mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 10:48:36 +00:00
Refactored transfers loading to reduce blockchain RPC requests (getBaseFee, getTransaction, getTransactionReceipt) by reusing preloaded transaction and block fee. Split extraction of subtransaction from logs and from ETH transfer into different methods. Refactored log_parser to extract sender and receiver addresses uniformly for different transfer types. Replaced info logs with debug where needed. closes #4221
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799 lines
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package transfer
import (
type findNewBlocksCommand struct {
func (c *findNewBlocksCommand) Command() async.Command {
return async.InfiniteCommand{
// TODO - make it configurable based on chain block mining time
// NOTE(rasom): ^ it is unclear why each block has to be checked,
// that is rather undesirable, as it causes a lot of RPC requests
Interval: 2 * time.Minute,
Runable: c.Run,
func (c *findNewBlocksCommand) Run(parent context.Context) (err error) {
log.Debug("start findNewBlocksCommand", "account", c.account, "chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "noLimit", c.noLimit, "from", c.fromBlockNumber, "to", c.toBlockNumber)
headNum, err := getHeadBlockNumber(parent, c.chainClient)
if err != nil {
// c.error = err
return err // Might need to retry a couple of times
blockRange, err := loadBlockRangeInfo(c.chainClient.NetworkID(), c.account, c.blockRangeDAO)
if err != nil {
log.Error("findBlocksCommand loadBlockRangeInfo", "error", err)
// c.error = err
return err // Will keep spinning forever nomatter what
// In case no block range is in DB, skip until history blocks are fetched
if blockRange != nil {
c.fromBlockNumber = blockRange.LastKnown
log.Debug("Launching new blocks command", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account,
"from", c.fromBlockNumber, "headNum", headNum)
// In case interval between checks is set smaller than block mining time,
// we might need to wait for the next block to be mined
if c.fromBlockNumber.Cmp(headNum) >= 0 {
c.toBlockNumber = headNum
_ = c.findBlocksCommand.Run(parent)
log.Debug("end findNewBlocksCommand", "account", c.account, "chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "noLimit", c.noLimit, "from", c.fromBlockNumber, "to", c.toBlockNumber)
return nil
// TODO NewFindBlocksCommand
type findBlocksCommand struct {
account common.Address
db *Database
blockRangeDAO *BlockRangeSequentialDAO
chainClient chain.ClientInterface
balanceCacher balance.Cacher
feed *event.Feed
noLimit bool
transactionManager *TransactionManager
tokenManager *token.Manager
fromBlockNumber *big.Int
toBlockNumber *big.Int
blocksLoadedCh chan<- []*DBHeader
defaultNodeBlockChunkSize int
// Not to be set by the caller
resFromBlock *Block
startBlockNumber *big.Int
reachedETHHistoryStart bool
error error
func (c *findBlocksCommand) Command() async.Command {
return async.FiniteCommand{
Interval: 5 * time.Second,
Runable: c.Run,
type ERC20BlockRange struct {
from *big.Int
to *big.Int
func (c *findBlocksCommand) ERC20ScanByBalance(parent context.Context, fromBlock, toBlock *big.Int, token common.Address) ([]ERC20BlockRange, error) {
var err error
batchSize := getErc20BatchSize(c.chainClient.NetworkID())
ranges := [][]*big.Int{{fromBlock, toBlock}}
foundRanges := []ERC20BlockRange{}
cache := map[int64]*big.Int{}
for {
nextRanges := [][]*big.Int{}
for _, blockRange := range ranges {
from, to := blockRange[0], blockRange[1]
fromBalance, ok := cache[from.Int64()]
if !ok {
fromBalance, err = c.tokenManager.GetTokenBalanceAt(parent, c.chainClient, c.account, token, from)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if fromBalance == nil {
fromBalance = big.NewInt(0)
cache[from.Int64()] = fromBalance
toBalance, ok := cache[to.Int64()]
if !ok {
toBalance, err = c.tokenManager.GetTokenBalanceAt(parent, c.chainClient, c.account, token, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if toBalance == nil {
toBalance = big.NewInt(0)
cache[to.Int64()] = toBalance
if fromBalance.Cmp(toBalance) != 0 {
diff := new(big.Int).Sub(to, from)
if diff.Cmp(batchSize) <= 0 {
foundRanges = append(foundRanges, ERC20BlockRange{from, to})
halfOfDiff := new(big.Int).Div(diff, big.NewInt(2))
mid := new(big.Int).Add(from, halfOfDiff)
nextRanges = append(nextRanges, []*big.Int{from, mid})
nextRanges = append(nextRanges, []*big.Int{mid, to})
if len(nextRanges) == 0 {
ranges = nextRanges
return foundRanges, nil
func (c *findBlocksCommand) checkERC20Tail(parent context.Context) ([]*DBHeader, error) {
log.Debug("checkERC20Tail", "account", c.account, "to block", c.startBlockNumber, "from", c.resFromBlock.Number)
tokens, err := c.tokenManager.GetTokens(c.chainClient.NetworkID())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addresses := make([]common.Address, len(tokens))
for i, token := range tokens {
addresses[i] = token.Address
from := new(big.Int).Sub(c.resFromBlock.Number, big.NewInt(1))
clients := make(map[uint64]chain.ClientInterface, 1)
clients[c.chainClient.NetworkID()] = c.chainClient
atBlocks := make(map[uint64]*big.Int, 1)
atBlocks[c.chainClient.NetworkID()] = from
balances, err := c.tokenManager.GetBalancesAtByChain(parent, clients, []common.Address{c.account}, addresses, atBlocks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
foundRanges := []ERC20BlockRange{}
for token, balance := range balances[c.chainClient.NetworkID()][c.account] {
bigintBalance := big.NewInt(balance.ToInt().Int64())
if bigintBalance.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 {
result, err := c.ERC20ScanByBalance(parent, big.NewInt(0), from, token)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
foundRanges = append(foundRanges, result...)
uniqRanges := []ERC20BlockRange{}
rangesMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, rangeItem := range foundRanges {
key := rangeItem.from.String() + "-" + rangeItem.to.String()
if _, ok := rangesMap[key]; !ok {
rangesMap[key] = true
uniqRanges = append(uniqRanges, rangeItem)
foundHeaders := []*DBHeader{}
for _, rangeItem := range uniqRanges {
headers, err := c.fastIndexErc20(parent, rangeItem.from, rangeItem.to, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
foundHeaders = append(foundHeaders, headers...)
return foundHeaders, nil
func (c *findBlocksCommand) Run(parent context.Context) (err error) {
log.Debug("start findBlocksCommand", "account", c.account, "chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "noLimit", c.noLimit, "from", c.fromBlockNumber, "to", c.toBlockNumber)
rangeSize := big.NewInt(int64(c.defaultNodeBlockChunkSize))
from, to := new(big.Int).Set(c.fromBlockNumber), new(big.Int).Set(c.toBlockNumber)
// Limit the range size to DefaultNodeBlockChunkSize
if new(big.Int).Sub(to, from).Cmp(rangeSize) > 0 {
from.Sub(to, rangeSize)
for {
if from.Cmp(to) == 0 {
log.Debug("findBlocksCommand empty range", "from", from, "to", to)
var headers []*DBHeader
if c.reachedETHHistoryStart {
if c.fromBlockNumber.Cmp(zero) == 0 && c.startBlockNumber != nil && c.startBlockNumber.Cmp(zero) == 1 {
headers, err = c.checkERC20Tail(parent)
if err != nil {
c.error = err
} else {
headers, _ = c.checkRange(parent, from, to)
if c.error != nil {
log.Error("findBlocksCommand checkRange", "error", c.error, "account", c.account,
"chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "from", from, "to", to)
if len(headers) > 0 {
log.Debug("findBlocksCommand saving headers", "len", len(headers), "lastBlockNumber", to,
"balance", c.balanceCacher.Cache().GetBalance(c.account, c.chainClient.NetworkID(), to),
"nonce", c.balanceCacher.Cache().GetNonce(c.account, c.chainClient.NetworkID(), to))
err = c.db.SaveBlocks(c.chainClient.NetworkID(), c.account, headers)
if err != nil {
c.error = err
// return err
if c.reachedETHHistoryStart {
log.Debug("findBlocksCommand reached first ETH transfer and checked erc20 tail", "chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account)
err = c.upsertBlockRange(&BlockRange{c.startBlockNumber, c.resFromBlock.Number, to})
if err != nil {
// if we have found first ETH block and we have not reached the start of ETH history yet
if c.startBlockNumber != nil && c.fromBlockNumber.Cmp(from) == -1 {
log.Debug("ERC20 tail should be checked", "initial from", c.fromBlockNumber, "actual from", from, "first ETH block", c.startBlockNumber)
c.reachedETHHistoryStart = true
if c.startBlockNumber != nil && c.startBlockNumber.Cmp(from) >= 0 {
log.Debug("Checked all ranges, stop execution", "startBlock", c.startBlockNumber, "from", from, "to", to)
nextFrom, nextTo := nextRange(c.defaultNodeBlockChunkSize, c.resFromBlock.Number, c.fromBlockNumber)
if nextFrom.Cmp(from) == 0 && nextTo.Cmp(to) == 0 {
log.Debug("findBlocksCommand empty next range", "from", from, "to", to)
from = nextFrom
to = nextTo
log.Debug("end findBlocksCommand", "account", c.account, "chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "noLimit", c.noLimit)
return nil
func (c *findBlocksCommand) blocksFound(headers []*DBHeader) {
c.blocksLoadedCh <- headers
func (c *findBlocksCommand) upsertBlockRange(blockRange *BlockRange) error {
log.Debug("upsert block range", "Start", blockRange.Start, "FirstKnown", blockRange.FirstKnown, "LastKnown", blockRange.LastKnown,
"chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account)
err := c.blockRangeDAO.upsertRange(c.chainClient.NetworkID(), c.account, blockRange)
if err != nil {
c.error = err
log.Error("findBlocksCommand upsertRange", "error", err)
return err
return nil
func (c *findBlocksCommand) checkRange(parent context.Context, from *big.Int, to *big.Int) (
foundHeaders []*DBHeader, err error) {
fromBlock := &Block{Number: from}
newFromBlock, ethHeaders, startBlock, err := c.fastIndex(parent, c.balanceCacher, fromBlock, to)
if err != nil {
log.Error("findBlocksCommand checkRange fastIndex", "err", err, "account", c.account,
"chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID())
c.error = err
// return err // In case c.noLimit is true, hystrix "max concurrency" may be reached and we will not be able to index ETH transfers
return nil, nil
log.Debug("findBlocksCommand checkRange", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account,
"startBlock", startBlock, "newFromBlock", newFromBlock.Number, "toBlockNumber", to, "noLimit", c.noLimit)
// There could be incoming ERC20 transfers which don't change the balance
// and nonce of ETH account, so we keep looking for them
erc20Headers, err := c.fastIndexErc20(parent, newFromBlock.Number, to, false)
if err != nil {
log.Error("findBlocksCommand checkRange fastIndexErc20", "err", err, "account", c.account, "chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID())
c.error = err
// return err
return nil, nil
allHeaders := append(ethHeaders, erc20Headers...)
if len(allHeaders) > 0 {
foundHeaders = uniqueHeaderPerBlockHash(allHeaders)
c.resFromBlock = newFromBlock
c.startBlockNumber = startBlock
log.Debug("end findBlocksCommand checkRange", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account,
"c.startBlock", c.startBlockNumber, "newFromBlock", newFromBlock.Number,
"toBlockNumber", to, "c.resFromBlock", c.resFromBlock.Number)
func loadBlockRangeInfo(chainID uint64, account common.Address, blockDAO *BlockRangeSequentialDAO) (
*BlockRange, error) {
blockRange, err := blockDAO.getBlockRange(chainID, account)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to load block ranges from database", "chain", chainID, "account", account,
"error", err)
return nil, err
return blockRange, nil
// Returns if all blocks are loaded, which means that start block (beginning of account history)
// has been found and all block headers saved to the DB
func areAllHistoryBlocksLoaded(blockInfo *BlockRange) bool {
if blockInfo == nil {
return false
if blockInfo.FirstKnown != nil && blockInfo.Start != nil &&
blockInfo.Start.Cmp(blockInfo.FirstKnown) >= 0 {
return true
return false
func areAllHistoryBlocksLoadedForAddress(blockRangeDAO *BlockRangeSequentialDAO, chainID uint64,
address common.Address) (bool, error) {
blockRange, err := blockRangeDAO.getBlockRange(chainID, address)
if err != nil {
log.Error("findBlocksCommand getBlockRange", "error", err)
return false, err
return areAllHistoryBlocksLoaded(blockRange), nil
// run fast indexing for every accont up to canonical chain head minus safety depth.
// every account will run it from last synced header.
func (c *findBlocksCommand) fastIndex(ctx context.Context, bCacher balance.Cacher,
fromBlock *Block, toBlockNumber *big.Int) (resultingFrom *Block, headers []*DBHeader,
startBlock *big.Int, err error) {
log.Debug("fast index started", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account,
"from", fromBlock.Number, "to", toBlockNumber)
start := time.Now()
group := async.NewGroup(ctx)
command := ðHistoricalCommand{
chainClient: c.chainClient,
balanceCacher: bCacher,
address: c.account,
feed: c.feed,
from: fromBlock,
to: toBlockNumber,
noLimit: c.noLimit,
threadLimit: SequentialThreadLimit,
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err = ctx.Err()
log.Debug("fast indexer ctx Done", "error", err)
case <-group.WaitAsync():
if command.error != nil {
err = command.error
resultingFrom = &Block{Number: command.resultingFrom}
headers = command.foundHeaders
startBlock = command.startBlock
log.Debug("fast indexer finished", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account, "in", time.Since(start),
"startBlock", command.startBlock, "resultingFrom", resultingFrom.Number, "headers", len(headers))
// run fast indexing for every accont up to canonical chain head minus safety depth.
// every account will run it from last synced header.
func (c *findBlocksCommand) fastIndexErc20(ctx context.Context, fromBlockNumber *big.Int,
toBlockNumber *big.Int, incomingOnly bool) ([]*DBHeader, error) {
start := time.Now()
group := async.NewGroup(ctx)
erc20 := &erc20HistoricalCommand{
erc20: NewERC20TransfersDownloader(c.chainClient, []common.Address{c.account}, types.LatestSignerForChainID(c.chainClient.ToBigInt()), incomingOnly),
chainClient: c.chainClient,
feed: c.feed,
address: c.account,
from: fromBlockNumber,
to: toBlockNumber,
foundHeaders: []*DBHeader{},
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case <-group.WaitAsync():
headers := erc20.foundHeaders
log.Debug("fast indexer Erc20 finished", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account,
"in", time.Since(start), "headers", len(headers))
return headers, nil
func loadTransfersLoop(ctx context.Context, account common.Address, blockDAO *BlockDAO, db *Database,
chainClient chain.ClientInterface, transactionManager *TransactionManager, pendingTxManager *transactions.PendingTxTracker,
tokenManager *token.Manager, feed *event.Feed, blocksLoadedCh <-chan []*DBHeader) {
log.Debug("loadTransfersLoop start", "chain", chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", account)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Info("loadTransfersLoop done", "chain", chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", account, "error", ctx.Err())
case dbHeaders := <-blocksLoadedCh:
log.Debug("loadTransfersOnDemand transfers received", "chain", chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", account, "headers", len(dbHeaders))
blockNums := make([]*big.Int, len(dbHeaders))
for i, dbHeader := range dbHeaders {
blockNums[i] = dbHeader.Number
blocksByAddress := map[common.Address][]*big.Int{account: blockNums}
go func() {
_ = loadTransfers(ctx, []common.Address{account}, blockDAO, db, chainClient, noBlockLimit,
blocksByAddress, transactionManager, pendingTxManager, tokenManager, feed)
func newLoadBlocksAndTransfersCommand(account common.Address, db *Database,
blockDAO *BlockDAO, chainClient chain.ClientInterface, feed *event.Feed,
transactionManager *TransactionManager, pendingTxManager *transactions.PendingTxTracker,
tokenManager *token.Manager, balanceCacher balance.Cacher, omitHistory bool) *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand {
return &loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand{
account: account,
db: db,
blockRangeDAO: &BlockRangeSequentialDAO{db.client},
blockDAO: blockDAO,
chainClient: chainClient,
feed: feed,
balanceCacher: balanceCacher,
transactionManager: transactionManager,
pendingTxManager: pendingTxManager,
tokenManager: tokenManager,
blocksLoadedCh: make(chan []*DBHeader, 100),
omitHistory: omitHistory,
type loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand struct {
account common.Address
db *Database
blockRangeDAO *BlockRangeSequentialDAO
blockDAO *BlockDAO
chainClient chain.ClientInterface
feed *event.Feed
balanceCacher balance.Cacher
// nonArchivalRPCNode bool // TODO Make use of it
transactionManager *TransactionManager
pendingTxManager *transactions.PendingTxTracker
tokenManager *token.Manager
blocksLoadedCh chan []*DBHeader
omitHistory bool
// Not to be set by the caller
transfersLoaded bool // For event RecentHistoryReady to be sent only once per account during app lifetime
func (c *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand) Run(parent context.Context) error {
log.Debug("start load all transfers command", "chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account)
ctx := parent
// This wait group is used to wait for all the async commands to finish
// but fetchNewBlocksCommand, which is infinite, never finishes, can only be stopped
// by canceling the context which does not happen here, as we don't call group.Stop().
group := async.NewGroup(ctx)
// It will start loadTransfersCommand which will run until success when all transfers from DB are loaded
err := c.fetchTransfersForLoadedBlocks(group)
for err != nil {
return err
// Start transfers loop to load transfers for new blocks
fromNum := big.NewInt(0)
toNum, err := getHeadBlockNumber(ctx, c.chainClient)
if err != nil {
return err
// This will start findBlocksCommand which will run until success when all blocks are loaded
err = c.fetchHistoryBlocks(parent, group, fromNum, toNum, c.blocksLoadedCh)
for err != nil {
return err
c.startFetchingNewBlocks(group, c.account, c.blocksLoadedCh)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-group.WaitAsync():
log.Debug("end loadBlocksAndTransfers command", "chain", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account)
return nil
func (c *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand) Command() async.Command {
return async.InfiniteCommand{
Interval: 5 * time.Second,
Runable: c.Run,
func (c *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand) startTransfersLoop(ctx context.Context) {
go loadTransfersLoop(ctx, c.account, c.blockDAO, c.db, c.chainClient, c.transactionManager,
c.pendingTxManager, c.tokenManager, c.feed, c.blocksLoadedCh)
func (c *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand) fetchHistoryBlocks(ctx context.Context, group *async.Group, fromNum, toNum *big.Int, blocksLoadedCh chan []*DBHeader) error {
log.Debug("fetchHistoryBlocks start", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account, "omit", c.omitHistory)
if c.omitHistory {
blockRange := &BlockRange{nil, big.NewInt(0), toNum}
err := c.blockRangeDAO.upsertRange(c.chainClient.NetworkID(), c.account, blockRange)
return err
blockRange, err := loadBlockRangeInfo(c.chainClient.NetworkID(), c.account, c.blockRangeDAO)
if err != nil {
log.Error("findBlocksCommand loadBlockRangeInfo", "error", err)
// c.error = err
return err // Will keep spinning forever nomatter what
allHistoryLoaded := areAllHistoryBlocksLoaded(blockRange)
if !allHistoryLoaded {
to := getToHistoryBlockNumber(toNum, blockRange, allHistoryLoaded)
fbc := &findBlocksCommand{
account: c.account,
db: c.db,
blockRangeDAO: c.blockRangeDAO,
chainClient: c.chainClient,
balanceCacher: c.balanceCacher,
feed: c.feed,
noLimit: false,
fromBlockNumber: fromNum,
toBlockNumber: to,
transactionManager: c.transactionManager,
tokenManager: c.tokenManager,
blocksLoadedCh: blocksLoadedCh,
defaultNodeBlockChunkSize: DefaultNodeBlockChunkSize,
} else {
if !c.transfersLoaded {
transfersLoaded, err := c.areAllTransfersLoaded()
if err != nil {
return err
if transfersLoaded {
c.transfersLoaded = true
log.Debug("fetchHistoryBlocks end", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account)
return nil
func (c *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand) startFetchingNewBlocks(group *async.Group, address common.Address, blocksLoadedCh chan<- []*DBHeader) {
log.Debug("startFetchingNewBlocks", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", address)
newBlocksCmd := &findNewBlocksCommand{
findBlocksCommand: &findBlocksCommand{
account: address,
db: c.db,
blockRangeDAO: c.blockRangeDAO,
chainClient: c.chainClient,
balanceCacher: c.balanceCacher,
feed: c.feed,
noLimit: false,
transactionManager: c.transactionManager,
tokenManager: c.tokenManager,
blocksLoadedCh: blocksLoadedCh,
defaultNodeBlockChunkSize: DefaultNodeBlockChunkSize,
func (c *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand) fetchTransfersForLoadedBlocks(group *async.Group) error {
log.Debug("fetchTransfers start", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account)
blocks, err := c.blockDAO.GetBlocksToLoadByAddress(c.chainClient.NetworkID(), c.account, numberOfBlocksCheckedPerIteration)
if err != nil {
log.Error("loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand GetBlocksToLoadByAddress", "error", err)
return err
if len(blocks) == 0 {
log.Debug("fetchTransfers no blocks to load", "chainID", c.chainClient.NetworkID(), "account", c.account)
return nil
blocksMap := make(map[common.Address][]*big.Int)
blocksMap[c.account] = blocks
txCommand := &loadTransfersCommand{
accounts: []common.Address{c.account},
db: c.db,
blockDAO: c.blockDAO,
chainClient: c.chainClient,
transactionManager: c.transactionManager,
pendingTxManager: c.pendingTxManager,
tokenManager: c.tokenManager,
blocksByAddress: blocksMap,
feed: c.feed,
return nil
func (c *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand) notifyHistoryReady() {
if c.feed != nil {
Type: EventRecentHistoryReady,
Accounts: []common.Address{c.account},
ChainID: c.chainClient.NetworkID(),
func (c *loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand) areAllTransfersLoaded() (bool, error) {
allBlocksLoaded, err := areAllHistoryBlocksLoadedForAddress(c.blockRangeDAO, c.chainClient.NetworkID(), c.account)
if err != nil {
log.Error("loadBlockAndTransfersCommand allHistoryBlocksLoaded", "error", err)
return false, err
if allBlocksLoaded {
firstHeader, err := c.blockDAO.GetFirstSavedBlock(c.chainClient.NetworkID(), c.account)
if err != nil {
log.Error("loadBlocksAndTransfersCommand GetFirstSavedBlock", "error", err)
return false, err
// If first block is Loaded, we have fetched all the transfers
if firstHeader != nil && firstHeader.Loaded {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// TODO - make it a common method for every service that wants head block number, that will cache the latest block
// and updates it on timeout
func getHeadBlockNumber(parent context.Context, chainClient chain.ClientInterface) (*big.Int, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parent, 3*time.Second)
head, err := chainClient.HeaderByNumber(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return head.Number, err
func nextRange(maxRangeSize int, prevFrom, zeroBlockNumber *big.Int) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {
log.Debug("next range start", "from", prevFrom, "zeroBlockNumber", zeroBlockNumber)
rangeSize := big.NewInt(int64(maxRangeSize))
to := big.NewInt(0).Set(prevFrom)
from := big.NewInt(0).Sub(to, rangeSize)
if from.Cmp(zeroBlockNumber) < 0 {
from = new(big.Int).Set(zeroBlockNumber)
log.Debug("next range end", "from", from, "to", to, "zeroBlockNumber", zeroBlockNumber)
return from, to
func getToHistoryBlockNumber(headNum *big.Int, blockRange *BlockRange, allHistoryLoaded bool) *big.Int {
var toBlockNum *big.Int
if blockRange != nil {
if !allHistoryLoaded {
toBlockNum = blockRange.FirstKnown
} else {
toBlockNum = headNum
return toBlockNum