mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 00:08:46 +00:00
This change moves our e2e tests into a separate package to make room for proper unit and integration tests. This is Phase 1 described in #371. Changes: Makefile has separate directives to run unit/integration tests and e2e tests, CI runs unit/integration tests first and then e2e tests, E2e tests are in reliability order, i.e. the least reliable tests are run in the end to be sure that nothing else is broken, Some tests are fixed or quarantined.
161 lines
8.8 KiB
161 lines
8.8 KiB
.PHONY: statusgo all test xgo clean help
.PHONY: statusgo-android statusgo-ios
GOBIN = build/bin
GO ?= latest
# This is a code for automatic help generator.
# It supports ANSI colors and categories.
# To add new item into help output, simply add comments
# starting with '##'. To add category, use @category.
GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2)
WHITE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 7)
YELLOW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3)
RESET := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0)
%help; \
while(<>) { push @{$$help{$$2 // 'options'}}, [$$1, $$3] if /^([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:.*\#\#(?:@([a-zA-Z\-]+))?\s(.*)$$/ }; \
print "Usage: make [target]\n\n"; \
for (sort keys %help) { \
print "${WHITE}$$_:${RESET}\n"; \
for (@{$$help{$$_}}) { \
$$sep = " " x (32 - length $$_->[0]); \
print " ${YELLOW}$$_->[0]${RESET}$$sep${GREEN}$$_->[1]${RESET}\n"; \
}; \
print "\n"; \
help: ##@other Show this help
@perl -e '$(HELP_FUN)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
# Main targets
UNIT_TEST_PACKAGES := $(shell go list ./... | grep -v /vendor | grep -v /e2e | grep -v /cmd)
statusgo: ##@build Build status-go as statusd server
build/env.sh go build -i -o $(GOBIN)/statusd -v $(shell build/testnet-flags.sh) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "\nCompilation done.\nRun \"build/bin/statusd help\" to view available commands."
statusgo-cross: statusgo-android statusgo-ios
@echo "Full cross compilation done."
@ls -ld $(GOBIN)/statusgo-*
statusgo-android: xgo ##@cross-compile Build status-go for Android
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --image farazdagi/xgo --go=$(GO) -out statusgo --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=android-16/aar -v $(shell build/testnet-flags.sh) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "Android cross compilation done."
statusgo-ios: xgo ##@cross-compile Build status-go for iOS
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --image farazdagi/xgo --go=$(GO) -out statusgo --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=ios-9.3/framework -v $(shell build/testnet-flags.sh) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "iOS framework cross compilation done."
statusgo-ios-simulator: xgo ##@cross-compile Build status-go for iOS Simulator
@build/env.sh docker pull farazdagi/xgo-ios-simulator
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --image farazdagi/xgo-ios-simulator --go=$(GO) -out statusgo --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=ios-9.3/framework -v $(shell build/testnet-flags.sh) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "iOS framework cross compilation done."
build/env.sh docker pull farazdagi/xgo
build/env.sh go get github.com/karalabe/xgo
build/env.sh go build -i -o $(GOBIN)/statusgo -v $(shell build/mainnet-flags.sh) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "status go compilation done (mainnet)."
@echo "Run \"build/bin/statusgo\" to view available commands"
statusgo-android-mainnet: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --image farazdagi/xgo --go=$(GO) -out statusgo --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=android-16/aar -v $(shell build/mainnet-flags.sh) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "Android cross compilation done (mainnet)."
statusgo-ios-mainnet: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --image farazdagi/xgo --go=$(GO) -out statusgo --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=ios-9.3/framework -v $(shell build/mainnet-flags.sh) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "iOS framework cross compilation done (mainnet)."
statusgo-ios-simulator-mainnet: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --image farazdagi/xgo-ios-simulator --go=$(GO) -out statusgo --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=ios-9.3/framework -v $(shell build/mainnet-flags.sh) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "iOS framework cross compilation done (mainnet)."
generate: ##@other Regenerate assets and other auto-generated stuff
cp ./node_modules/web3/dist/web3.js ./static/scripts/web3.js
build/env.sh go generate ./static
rm ./static/scripts/web3.js
go get -u github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter
gometalinter --install
gometalinter --disable-all --enable=deadcode extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
lint: ##@tests Run meta linter on code
@echo "Linter: go vet\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=vet extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: go vet --shadow\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=vetshadow extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: gofmt\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=gofmt extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: goimports\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=goimports extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: golint\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=golint extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: deadcode\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=deadcode extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: misspell\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=misspell extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: unparam\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --deadline 45s --enable=unparam extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: unused\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --deadline 45s --enable=unused extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: gocyclo\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=gocyclo extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: errcheck\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=errcheck extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: dupl\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=dupl extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: ineffassign\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=ineffassign extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: interfacer\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=interfacer extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: unconvert\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=unconvert extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: goconst\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=goconst extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: staticcheck\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --deadline 45s --enable=staticcheck extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: gas\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=gas extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: varcheck\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --deadline 60s --enable=varcheck extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: structcheck\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --enable=structcheck extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
@echo "Linter: gosimple\n--------------------"
@gometalinter --disable-all --deadline 45s --enable=gosimple extkeys cmd/... geth/... | grep -v -f ./static/config/linter_exclude_list.txt || echo "OK!"
mock-install: ##@other Install mocking tools
go get -u github.com/golang/mock/mockgen
mock: ##@other Regenerate mocks
mockgen -source=geth/common/types.go -destination=geth/common/types_mock.go -package=common
test: ##@tests Run unit and integration tests
build/env.sh go test $(UNIT_TEST_PACKAGES)
test-coverage: ##@tests Run unit and integration tests with covevare
build/env.sh go test -coverpkg= $(UNIT_TEST_PACKAGES)
test-e2e: ##@tests Run e2e tests
# order: reliability then alphabetical
build/env.sh go test -timeout 1m ./e2e/accounts/...
build/env.sh go test -timeout 1m ./e2e/api/...
build/env.sh go test -timeout 1m ./e2e/node/...
build/env.sh go test -timeout 15m ./e2e/jail/...
build/env.sh go test -timeout 20m ./e2e/rpc/...
build/env.sh go test -timeout 10m ./e2e/whisper/...
build/env.sh go test -timeout 10m ./e2e/transactions/...
build/env.sh go test -timeout 10m ./cmd/statusd
ci: mock-install mock test-coverage test-e2e ##@tests Run all tests in CI
clean: ##@other Cleanup
rm -fr build/bin/*
rm coverage.out coverage-all.out coverage.html