2018-05-03 09:35:58 +02:00

286 lines
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package peers
import (
type PeerPoolSimulationSuite struct {
bootnode *p2p.Server
peers []*p2p.Server
func TestPeerPoolSimulationSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(PeerPoolSimulationSuite))
func (s *PeerPoolSimulationSuite) SetupTest() {
port := 33731
key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
name := common.MakeName("bootnode", "1.0")
// is invalidated by discovery v5
s.bootnode = &p2p.Server{
Config: p2p.Config{
MaxPeers: 10,
Name: name,
ListenAddr: fmt.Sprintf("", 33731),
PrivateKey: key,
DiscoveryV5: true,
NoDiscovery: true,
bootnodeV5 := discv5.NewNode(s.bootnode.DiscV5.Self().ID, net.ParseIP(""), uint16(port), uint16(port))
// 1 peer to initiate connection, 1 peer as a first candidate, 1 peer - for failover
s.peers = make([]*p2p.Server, 3)
for i := range s.peers {
key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
whisper := whisperv6.New(nil)
peer := &p2p.Server{
Config: p2p.Config{
MaxPeers: 10,
Name: common.MakeName("peer-"+strconv.Itoa(i), "1.0"),
ListenAddr: fmt.Sprintf("", port),
PrivateKey: key,
DiscoveryV5: true,
NoDiscovery: true,
BootstrapNodesV5: []*discv5.Node{bootnodeV5},
Protocols: whisper.Protocols(),
s.peers[i] = peer
func (s *PeerPoolSimulationSuite) TearDown() {
for _, p := range s.peers {
func (s *PeerPoolSimulationSuite) getPeerFromEvent(events <-chan *p2p.PeerEvent, etype p2p.PeerEventType) (nodeID discover.NodeID) {
select {
case ev := <-events:
if ev.Type == etype {
return ev.Peer
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
s.Fail("timed out waiting for a peer")
func (s *PeerPoolSimulationSuite) getPoolEvent(events <-chan string) string {
select {
case ev := <-events:
return ev
case <-time.After(time.Second):
s.FailNow("timed out waiting for a peer")
return ""
func (s *PeerPoolSimulationSuite) TestSingleTopicDiscoveryWithFailover() {
poolEvents := make(chan string, 1)
summaries := make(chan map[string]int, 1)
signal.SetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler(func(jsonEvent string) {
var envelope struct {
Type string
Event json.RawMessage
s.NoError(json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonEvent), &envelope))
switch envelope.Type {
case signal.EventDiscoveryStarted:
poolEvents <- envelope.Type
case signal.EventDiscoveryStopped:
poolEvents <- envelope.Type
case signal.EventDiscoverySummary:
poolEvents <- envelope.Type
var summary map[string]int
s.NoError(json.Unmarshal(envelope.Event, &summary))
summaries <- summary
defer signal.ResetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler()
topic := discv5.Topic("cap=test")
// simulation should only rely on fast sync
config := map[discv5.Topic]params.Limits{
topic: params.NewLimits(1, 1), // limits are chosen for simplicity of the simulation
peerPool := NewPeerPool(config, 100*time.Millisecond, 100*time.Millisecond, nil, true)
register := NewRegister(topic)
// need to wait for topic to get registered, discv5 can query same node
// for a topic only once a minute
events := make(chan *p2p.PeerEvent, 20)
subscription := s.peers[1].SubscribeEvents(events)
defer subscription.Unsubscribe()
defer peerPool.Stop()
s.Equal(signal.EventDiscoveryStarted, s.getPoolEvent(poolEvents))
connected := s.getPeerFromEvent(events, p2p.PeerEventTypeAdd)
s.Equal(s.peers[0].Self().ID, connected)
s.Equal(signal.EventDiscoveryStopped, s.getPoolEvent(poolEvents))
s.Require().Equal(signal.EventDiscoverySummary, s.getPoolEvent(poolEvents))
summary := <-summaries
s.Len(summary, 1)
s.Contains(summary, "shh/6")
s.Equal(summary["shh/6"], 1)
disconnected := s.getPeerFromEvent(events, p2p.PeerEventTypeDrop)
s.Equal(connected, disconnected)
s.Require().Equal(signal.EventDiscoverySummary, s.getPoolEvent(poolEvents))
summary = <-summaries
s.Len(summary, 0)
s.Equal(signal.EventDiscoveryStarted, s.getPoolEvent(poolEvents))
register = NewRegister(topic)
defer register.Stop()
s.Equal(s.peers[2].Self().ID, s.getPeerFromEvent(events, p2p.PeerEventTypeAdd))
s.Equal(signal.EventDiscoveryStopped, s.getPoolEvent(poolEvents))
s.Require().Equal(signal.EventDiscoverySummary, s.getPoolEvent(poolEvents))
summary = <-summaries
s.Len(summary, 1)
s.Contains(summary, "shh/6")
s.Equal(summary["shh/6"], 1)
// TestPeerPoolMaxPeersOverflow verifies that following scenario will not occur:
// - found peer A and B in the same kademlia cycle
// - process peer A
// - max limit is reached -> closed discv5 and set it to nil
// - process peer B
// - panic because discv5 is nil!!!
func TestPeerPoolMaxPeersOverflow(t *testing.T) {
signals := make(chan string, 1)
signal.SetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler(func(jsonEvent string) {
var envelope struct {
Type string
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonEvent), &envelope))
signals <- envelope.Type
defer signal.ResetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler()
key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
peer := &p2p.Server{
Config: p2p.Config{
PrivateKey: key,
DiscoveryV5: true,
NoDiscovery: true,
require.NoError(t, peer.Start())
defer peer.Stop()
require.NotNil(t, peer.DiscV5)
pool := NewPeerPool(nil, DefaultFastSync, DefaultSlowSync, nil, true)
require.NoError(t, pool.Start(peer))
require.Equal(t, signal.EventDiscoveryStarted, <-signals)
// without config, it will stop the discovery because all topic pools are satisfied <- &p2p.PeerEvent{Type: p2p.PeerEventTypeAdd}
require.Equal(t, signal.EventDiscoveryStopped, <-signals)
require.Nil(t, peer.DiscV5)
// another peer added after discovery is stopped should not panic <- &p2p.PeerEvent{Type: p2p.PeerEventTypeAdd}
func TestPeerPoolDiscV5Timeout(t *testing.T) {
signals := make(chan string)
signal.SetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler(func(jsonEvent string) {
var envelope struct {
Type string
Event json.RawMessage
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonEvent), &envelope))
// Send signal asynchronously to avoid blocking.
// It's better than sending to a buffered channel because
// it won't ever block, for example, if two events were expected
// but received more.
// In this case, a strange PeerEventTypeDrop event was emitted.
go func() {
switch typ := envelope.Type; typ {
case signal.EventDiscoveryStarted, signal.EventDiscoveryStopped:
signals <- envelope.Type
defer signal.ResetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler()
// start server
key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
server := &p2p.Server{
Config: p2p.Config{
PrivateKey: key,
DiscoveryV5: true,
NoDiscovery: true,
require.NoError(t, server.Start())
defer server.Stop()
require.NotNil(t, server.DiscV5)
// start PeerPool
pool := NewPeerPool(nil, DefaultFastSync, DefaultSlowSync, nil, true)
pool.discServerTimeout = time.Millisecond * 100
require.NoError(t, pool.Start(server))
require.Equal(t, signal.EventDiscoveryStarted, <-signals)
// timeout after finding no peers
select {
case sig := <-signals:
require.Equal(t, signal.EventDiscoveryStopped, sig)
case <-time.After(pool.discServerTimeout * 2):
t.Fatal("timed out")
require.Nil(t, server.DiscV5)
// timeout after discovery restart
require.NoError(t, pool.restartDiscovery(server))
require.Equal(t, signal.EventDiscoveryStarted, <-signals)
require.NotNil(t, server.DiscV5) <- &p2p.PeerEvent{Type: p2p.PeerEventTypeDrop} // required to turn the loop and pick up new timeout
select {
case sig := <-signals:
require.Equal(t, signal.EventDiscoveryStopped, sig)
case <-time.After(pool.discServerTimeout * 2):
t.Fatal("timed out")
require.Nil(t, server.DiscV5)