
556 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package hdkeychain
// References:
// [BIP32]: BIP0032 - Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets
import (
const (
// RecommendedSeedLen is the recommended length in bytes for a seed
// to a master node.
RecommendedSeedLen = 32 // 256 bits
// HardenedKeyStart is the index at which a hardended key starts. Each
// extended key has 2^31 normal child keys and 2^31 hardned child keys.
// Thus the range for normal child keys is [0, 2^31 - 1] and the range
// for hardened child keys is [2^31, 2^32 - 1].
HardenedKeyStart = 0x80000000 // 2^31
// MinSeedBytes is the minimum number of bytes allowed for a seed to
// a master node.
MinSeedBytes = 16 // 128 bits
// MaxSeedBytes is the maximum number of bytes allowed for a seed to
// a master node.
MaxSeedBytes = 64 // 512 bits
// serializedKeyLen is the length of a serialized public or private
// extended key. It consists of 4 bytes version, 1 byte depth, 4 bytes
// fingerprint, 4 bytes child number, 32 bytes chain code, and 33 bytes
// public/private key data.
serializedKeyLen = 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 32 + 33 // 78 bytes
var (
// ErrDeriveHardFromPublic describes an error in which the caller
// attempted to derive a hardened extended key from a public key.
ErrDeriveHardFromPublic = errors.New("cannot derive a hardened key " +
"from a public key")
// ErrNotPrivExtKey describes an error in which the caller attempted
// to extract a private key from a public extended key.
ErrNotPrivExtKey = errors.New("unable to create private keys from a " +
"public extended key")
// ErrInvalidChild describes an error in which the child at a specific
// index is invalid due to the derived key falling outside of the valid
// range for secp256k1 private keys. This error indicates the caller
// should simply ignore the invalid child extended key at this index and
// increment to the next index.
ErrInvalidChild = errors.New("the extended key at this index is invalid")
// ErrUnusableSeed describes an error in which the provided seed is not
// usable due to the derived key falling outside of the valid range for
// secp256k1 private keys. This error indicates the caller must choose
// another seed.
ErrUnusableSeed = errors.New("unusable seed")
// ErrInvalidSeedLen describes an error in which the provided seed or
// seed length is not in the allowed range.
ErrInvalidSeedLen = fmt.Errorf("seed length must be between %d and %d "+
"bits", MinSeedBytes*8, MaxSeedBytes*8)
// ErrBadChecksum describes an error in which the checksum encoded with
// a serialized extended key does not match the calculated value.
ErrBadChecksum = errors.New("bad extended key checksum")
// ErrInvalidKeyLen describes an error in which the provided serialized
// key is not the expected length.
ErrInvalidKeyLen = errors.New("the provided serialized extended key " +
"length is invalid")
// masterKey is the master key used along with a random seed used to generate
// the master node in the hierarchical tree.
var masterKey = []byte("Bitcoin seed")
// ExtendedKey houses all the information needed to support a hierarchical
// deterministic extended key. See the package overview documentation for
// more details on how to use extended keys.
type ExtendedKey struct {
key []byte // This will be the pubkey for extended pub keys
pubKey []byte // This will only be set for extended priv keys
chainCode []byte
depth uint16
parentFP []byte
childNum uint32
version []byte
isPrivate bool
// newExtendedKey returns a new instance of an extended key with the given
// fields. No error checking is performed here as it's only intended to be a
// convenience method used to create a populated struct.
func newExtendedKey(version, key, chainCode, parentFP []byte, depth uint16,
childNum uint32, isPrivate bool) *ExtendedKey {
// NOTE: The pubKey field is intentionally left nil so it is only
// computed and memoized as required.
return &ExtendedKey{
key: key,
chainCode: chainCode,
depth: depth,
parentFP: parentFP,
childNum: childNum,
version: version,
isPrivate: isPrivate,
// pubKeyBytes returns bytes for the serialized compressed public key associated
// with this extended key in an efficient manner including memoization as
// necessary.
// When the extended key is already a public key, the key is simply returned as
// is since it's already in the correct form. However, when the extended key is
// a private key, the public key will be calculated and memoized so future
// accesses can simply return the cached result.
func (k *ExtendedKey) pubKeyBytes() []byte {
// Just return the key if it's already an extended public key.
if !k.isPrivate {
return k.key
// This is a private extended key, so calculate and memoize the public
// key if needed.
if len(k.pubKey) == 0 {
pkx, pky := btcec.S256().ScalarBaseMult(k.key)
pubKey := btcec.PublicKey{Curve: btcec.S256(), X: pkx, Y: pky}
k.pubKey = pubKey.SerializeCompressed()
return k.pubKey
// IsPrivate returns whether or not the extended key is a private extended key.
// A private extended key can be used to derive both hardened and non-hardened
// child private and public extended keys. A public extended key can only be
// used to derive non-hardened child public extended keys.
func (k *ExtendedKey) IsPrivate() bool {
return k.isPrivate
// ParentFingerprint returns a fingerprint of the parent extended key from which
// this one was derived.
func (k *ExtendedKey) ParentFingerprint() uint32 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(k.parentFP)
// Child returns a derived child extended key at the given index. When this
// extended key is a private extended key (as determined by the IsPrivate
// function), a private extended key will be derived. Otherwise, the derived
// extended key will be also be a public extended key.
// When the index is greater to or equal than the HardenedKeyStart constant, the
// derived extended key will be a hardened extended key. It is only possible to
// derive a hardended extended key from a private extended key. Consequently,
// this function will return ErrDeriveHardFromPublic if a hardened child
// extended key is requested from a public extended key.
// A hardened extended key is useful since, as previously mentioned, it requires
// a parent private extended key to derive. In other words, normal child
// extended public keys can be derived from a parent public extended key (no
// knowledge of the parent private key) whereas hardened extended keys may not
// be.
// NOTE: There is an extremely small chance (< 1 in 2^127) the specific child
// index does not derive to a usable child. The ErrInvalidChild error will be
// returned if this should occur, and the caller is expected to ignore the
// invalid child and simply increment to the next index.
func (k *ExtendedKey) Child(i uint32) (*ExtendedKey, error) {
// There are four scenarios that could happen here:
// 1) Private extended key -> Hardened child private extended key
// 2) Private extended key -> Non-hardened child private extended key
// 3) Public extended key -> Non-hardened child public extended key
// 4) Public extended key -> Hardened child public extended key (INVALID!)
// Case #4 is invalid, so error out early.
// A hardened child extended key may not be created from a public
// extended key.
isChildHardened := i >= HardenedKeyStart
if !k.isPrivate && isChildHardened {
return nil, ErrDeriveHardFromPublic
// The data used to derive the child key depends on whether or not the
// child is hardened per [BIP32].
// For hardened children:
// 0x00 || ser256(parentKey) || ser32(i)
// For normal children:
// serP(parentPubKey) || ser32(i)
keyLen := 33
data := make([]byte, keyLen+4)
if isChildHardened {
// Case #1.
// When the child is a hardened child, the key is known to be a
// private key due to the above early return. Pad it with a
// leading zero as required by [BIP32] for deriving the child.
copy(data[1:], k.key)
} else {
// Case #2 or #3.
// This is either a public or private extended key, but in
// either case, the data which is used to derive the child key
// starts with the secp256k1 compressed public key bytes.
copy(data, k.pubKeyBytes())
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[keyLen:], i)
// Take the HMAC-SHA512 of the current key's chain code and the derived
// data:
// I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = chainCode, Data = data)
hmac512 := hmac.New(sha512.New, k.chainCode)
ilr := hmac512.Sum(nil)
// Split "I" into two 32-byte sequences Il and Ir where:
// Il = intermediate key used to derive the child
// Ir = child chain code
il := ilr[:len(ilr)/2]
childChainCode := ilr[len(ilr)/2:]
// Both derived public or private keys rely on treating the left 32-byte
// sequence calculated above (Il) as a 256-bit integer that must be
// within the valid range for a secp256k1 private key. There is a small
// chance (< 1 in 2^127) this condition will not hold, and in that case,
// a child extended key can't be created for this index and the caller
// should simply increment to the next index.
ilNum := new(big.Int).SetBytes(il)
if ilNum.Cmp(btcec.S256().N) >= 0 || ilNum.Sign() == 0 {
return nil, ErrInvalidChild
// The algorithm used to derive the child key depends on whether or not
// a private or public child is being derived.
// For private children:
// childKey = parse256(Il) + parentKey
// For public children:
// childKey = serP(point(parse256(Il)) + parentKey)
var isPrivate bool
var childKey []byte
if k.isPrivate {
// Case #1 or #2.
// Add the parent private key to the intermediate private key to
// derive the final child key.
// childKey = parse256(Il) + parenKey
keyNum := new(big.Int).SetBytes(k.key)
ilNum.Add(ilNum, keyNum)
ilNum.Mod(ilNum, btcec.S256().N)
childKey = ilNum.Bytes()
isPrivate = true
} else {
// Case #3.
// Calculate the corresponding intermediate public key for
// intermediate private key.
ilx, ily := btcec.S256().ScalarBaseMult(il)
if ilx.Sign() == 0 || ily.Sign() == 0 {
return nil, ErrInvalidChild
// Convert the serialized compressed parent public key into X
// and Y coordinates so it can be added to the intermediate
// public key.
pubKey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(k.key, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the intermediate public key to the parent public key to
// derive the final child key.
// childKey = serP(point(parse256(Il)) + parentKey)
childX, childY := btcec.S256().Add(ilx, ily, pubKey.X, pubKey.Y)
pk := btcec.PublicKey{Curve: btcec.S256(), X: childX, Y: childY}
childKey = pk.SerializeCompressed()
// The fingerprint of the parent for the derived child is the first 4
// bytes of the RIPEMD160(SHA256(parentPubKey)).
parentFP := btcutil.Hash160(k.pubKeyBytes())[:4]
return newExtendedKey(k.version, childKey, childChainCode, parentFP,
k.depth+1, i, isPrivate), nil
// Neuter returns a new extended public key from this extended private key. The
// same extended key will be returned unaltered if it is already an extended
// public key.
// As the name implies, an extended public key does not have access to the
// private key, so it is not capable of signing transactions or deriving
// child extended private keys. However, it is capable of deriving further
// child extended public keys.
func (k *ExtendedKey) Neuter() (*ExtendedKey, error) {
// Already an extended public key.
if !k.isPrivate {
return k, nil
// Get the associated public extended key version bytes.
version, err := chaincfg.HDPrivateKeyToPublicKeyID(k.version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Convert it to an extended public key. The key for the new extended
// key will simply be the pubkey of the current extended private key.
// This is the function N((k,c)) -> (K, c) from [BIP32].
return newExtendedKey(version, k.pubKeyBytes(), k.chainCode, k.parentFP,
k.depth, k.childNum, false), nil
// ECPubKey converts the extended key to a btcec public key and returns it.
func (k *ExtendedKey) ECPubKey() (*btcec.PublicKey, error) {
return btcec.ParsePubKey(k.pubKeyBytes(), btcec.S256())
// ECPrivKey converts the extended key to a btcec private key and returns it.
// As you might imagine this is only possible if the extended key is a private
// extended key (as determined by the IsPrivate function). The ErrNotPrivExtKey
// error will be returned if this function is called on a public extended key.
func (k *ExtendedKey) ECPrivKey() (*btcec.PrivateKey, error) {
if !k.isPrivate {
return nil, ErrNotPrivExtKey
privKey, _ := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), k.key)
return privKey, nil
// Address converts the extended key to a standard bitcoin pay-to-pubkey-hash
// address for the passed network.
func (k *ExtendedKey) Address(net *chaincfg.Params) (*btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash, error) {
pkHash := btcutil.Hash160(k.pubKeyBytes())
return btcutil.NewAddressPubKeyHash(pkHash, net)
// paddedAppend appends the src byte slice to dst, returning the new slice.
// If the length of the source is smaller than the passed size, leading zero
// bytes are appended to the dst slice before appending src.
func paddedAppend(size uint, dst, src []byte) []byte {
for i := 0; i < int(size)-len(src); i++ {
dst = append(dst, 0)
return append(dst, src...)
// String returns the extended key as a human-readable base58-encoded string.
func (k *ExtendedKey) String() string {
if len(k.key) == 0 {
return "zeroed extended key"
var childNumBytes [4]byte
depthByte := byte(k.depth % 256)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(childNumBytes[:], k.childNum)
// The serialized format is:
// version (4) || depth (1) || parent fingerprint (4)) ||
// child num (4) || chain code (32) || key data (33) || checksum (4)
serializedBytes := make([]byte, 0, serializedKeyLen+4)
serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.version...)
serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, depthByte)
serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.parentFP...)
serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, childNumBytes[:]...)
serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.chainCode...)
if k.isPrivate {
serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, 0x00)
serializedBytes = paddedAppend(32, serializedBytes, k.key)
} else {
serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.pubKeyBytes()...)
checkSum := chainhash.DoubleHashB(serializedBytes)[:4]
serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, checkSum...)
return base58.Encode(serializedBytes)
// IsForNet returns whether or not the extended key is associated with the
// passed bitcoin network.
func (k *ExtendedKey) IsForNet(net *chaincfg.Params) bool {
return bytes.Equal(k.version, net.HDPrivateKeyID[:]) ||
bytes.Equal(k.version, net.HDPublicKeyID[:])
// SetNet associates the extended key, and any child keys yet to be derived from
// it, with the passed network.
func (k *ExtendedKey) SetNet(net *chaincfg.Params) {
if k.isPrivate {
k.version = net.HDPrivateKeyID[:]
} else {
k.version = net.HDPublicKeyID[:]
// zero sets all bytes in the passed slice to zero. This is used to
// explicitly clear private key material from memory.
func zero(b []byte) {
lenb := len(b)
for i := 0; i < lenb; i++ {
b[i] = 0
// Zero manually clears all fields and bytes in the extended key. This can be
// used to explicitly clear key material from memory for enhanced security
// against memory scraping. This function only clears this particular key and
// not any children that have already been derived.
func (k *ExtendedKey) Zero() {
k.version = nil
k.key = nil
k.depth = 0
k.childNum = 0
k.isPrivate = false
// NewMaster creates a new master node for use in creating a hierarchical
// deterministic key chain. The seed must be between 128 and 512 bits and
// should be generated by a cryptographically secure random generation source.
// NOTE: There is an extremely small chance (< 1 in 2^127) the provided seed
// will derive to an unusable secret key. The ErrUnusable error will be
// returned if this should occur, so the caller must check for it and generate a
// new seed accordingly.
func NewMaster(seed []byte, net *chaincfg.Params) (*ExtendedKey, error) {
// Per [BIP32], the seed must be in range [MinSeedBytes, MaxSeedBytes].
if len(seed) < MinSeedBytes || len(seed) > MaxSeedBytes {
return nil, ErrInvalidSeedLen
// First take the HMAC-SHA512 of the master key and the seed data:
// I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = "Bitcoin seed", Data = S)
hmac512 := hmac.New(sha512.New, masterKey)
lr := hmac512.Sum(nil)
// Split "I" into two 32-byte sequences Il and Ir where:
// Il = master secret key
// Ir = master chain code
secretKey := lr[:len(lr)/2]
chainCode := lr[len(lr)/2:]
// Ensure the key in usable.
secretKeyNum := new(big.Int).SetBytes(secretKey)
if secretKeyNum.Cmp(btcec.S256().N) >= 0 || secretKeyNum.Sign() == 0 {
return nil, ErrUnusableSeed
parentFP := []byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
return newExtendedKey(net.HDPrivateKeyID[:], secretKey, chainCode,
parentFP, 0, 0, true), nil
// NewKeyFromString returns a new extended key instance from a base58-encoded
// extended key.
func NewKeyFromString(key string) (*ExtendedKey, error) {
// The base58-decoded extended key must consist of a serialized payload
// plus an additional 4 bytes for the checksum.
decoded := base58.Decode(key)
if len(decoded) != serializedKeyLen+4 {
return nil, ErrInvalidKeyLen
// The serialized format is:
// version (4) || depth (1) || parent fingerprint (4)) ||
// child num (4) || chain code (32) || key data (33) || checksum (4)
// Split the payload and checksum up and ensure the checksum matches.
payload := decoded[:len(decoded)-4]
checkSum := decoded[len(decoded)-4:]
expectedCheckSum := chainhash.DoubleHashB(payload)[:4]
if !bytes.Equal(checkSum, expectedCheckSum) {
return nil, ErrBadChecksum
// Deserialize each of the payload fields.
version := payload[:4]
depth := uint16(payload[4:5][0])
parentFP := payload[5:9]
childNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(payload[9:13])
chainCode := payload[13:45]
keyData := payload[45:78]
// The key data is a private key if it starts with 0x00. Serialized
// compressed pubkeys either start with 0x02 or 0x03.
isPrivate := keyData[0] == 0x00
if isPrivate {
// Ensure the private key is valid. It must be within the range
// of the order of the secp256k1 curve and not be 0.
keyData = keyData[1:]
keyNum := new(big.Int).SetBytes(keyData)
if keyNum.Cmp(btcec.S256().N) >= 0 || keyNum.Sign() == 0 {
return nil, ErrUnusableSeed
} else {
// Ensure the public key parses correctly and is actually on the
// secp256k1 curve.
_, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(keyData, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newExtendedKey(version, keyData, chainCode, parentFP, depth,
childNum, isPrivate), nil
// GenerateSeed returns a cryptographically secure random seed that can be used
// as the input for the NewMaster function to generate a new master node.
// The length is in bytes and it must be between 16 and 64 (128 to 512 bits).
// The recommended length is 32 (256 bits) as defined by the RecommendedSeedLen
// constant.
func GenerateSeed(length uint8) ([]byte, error) {
// Per [BIP32], the seed must be in range [MinSeedBytes, MaxSeedBytes].
if length < MinSeedBytes || length > MaxSeedBytes {
return nil, ErrInvalidSeedLen
buf := make([]byte, length)
_, err := rand.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf, nil