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synced 2025-02-01 09:28:02 +00:00
This commit introduces the first steps towards implementing a session-based activity API to support dynamic updates of the current visualized filter in the wallet activity service. This change is necessary to move away from static paginated filtering, which was previously done in SQL, to a more dynamic approach that can handle updates in real-time. The main changes include: - Add basic `EventActivitySessionUpdated` support for pending transactions. - Added a `TODO.md` file outlining the plan and requirements for dynamic activity updates. - New session-related API to the `activity.Service` - `session.go` contains the logic for session management and event processing related to activity updates. - Add test case for incremental filter updates. The commit also includes: - various other minor changes and refactoring to support the new session-based approach. - Deprecation notices added to the `api.go` file for methods that are no longer used by the status-desktop application. - Clarification comments added to the `scheduler.go` file regarding replacement policies. Updates: #12120 ghstack-source-id: a61ef74184bbf826a748a3b8e6934a08a1c4bd86 Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/status-im/status-go/pull/4480
315 lines
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package activity
import (
eth "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
type EntryIdentity struct {
payloadType PayloadType
transaction *transfer.TransactionIdentity
id transfer.MultiTransactionIDType
type SessionID int32
type Session struct {
id SessionID
// Filter info
addresses []eth.Address
allAddresses bool
chainIDs []common.ChainID
filter Filter
// model is a mirror of the data model presentation has (EventActivityFilteringDone)
model []EntryIdentity
// SessionUpdate payload for EventActivitySessionUpdated
type SessionUpdate struct {
// TODO #12120: add index for each entry, now all new are first entries
NewEntries []Entry `json:"newEntries,omitempty"`
Removed []EntryIdentity `json:"removed,omitempty"`
Updated []Entry `json:"updated,omitempty"`
type fullFilterParams struct {
sessionID SessionID
addresses []eth.Address
allAddresses bool
chainIDs []common.ChainID
filter Filter
func (s *Service) internalFilter(f fullFilterParams, offset int, count int, processResults func(entries []Entry)) {
s.scheduler.Enqueue(int32(f.sessionID), filterTask, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
activities, err := getActivityEntries(ctx, s.getDeps(), f.addresses, f.allAddresses, f.chainIDs, f.filter, offset, count)
return activities, err
}, func(result interface{}, taskType async.TaskType, err error) {
res := FilterResponse{
ErrorCode: ErrorCodeFailed,
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) || errors.Is(err, async.ErrTaskOverwritten) {
res.ErrorCode = ErrorCodeTaskCanceled
} else if err == nil {
activities := result.([]Entry)
res.Activities = activities
res.Offset = 0
res.HasMore = len(activities) == count
res.ErrorCode = ErrorCodeSuccess
int32SessionID := int32(f.sessionID)
sendResponseEvent(s.eventFeed, &int32SessionID, EventActivityFilteringDone, res, err)
s.getActivityDetailsAsync(int32SessionID, res.Activities)
func (s *Service) StartFilterSession(addresses []eth.Address, allAddresses bool, chainIDs []common.ChainID, filter Filter, firstPageCount int) SessionID {
sessionID := s.nextSessionID()
// TODO #12120: sort rest of the filters
// TODO #12120: prettyfy this
slices.SortFunc(addresses, func(a eth.Address, b eth.Address) bool {
return a.Hex() < b.Hex()
slices.SortFunc(filter.CounterpartyAddresses, func(a eth.Address, b eth.Address) bool {
return a.Hex() < b.Hex()
subscribeToEvents := len(s.sessions) == 0
s.sessions[sessionID] = &Session{
id: sessionID,
addresses: addresses,
allAddresses: allAddresses,
chainIDs: chainIDs,
filter: filter,
model: make([]EntryIdentity, 0, firstPageCount),
if subscribeToEvents {
sessionID: sessionID,
addresses: addresses,
allAddresses: allAddresses,
chainIDs: chainIDs,
filter: filter,
}, 0, firstPageCount, func(entries []Entry) {
// Mirror identities for update use
defer s.sessionsRWMutex.Unlock()
session, ok := s.sessions[sessionID]
if ok {
session.model = make([]EntryIdentity, 0, len(entries))
for _, a := range entries {
session.model = append(session.model, EntryIdentity{
payloadType: a.payloadType,
transaction: a.transaction,
id: a.id,
return sessionID
// TODO #12120: extend the session based API
//func (s *Service) GetMoreForFilterSession(count int) {}
// subscribeToEvents should be called with sessionsRWMutex locked for writing
func (s *Service) subscribeToEvents() {
s.ch = make(chan walletevent.Event, 100)
s.subscriptions = s.eventFeed.Subscribe(s.ch)
go s.processEvents()
func (s *Service) processEvents() {
for event := range s.ch {
if event.Type == transactions.EventPendingTransactionUpdate {
var p transactions.PendingTxUpdatePayload
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(event.Message), &p)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error unmarshalling PendingTxUpdatePayload", "error", err)
for id := range s.sessions {
pTx, pass := s.checkFilterForPending(s.sessions[id], p.TxIdentity)
if pass {
addOnTop(s.sessions[id], p.TxIdentity)
// TODO #12120: can't send events from an event handler
go notify(s.eventFeed, id, *pTx)
} else {
// checkFilterForPending should be called with sessionsRWMutex locked for reading
func (s *Service) checkFilterForPending(session *Session, id transactions.TxIdentity) (tr *transactions.PendingTransaction, pass bool) {
allChains := len(session.chainIDs) == 0
if !allChains {
_, found := slices.BinarySearch(session.chainIDs, id.ChainID)
if !found {
return nil, false
tr, err := s.pendingTracker.GetPendingEntry(id.ChainID, id.Hash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting pending entry", "error", err)
return nil, false
if !session.allAddresses {
_, found := slices.BinarySearchFunc(session.addresses, tr.From, func(a eth.Address, b eth.Address) int {
// TODO #12120: optimize this
if a.Hex() < b.Hex() {
return -1
if a.Hex() > b.Hex() {
return 1
return 0
if !found {
return nil, false
fl := session.filter
if fl.Period.StartTimestamp != NoLimitTimestampForPeriod || fl.Period.EndTimestamp != NoLimitTimestampForPeriod {
ts := int64(tr.Timestamp)
if ts < fl.Period.StartTimestamp || ts > fl.Period.EndTimestamp {
return nil, false
// TODO #12120 check filter
// Types []Type `json:"types"`
// Statuses []Status `json:"statuses"`
// CounterpartyAddresses []eth.Address `json:"counterpartyAddresses"`
// // Tokens
// Assets []Token `json:"assets"`
// Collectibles []Token `json:"collectibles"`
// FilterOutAssets bool `json:"filterOutAssets"`
// FilterOutCollectibles bool `json:"filterOutCollectibles"`
return tr, true
// addOnTop should be called with sessionsRWMutex locked for writing
func addOnTop(session *Session, id transactions.TxIdentity) {
session.model = append([]EntryIdentity{{
payloadType: PendingTransactionPT,
transaction: &transfer.TransactionIdentity{
ChainID: id.ChainID,
Hash: id.Hash,
}}, session.model...)
func notify(eventFeed *event.Feed, id SessionID, tx transactions.PendingTransaction) {
payload := SessionUpdate{
NewEntries: []Entry{
payloadType: PendingTransactionPT,
transaction: &transfer.TransactionIdentity{
ChainID: tx.ChainID,
Hash: tx.Hash,
Address: tx.From,
id: transfer.NoMultiTransactionID,
timestamp: int64(tx.Timestamp),
activityType: SendAT,
activityStatus: PendingAS,
amountOut: (*hexutil.Big)(tx.Value.Int),
amountIn: nil,
tokenOut: nil,
tokenIn: nil,
symbolOut: &tx.Symbol,
symbolIn: nil,
sender: &tx.From,
recipient: &tx.To,
chainIDOut: &tx.ChainID,
chainIDIn: nil,
transferType: nil,
contractAddress: nil,
sendResponseEvent(eventFeed, (*int32)(&id), EventActivitySessionUpdated, payload, nil)
// unsubscribeFromEvents should be called with sessionsRWMutex locked for writing
func (s *Service) unsubscribeFromEvents() {
s.subscriptions = nil
func (s *Service) StopFilterSession(id SessionID) {
delete(s.sessions, id)
if len(s.sessions) == 0 {
// Cancel any pending or ongoing task
s.scheduler.Enqueue(int32(id), filterTask, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, nil
}, func(result interface{}, taskType async.TaskType, err error) {
// Ignore result
func (s *Service) getActivityDetailsAsync(requestID int32, entries []Entry) {
if len(entries) == 0 {
ctx := context.Background()
go func() {
activityData, err := s.getActivityDetails(ctx, entries)
if len(activityData) != 0 {
sendResponseEvent(s.eventFeed, &requestID, EventActivityFilteringUpdate, activityData, err)