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// +build nimbus
package nimbusbridge
// https://golang.org/cmd/cgo/
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libnimbus.h>
import "C"
import (
var (
ErrInvalidSeed = errors.New("seed is invalid")
ErrInvalidKeyLen = errors.New("Nimbus serialized extended key length is invalid")
type nimbusKeyStoreAdapter struct {
// WrapKeyStore creates a types.KeyStore wrapper over the singleton Nimbus node
func WrapKeyStore() types.KeyStore {
return &nimbusKeyStoreAdapter{}
func (k *nimbusKeyStoreAdapter) ImportECDSA(priv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, passphrase string) (types.Account, error) {
var privateKeyC unsafe.Pointer
if priv != nil {
privateKeyC = C.CBytes(crypto.FromECDSA(priv))
defer C.free(privateKeyC)
passphraseC := C.CString(passphrase)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(passphraseC))
var nimbusAccount C.account
if !C.nimbus_keystore_import_ecdsa((*C.uchar)(privateKeyC), passphraseC, &nimbusAccount) {
return types.Account{}, errors.New("failed to import ECDSA private key")
return accountFrom(&nimbusAccount), nil
func (k *nimbusKeyStoreAdapter) ImportSingleExtendedKey(extKey *extkeys.ExtendedKey, passphrase string) (types.Account, error) {
extKeyJSONC := C.CString(extKey.String())
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(extKeyJSONC))
passphraseC := C.CString(passphrase)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(passphraseC))
var nimbusAccount C.account
if !C.nimbus_keystore_import_single_extendedkey(extKeyJSONC, passphraseC, &nimbusAccount) {
return types.Account{}, errors.New("failed to import extended key")
return accountFrom(&nimbusAccount), nil
func (k *nimbusKeyStoreAdapter) ImportExtendedKeyForPurpose(keyPurpose extkeys.KeyPurpose, extKey *extkeys.ExtendedKey, passphrase string) (types.Account, error) {
passphraseC := C.CString(passphrase)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(passphraseC))
extKeyJSONC := C.CString(extKey.String())
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(extKeyJSONC))
var nimbusAccount C.account
if !C.nimbus_keystore_import_extendedkeyforpurpose(C.int(keyPurpose), extKeyJSONC, passphraseC, &nimbusAccount) {
return types.Account{}, errors.New("failed to import extended key")
return accountFrom(&nimbusAccount), nil
func (k *nimbusKeyStoreAdapter) AccountDecryptedKey(a types.Account, auth string) (types.Account, *types.Key, error) {
authC := C.CString(auth)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(authC))
var nimbusAccount C.account
err := nimbusAccountFrom(a, &nimbusAccount)
if err != nil {
return types.Account{}, nil, err
var nimbusKey C.key
if !C.nimbus_keystore_account_decrypted_key(authC, &nimbusAccount, &nimbusKey) {
return types.Account{}, nil, errors.New("failed to decrypt account key")
key, err := keyFrom(&nimbusKey)
if err != nil {
return types.Account{}, nil, err
return accountFrom(&nimbusAccount), key, nil
func (k *nimbusKeyStoreAdapter) Delete(a types.Account, auth string) error {
var nimbusAccount C.account
err := nimbusAccountFrom(a, &nimbusAccount)
if err != nil {
return err
authC := C.CString(auth)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(authC))
if !C.nimbus_keystore_delete(&nimbusAccount, authC) {
return errors.New("failed to delete account")
return nil
func nimbusAccountFrom(account types.Account, nimbusAccount *C.account) error {
err := copyAddressToCBuffer(&nimbusAccount.address[0], account.Address.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
if account.URL == "" {
nimbusAccount.url[0] = C.char(0)
} else if len(account.URL) >= C.URL_LEN {
return errors.New("URL is too long to fit in Nimbus struct")
} else {
copyURLToCBuffer(&nimbusAccount.url[0], account.URL)
return err
func accountFrom(nimbusAccount *C.account) types.Account {
return types.Account{
Address: types.BytesToAddress(C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&nimbusAccount.address[0]), C.ADDRESS_LEN)),
URL: C.GoString(&nimbusAccount.url[0]),
// copyAddressToCBuffer copies a Go buffer to a C buffer without allocating new memory
func copyAddressToCBuffer(dst *C.uchar, src []byte) error {
if len(src) != C.ADDRESS_LEN {
return errors.New("invalid buffer size")
p := (*[C.ADDRESS_LEN]C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(dst))
for index, b := range src {
p[index] = C.uchar(b)
return nil
// copyURLToCBuffer copies a Go buffer to a C buffer without allocating new memory
func copyURLToCBuffer(dst *C.char, src string) error {
if len(src)+1 > C.URL_LEN {
return errors.New("URL is too long to fit in Nimbus struct")
p := (*[C.URL_LEN]C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(dst))
for index := 0; index <= len(src); index++ {
p[index] = C.uchar(src[index])
return nil
func keyFrom(k *C.key) (*types.Key, error) {
if k == nil {
return nil, nil
var err error
key := types.Key{
ID: uuid.Parse(C.GoString(&k.id[0])),
key.Address = types.BytesToAddress(C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&k.address[0]), C.ADDRESS_LEN))
key.PrivateKey, err = crypto.ToECDSA(C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&k.privateKeyID[0]), C.PRIVKEY_LEN))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
key.ExtendedKey, err = newExtKeyFromBuffer(C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&k.extKey[0]), C.EXTKEY_LEN))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &key, err
// newExtKeyFromBuffer returns a new extended key instance from a serialized
// extended key.
func newExtKeyFromBuffer(key []byte) (*extkeys.ExtendedKey, error) {
if len(key) == 0 {
return &extkeys.ExtendedKey{}, nil
if len(key) != C.EXTKEY_LEN {
return nil, ErrInvalidKeyLen
// The serialized format is:
// version (4) || depth (1) || parent fingerprint (4)) ||
// child num (4) || chain code (32) || key data (33)
payload := key
// Deserialize each of the payload fields.
version := payload[:4]
depth := payload[4:5][0]
fingerPrint := payload[5:9]
childNumber := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(payload[9:13])
chainCode := payload[13:45]
keyData := payload[45:78]
// The key data is a private key if it starts with 0x00. Serialized
// compressed pubkeys either start with 0x02 or 0x03.
isPrivate := keyData[0] == 0x00
if isPrivate {
// Ensure the private key is valid. It must be within the range
// of the order of the secp256k1 curve and not be 0.
keyData = keyData[1:]
keyNum := new(big.Int).SetBytes(keyData)
if keyNum.Cmp(btcec.S256().N) >= 0 || keyNum.Sign() == 0 {
return nil, ErrInvalidSeed
} else {
// Ensure the public key parses correctly and is actually on the
// secp256k1 curve.
_, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(keyData, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &extkeys.ExtendedKey{
Version: version,
KeyData: keyData,
ChainCode: chainCode,
FingerPrint: fingerPrint,
Depth: depth,
ChildNumber: childNumber,
IsPrivate: isPrivate,
}, nil