
583 lines
18 KiB

package json
import (
// Delim is documented at
type Delim = json.Delim
// InvalidUTF8Error is documented at
type InvalidUTF8Error = json.InvalidUTF8Error
// InvalidUnmarshalError is documented at
type InvalidUnmarshalError = json.InvalidUnmarshalError
// Marshaler is documented at
type Marshaler = json.Marshaler
// MarshalerError is documented at
type MarshalerError = json.MarshalerError
// Number is documented at
type Number = json.Number
// RawMessage is documented at
type RawMessage = json.RawMessage
// A SyntaxError is a description of a JSON syntax error.
type SyntaxError = json.SyntaxError
// Token is documented at
type Token = json.Token
// UnmarshalFieldError is documented at
type UnmarshalFieldError = json.UnmarshalFieldError
// UnmarshalTypeError is documented at
type UnmarshalTypeError = json.UnmarshalTypeError
// Unmarshaler is documented at
type Unmarshaler = json.Unmarshaler
// UnsupportedTypeError is documented at
type UnsupportedTypeError = json.UnsupportedTypeError
// UnsupportedValueError is documented at
type UnsupportedValueError = json.UnsupportedValueError
// AppendFlags is a type used to represent configuration options that can be
// applied when formatting json output.
type AppendFlags uint32
const (
// EscapeHTML is a formatting flag used to to escape HTML in json strings.
EscapeHTML AppendFlags = 1 << iota
// SortMapKeys is formatting flag used to enable sorting of map keys when
// encoding JSON (this matches the behavior of the standard encoding/json
// package).
// TrustRawMessage is a performance optimization flag to skip value
// checking of raw messages. It should only be used if the values are
// known to be valid json (e.g., they were created by json.Unmarshal).
// appendNewline is a formatting flag to enable the addition of a newline
// in Encode (this matches the behavior of the standard encoding/json
// package).
// ParseFlags is a type used to represent configuration options that can be
// applied when parsing json input.
type ParseFlags uint32
func (flags ParseFlags) has(f ParseFlags) bool {
return (flags & f) != 0
func (f ParseFlags) kind() Kind {
return Kind((f >> kindOffset) & 0xFF)
func (f ParseFlags) withKind(kind Kind) ParseFlags {
return (f & ^(ParseFlags(0xFF) << kindOffset)) | (ParseFlags(kind) << kindOffset)
const (
// DisallowUnknownFields is a parsing flag used to prevent decoding of
// objects to Go struct values when a field of the input does not match
// with any of the struct fields.
DisallowUnknownFields ParseFlags = 1 << iota
// UseNumber is a parsing flag used to load numeric values as Number
// instead of float64.
// DontCopyString is a parsing flag used to provide zero-copy support when
// loading string values from a json payload. It is not always possible to
// avoid dynamic memory allocations, for example when a string is escaped in
// the json data a new buffer has to be allocated, but when the `wire` value
// can be used as content of a Go value the decoder will simply point into
// the input buffer.
// DontCopyNumber is a parsing flag used to provide zero-copy support when
// loading Number values (see DontCopyString and DontCopyRawMessage).
// DontCopyRawMessage is a parsing flag used to provide zero-copy support
// when loading RawMessage values from a json payload. When used, the
// RawMessage values will not be allocated into new memory buffers and
// will instead point directly to the area of the input buffer where the
// value was found.
// DontMatchCaseInsensitiveStructFields is a parsing flag used to prevent
// matching fields in a case-insensitive way. This can prevent degrading
// performance on case conversions, and can also act as a stricter decoding
// mode.
// ZeroCopy is a parsing flag that combines all the copy optimizations
// available in the package.
// The zero-copy optimizations are better used in request-handler style
// code where none of the values are retained after the handler returns.
ZeroCopy = DontCopyString | DontCopyNumber | DontCopyRawMessage
// validAsciiPrint is an internal flag indicating that the input contains
// only valid ASCII print chars (0x20 <= c <= 0x7E). If the flag is unset,
// it's unknown whether the input is valid ASCII print.
validAsciiPrint ParseFlags = 1 << 28
// noBackslach is an internal flag indicating that the input does not
// contain a backslash. If the flag is unset, it's unknown whether the
// input contains a backslash.
noBackslash ParseFlags = 1 << 29
// Bit offset where the kind of the json value is stored.
// See Kind in token.go for the enum.
kindOffset ParseFlags = 16
// Kind represents the different kinds of value that exist in JSON.
type Kind uint
const (
Undefined Kind = 0
Null Kind = 1 // Null is not zero, so we keep zero for "undefined".
Bool Kind = 2 // Bit two is set to 1, means it's a boolean.
False Kind = 2 // Bool + 0
True Kind = 3 // Bool + 1
Num Kind = 4 // Bit three is set to 1, means it's a number.
Uint Kind = 5 // Num + 1
Int Kind = 6 // Num + 2
Float Kind = 7 // Num + 3
String Kind = 8 // Bit four is set to 1, means it's a string.
Unescaped Kind = 9 // String + 1
Array Kind = 16 // Equivalent to Delim == '['
Object Kind = 32 // Equivalent to Delim == '{'
// Class returns the class of k.
func (k Kind) Class() Kind { return Kind(1 << uint(bits.Len(uint(k))-1)) }
// Append acts like Marshal but appends the json representation to b instead of
// always reallocating a new slice.
func Append(b []byte, x interface{}, flags AppendFlags) ([]byte, error) {
if x == nil {
// Special case for nil values because it makes the rest of the code
// simpler to assume that it won't be seeing nil pointers.
return append(b, "null"...), nil
t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
p := (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)).ptr
cache := cacheLoad()
c, found := cache[typeid(t)]
if !found {
c = constructCachedCodec(t, cache)
b, err := c.encode(encoder{flags: flags}, b, p)
return b, err
// Escape is a convenience helper to construct an escaped JSON string from s.
// The function escales HTML characters, for more control over the escape
// behavior and to write to a pre-allocated buffer, use AppendEscape.
func Escape(s string) []byte {
// +10 for extra escape characters, maybe not enough and the buffer will
// be reallocated.
b := make([]byte, 0, len(s)+10)
return AppendEscape(b, s, EscapeHTML)
// AppendEscape appends s to b with the string escaped as a JSON value.
// This will include the starting and ending quote characters, and the
// appropriate characters will be escaped correctly for JSON encoding.
func AppendEscape(b []byte, s string, flags AppendFlags) []byte {
e := encoder{flags: flags}
b, _ = e.encodeString(b, unsafe.Pointer(&s))
return b
// Unescape is a convenience helper to unescape a JSON value.
// For more control over the unescape behavior and
// to write to a pre-allocated buffer, use AppendUnescape.
func Unescape(s []byte) []byte {
b := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
return AppendUnescape(b, s, ParseFlags(0))
// AppendUnescape appends s to b with the string unescaped as a JSON value.
// This will remove starting and ending quote characters, and the
// appropriate characters will be escaped correctly as if JSON decoded.
// New space will be reallocated if more space is needed.
func AppendUnescape(b []byte, s []byte, flags ParseFlags) []byte {
d := decoder{flags: flags}
buf := new(string)
d.decodeString(s, unsafe.Pointer(buf))
return append(b, *buf...)
// Compact is documented at
func Compact(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) error {
return json.Compact(dst, src)
// HTMLEscape is documented at
func HTMLEscape(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) {
json.HTMLEscape(dst, src)
// Indent is documented at
func Indent(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte, prefix, indent string) error {
return json.Indent(dst, src, prefix, indent)
// Marshal is documented at
func Marshal(x interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
var err error
var buf = encoderBufferPool.Get().(*encoderBuffer)
if, err = Append([:0], x, EscapeHTML|SortMapKeys); err != nil {
return nil, err
b := make([]byte, len(
return b, nil
// MarshalIndent is documented at
func MarshalIndent(x interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
b, err := Marshal(x)
if err == nil {
tmp := &bytes.Buffer{}
tmp.Grow(2 * len(b))
Indent(tmp, b, prefix, indent)
b = tmp.Bytes()
return b, err
// Unmarshal is documented at
func Unmarshal(b []byte, x interface{}) error {
r, err := Parse(b, x, 0)
if len(r) != 0 {
if _, ok := err.(*SyntaxError); !ok {
// The encoding/json package prioritizes reporting errors caused by
// unexpected trailing bytes over other issues; here we emulate this
// behavior by overriding the error.
err = syntaxError(r, "invalid character '%c' after top-level value", r[0])
return err
// Parse behaves like Unmarshal but the caller can pass a set of flags to
// configure the parsing behavior.
func Parse(b []byte, x interface{}, flags ParseFlags) ([]byte, error) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
p := (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)).ptr
d := decoder{flags: flags | internalParseFlags(b)}
b = skipSpaces(b)
if t == nil || p == nil || t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
_, r, _, err := d.parseValue(b)
r = skipSpaces(r)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, &InvalidUnmarshalError{Type: t}
t = t.Elem()
cache := cacheLoad()
c, found := cache[typeid(t)]
if !found {
c = constructCachedCodec(t, cache)
r, err := c.decode(d, b, p)
return skipSpaces(r), err
// Valid is documented at
func Valid(data []byte) bool {
data = skipSpaces(data)
d := decoder{flags: internalParseFlags(data)}
_, data, _, err := d.parseValue(data)
if err != nil {
return false
return len(skipSpaces(data)) == 0
// Decoder is documented at
type Decoder struct {
reader io.Reader
buffer []byte
remain []byte
inputOffset int64
err error
flags ParseFlags
// NewDecoder is documented at
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder { return &Decoder{reader: r} }
// Buffered is documented at
func (dec *Decoder) Buffered() io.Reader {
return bytes.NewReader(dec.remain)
// Decode is documented at
func (dec *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
raw, err := dec.readValue()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = Parse(raw, v, dec.flags)
return err
const (
minBufferSize = 32768
minReadSize = 4096
// readValue reads one JSON value from the buffer and returns its raw bytes. It
// is optimized for the "one JSON value per line" case.
func (dec *Decoder) readValue() (v []byte, err error) {
var n int
var r []byte
d := decoder{flags: dec.flags}
for {
if len(dec.remain) != 0 {
v, r, _, err = d.parseValue(dec.remain)
if err == nil {
dec.remain, n = skipSpacesN(r)
dec.inputOffset += int64(len(v) + n)
if len(r) != 0 {
// Parsing of the next JSON value stopped at a position other
// than the end of the input buffer, which indicaates that a
// syntax error was encountered.
if err = dec.err; err != nil {
if len(dec.remain) != 0 && err == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dec.buffer == nil {
dec.buffer = make([]byte, 0, minBufferSize)
} else {
dec.buffer = dec.buffer[:copy(dec.buffer[:cap(dec.buffer)], dec.remain)]
dec.remain = nil
if (cap(dec.buffer) - len(dec.buffer)) < minReadSize {
buf := make([]byte, len(dec.buffer), 2*cap(dec.buffer))
copy(buf, dec.buffer)
dec.buffer = buf
n, err = io.ReadFull(dec.reader, dec.buffer[len(dec.buffer):cap(dec.buffer)])
if n > 0 {
dec.buffer = dec.buffer[:len(dec.buffer)+n]
if err != nil {
err = nil
} else if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
err = io.EOF
dec.remain, n = skipSpacesN(dec.buffer)
d.flags = dec.flags | internalParseFlags(dec.remain)
dec.inputOffset += int64(n)
dec.err = err
// DisallowUnknownFields is documented at
func (dec *Decoder) DisallowUnknownFields() { dec.flags |= DisallowUnknownFields }
// UseNumber is documented at
func (dec *Decoder) UseNumber() { dec.flags |= UseNumber }
// DontCopyString is an extension to the standard encoding/json package
// which instructs the decoder to not copy strings loaded from the json
// payloads when possible.
func (dec *Decoder) DontCopyString() { dec.flags |= DontCopyString }
// DontCopyNumber is an extension to the standard encoding/json package
// which instructs the decoder to not copy numbers loaded from the json
// payloads.
func (dec *Decoder) DontCopyNumber() { dec.flags |= DontCopyNumber }
// DontCopyRawMessage is an extension to the standard encoding/json package
// which instructs the decoder to not allocate RawMessage values in separate
// memory buffers (see the documentation of the DontcopyRawMessage flag for
// more detais).
func (dec *Decoder) DontCopyRawMessage() { dec.flags |= DontCopyRawMessage }
// DontMatchCaseInsensitiveStructFields is an extension to the standard
// encoding/json package which instructs the decoder to not match object fields
// against struct fields in a case-insensitive way, the field names have to
// match exactly to be decoded into the struct field values.
func (dec *Decoder) DontMatchCaseInsensitiveStructFields() {
dec.flags |= DontMatchCaseInsensitiveStructFields
// ZeroCopy is an extension to the standard encoding/json package which enables
// all the copy optimizations of the decoder.
func (dec *Decoder) ZeroCopy() { dec.flags |= ZeroCopy }
// InputOffset returns the input stream byte offset of the current decoder position.
// The offset gives the location of the end of the most recently returned token
// and the beginning of the next token.
func (dec *Decoder) InputOffset() int64 {
return dec.inputOffset
// Encoder is documented at
type Encoder struct {
writer io.Writer
prefix string
indent string
buffer *bytes.Buffer
err error
flags AppendFlags
// NewEncoder is documented at
func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
return &Encoder{writer: w, flags: EscapeHTML | SortMapKeys | appendNewline}
// Encode is documented at
func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
if enc.err != nil {
return enc.err
var err error
var buf = encoderBufferPool.Get().(*encoderBuffer), err = Append([:0], v, enc.flags)
if err != nil {
return err
if (enc.flags & appendNewline) != 0 { = append(, '\n')
b :=
if enc.prefix != "" || enc.indent != "" {
if enc.buffer == nil {
enc.buffer = new(bytes.Buffer)
enc.buffer.Grow(2 * len(
} else {
Indent(enc.buffer,, enc.prefix, enc.indent)
b = enc.buffer.Bytes()
if _, err := enc.writer.Write(b); err != nil {
enc.err = err
return err
// SetEscapeHTML is documented at
func (enc *Encoder) SetEscapeHTML(on bool) {
if on {
enc.flags |= EscapeHTML
} else {
enc.flags &= ^EscapeHTML
// SetIndent is documented at
func (enc *Encoder) SetIndent(prefix, indent string) {
enc.prefix = prefix
enc.indent = indent
// SetSortMapKeys is an extension to the standard encoding/json package which
// allows the program to toggle sorting of map keys on and off.
func (enc *Encoder) SetSortMapKeys(on bool) {
if on {
enc.flags |= SortMapKeys
} else {
enc.flags &= ^SortMapKeys
// SetTrustRawMessage skips value checking when encoding a raw json message. It should only
// be used if the values are known to be valid json, e.g. because they were originally created
// by json.Unmarshal.
func (enc *Encoder) SetTrustRawMessage(on bool) {
if on {
enc.flags |= TrustRawMessage
} else {
enc.flags &= ^TrustRawMessage
// SetAppendNewline is an extension to the standard encoding/json package which
// allows the program to toggle the addition of a newline in Encode on or off.
func (enc *Encoder) SetAppendNewline(on bool) {
if on {
enc.flags |= appendNewline
} else {
enc.flags &= ^appendNewline
var encoderBufferPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} { return &encoderBuffer{data: make([]byte, 0, 4096)} },
type encoderBuffer struct{ data []byte }