communities.proto';
option go_package = "./;protobuf";
package protobuf;
/* `FetchingBackedUpDataDetails` is used to describe how many messages a single backup data structure consists of */
message FetchingBackedUpDataDetails {
uint32 data_number = 1;
uint32 total_number = 2;
message Backup {
uint64 clock = 1;
string id = 2;
/* this is what we already had */
repeated SyncInstallationContactV2 contacts = 3;
repeated SyncInstallationCommunity communities = 4;
/* newly added details to be backed up to and fetched from waku */
FetchingBackedUpDataDetails contactsDetails = 5;
FetchingBackedUpDataDetails communitiesDetails = 6;
BackedUpProfile profile = 7;
FetchingBackedUpDataDetails profileDetails = 8;
SyncSetting setting = 9;
FetchingBackedUpDataDetails settingsDetails = 10;
SyncKeypair keypair = 11;
FetchingBackedUpDataDetails keypairDetails = 12;
SyncAccount watchOnlyAccount = 13;
FetchingBackedUpDataDetails watchOnlyAccountDetails = 14;
repeated SyncChat chats = 15;
FetchingBackedUpDataDetails chatsDetails = 16;
message MultiAccount {
string name = 1;
int64 timestamp = 2;
string identicon = 3;
repeated ColorHash color_hash = 4;
int64 color_id = 5;
string keycard_pairing = 6;
string key_uid = 7;
repeated IdentityImage images = 8;
string customization_color = 9;
uint64 customization_color_clock = 10;
message ColorHash {
repeated int64 index = 1;
message IdentityImage {
string key_uid = 1;
string name = 2;
bytes payload = 3;
int64 width = 4;
int64 height = 5;
int64 filesize = 6;
int64 resize_target = 7;
uint64 clock = 8;
message LocalPairingPayload {
repeated Key keys = 1;
MultiAccount multiaccount = 2;
string password = 3;
string chatKey = 4;
string keycardPairings = 5;
message Key {
string name = 1;
bytes data = 2;
message LocalPairingPeerHello {
int32 pairing_version = 1;
bytes peer_id = 2;
string device_name = 3;
string device_type = 4;
bytes signature = 5;
message SyncPairInstallation {
uint64 clock = 1;
string installation_id = 2;
string device_type = 3;
string name = 4;
// following fields used for local pairing
uint32 version = 5;
message SyncInstallationContactV2 {
uint64 last_updated_locally = 1;
string id = 2;
string profile_image = 3;
string ens_name = 4;
uint64 last_updated = 5;
repeated string system_tags = 6;
string local_nickname = 7;
bool added = 9;
bool blocked = 10;
bool muted = 11;
bool removed = 12;
bool has_added_us = 13;
int64 verification_status = 14;
int64 trust_status = 15;
int64 contact_request_local_state = 16;
int64 contact_request_local_clock = 17;
int64 contact_request_remote_state = 18;
int64 contact_request_remote_clock = 19;
string display_name = 20;
message SyncInstallationAccount {
uint64 clock = 1;
string profile_image = 2;
uint64 last_updated = 3;
message SyncInstallationCommunity {
uint64 clock = 1;
bytes id = 2;
// Don't sync private_key because we want to have only one control node
bytes private_key = 3 [deprecated = true];
bytes description = 4;
bool joined = 5;
bool verified = 6;
bool muted = 7;
repeated SyncCommunityRequestsToJoin requests_to_join = 8;
SyncCommunitySettings settings = 9;
bool encrypted = 10;
bool spectated = 11;
bytes encryption_keys = 12;
SyncCommunityControlNode control_node = 13;
int64 joined_at = 14;
message SyncCommunityRequestsToJoin {
bytes id = 1;
string public_key = 2;
uint64 clock = 3;
string ens_name = 4;
string chat_id = 5;
bytes community_id = 6;
uint64 state = 7;
repeated RevealedAccount revealed_accounts = 8;
message SyncCommunityControlNode {
// Lamport timestamp of control node change
uint64 clock = 1;
// The device id of the control node
// Empty if there is no control node
string installation_id = 2;
message SyncChat {
string id = 1;
uint32 chat_type = 2;
string name = 3;
repeated MembershipUpdateEvents membershipUpdateEvents = 4;
bool active = 5;
uint64 clock = 6;
bool muted = 7;
message MembershipUpdateEvents {
uint64 clock = 1;
uint32 type = 2;
repeated string members = 3;
string name = 4;
bytes signature = 5;
string chat_id = 6;
string from = 7;
bytes raw_payload = 8;
string color = 9;
bytes image = 10;
message SyncChatRemoved {
uint64 clock = 1;
string id = 2;
message SyncChatMessagesRead {
uint64 clock = 1;
string id = 2;
message SyncActivityCenterRead {
uint64 clock = 1;
repeated bytes ids = 2;
message SyncActivityCenterAccepted {
uint64 clock = 1;
repeated bytes ids = 2;
message SyncActivityCenterDismissed {
uint64 clock = 1;
repeated bytes ids = 2;
message SyncActivityCenterDeleted {
uint64 clock = 1;
repeated bytes ids = 2;
message SyncActivityCenterUnread {
uint64 clock = 1;
repeated bytes ids = 2;
message SyncActivityCenterCommunityRequestDecision {
uint64 clock = 1;
bytes id = 2;
uint32 membership_status = 3;
enum community_request_decision {
community_request_decision decision = 4;
message SyncBookmark {
uint64 clock = 1;
string url = 2;
string name = 3;
string image_url = 4;
bool removed = 5;
uint64 deleted_at = 6;
message SyncEnsUsernameDetail {
uint64 clock = 1;
string username = 2;
uint64 chain_id = 3;
bool removed = 4;
message SyncClearHistory {
string chat_id = 1;
uint64 cleared_at = 2;
message SyncProfilePicture {
string name = 1;
bytes payload = 2;
uint32 width = 3;
uint32 height = 4;
uint32 file_size = 5;
uint32 resize_target = 6;
uint64 clock = 7;
message SyncProfilePictures {
string key_uid = 1;
repeated SyncProfilePicture pictures = 2;
message SyncAccount {
uint64 clock = 1;
bytes address = 2;
string key_uid = 3;
bytes public_key = 4;
string path = 5;
string name = 6;
string color_id = 7;
string emoji = 8;
bool wallet = 9;
bool chat = 10;
bool hidden = 11;
bool removed = 12;
int64 position = 13;
string prodPreferredChainIDs = 14;
string testPreferredChainIDs = 15;
string operable = 16;
message SyncKeypair {
uint64 clock = 1;
string key_uid = 2;
string name = 3;
string type = 4;
string derived_from = 5;
uint64 last_used_derivation_index = 6;
string synced_from = 7;
repeated SyncAccount accounts = 8;
repeated SyncKeycard keycards = 9;
bool removed = 10;
bytes keycard_pairings = 11;
// this message is used for syncing accounts positions only, for syncing any other info consider
// `SyncAccount` or `SyncKeypair` message
message SyncAccountsPositions {
uint64 clock = 1;
repeated SyncAccount accounts = 2;
message SyncSavedAddress {
reserved 3;
reserved 4;
bytes address = 1;
string name = 2;
bool removed = 5;
uint64 update_clock = 7;
string chain_short_names = 8;
string ens = 9;
bool is_test = 10;
string color = 11;
message SyncCommunitySettings {
uint64 clock = 1;
string community_id = 2;
bool history_archive_support_enabled = 3;
message SyncTrustedUser {
uint64 clock = 1;
string id = 2;
TrustStatus status = 3;
enum TrustStatus {
message SyncVerificationRequest {
uint64 clock = 1;
string from = 2;
string to = 3;
string challenge = 4;
uint64 requested_at = 5;
string response = 6;
uint64 replied_at = 7;
VerificationStatus verification_status = 8;
string id = 9;
enum VerificationStatus {
message SyncContactRequestDecision {
uint64 clock = 1;
string requestId = 2;
DecisionStatus decision_status = 3;
enum DecisionStatus {
/* `BackedUpProfile` is used to describe profile of logged in user */
message BackedUpProfile {
string key_uid = 1;
string display_name = 2;
uint64 display_name_clock = 3;
repeated SyncProfilePicture pictures = 4;
SyncSocialLinks social_links = 5;
repeated SyncEnsUsernameDetail ens_username_details = 6;
message RawMessage {
bytes payload = 1;
ApplicationMetadataMessage.Type messageType = 2;
message SyncRawMessage {
repeated RawMessage rawMessages = 1;
// we need these to be able to login
bytes subAccountsJsonBytes = 2;
bytes settingsJsonBytes = 3;
message SyncKeycard {
string uid = 1;
string name = 2;
bool locked = 3;
string key_uid = 4;
repeated bytes addresses = 5;
uint64 position = 6;
message SyncSocialLinks {
repeated SocialLink social_links = 1;
uint64 clock = 2;
message SyncAccountCustomizationColor {
uint64 updated_at = 1;
string customization_color = 2;
string key_uid = 3;
message TokenPreferences {
string key = 1;
int64 position = 2;
int64 groupPosition = 3;
bool visible = 4;
string communityId = 5;
message SyncTokenPreferences {
uint64 clock = 1;
bool testnet = 2;
repeated TokenPreferences preferences = 3;