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package roaring
import (
const (
// Min64BitSigned - Minimum 64 bit value
Min64BitSigned = -9223372036854775808
// Max64BitSigned - Maximum 64 bit value
Max64BitSigned = 9223372036854775807
// BSI is at its simplest is an array of bitmaps that represent an encoded
// binary value. The advantage of a BSI is that comparisons can be made
// across ranges of values whereas a bitmap can only represent the existence
// of a single value for a given column ID. Another usage scenario involves
// storage of high cardinality values.
// It depends upon the bitmap libraries. It is not thread safe, so
// upstream concurrency guards must be provided.
type BSI struct {
bA []*roaring.Bitmap
eBM *roaring.Bitmap // Existence BitMap
MaxValue int64
MinValue int64
runOptimized bool
// NewBSI constructs a new BSI. Min/Max values are optional. If set to 0
// then the underlying BSI will be automatically sized.
func NewBSI(maxValue int64, minValue int64) *BSI {
bitsz := bits.Len64(uint64(minValue))
if bits.Len64(uint64(maxValue)) > bitsz {
bitsz = bits.Len64(uint64(maxValue))
ba := make([]*roaring.Bitmap, bitsz)
for i := 0; i < len(ba); i++ {
ba[i] = roaring.NewBitmap()
return &BSI{bA: ba, eBM: roaring.NewBitmap(), MaxValue: maxValue, MinValue: minValue}
// NewDefaultBSI constructs an auto-sized BSI
func NewDefaultBSI() *BSI {
return NewBSI(int64(0), int64(0))
// RunOptimize attempts to further compress the runs of consecutive values found in the bitmap
func (b *BSI) RunOptimize() {
for i := 0; i < len(b.bA); i++ {
b.runOptimized = true
// HasRunCompression returns true if the bitmap benefits from run compression
func (b *BSI) HasRunCompression() bool {
return b.runOptimized
// GetExistenceBitmap returns a pointer to the underlying existence bitmap of the BSI
func (b *BSI) GetExistenceBitmap() *roaring.Bitmap {
return b.eBM
// ValueExists tests whether the value exists.
func (b *BSI) ValueExists(columnID uint64) bool {
return b.eBM.Contains(uint32(columnID))
// GetCardinality returns a count of unique column IDs for which a value has been set.
func (b *BSI) GetCardinality() uint64 {
return b.eBM.GetCardinality()
// BitCount returns the number of bits needed to represent values.
func (b *BSI) BitCount() int {
return len(b.bA)
// SetValue sets a value for a given columnID.
func (b *BSI) SetValue(columnID uint64, value int64) {
// If max/min values are set to zero then automatically determine bit array size
if b.MaxValue == 0 && b.MinValue == 0 {
ba := make([]*roaring.Bitmap, bits.Len64(uint64(value)))
for i := len(ba) - b.BitCount(); i > 0; i-- {
b.bA = append(b.bA, roaring.NewBitmap())
if b.runOptimized {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < b.BitCount(); i++ {
go func(j int) {
defer wg.Done()
if uint64(value)&(1<<uint64(j)) > 0 {
} else {
// GetValue gets the value at the column ID. Second param will be false for non-existant values.
func (b *BSI) GetValue(columnID uint64) (int64, bool) {
value := int64(0)
exists := b.eBM.Contains(uint32(columnID))
if !exists {
return value, exists
for i := 0; i < b.BitCount(); i++ {
if b.bA[i].Contains(uint32(columnID)) {
value |= (1 << uint64(i))
return int64(value), exists
type action func(t *task, batch []uint32, resultsChan chan *roaring.Bitmap, wg *sync.WaitGroup)
func parallelExecutor(parallelism int, t *task, e action,
foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) *roaring.Bitmap {
var n int = parallelism
if n == 0 {
n = runtime.NumCPU()
resultsChan := make(chan *roaring.Bitmap, n)
card := foundSet.GetCardinality()
x := card / uint64(n)
remainder := card - (x * uint64(n))
var batch []uint32
var wg sync.WaitGroup
iter := foundSet.ManyIterator()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if i == n-1 {
batch = make([]uint32, x+remainder)
} else {
batch = make([]uint32, x)
go e(t, batch, resultsChan, &wg)
ba := make([]*roaring.Bitmap, 0)
for bm := range resultsChan {
ba = append(ba, bm)
return roaring.ParOr(0, ba...)
type bsiAction func(input *BSI, batch []uint32, resultsChan chan *BSI, wg *sync.WaitGroup)
func parallelExecutorBSIResults(parallelism int, input *BSI, e bsiAction, foundSet *roaring.Bitmap, sumResults bool) *BSI {
var n int = parallelism
if n == 0 {
n = runtime.NumCPU()
resultsChan := make(chan *BSI, n)
card := foundSet.GetCardinality()
x := card / uint64(n)
remainder := card - (x * uint64(n))
var batch []uint32
var wg sync.WaitGroup
iter := foundSet.ManyIterator()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if i == n-1 {
batch = make([]uint32, x+remainder)
} else {
batch = make([]uint32, x)
go e(input, batch, resultsChan, &wg)
ba := make([]*BSI, 0)
for bm := range resultsChan {
ba = append(ba, bm)
results := NewDefaultBSI()
if sumResults {
for _, v := range ba {
} else {
results.ParOr(0, ba...)
return results
// Operation identifier
type Operation int
const (
// LT less than
LT Operation = 1 + iota
// LE less than or equal
// EQ equal
// GE greater than or equal
// GT greater than
// RANGE range
// MIN find minimum
// MAX find maximum
type task struct {
bsi *BSI
op Operation
valueOrStart int64
end int64
values map[int64]struct{}
bits *roaring.Bitmap
// CompareValue compares value.
// For all operations with the exception of RANGE, the value to be compared is specified by valueOrStart.
// For the RANGE parameter the comparison criteria is >= valueOrStart and <= end.
// The parallelism parameter indicates the number of CPU threads to be applied for processing. A value
// of zero indicates that all available CPU resources will be potentially utilized.
func (b *BSI) CompareValue(parallelism int, op Operation, valueOrStart, end int64,
foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) *roaring.Bitmap {
comp := &task{bsi: b, op: op, valueOrStart: valueOrStart, end: end}
if foundSet == nil {
return parallelExecutor(parallelism, comp, compareValue, b.eBM)
return parallelExecutor(parallelism, comp, compareValue, foundSet)
func compareValue(e *task, batch []uint32, resultsChan chan *roaring.Bitmap, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
results := roaring.NewBitmap()
if e.bsi.runOptimized {
x := e.bsi.BitCount()
startIsNegative := x == 64 && uint64(e.valueOrStart)&(1<<uint64(x-1)) > 0
endIsNegative := x == 64 && uint64(e.end)&(1<<uint64(x-1)) > 0
for i := 0; i < len(batch); i++ {
cID := batch[i]
eq1, eq2 := true, true
lt1, lt2, gt1 := false, false, false
j := e.bsi.BitCount() - 1
isNegative := false
if x == 64 {
isNegative = e.bsi.bA[j].Contains(cID)
compStartValue := e.valueOrStart
compEndValue := e.end
if isNegative != startIsNegative {
compStartValue = ^e.valueOrStart + 1
if isNegative != endIsNegative {
compEndValue = ^e.end + 1
for ; j >= 0; j-- {
sliceContainsBit := e.bsi.bA[j].Contains(cID)
if uint64(compStartValue)&(1<<uint64(j)) > 0 {
// BIT in value is SET
if !sliceContainsBit {
if eq1 {
if (e.op == GT || e.op == GE || e.op == RANGE) && startIsNegative && !isNegative {
gt1 = true
if e.op == LT || e.op == LE {
if !startIsNegative || (startIsNegative == isNegative) {
lt1 = true
eq1 = false
} else {
// BIT in value is CLEAR
if sliceContainsBit {
if eq1 {
if (e.op == LT || e.op == LE) && isNegative && !startIsNegative {
lt1 = true
if e.op == GT || e.op == GE || e.op == RANGE {
if startIsNegative || (startIsNegative == isNegative) {
gt1 = true
eq1 = false
if e.op != RANGE {
if e.op == RANGE && uint64(compEndValue)&(1<<uint64(j)) > 0 {
// BIT in value is SET
if !sliceContainsBit {
if eq2 {
if !endIsNegative || (endIsNegative == isNegative) {
lt2 = true
eq2 = false
if startIsNegative && !endIsNegative {
} else if e.op == RANGE {
// BIT in value is CLEAR
if sliceContainsBit {
if eq2 {
if isNegative && !endIsNegative {
lt2 = true
eq2 = false
switch e.op {
case LT:
if lt1 {
case LE:
if lt1 || (eq1 && (!startIsNegative || (startIsNegative && isNegative))) {
case EQ:
if eq1 {
case GE:
if gt1 || (eq1 && (startIsNegative || (!startIsNegative && !isNegative))) {
case GT:
if gt1 {
case RANGE:
if (eq1 || gt1) && (eq2 || lt2) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown operation [%v]", e.op))
resultsChan <- results
// MinMax - Find minimum or maximum value.
func (b *BSI) MinMax(parallelism int, op Operation, foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) int64 {
var n int = parallelism
if n == 0 {
n = runtime.NumCPU()
resultsChan := make(chan int64, n)
card := foundSet.GetCardinality()
x := card / uint64(n)
remainder := card - (x * uint64(n))
var batch []uint32
var wg sync.WaitGroup
iter := foundSet.ManyIterator()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if i == n-1 {
batch = make([]uint32, x+remainder)
} else {
batch = make([]uint32, x)
go b.minOrMax(op, batch, resultsChan, &wg)
var minMax int64
if op == MAX {
minMax = Min64BitSigned
} else {
minMax = Max64BitSigned
for val := range resultsChan {
if (op == MAX && val > minMax) || (op == MIN && val < minMax) {
minMax = val
return minMax
func (b *BSI) minOrMax(op Operation, batch []uint32, resultsChan chan int64, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
x := b.BitCount()
var value int64 = Max64BitSigned
if op == MAX {
value = Min64BitSigned
for i := 0; i < len(batch); i++ {
cID := batch[i]
eq := true
lt, gt := false, false
j := b.BitCount() - 1
var cVal int64
valueIsNegative := uint64(value)&(1<<uint64(x-1)) > 0 && bits.Len64(uint64(value)) == 64
isNegative := false
if x == 64 {
isNegative = b.bA[j].Contains(cID)
if isNegative {
cVal |= 1 << uint64(j)
compValue := value
if isNegative != valueIsNegative {
compValue = ^value + 1
for ; j >= 0; j-- {
sliceContainsBit := b.bA[j].Contains(cID)
if sliceContainsBit {
cVal |= 1 << uint64(j)
if uint64(compValue)&(1<<uint64(j)) > 0 {
// BIT in value is SET
if !sliceContainsBit {
if eq {
eq = false
if op == MAX && valueIsNegative && !isNegative {
gt = true
if op == MIN && (!valueIsNegative || (valueIsNegative == isNegative)) {
lt = true
} else {
// BIT in value is CLEAR
if sliceContainsBit {
if eq {
eq = false
if op == MIN && isNegative && !valueIsNegative {
lt = true
if op == MAX && (valueIsNegative || (valueIsNegative == isNegative)) {
gt = true
if lt || gt {
value = cVal
resultsChan <- value
// Sum all values contained within the foundSet. As a convenience, the cardinality of the foundSet
// is also returned (for calculating the average).
func (b *BSI) Sum(foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) (sum int64, count uint64) {
count = foundSet.GetCardinality()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < b.BitCount(); i++ {
go func(j int) {
defer wg.Done()
atomic.AddInt64(&sum, int64(foundSet.AndCardinality(b.bA[j])<<uint(j)))
// Transpose calls b.IntersectAndTranspose(0, b.eBM)
func (b *BSI) Transpose() *roaring.Bitmap {
return b.IntersectAndTranspose(0, b.eBM)
// IntersectAndTranspose is a matrix transpose function. Return a bitmap such that the values are represented as column IDs
// in the returned bitmap. This is accomplished by iterating over the foundSet and only including
// the column IDs in the source (foundSet) as compared with this BSI. This can be useful for
// vectoring one set of integers to another.
func (b *BSI) IntersectAndTranspose(parallelism int, foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) *roaring.Bitmap {
trans := &task{bsi: b}
return parallelExecutor(parallelism, trans, transpose, foundSet)
func transpose(e *task, batch []uint32, resultsChan chan *roaring.Bitmap, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
results := roaring.NewBitmap()
if e.bsi.runOptimized {
for _, cID := range batch {
if value, ok := e.bsi.GetValue(uint64(cID)); ok {
resultsChan <- results
// ParOr is intended primarily to be a concatenation function to be used during bulk load operations.
// Care should be taken to make sure that columnIDs do not overlap (unless overlapping values are
// identical).
func (b *BSI) ParOr(parallelism int, bsis ...*BSI) {
// Consolidate sets
bits := len(b.bA)
for i := 0; i < len(bsis); i++ {
if len(bsis[i].bA) > bits {
bits = bsis[i].BitCount()
// Make sure we have enough bit slices
for bits > b.BitCount() {
newBm := roaring.NewBitmap()
if b.runOptimized {
b.bA = append(b.bA, newBm)
a := make([][]*roaring.Bitmap, bits)
for i := range a {
a[i] = make([]*roaring.Bitmap, 0)
for _, x := range bsis {
if len(x.bA) > i {
a[i] = append(a[i], x.bA[i])
} else {
a[i] = []*roaring.Bitmap{roaring.NewBitmap()}
if b.runOptimized {
// Consolidate existence bit maps
ebms := make([]*roaring.Bitmap, len(bsis))
for i := range ebms {
ebms[i] = bsis[i].eBM
// First merge all the bit slices from all bsi maps that exist in target
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < bits; i++ {
go func(j int) {
defer wg.Done()
x := []*roaring.Bitmap{b.bA[j]}
x = append(x, a[j]...)
b.bA[j] = roaring.ParOr(parallelism, x...)
// merge all the EBM maps
x := []*roaring.Bitmap{b.eBM}
x = append(x, ebms...)
b.eBM = roaring.ParOr(parallelism, x...)
// UnmarshalBinary de-serialize a BSI. The value at bitData[0] is the EBM. Other indices are in least to most
// significance order starting at bitData[1] (bit position 0).
func (b *BSI) UnmarshalBinary(bitData [][]byte) error {
for i := 1; i < len(bitData); i++ {
if bitData == nil || len(bitData[i]) == 0 {
if b.BitCount() < i {
newBm := roaring.NewBitmap()
if b.runOptimized {
b.bA = append(b.bA, newBm)
if err := b.bA[i-1].UnmarshalBinary(bitData[i]); err != nil {
return err
if b.runOptimized {
// First element of bitData is the EBM
if bitData[0] == nil {
b.eBM = roaring.NewBitmap()
if b.runOptimized {
return nil
if err := b.eBM.UnmarshalBinary(bitData[0]); err != nil {
return err
if b.runOptimized {
return nil
// MarshalBinary serializes a BSI
func (b *BSI) MarshalBinary() ([][]byte, error) {
var err error
data := make([][]byte, b.BitCount()+1)
// Add extra element for EBM (BitCount() + 1)
for i := 1; i < b.BitCount()+1; i++ {
data[i], err = b.bA[i-1].MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Marshal EBM
data[0], err = b.eBM.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
// BatchEqual returns a bitmap containing the column IDs where the values are contained within the list of values provided.
func (b *BSI) BatchEqual(parallelism int, values []int64) *roaring.Bitmap {
valMap := make(map[int64]struct{}, len(values))
for i := 0; i < len(values); i++ {
valMap[values[i]] = struct{}{}
comp := &task{bsi: b, values: valMap}
return parallelExecutor(parallelism, comp, batchEqual, b.eBM)
func batchEqual(e *task, batch []uint32, resultsChan chan *roaring.Bitmap,
wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
results := roaring.NewBitmap()
if e.bsi.runOptimized {
for i := 0; i < len(batch); i++ {
cID := batch[i]
if value, ok := e.bsi.GetValue(uint64(cID)); ok {
if _, yes := e.values[int64(value)]; yes {
resultsChan <- results
// ClearBits cleared the bits that exist in the target if they are also in the found set.
func ClearBits(foundSet, target *roaring.Bitmap) {
iter := foundSet.Iterator()
for iter.HasNext() {
cID := iter.Next()
// ClearValues removes the values found in foundSet
func (b *BSI) ClearValues(foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
ClearBits(foundSet, b.eBM)
for i := 0; i < b.BitCount(); i++ {
go func(j int) {
defer wg.Done()
ClearBits(foundSet, b.bA[j])
// NewBSIRetainSet - Construct a new BSI from a clone of existing BSI, retain only values contained in foundSet
func (b *BSI) NewBSIRetainSet(foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) *BSI {
newBSI := NewBSI(b.MaxValue, b.MinValue)
newBSI.bA = make([]*roaring.Bitmap, b.BitCount())
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
newBSI.eBM = b.eBM.Clone()
for i := 0; i < b.BitCount(); i++ {
go func(j int) {
defer wg.Done()
newBSI.bA[j] = b.bA[j].Clone()
return newBSI
// Clone performs a deep copy of BSI contents.
func (b *BSI) Clone() *BSI {
return b.NewBSIRetainSet(b.eBM)
// Add - In-place sum the contents of another BSI with this BSI, column wise.
func (b *BSI) Add(other *BSI) {
for i := 0; i < len(other.bA); i++ {
b.addDigit(other.bA[i], i)
func (b *BSI) addDigit(foundSet *roaring.Bitmap, i int) {
if i >= len(b.bA) {
b.bA = append(b.bA, roaring.NewBitmap())
carry := roaring.And(b.bA[i], foundSet)
if !carry.IsEmpty() {
if i+1 >= len(b.bA) {
b.bA = append(b.bA, roaring.NewBitmap())
b.addDigit(carry, i+1)
// TransposeWithCounts is a matrix transpose function that returns a BSI that has a columnID system defined by the values
// contained within the input BSI. Given that for BSIs, different columnIDs can have the same value. TransposeWithCounts
// is useful for situations where there is a one-to-many relationship between the vectored integer sets. The resulting BSI
// contains the number of times a particular value appeared in the input BSI as an integer count.
func (b *BSI) TransposeWithCounts(parallelism int, foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) *BSI {
return parallelExecutorBSIResults(parallelism, b, transposeWithCounts, foundSet, true)
func transposeWithCounts(input *BSI, batch []uint32, resultsChan chan *BSI, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
results := NewDefaultBSI()
if input.runOptimized {
for _, cID := range batch {
if value, ok := input.GetValue(uint64(cID)); ok {
if val, ok2 := results.GetValue(uint64(value)); !ok2 {
results.SetValue(uint64(value), 1)
} else {
results.SetValue(uint64(value), val)
resultsChan <- results
// Increment - In-place increment of values in a BSI. Found set select columns for incrementing.
func (b *BSI) Increment(foundSet *roaring.Bitmap) {
b.addDigit(foundSet, 0)
// IncrementAll - In-place increment of all values in a BSI.
func (b *BSI) IncrementAll() {