
382 lines
11 KiB

package geth
import (
whisper ""
const (
ClientIdentifier = "StatusIM" // Client identifier to advertise over the network
IPCFile = "geth.ipc" // Filename of exposed IPC-RPC Server
HTTPPort = 8545 // HTTP-RPC port (replaced in unit tests)
WSPort = 8546 // WS-RPC port (replaced in unit tests)
MaxPeers = 25
MaxLightPeers = 20
MaxPendingPeers = 0
DefaultGas = 180000
ProcessFileDescriptorLimit = uint64(2048)
DatabaseCacheSize = 128 // Megabytes of memory allocated to internal caching (min 16MB / database forced)
EventNodeStarted = "node.started"
EventNodeCrashed = "node.crashed"
// Gas price settings
var (
GasPrice = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(20), common.Shannon) // Minimal gas price to accept for mining a transactions
GpoMinGasPrice = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(20), common.Shannon) // Minimum suggested gas price
GpoMaxGasPrice = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(500), common.Shannon) // Maximum suggested gas price
GpoFullBlockRatio = 80 // Full block threshold for gas price calculation (%)
GpobaseStepDown = 10 // Suggested gas price base step down ratio (1/1000)
GpobaseStepUp = 100 // Suggested gas price base step up ratio (1/1000)
GpobaseCorrectionFactor = 110 // Suggested gas price base correction factor (%)
// default node configuration options
var (
UseTestnetFlag = "true" // to be overridden via -ldflags '-X geth.UseTestnetFlag'
UseTestnet = false
func init() {
if UseTestnetFlag == "true" { // set at compile time, here we make sure to set corresponding boolean flag
UseTestnet = true
// node-related errors
var (
ErrEthServiceRegistrationFailure = errors.New("failed to register the Ethereum service")
ErrSshServiceRegistrationFailure = errors.New("failed to register the Whisper service")
ErrLightEthRegistrationFailure = errors.New("failed to register the LES service")
// NodeConfig stores configuration options for a node
type NodeConfig struct {
DataDir string // base data directory
IPCEnabled bool // whether IPC-RPC Server is enabled or not
HTTPPort int // HTTP-RPC Server port
WSPort int // WS-RPC Server port
WSEnabled bool // whether WS-RPC Server is enabled or not
TLSEnabled bool // whether TLS support should be enabled on node or not
// Node represents running node (serves as a wrapper around P2P node)
type Node struct {
config *NodeConfig // configuration used to create Status node
geth *node.Node // reference to the running Geth node
gethConfig *node.Config // configuration used to create P2P node
started chan struct{} // channel to wait for node to start
// Inited checks whether status node has been properly initialized
func (n *Node) Inited() bool {
return n != nil && n.geth != nil
// GethStack returns reference to Geth stack
func (n *Node) GethStack() *node.Node {
return n.geth
// MakeNode create a geth node entity
func MakeNode(config *NodeConfig) *Node {
dataDir := config.DataDir
if UseTestnet {
dataDir = filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "testnet")
// exposed RPC APIs
exposedAPIs := "db,eth,net,web3,shh,personal,admin" // TODO remove "admin" on main net
// configure required node (should you need to update node's config, e.g. add bootstrap nodes, see node.Config)
stackConfig := &node.Config{
DataDir: dataDir,
UseLightweightKDF: true,
Name: ClientIdentifier,
Version: params.Version,
NoDiscovery: true,
DiscoveryV5: false,
DiscoveryV5Addr: ":0",
BootstrapNodes: makeBootstrapNodes(),
BootstrapNodesV5: makeBootstrapNodesV5(),
ListenAddr: ":0",
NAT: nat.Any(),
MaxPeers: MaxPeers,
MaxPendingPeers: MaxPendingPeers,
IPCPath: makeIPCPath(dataDir, config.IPCEnabled),
HTTPHost: node.DefaultHTTPHost,
HTTPPort: config.HTTPPort,
HTTPCors: "*",
HTTPModules: strings.Split(exposedAPIs, ","),
WSHost: makeWSHost(config.WSEnabled),
WSPort: config.WSPort,
WSOrigins: "*",
WSModules: strings.Split(exposedAPIs, ","),
stack, err := node.New(stackConfig)
if err != nil {
// start Ethereum service
if err := activateEthService(stack, makeDefaultExtra()); err != nil {
Fatalf(fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", ErrEthServiceRegistrationFailure, err))
// start Whisper service
if err := activateShhService(stack); err != nil {
Fatalf(fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", ErrSshServiceRegistrationFailure, err))
return &Node{
geth: stack,
gethConfig: stackConfig,
started: make(chan struct{}),
config: config,
// activateEthService configures and registers the eth.Ethereum service with a given node.
func activateEthService(stack *node.Node, extra []byte) error {
ethConf := &eth.Config{
Etherbase: common.Address{},
ChainConfig: makeChainConfig(stack),
FastSync: false,
LightMode: true,
LightServ: 60,
LightPeers: MaxLightPeers,
MaxPeers: MaxPeers,
DatabaseCache: DatabaseCacheSize,
DatabaseHandles: makeDatabaseHandles(),
NetworkId: 1, // Olympic
MinerThreads: runtime.NumCPU(),
GasPrice: GasPrice,
GpoMinGasPrice: GpoMinGasPrice,
GpoMaxGasPrice: GpoMaxGasPrice,
GpoFullBlockRatio: GpoFullBlockRatio,
GpobaseStepDown: GpobaseStepDown,
GpobaseStepUp: GpobaseStepUp,
GpobaseCorrectionFactor: GpobaseCorrectionFactor,
SolcPath: "solc",
AutoDAG: false,
if UseTestnet {
ethConf.NetworkId = 3
ethConf.Genesis = core.DefaultTestnetGenesisBlock()
if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
return les.New(ctx, ethConf)
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", ErrLightEthRegistrationFailure, err)
return nil
// activateShhService configures Whisper and adds it to the given node.
func activateShhService(stack *node.Node) error {
serviceConstructor := func(*node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
return whisper.New(), nil
if err := stack.Register(serviceConstructor); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// makeIPCPath returns IPC-RPC filename
func makeIPCPath(dataDir string, ipcEnabled bool) string {
if !ipcEnabled {
return ""
return path.Join(dataDir, IPCFile)
// makeWSHost returns WS-RPC Server host, given enabled/disabled flag
func makeWSHost(wsEnabled bool) string {
if !wsEnabled {
return ""
return node.DefaultWSHost
// makeChainConfig reads the chain configuration from the database in the datadir.
func makeChainConfig(stack *node.Node) *params.ChainConfig {
config := new(params.ChainConfig)
if UseTestnet {
config = params.TestnetChainConfig
} else {
// Homestead fork
config.HomesteadBlock = params.MainNetHomesteadBlock
// DAO fork
config.DAOForkBlock = params.MainNetDAOForkBlock
config.DAOForkSupport = true
// DoS reprice fork
config.EIP150Block = params.MainNetHomesteadGasRepriceBlock
config.EIP150Hash = params.MainNetHomesteadGasRepriceHash
// DoS state cleanup fork
config.EIP155Block = params.MainNetSpuriousDragon
config.EIP158Block = params.MainNetSpuriousDragon
config.ChainId = params.MainNetChainID
return config
// makeDatabaseHandles makes sure that enough file descriptors are available to the process
// (and returns half of them for node's database to use)
func makeDatabaseHandles() int {
// current limit
var limit syscall.Rlimit
if err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); err != nil {
// increase limit
limit.Cur = limit.Max
if limit.Cur > ProcessFileDescriptorLimit {
limit.Cur = ProcessFileDescriptorLimit
if err := syscall.Setrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); err != nil {
// re-query limit
if err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); err != nil {
// cap limit
if limit.Cur > ProcessFileDescriptorLimit {
limit.Cur = ProcessFileDescriptorLimit
return int(limit.Cur) / 2
func makeDefaultExtra() []byte {
var clientInfo = struct {
Version uint
Name string
GoVersion string
Os string
}{uint(params.VersionMajor<<16 | params.VersionMinor<<8 | params.VersionPatch), ClientIdentifier, runtime.Version(), runtime.GOOS}
extra, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(clientInfo)
if err != nil {
glog.V(logger.Warn).Infoln("error setting canonical miner information:", err)
if uint64(len(extra)) > params.MaximumExtraDataSize.Uint64() {
glog.V(logger.Warn).Infoln("error setting canonical miner information: extra exceeds", params.MaximumExtraDataSize)
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("extra: %x\n", extra)
return nil
return extra
// makeBootstrapNodes returns default (hence bootstrap) list of peers
func makeBootstrapNodes() []*discover.Node {
// on desktops params.TestnetBootnodes and params.MainBootnodes,
// on mobile client we deliberately keep this list empty
enodes := []string{}
var bootstapNodes []*discover.Node
for _, enode := range enodes {
bootstapNodes = append(bootstapNodes, discover.MustParseNode(enode))
return bootstapNodes
// makeBootstrapNodesV5 returns default (hence bootstrap) list of peers
func makeBootstrapNodesV5() []*discv5.Node {
// on desktops params.DiscoveryV5Bootnodes,
// on mobile client we deliberately keep this list empty
enodes := []string{}
var bootstapNodes []*discv5.Node
for _, enode := range enodes {
bootstapNodes = append(bootstapNodes, discv5.MustParseNode(enode))
return bootstapNodes
func Fatalf(reason interface{}, args ...interface{}) {
// decide on output stream
w := io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
outf, _ := os.Stdout.Stat()
errf, _ := os.Stderr.Stat()
if outf != nil && errf != nil && os.SameFile(outf, errf) {
w = os.Stderr
// find out whether error or string has been passed as a reason
r := reflect.ValueOf(reason)
if r.Kind() == reflect.String {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Fatal Failure: "+reason.(string)+"\n", args)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Fatal Failure: %v\n", reason.(error))
// HaltOnPanic recovers from panic, logs issue, sends upward notification, and exits
func HaltOnPanic() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("%v: %v", ErrNodeStartFailure, r)
// send signal up to native app
Type: EventNodeCrashed,
Event: NodeCrashEvent{
Error: err.Error(),
Fatalf(err) // os.exit(1) is called internally