
524 lines
15 KiB

package api
import (
gethcommon ""
gethnode ""
fcmlib ""
const (
//todo(jeka): should be removed
fcmServerKey = "AAAAxwa-r08:APA91bFtMIToDVKGAmVCm76iEXtA4dn9MPvLdYKIZqAlNpLJbd12EgdBI9DSDSXKdqvIAgLodepmRhGVaWvhxnXJzVpE6MoIRuKedDV3kfHSVBhWFqsyoLTwXY4xeufL9Sdzb581U-lx"
var (
// ErrWhisperClearIdentitiesFailure clearing whisper identities has failed.
ErrWhisperClearIdentitiesFailure = errors.New("failed to clear whisper identities")
// ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure injecting whisper identities has failed.
ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure = errors.New("failed to inject identity into Whisper")
// ErrUnsupportedRPCMethod is for methods not supported by the RPC interface
ErrUnsupportedRPCMethod = errors.New("method is unsupported by RPC interface")
// StatusBackend implements service
type StatusBackend struct {
mu sync.Mutex
statusNode *node.StatusNode
personalAPI *personal.PublicAPI
rpcFilters *rpcfilters.Service
accountManager *account.Manager
transactor *transactions.Transactor
newNotification fcm.NotificationConstructor
connectionState connectionState
appState appState
log log.Logger
// NewStatusBackend create a new NewStatusBackend instance
func NewStatusBackend() *StatusBackend {
defer log.Info("Status backend initialized")
statusNode := node.New()
accountManager := account.NewManager(statusNode)
transactor := transactions.NewTransactor()
personalAPI := personal.NewAPI()
notificationManager := fcm.NewNotification(fcmServerKey)
rpcFilters := rpcfilters.New(statusNode)
return &StatusBackend{
statusNode: statusNode,
accountManager: accountManager,
transactor: transactor,
personalAPI: personalAPI,
rpcFilters: rpcFilters,
newNotification: notificationManager,
log: log.New("package", "status-go/api.StatusBackend"),
// StatusNode returns reference to node manager
func (b *StatusBackend) StatusNode() *node.StatusNode {
return b.statusNode
// AccountManager returns reference to account manager
func (b *StatusBackend) AccountManager() *account.Manager {
return b.accountManager
// Transactor returns reference to a status transactor
func (b *StatusBackend) Transactor() *transactions.Transactor {
return b.transactor
// IsNodeRunning confirm that node is running
func (b *StatusBackend) IsNodeRunning() bool {
return b.statusNode.IsRunning()
// StartNode start Status node, fails if node is already started
func (b *StatusBackend) StartNode(config *params.NodeConfig) error {
if err := b.startNode(config); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *StatusBackend) rpcFiltersService() gethnode.ServiceConstructor {
return func(*gethnode.ServiceContext) (gethnode.Service, error) {
return rpcfilters.New(b.statusNode), nil
func (b *StatusBackend) startNode(config *params.NodeConfig) (err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("node crashed on start: %v", err)
// Start by validating configuration
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
services := []gethnode.ServiceConstructor{}
services = appendIf(config.UpstreamConfig.Enabled, services, b.rpcFiltersService())
if err = b.statusNode.Start(config, services...); err != nil {
b.transactor.SetRPC(b.statusNode.RPCClient(), rpc.DefaultCallTimeout)
b.personalAPI.SetRPC(b.statusNode.RPCPrivateClient(), rpc.DefaultCallTimeout)
if err = b.registerHandlers(); err != nil {
b.log.Error("Handler registration failed", "err", err)
b.log.Info("Handlers registered")
if err = b.reSelectAccount(); err != nil {
b.log.Error("Reselect account failed", "err", err)
b.log.Info("Account reselected")
if st, err := b.statusNode.StatusService(); err == nil {
if st, err := b.statusNode.PeerService(); err == nil {
return nil
// StopNode stop Status node. Stopped node cannot be resumed.
func (b *StatusBackend) StopNode() error {
return b.stopNode()
func (b *StatusBackend) stopNode() error {
if !b.IsNodeRunning() {
return node.ErrNoRunningNode
defer signal.SendNodeStopped()
return b.statusNode.Stop()
// RestartNode restart running Status node, fails if node is not running
func (b *StatusBackend) RestartNode() error {
if !b.IsNodeRunning() {
return node.ErrNoRunningNode
newcfg := *(b.statusNode.Config())
if err := b.stopNode(); err != nil {
return err
return b.startNode(&newcfg)
// ResetChainData remove chain data from data directory.
// Node is stopped, and new node is started, with clean data directory.
func (b *StatusBackend) ResetChainData() error {
newcfg := *(b.statusNode.Config())
if err := b.stopNode(); err != nil {
return err
// config is cleaned when node is stopped
if err := b.statusNode.ResetChainData(&newcfg); err != nil {
return err
return b.startNode(&newcfg)
// CallRPC executes public RPC requests on node's in-proc RPC server.
func (b *StatusBackend) CallRPC(inputJSON string) string {
client := b.statusNode.RPCClient()
return client.CallRaw(inputJSON)
// CallPrivateRPC executes public and private RPC requests on node's in-proc RPC server.
func (b *StatusBackend) CallPrivateRPC(inputJSON string) string {
client := b.statusNode.RPCPrivateClient()
return client.CallRaw(inputJSON)
// SendTransaction creates a new transaction and waits until it's complete.
func (b *StatusBackend) SendTransaction(sendArgs transactions.SendTxArgs, password string) (hash gethcommon.Hash, err error) {
verifiedAccount, err := b.getVerifiedAccount(password)
if err != nil {
return hash, err
hash, err = b.transactor.SendTransaction(sendArgs, verifiedAccount)
if err != nil {
go b.rpcFilters.TriggerTransactionSentToUpstreamEvent(hash)
// SignMessage checks the pwd vs the selected account and passes on the signParams
// to personalAPI for message signature
func (b *StatusBackend) SignMessage(rpcParams personal.SignParams) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
verifiedAccount, err := b.getVerifiedAccount(rpcParams.Password)
if err != nil {
return hexutil.Bytes{}, err
return b.personalAPI.Sign(rpcParams, verifiedAccount)
// Recover calls the personalAPI to return address associated with the private
// key that was used to calculate the signature in the message
func (b *StatusBackend) Recover(rpcParams personal.RecoverParams) (gethcommon.Address, error) {
return b.personalAPI.Recover(rpcParams)
func (b *StatusBackend) getVerifiedAccount(password string) (*account.SelectedExtKey, error) {
selectedAccount, err := b.accountManager.SelectedAccount()
if err != nil {
b.log.Error("failed to get a selected account", "err", err)
return nil, err
config := b.StatusNode().Config()
_, err = b.accountManager.VerifyAccountPassword(config.KeyStoreDir, selectedAccount.Address.String(), password)
if err != nil {
b.log.Error("failed to verify account", "account", selectedAccount.Address.String(), "error", err)
return nil, err
return selectedAccount, nil
// registerHandlers attaches Status callback handlers to running node
func (b *StatusBackend) registerHandlers() error {
var clients []*rpc.Client
if c := b.StatusNode().RPCClient(); c != nil {
clients = append(clients, c)
} else {
return errors.New("RPC client unavailable")
if c := b.StatusNode().RPCPrivateClient(); c != nil {
clients = append(clients, c)
} else {
return errors.New("RPC private client unavailable")
for _, client := range clients {
func(context.Context, ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return b.AccountManager().Accounts()
client.RegisterHandler(params.SendTransactionMethodName, unsupportedMethodHandler)
client.RegisterHandler(params.PersonalSignMethodName, unsupportedMethodHandler)
client.RegisterHandler(params.PersonalRecoverMethodName, unsupportedMethodHandler)
return nil
func unsupportedMethodHandler(ctx context.Context, rpcParams ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedRPCMethod
// ConnectionChange handles network state changes logic.
func (b *StatusBackend) ConnectionChange(typ string, expensive bool) {
state := connectionState{
Type: newConnectionType(typ),
Expensive: expensive,
if typ == none {
state.Offline = true
b.log.Info("Network state change", "old", b.connectionState, "new", state)
b.connectionState = state
// logic of handling state changes here
// restart node? force peers reconnect? etc
// AppStateChange handles app state changes (background/foreground).
// state values: see
func (b *StatusBackend) AppStateChange(state string) {
s, err := parseAppState(state)
if err != nil {
log.Error("AppStateChange failed, ignoring", "error", err)
return // and do nothing
b.log.Info("App State changed", "new-state", s)
b.appState = s
// TODO: put node in low-power mode if the app is in background (or inactive)
// and normal mode if the app is in foreground.
// Logout clears whisper identities.
func (b *StatusBackend) Logout() error {
whisperService, err := b.statusNode.WhisperService()
switch err {
case node.ErrServiceUnknown: // Whisper was never registered
case nil:
if err := whisperService.DeleteKeyPairs(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", ErrWhisperClearIdentitiesFailure, err)
return err
return nil
// reSelectAccount selects previously selected account, often, after node restart.
func (b *StatusBackend) reSelectAccount() error {
selectedAccount, err := b.AccountManager().SelectedAccount()
if selectedAccount == nil || err == account.ErrNoAccountSelected {
return nil
whisperService, err := b.statusNode.WhisperService()
switch err {
case node.ErrServiceUnknown: // Whisper was never registered
case nil:
if err := whisperService.SelectKeyPair(selectedAccount.AccountKey.PrivateKey); err != nil {
return ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure
return err
return nil
// SelectAccount selects current account, by verifying that address has corresponding account which can be decrypted
// using provided password. Once verification is done, decrypted key is injected into Whisper (as a single identity,
// all previous identities are removed).
func (b *StatusBackend) SelectAccount(address, password string) error {
err := b.accountManager.SelectAccount(address, password)
if err != nil {
return err
acc, err := b.accountManager.SelectedAccount()
if err != nil {
return err
whisperService, err := b.statusNode.WhisperService()
switch err {
case node.ErrServiceUnknown: // Whisper was never registered
case nil:
if err := whisperService.SelectKeyPair(acc.AccountKey.PrivateKey); err != nil {
return ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure
return err
if whisperService != nil {
st, err := b.statusNode.ShhExtService()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := st.InitProtocol(address, password); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NotifyUsers sends push notifications to users.
func (b *StatusBackend) NotifyUsers(message string, payload fcmlib.NotificationPayload, tokens ...string) error {
err := b.newNotification().Send(message, payload, tokens...)
if err != nil {
b.log.Error("Notify failed", "error", err)
return err
func appendIf(condition bool, services []gethnode.ServiceConstructor, service gethnode.ServiceConstructor) []gethnode.ServiceConstructor {
if !condition {
return services
return append(services, service)
// CreateContactCode create or return the latest contact code
func (b *StatusBackend) CreateContactCode() (string, error) {
selectedAccount, err := b.AccountManager().SelectedAccount()
if err != nil {
return "", err
st, err := b.statusNode.ShhExtService()
if err != nil {
return "", err
bundle, err := st.GetBundle(selectedAccount.AccountKey.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return bundle.ToBase64()
// ProcessContactCode process and adds the someone else's bundle
func (b *StatusBackend) ProcessContactCode(contactCode string) error {
selectedAccount, err := b.AccountManager().SelectedAccount()
if err != nil {
return err
st, err := b.statusNode.ShhExtService()
if err != nil {
return err
bundle, err := chat.FromBase64(contactCode)
if err != nil {
b.log.Error("error decoding base64", "err", err)
return err
if err := st.ProcessPublicBundle(selectedAccount.AccountKey.PrivateKey, bundle); err != nil {
b.log.Error("error adding bundle", "err", err)
return err
return nil
// ExtractIdentityFromContactCode extract the identity of the user generating the contact code
func (b *StatusBackend) ExtractIdentityFromContactCode(contactCode string) (string, error) {
bundle, err := chat.FromBase64(contactCode)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return chat.ExtractIdentity(bundle)
// VerifyGroupMembershipSignatures verifies that the signatures are valid
func (b *StatusBackend) VerifyGroupMembershipSignatures(signaturePairs [][3]string) error {
return crypto.VerifySignatures(signaturePairs)
// ExtractGroupMembershipSignatures extract signatures from tuples of content/signature
func (b *StatusBackend) ExtractGroupMembershipSignatures(signaturePairs [][2]string) ([]string, error) {
return crypto.ExtractSignatures(signaturePairs)
// SignGroupMembership signs a piece of data containing membership information
func (b *StatusBackend) SignGroupMembership(content string) (string, error) {
selectedAccount, err := b.AccountManager().SelectedAccount()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return crypto.Sign(content, selectedAccount.AccountKey.PrivateKey)