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synced 2025-01-23 13:11:11 +00:00
From and to chains added to SendDetails type that can be used on the client side if the sending fails that we can display appropriate ephemeral notifications, saying sending from which chain has failed.
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package transfer
import (
ethTypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
walletCommon "github.com/status-im/status-go/services/wallet/common"
pathProcessorCommon "github.com/status-im/status-go/services/wallet/router/pathprocessor/common"
type BuildRouteExtraParams struct {
AddressFrom common.Address
AddressTo common.Address
Username string
PublicKey string
PackID *big.Int
SlippagePercentage float32
func (tm *TransactionManager) ClearLocalRouterTransactionsData() {
tm.routerTransactions = nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) ApprovalRequiredForPath(pathProcessorName string) bool {
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.RouterPath.ProcessorName == pathProcessorName &&
desc.RouterPath.ApprovalRequired {
return true
return false
func (tm *TransactionManager) ApprovalPlacedForPath(pathProcessorName string) bool {
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.RouterPath.ProcessorName == pathProcessorName && desc.IsApprovalPlaced() {
return true
return false
func (tm *TransactionManager) TxPlacedForPath(pathProcessorName string) bool {
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.RouterPath.ProcessorName == pathProcessorName && desc.IsTxPlaced() {
return true
return false
func (tm *TransactionManager) getOrInitDetailsForPath(path *routes.Path) *wallettypes.RouterTransactionDetails {
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
if desc.RouterPath.ID() == path.ID() {
return desc
newDetails := &wallettypes.RouterTransactionDetails{
RouterPath: path,
tm.routerTransactions = append(tm.routerTransactions, newDetails)
return newDetails
func buildApprovalTxForPath(transactor transactions.TransactorIface, path *routes.Path, addressFrom common.Address,
usedNonces map[uint64]int64, signer ethTypes.Signer) (*wallettypes.TransactionData, error) {
lastUsedNonce := int64(-1)
if nonce, ok := usedNonces[path.FromChain.ChainID]; ok {
lastUsedNonce = nonce
data, err := walletCommon.PackApprovalInputData(path.AmountIn.ToInt(), path.ApprovalContractAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrTo := types.Address(path.FromToken.Address)
approavalSendArgs := &wallettypes.SendTxArgs{
Version: wallettypes.SendTxArgsVersion1,
// tx fields
From: types.Address(addressFrom),
To: &addrTo,
Value: (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0)),
Data: data,
Gas: (*hexutil.Uint64)(&path.ApprovalGasAmount),
MaxFeePerGas: path.MaxFeesPerGas,
MaxPriorityFeePerGas: path.ApprovalPriorityFee,
ValueOut: (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0)),
// additional fields version 1
FromChainID: path.FromChain.ChainID,
if path.FromToken != nil {
approavalSendArgs.FromTokenID = path.FromToken.Symbol
builtApprovalTx, usedNonce, err := transactor.ValidateAndBuildTransaction(approavalSendArgs.FromChainID, *approavalSendArgs, lastUsedNonce)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
approvalTxHash := signer.Hash(builtApprovalTx)
usedNonces[path.FromChain.ChainID] = int64(usedNonce)
return &wallettypes.TransactionData{
TxArgs: approavalSendArgs,
Tx: builtApprovalTx,
HashToSign: types.Hash(approvalTxHash),
}, nil
func buildTxForPath(transactor transactions.TransactorIface, path *routes.Path, pathProcessors map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor,
usedNonces map[uint64]int64, signer ethTypes.Signer, params BuildRouteExtraParams) (*wallettypes.TransactionData, error) {
lastUsedNonce := int64(-1)
if nonce, ok := usedNonces[path.FromChain.ChainID]; ok {
lastUsedNonce = nonce
processorInputParams := pathprocessor.ProcessorInputParams{
FromAddr: params.AddressFrom,
ToAddr: params.AddressTo,
FromChain: path.FromChain,
ToChain: path.ToChain,
FromToken: path.FromToken,
ToToken: path.ToToken,
AmountIn: path.AmountIn.ToInt(),
AmountOut: path.AmountOut.ToInt(),
Username: params.Username,
PublicKey: params.PublicKey,
PackID: params.PackID,
data, err := pathProcessors[path.ProcessorName].PackTxInputData(processorInputParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrTo := types.Address(params.AddressTo)
sendArgs := &wallettypes.SendTxArgs{
Version: wallettypes.SendTxArgsVersion1,
// tx fields
From: types.Address(params.AddressFrom),
To: &addrTo,
Value: path.AmountIn,
Data: data,
Gas: (*hexutil.Uint64)(&path.TxGasAmount),
MaxFeePerGas: path.MaxFeesPerGas,
MaxPriorityFeePerGas: path.TxPriorityFee,
// additional fields version 1
ValueIn: path.AmountIn,
ValueOut: path.AmountOut,
FromChainID: path.FromChain.ChainID,
ToChainID: path.ToChain.ChainID,
SlippagePercentage: params.SlippagePercentage,
if path.FromToken != nil {
sendArgs.FromTokenID = path.FromToken.Symbol
sendArgs.ToContractAddress = types.Address(path.FromToken.Address)
// special handling for transfer tx if selected token is not ETH
// TODO: we should fix that in the trasactor, but till then, the best place to handle it is here
if !path.FromToken.IsNative() {
sendArgs.Value = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
if path.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorTransferName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorStickersBuyName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorENSRegisterName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorENSReleaseName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorENSPublicKeyName ||
path.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorERC721Name ||
path.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorERC1155Name {
// TODO: update functions from `TransactorIface` to use `ToContractAddress` (as an address of the contract a transaction should be sent to)
// and `To` (as the destination address, recipient) of `SendTxArgs` struct appropriately
toContractAddr := types.Address(path.FromToken.Address)
sendArgs.To = &toContractAddr
if path.ToToken != nil {
sendArgs.ToTokenID = path.ToToken.Symbol
builtTx, usedNonce, err := pathProcessors[path.ProcessorName].BuildTransactionV2(sendArgs, lastUsedNonce)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txHash := signer.Hash(builtTx)
usedNonces[path.FromChain.ChainID] = int64(usedNonce)
return &wallettypes.TransactionData{
TxArgs: sendArgs,
Tx: builtTx,
HashToSign: types.Hash(txHash),
}, nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) BuildTransactionsFromRoute(route routes.Route, pathProcessors map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor,
params BuildRouteExtraParams) (*responses.SigningDetails, uint64, uint64, error) {
if len(route) == 0 {
return nil, 0, 0, ErrNoRoute
accFrom, err := tm.accountsDB.GetAccountByAddress(types.Address(params.AddressFrom))
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
keypair, err := tm.accountsDB.GetKeypairByKeyUID(accFrom.KeyUID)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
response := &responses.SigningDetails{
Address: accFrom.Address,
AddressPath: accFrom.Path,
KeyUid: accFrom.KeyUID,
SignOnKeycard: keypair.MigratedToKeycard(),
usedNonces := make(map[uint64]int64)
for _, path := range route {
signer := ethTypes.NewLondonSigner(big.NewInt(int64(path.FromChain.ChainID)))
txDetails := tm.getOrInitDetailsForPath(path)
// always check for approval tx first for the path and build it if needed
if path.ApprovalRequired && !tm.ApprovalPlacedForPath(path.ProcessorName) {
txDetails.ApprovalTxData, err = buildApprovalTxForPath(tm.transactor, path, params.AddressFrom, usedNonces, signer)
if err != nil {
return nil, path.FromChain.ChainID, path.ToChain.ChainID, err
response.Hashes = append(response.Hashes, txDetails.ApprovalTxData.HashToSign)
// if approval is needed for swap, we cannot build the swap tx before the approval tx is mined
if path.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorSwapParaswapName {
// build tx for the path
txDetails.TxData, err = buildTxForPath(tm.transactor, path, pathProcessors, usedNonces, signer, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, path.FromChain.ChainID, path.ToChain.ChainID, err
response.Hashes = append(response.Hashes, txDetails.TxData.HashToSign)
return response, 0, 0, nil
func getSignatureForTxHash(txHash string, signatures map[string]requests.SignatureDetails) ([]byte, error) {
sigDetails, ok := signatures[txHash]
if !ok {
err := &errors.ErrorResponse{
Code: ErrMissingSignatureForTx.Code,
Details: fmt.Sprintf(ErrMissingSignatureForTx.Details, txHash),
return nil, err
err := sigDetails.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(sigDetails.R)
sBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(sigDetails.S)
vByte := byte(0)
if sigDetails.V == "01" {
vByte = 1
signature := make([]byte, crypto.SignatureLength)
copy(signature[32-len(rBytes):32], rBytes)
copy(signature[64-len(rBytes):64], sBytes)
signature[64] = vByte
return signature, nil
func validateAndAddSignature(txData *wallettypes.TransactionData, signatures map[string]requests.SignatureDetails) error {
if txData != nil && !txData.IsTxPlaced() {
var err error
txData.Signature, err = getSignatureForTxHash(txData.HashToSign.String(), signatures)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) ValidateAndAddSignaturesToRouterTransactions(signatures map[string]requests.SignatureDetails) (uint64, uint64, error) {
if len(tm.routerTransactions) == 0 {
return 0, 0, ErrNoTrsansactionsBeingBuilt
// check if all transactions have been signed
var err error
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
err = validateAndAddSignature(desc.ApprovalTxData, signatures)
if err != nil {
return desc.RouterPath.FromChain.ChainID, desc.RouterPath.ToChain.ChainID, err
err = validateAndAddSignature(desc.TxData, signatures)
if err != nil {
return desc.RouterPath.FromChain.ChainID, desc.RouterPath.ToChain.ChainID, err
return 0, 0, nil
func addSignatureAndSendTransaction(
transactor transactions.TransactorIface,
txData *wallettypes.TransactionData,
multiTransactionID walletCommon.MultiTransactionIDType,
isApproval bool) (*responses.RouterSentTransaction, error) {
var txWithSignature *ethTypes.Transaction
var err error
txWithSignature, err = transactor.AddSignatureToTransaction(txData.TxArgs.FromChainID, txData.Tx, txData.Signature)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txData.Tx = txWithSignature
txData.SentHash, err = transactor.SendTransactionWithSignature(common.Address(txData.TxArgs.From), txData.TxArgs.FromTokenID, multiTransactionID, txWithSignature)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txData.TxArgs.MultiTransactionID = multiTransactionID
return responses.NewRouterSentTransaction(txData.TxArgs, txData.SentHash, isApproval), nil
func (tm *TransactionManager) SendRouterTransactions(ctx context.Context, multiTx *MultiTransaction) (transactions []*responses.RouterSentTransaction, fromChainID uint64, toChainID uint64, err error) {
transactions = make([]*responses.RouterSentTransaction, 0)
// send transactions
for _, desc := range tm.routerTransactions {
fromChainID = desc.RouterPath.FromChain.ChainID
toChainID = desc.RouterPath.ToChain.ChainID
if desc.ApprovalTxData != nil && !desc.IsApprovalPlaced() {
var response *responses.RouterSentTransaction
response, err = addSignatureAndSendTransaction(tm.transactor, desc.ApprovalTxData, multiTx.ID, true)
if err != nil {
transactions = append(transactions, response)
// if approval is needed for swap, then we need to wait for the approval tx to be mined before sending the swap tx
if desc.RouterPath.ProcessorName == pathProcessorCommon.ProcessorSwapParaswapName {
if desc.TxData != nil && !desc.IsTxPlaced() {
var response *responses.RouterSentTransaction
response, err = addSignatureAndSendTransaction(tm.transactor, desc.TxData, multiTx.ID, false)
if err != nil {
transactions = append(transactions, response)
func (tm *TransactionManager) GetRouterTransactions() []*wallettypes.RouterTransactionDetails {
return tm.routerTransactions