mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 02:15:18 +00:00
It was going to be used as proxy from discv5 to rendezvous for les nodes. We are not using it at the moment, and not clear when we will be using it and if we are going to use it all. Additionally it has some memory leaks that need to be fixed, so it is better to remove it for now and restore once/if we will need it again.
322 lines
13 KiB
322 lines
13 KiB
.PHONY: statusgo statusd-prune all test clean help
.PHONY: statusgo-android statusgo-ios
RELEASE_TAG := $(shell cat VERSION)
RELEASE_DIR := /tmp/release-$(RELEASE_TAG)
RELEASE_TYPE := $(shell if [ $(PRE_RELEASE) = "0" ] ; then echo release; else echo pre-release ; fi)
help: ##@other Show this help
@perl -e '$(HELP_FUN)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
ifndef GOPATH
$(error GOPATH not set. Please set GOPATH and make sure status-go is located at $$GOPATH/src/github.com/status-im/status-go. \
For more information about the GOPATH environment variable, see https://golang.org/doc/code.html#GOPATH)
EXPECTED_PATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/status-im/status-go
Current dir is $(CURDIR), which seems to be different from your GOPATH.
Please, build status-go from GOPATH for proper build.
GOPATH = $(shell go env GOPATH)
Current dir = $(CURDIR)
Expected dir = $(EXPECTED_PATH))
See https://golang.org/doc/code.html#GOPATH for more info
CGO_CFLAGS = -I/$(JAVA_HOME)/include -I/$(JAVA_HOME)/include/darwin
GOBIN = $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))build/bin
GIT_COMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
AUTHOR = $(shell echo $$USER)
BUILD_FLAGS ?= $(shell echo "-ldflags '\
-X main.buildStamp=`date -u '+%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S'` \
-X github.com/status-im/status-go/params.Version=$(RELEASE_TAG) \
-X github.com/status-im/status-go/params.GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT) \
-X github.com/status-im/status-go/vendor/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/metrics.EnabledStr=$(ENABLE_METRICS)'")
networkid ?= StatusChain
gotest_extraflags =
DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME ?= statusteam/status-go
BOOTNODE_IMAGE_NAME ?= statusteam/bootnode
STATUSD_PRUNE_IMAGE_NAME ?= statusteam/statusd-prune
DOCKER_TEST_WORKDIR = /go/src/github.com/status-im/status-go/
DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE = golang:1.10
XGO_NAME ?= status-go
XGO_TARGETS ?= linux/amd64,windows/amd64,darwin/amd64
# This is a code for automatic help generator.
# It supports ANSI colors and categories.
# To add new item into help output, simply add comments
# starting with '##'. To add category, use @category.
GREEN := $(shell echo "\e[32m")
WHITE := $(shell echo "\e[37m")
YELLOW := $(shell echo "\e[33m")
RESET := $(shell echo "\e[0m")
%help; \
while(<>) { push @{$$help{$$2 // 'options'}}, [$$1, $$3] if /^([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s*:.*\#\#(?:@([a-zA-Z\-]+))?\s(.*)$$/ }; \
print "Usage: make [target]\n\n"; \
for (sort keys %help) { \
print "${WHITE}$$_:${RESET}\n"; \
for (@{$$help{$$_}}) { \
$$sep = " " x (32 - length $$_->[0]); \
print " ${YELLOW}$$_->[0]${RESET}$$sep${GREEN}$$_->[1]${RESET}\n"; \
}; \
print "\n"; \
statusgo: ##@build Build status-go as statusd server
go build -i -o $(GOBIN)/statusd -v -tags '$(BUILD_TAGS)' $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "Compilation done."
@echo "Run \"build/bin/statusd -h\" to view available commands."
statusd-prune: ##@statusd-prune Build statusd-prune
go build -o $(GOBIN)/statusd-prune -v ./cmd/statusd-prune
@echo "Compilation done."
@echo "Run \"build/bin/statusd-prune -h\" to view available commands."
statusd-prune-docker-image: ##@statusd-prune Build statusd-prune docker image
@echo "Building docker image for ststusd-prune..."
docker build --file _assets/build/Dockerfile-prune . \
--label "commit=$(GIT_COMMIT)" \
--label "author=$(AUTHOR)" \
bootnode: ##@build Build discovery v5 bootnode using status-go deps
go build -i -o $(GOBIN)/bootnode -v -tags '$(BUILD_TAGS)' $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/bootnode/
@echo "Compilation done."
node-canary: ##@build Build P2P node canary using status-go deps
go build -i -o $(GOBIN)/node-canary -v -tags '$(BUILD_TAGS)' $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/node-canary/
@echo "Compilation done."
statusgo-cross: statusgo-android statusgo-ios
@echo "Full cross compilation done."
@ls -ld $(GOBIN)/statusgo-*
statusgo-android: ##@cross-compile Build status-go for Android
@echo "Building status-go for Android..."
@gomobile init
@gomobile bind -target=android -ldflags="-s -w" $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/bin/statusgo.aar github.com/status-im/status-go/mobile
@echo "Android cross compilation done in build/bin/statusgo.aar"
statusgo-ios: ##@cross-compile Build status-go for iOS
@echo "Building status-go for iOS..."
@gomobile init
@gomobile bind -target=ios -ldflags="-s -w" $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/bin/Statusgo.framework github.com/status-im/status-go/mobile
@echo "iOS framework cross compilation done in build/bin/Statusgo.framework"
statusgo-xgo: xgo-install ##@cross-compile Build status-go for xgo targets
$(GOPATH)/bin/xgo -v \
-out=$(XGO_NAME) \
-dest=$(GOBIN) \
-targets=$(XGO_TARGETS) \
-tags '$(BUILD_TAGS)' \
$(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/statusd
@echo "Linux cross compilation done."
statusgo-library: ##@cross-compile Build status-go as static library for current platform
@echo "Building static library..."
go build -buildmode=c-archive -o $(GOBIN)/libstatus.a $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./lib
@echo "Static library built:"
@ls -la $(GOBIN)/libstatus.*
docker-image: ##@docker Build docker image (use DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME to set the image name)
@echo "Building docker image..."
docker build --file _assets/build/Dockerfile . \
--build-arg "build_tags=$(BUILD_TAGS)" \
--build-arg "build_flags=$(BUILD_FLAGS)" \
--label "commit=$(GIT_COMMIT)" \
--label "author=$(AUTHOR)" \
-t $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):latest
@echo "Building docker image for bootnode..."
docker build --file _assets/build/Dockerfile-bootnode . \
--build-arg "build_tags=$(BUILD_TAGS)" \
--build-arg "build_flags=$(BUILD_FLAGS)" \
--label "commit=$(GIT_COMMIT)" \
--label "author=$(AUTHOR)" \
push-docker-images: docker-image bootnode-image
docker rmi -f $(shell docker image ls --filter="reference=$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)" --quiet)
# See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Target_002dspecific.html to understand this magic.
push-docker-images-latest: GIT_BRANCH = $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
push-docker-images-latest: GIT_LOCAL = $(shell git rev-parse @)
push-docker-images-latest: GIT_REMOTE = $(shell git fetch -q && git rev-parse remotes/origin/develop || echo 'NO_DEVELOP')
push-docker-images-latest: docker-image bootnode-image
@echo "Pushing latest docker images..."
@echo "Checking git branch..."
ifneq ("$(GIT_BRANCH)", "develop")
$(error You should only use develop branch to push the latest tag!)
exit 1
ifneq ("$(GIT_LOCAL)", "$(GIT_REMOTE)")
$(error The local git commit does not match the remote origin!)
exit 1
docker push $(BOOTNODE_IMAGE_NAME):latest
docker push $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):latest
setup-dev: setup-build mock-install install-os-dependencies gen-install ##@other Prepare project for development
setup-build: dep-install lint-install release-install gomobile-install ##@other Prepare project for build
setup: setup-build setup-dev ##@other Prepare project for development and building
generate: ##@other Regenerate assets and other auto-generated stuff
go generate ./static ./static/migrations
$(shell cd ./services/shhext/chat && exec protoc --go_out=. ./*.proto)
prepare-release: clean-release
mkdir -p $(RELEASE_DIR)
mv build/bin/statusgo.aar $(RELEASE_DIR)/status-go-android.aar
zip -r build/bin/Statusgo.framework.zip build/bin/Statusgo.framework
mv build/bin/Statusgo.framework.zip $(RELEASE_DIR)/status-go-ios.zip
zip -r $(RELEASE_DIR)/status-go-desktop.zip . -x *.git*
${MAKE} clean
rm -rf $(RELEASE_DIR)
@read -p "Are you sure you want to create a new GitHub $(RELEASE_TYPE) against $(RELEASE_BRANCH) branch? (y/n): " REPLY; \
if [ $$REPLY = "y" ]; then \
latest_tag=$$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`); \
comparison="$$latest_tag..HEAD"; \
if [ -z "$$latest_tag" ]; then comparison=""; fi; \
changelog=$$(git log $$comparison --oneline --no-merges --format="* %h %s"); \
github-release \
$(shell if [ $(PRE_RELEASE) != "0" ] ; then echo "-prerelease" ; fi) \
"status-im/status-go" \
"$(changelog)" \
"$(RELEASE_DIR)/*" ; \
else \
echo "Aborting." && exit 1; \
go get -u github.com/karalabe/xgo
go get -u golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile
go get -u github.com/c4milo/github-release
go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata
go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/go-bindata
go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
mock-install: ##@other Install mocking tools
go get -u github.com/golang/mock/mockgen
dep ensure -update github.com/golang/mock
mock: ##@other Regenerate mocks
mockgen -package=fcm -destination=notifications/push/fcm/client_mock.go -source=notifications/push/fcm/client.go
mockgen -package=fake -destination=transactions/fake/mock.go -source=transactions/fake/txservice.go
mockgen -package=account -destination=account/accounts_mock.go -source=account/accounts.go
mockgen -package=status -destination=services/status/account_mock.go -source=services/status/service.go
mockgen -package=peer -destination=services/peer/discoverer_mock.go -source=services/peer/service.go
docker-test: ##@tests Run tests in a docker container with golang.
docker run --privileged --rm -it -v "$(shell pwd):$(DOCKER_TEST_WORKDIR)" -w "$(DOCKER_TEST_WORKDIR)" $(DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE) go test ${ARGS}
test: test-unit ##@tests Run basic, short tests during development
test-unit: UNIT_TEST_PACKAGES = $(shell go list ./... | \
grep -v /vendor | \
grep -v /t/e2e | \
grep -v /t/benchmarks | \
grep -v /lib)
test-unit: ##@tests Run unit and integration tests
go test -v -failfast $(UNIT_TEST_PACKAGES) $(gotest_extraflags)
test-unit-race: gotest_extraflags=-race
test-unit-race: test-unit ##@tests Run unit and integration tests with -race flag
test-e2e: ##@tests Run e2e tests
# order: reliability then alphabetical
# TODO(tiabc): make a single command out of them adding `-p 1` flag.
go test -timeout 5m ./t/e2e/accounts/... -network=$(networkid) $(gotest_extraflags)
go test -timeout 5m ./t/e2e/api/... -network=$(networkid) $(gotest_extraflags)
go test -timeout 5m ./t/e2e/node/... -network=$(networkid) $(gotest_extraflags)
go test -timeout 20m ./t/e2e/rpc/... -network=$(networkid) $(gotest_extraflags)
go test -timeout 20m ./t/e2e/whisper/... -network=$(networkid) $(gotest_extraflags)
go test -timeout 10m ./t/e2e/transactions/... -network=$(networkid) $(gotest_extraflags)
go test -timeout 10m ./t/e2e/services/... -network=$(networkid) $(gotest_extraflags)
# e2e_test tag is required to include some files from ./lib without _test suffix
go test -timeout 40m -tags e2e_test ./lib -network=$(networkid) $(gotest_extraflags)
test-e2e-race: gotest_extraflags=-race
test-e2e-race: test-e2e ##@tests Run e2e tests with -race flag
canary-test: node-canary
# TODO: uncomment that!
#_assets/scripts/canary_test_mailservers.sh ./config/cli/fleet-eth.beta.json
@# The following installs a specific version of golangci-lint, which is appropriate for a CI server to avoid different results from build to build
curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | bash -s -- -b $(GOPATH)/bin v1.10.2
@echo "lint"
@golangci-lint run ./...
ci: lint dep-ensure canary-test test-unit test-e2e ##@tests Run all linters and tests at once
ci-race: lint dep-ensure canary-test test-unit test-e2e-race ##@tests Run all linters and tests at once + race
clean: ##@other Cleanup
rm -fr build/bin/*
deep-clean: clean
rm -Rdf .ethereumtest/StatusChain
dep-ensure: ##@dependencies Ensure all dependencies are in place with dep
@dep ensure
dep-install: ##@dependencies Install vendoring tool
go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
update-fleet-config: ##@other Update fleets configuration from fleets.status.im
@echo "Updating static assets..."
@go generate ./static
@echo "Done"
run-bootnode: ##@Easy way to run a bootnode locally with Docker Compose
cd _assets/compose/bootnode/ && $(MAKE)
run-mailserver: ##@Easy way to run a mailserver locally with Docker Compose
cd _assets/compose/mailserver/ && $(MAKE)