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synced 2025-03-03 16:11:05 +00:00
Refactored transfers loading to reduce blockchain RPC requests (getBaseFee, getTransaction, getTransactionReceipt) by reusing preloaded transaction and block fee. Split extraction of subtransaction from logs and from ETH transfer into different methods. Refactored log_parser to extract sender and receiver addresses uniformly for different transfer types. Replaced info logs with debug where needed. closes #4221
672 lines
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672 lines
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// Moved here because transactions package depends on accounts package which
// depends on appdatabase where this functionality is needed
package common
import (
// Type type of transaction
type Type string
// Log Event type
type EventType string
const (
// Transaction types
EthTransfer Type = "eth"
Erc20Transfer Type = "erc20"
Erc721Transfer Type = "erc721"
Erc1155Transfer Type = "erc1155"
UniswapV2Swap Type = "uniswapV2Swap"
UniswapV3Swap Type = "uniswapV3Swap"
HopBridgeFrom Type = "HopBridgeFrom"
HopBridgeTo Type = "HopBridgeTo"
unknownTransaction Type = "unknown"
// Event types
WETHDepositEventType EventType = "wethDepositEvent"
WETHWithdrawalEventType EventType = "wethWithdrawalEvent"
Erc20TransferEventType EventType = "erc20Event"
Erc721TransferEventType EventType = "erc721Event"
Erc1155TransferSingleEventType EventType = "erc1155SingleEvent"
Erc1155TransferBatchEventType EventType = "erc1155BatchEvent"
UniswapV2SwapEventType EventType = "uniswapV2SwapEvent"
UniswapV3SwapEventType EventType = "uniswapV3SwapEvent"
HopBridgeTransferSentToL2EventType EventType = "hopBridgeTransferSentToL2Event"
HopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventType EventType = "hopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEvent"
HopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEventType EventType = "hopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEvent"
HopBridgeTransferSentEventType EventType = "hopBridgeTransferSentEvent"
UnknownEventType EventType = "unknownEvent"
// Deposit (index_topic_1 address dst, uint256 wad)
wethDepositEventSignature = "Deposit(address,uint256)"
// Withdrawal (index_topic_1 address src, uint256 wad)
wethWithdrawalEventSignature = "Withdrawal(address,uint256)"
// Transfer (index_topic_1 address from, index_topic_2 address to, uint256 value)
// Transfer (index_topic_1 address from, index_topic_2 address to, index_topic_3 uint256 tokenId)
Erc20_721TransferEventSignature = "Transfer(address,address,uint256)"
Erc1155TransferSingleEventSignature = "TransferSingle(address,address,address,uint256,uint256)" // operator, from, to, id, value
Erc1155TransferBatchEventSignature = "TransferBatch(address,address,address,uint256[],uint256[])" // operator, from, to, ids, values
erc20TransferEventIndexedParameters = 3 // signature, from, to
erc721TransferEventIndexedParameters = 4 // signature, from, to, tokenId
erc1155TransferEventIndexedParameters = 4 // signature, operator, from, to (id, value are not indexed)
// Swap (index_topic_1 address sender, uint256 amount0In, uint256 amount1In, uint256 amount0Out, uint256 amount1Out, index_topic_2 address to)
uniswapV2SwapEventSignature = "Swap(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,address)" // also used by SushiSwap
// Swap (index_topic_1 address sender, index_topic_2 address recipient, int256 amount0, int256 amount1, uint160 sqrtPriceX96, uint128 liquidity, int24 tick)
uniswapV3SwapEventSignature = "Swap(address,address,int256,int256,uint160,uint128,int24)"
// TransferSentToL2 (index_topic_1 uint256 chainId, index_topic_2 address recipient, uint256 amount, uint256 amountOutMin, uint256 deadline, index_topic_3 address relayer, uint256 relayerFee)
hopBridgeTransferSentToL2EventSignature = "TransferSentToL2(uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint256)"
// TransferFromL1Completed (index_topic_1 address recipient, uint256 amount, uint256 amountOutMin, uint256 deadline, index_topic_2 address relayer, uint256 relayerFee)
HopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventSignature = "TransferFromL1Completed(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint256)"
// WithdrawalBonded (index_topic_1 bytes32 transferID, uint256 amount)
hopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEventSignature = "WithdrawalBonded(bytes32,uint256)"
// TransferSent (index_topic_1 bytes32 transferID, index_topic_2 uint256 chainId, index_topic_3 address recipient, uint256 amount, bytes32 transferNonce, uint256 bonderFee, uint256 index, uint256 amountOutMin, uint256 deadline)
hopBridgeTransferSentEventSignature = "TransferSent(bytes32,uint256,address,uint256,bytes32,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)"
var (
// MaxUint256 is the maximum value that can be represented by a uint256.
MaxUint256 = new(big.Int).Sub(new(big.Int).Lsh(common.Big1, 256), common.Big1)
// Detect event type for a cetain item from the Events Log
func GetEventType(log *types.Log) EventType {
wethDepositEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(wethDepositEventSignature)
wethWithdrawalEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(wethWithdrawalEventSignature)
erc20_721TransferEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(Erc20_721TransferEventSignature)
erc1155TransferSingleEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(Erc1155TransferSingleEventSignature)
erc1155TransferBatchEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(Erc1155TransferBatchEventSignature)
uniswapV2SwapEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(uniswapV2SwapEventSignature)
uniswapV3SwapEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(uniswapV3SwapEventSignature)
hopBridgeTransferSentToL2EventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(hopBridgeTransferSentToL2EventSignature)
hopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(HopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventSignature)
hopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(hopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEventSignature)
hopBridgeTransferSentEventSignatureHash := GetEventSignatureHash(hopBridgeTransferSentEventSignature)
if len(log.Topics) > 0 {
switch log.Topics[0] {
case wethDepositEventSignatureHash:
return WETHDepositEventType
case wethWithdrawalEventSignatureHash:
return WETHWithdrawalEventType
case erc20_721TransferEventSignatureHash:
switch len(log.Topics) {
case erc20TransferEventIndexedParameters:
return Erc20TransferEventType
case erc721TransferEventIndexedParameters:
return Erc721TransferEventType
case erc1155TransferSingleEventSignatureHash:
return Erc1155TransferSingleEventType
case erc1155TransferBatchEventSignatureHash:
return Erc1155TransferBatchEventType
case uniswapV2SwapEventSignatureHash:
return UniswapV2SwapEventType
case uniswapV3SwapEventSignatureHash:
return UniswapV3SwapEventType
case hopBridgeTransferSentToL2EventSignatureHash:
return HopBridgeTransferSentToL2EventType
case hopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventSignatureHash:
return HopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventType
case hopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEventSignatureHash:
return HopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEventType
case hopBridgeTransferSentEventSignatureHash:
return HopBridgeTransferSentEventType
return UnknownEventType
func EventTypeToSubtransactionType(eventType EventType) Type {
switch eventType {
case Erc20TransferEventType:
return Erc20Transfer
case Erc721TransferEventType:
return Erc721Transfer
case Erc1155TransferSingleEventType, Erc1155TransferBatchEventType:
return Erc1155Transfer
case UniswapV2SwapEventType:
return UniswapV2Swap
case UniswapV3SwapEventType:
return UniswapV3Swap
case HopBridgeTransferSentToL2EventType, HopBridgeTransferSentEventType:
return HopBridgeFrom
case HopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventType, HopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEventType:
return HopBridgeTo
return unknownTransaction
func GetFirstEvent(logs []*types.Log) (EventType, *types.Log) {
for _, log := range logs {
eventType := GetEventType(log)
if eventType != UnknownEventType {
return eventType, log
return UnknownEventType, nil
func IsTokenTransfer(logs []*types.Log) bool {
eventType, _ := GetFirstEvent(logs)
switch eventType {
case Erc20TransferEventType, Erc721TransferEventType, Erc1155TransferSingleEventType, Erc1155TransferBatchEventType:
return true
return false
func ParseWETHDepositLog(ethlog *types.Log) (src common.Address, amount *big.Int) {
amount = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < 2 {
log.Warn("not enough topics for WETH deposit", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
if len(ethlog.Topics[1]) != 32 {
log.Warn("second topic is not padded to 32 byte address", "topic", ethlog.Topics[1])
copy(src[:], ethlog.Topics[1][12:])
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32 {
log.Warn("data is not padded to 32 byte big int", "data", ethlog.Data)
func ParseWETHWithdrawLog(ethlog *types.Log) (dst common.Address, amount *big.Int) {
amount = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < 2 {
log.Warn("not enough topics for WETH withdraw", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
if len(ethlog.Topics[1]) != 32 {
log.Warn("second topic is not padded to 32 byte address", "topic", ethlog.Topics[1])
copy(dst[:], ethlog.Topics[1][12:])
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32 {
log.Warn("data is not padded to 32 byte big int", "data", ethlog.Data)
func ParseErc20TransferLog(ethlog *types.Log) (from, to common.Address, amount *big.Int) {
amount = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < erc20TransferEventIndexedParameters {
log.Warn("not enough topics for erc20 transfer", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
var err error
from, to, err = getFromToAddresses(*ethlog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("log_parser::ParseErc20TransferLog", err)
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32 {
log.Warn("data is not padded to 32 byts big int", "data", ethlog.Data)
func ParseErc721TransferLog(ethlog *types.Log) (from, to common.Address, tokenID *big.Int) {
tokenID = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < erc721TransferEventIndexedParameters {
log.Warn("not enough topics for erc721 transfer", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
var err error
from, to, err = getFromToAddresses(*ethlog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("log_parser::ParseErc721TransferLog", err)
func GetLogSubTxID(log types.Log) common.Hash {
// Get unique ID by using TxHash and log index
index := [4]byte{}
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(index[:], uint32(log.Index))
return crypto.Keccak256Hash(log.TxHash.Bytes(), index[:])
func getLogSubTxIDWithTokenIDIndex(log types.Log, tokenIDIdx uint16) common.Hash {
// Get unique ID by using TxHash, log index and extra bytes (token id index for ERC1155 TransferBatch)
index := [4]byte{}
value := uint32(log.Index&0x0000FFFF) | (uint32(tokenIDIdx) << 16) // log index should not exceed uint16 max value
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(index[:], value)
return crypto.Keccak256Hash(log.TxHash.Bytes(), index[:])
func checkTopicsLength(ethlog types.Log, startIdx, endIdx int) (err error) {
for i := startIdx; i < endIdx; i++ {
if len(ethlog.Topics[i]) != common.HashLength {
err = fmt.Errorf("topic %d is not padded to %d byte address, topic=%s", i, common.HashLength, ethlog.Topics[i])
log.Error("log_parser::checkTopicsLength", err)
func getFromToAddresses(ethlog types.Log) (from, to common.Address, err error) {
eventType := GetEventType(ðlog)
addressIdx := common.HashLength - common.AddressLength
switch eventType {
case Erc1155TransferSingleEventType, Erc1155TransferBatchEventType:
err = checkTopicsLength(ethlog, 2, 4)
if err != nil {
copy(from[:], ethlog.Topics[2][addressIdx:])
copy(to[:], ethlog.Topics[3][addressIdx:])
case Erc20TransferEventType, Erc721TransferEventType, UniswapV2SwapEventType, UniswapV3SwapEventType, HopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventType:
err = checkTopicsLength(ethlog, 1, 3)
if err != nil {
copy(from[:], ethlog.Topics[1][addressIdx:])
copy(to[:], ethlog.Topics[2][addressIdx:])
return from, to, fmt.Errorf("unsupported event type to get from/to adddresses %s", eventType)
func ParseTransferLog(ethlog types.Log) (from, to common.Address, txIDs []common.Hash, tokenIDs, values []*big.Int, err error) {
eventType := GetEventType(ðlog)
switch eventType {
case Erc20TransferEventType:
var amount *big.Int
from, to, amount = ParseErc20TransferLog(ðlog)
txIDs = append(txIDs, GetLogSubTxID(ethlog))
values = append(values, amount)
case Erc721TransferEventType:
var tokenID *big.Int
from, to, tokenID = ParseErc721TransferLog(ðlog)
txIDs = append(txIDs, GetLogSubTxID(ethlog))
tokenIDs = append(tokenIDs, tokenID)
values = append(values, big.NewInt(1))
case Erc1155TransferSingleEventType, Erc1155TransferBatchEventType:
_, from, to, tokenIDs, values, err = ParseErc1155TransferLog(ðlog, eventType)
for i := range tokenIDs {
txIDs = append(txIDs, getLogSubTxIDWithTokenIDIndex(ethlog, uint16(i)))
return from, to, txIDs, tokenIDs, values, fmt.Errorf("unsupported event type in log_parser::ParseTransferLogs %s", eventType)
func ParseErc1155TransferLog(ethlog *types.Log, evType EventType) (operator, from, to common.Address, ids, amounts []*big.Int, err error) {
if len(ethlog.Topics) < erc1155TransferEventIndexedParameters {
err = fmt.Errorf("not enough topics for erc1155 transfer %s, %v", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
log.Error("log_parser::ParseErc1155TransferLog", "err", err)
err = checkTopicsLength(*ethlog, 1, erc1155TransferEventIndexedParameters)
if err != nil {
addressIdx := common.HashLength - common.AddressLength
copy(operator[:], ethlog.Topics[1][addressIdx:])
from, to, err = getFromToAddresses(*ethlog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("log_parser::ParseErc1155TransferLog", "err", err)
if len(ethlog.Data) == 0 || len(ethlog.Data)%(common.HashLength*2) != 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("data is not padded to 64 bytes %s, %v", "data", ethlog.Data)
log.Error("log_parser::ParseErc1155TransferLog", "err", err)
if evType == Erc1155TransferSingleEventType {
ids = append(ids, new(big.Int).SetBytes(ethlog.Data[:common.HashLength]))
amounts = append(amounts, new(big.Int).SetBytes(ethlog.Data[common.HashLength:]))
log.Debug("log_parser::ParseErc1155TransferSingleLog", "ids", ids, "amounts", amounts)
} else {
// idTypeSize := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ethlog.Data[:common.HashLength]).Uint64() // Left for knowledge
// valueTypeSize := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ethlog.Data[common.HashLength : common.HashLength*2]).Uint64() // Left for knowledge
idsArraySize := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ethlog.Data[common.HashLength*2 : common.HashLength*2+common.HashLength]).Uint64()
initialOffset := common.HashLength*2 + common.HashLength
for i := 0; i < int(idsArraySize); i++ {
ids = append(ids, new(big.Int).SetBytes(ethlog.Data[initialOffset+i*common.HashLength:initialOffset+(i+1)*common.HashLength]))
valuesArraySize := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ethlog.Data[initialOffset+int(idsArraySize)*common.HashLength : initialOffset+int(idsArraySize+1)*common.HashLength]).Uint64()
if idsArraySize != valuesArraySize {
err = fmt.Errorf("ids and values sizes don't match %d, %d", idsArraySize, valuesArraySize)
log.Error("log_parser::ParseErc1155TransferBatchLog", "err", err)
initialOffset = initialOffset + int(idsArraySize+1)*common.HashLength
for i := 0; i < int(valuesArraySize); i++ {
amounts = append(amounts, new(big.Int).SetBytes(ethlog.Data[initialOffset+i*common.HashLength:initialOffset+(i+1)*common.HashLength]))
log.Debug("log_parser::ParseErc1155TransferBatchLog", "id", ids[i], "amount", amounts[i])
func ParseUniswapV2Log(ethlog *types.Log) (pairAddress common.Address, from common.Address, to common.Address, amount0In *big.Int, amount1In *big.Int, amount0Out *big.Int, amount1Out *big.Int, err error) {
amount0In = new(big.Int)
amount1In = new(big.Int)
amount0Out = new(big.Int)
amount1Out = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < 3 {
err = fmt.Errorf("not enough topics for uniswapV2 swap %s, %v", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
pairAddress = ethlog.Address
from, to, err = getFromToAddresses(*ethlog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("log_parser::ParseUniswapV2Log", err)
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32*4 {
err = fmt.Errorf("data is not padded to 4 * 32 bytes big int %s, %v", "data", ethlog.Data)
func readInt256(b []byte) *big.Int {
// big.SetBytes can't tell if a number is negative or positive in itself.
// On EVM, if the returned number > max int256, it is negative.
// A number is > max int256 if the bit at position 255 is set.
ret := new(big.Int).SetBytes(b)
if ret.Bit(255) == 1 {
ret.Add(MaxUint256, new(big.Int).Neg(ret))
ret.Add(ret, common.Big1)
return ret
func ParseUniswapV3Log(ethlog *types.Log) (poolAddress common.Address, sender common.Address, recipient common.Address, amount0 *big.Int, amount1 *big.Int, err error) {
amount0 = new(big.Int)
amount1 = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < 3 {
err = fmt.Errorf("not enough topics for uniswapV3 swap %s, %v", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
poolAddress = ethlog.Address
sender, recipient, err = getFromToAddresses(*ethlog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("log_parser::ParseUniswapV3Log", err)
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32*5 {
err = fmt.Errorf("data is not padded to 5 * 32 bytes big int %s, %v", "data", ethlog.Data)
amount0 = readInt256(ethlog.Data[0:32])
amount1 = readInt256(ethlog.Data[32:64])
func ParseHopBridgeTransferSentToL2Log(ethlog *types.Log) (chainID uint64, recipient common.Address, relayer common.Address, amount *big.Int, err error) {
chainIDInt := new(big.Int)
amount = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < 4 {
err = fmt.Errorf("not enough topics for HopBridgeTransferSentToL2 event %s, %v", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
if len(ethlog.Topics[1]) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("second topic is not padded to 32 byte address %s, %v", "topic", ethlog.Topics[1])
chainID = chainIDInt.Uint64()
if len(ethlog.Topics[2]) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("third topic is not padded to 32 byte address %s, %v", "topic", ethlog.Topics[2])
copy(recipient[:], ethlog.Topics[2][12:])
if len(ethlog.Topics[3]) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("fourth topic is not padded to 32 byte address %s, %v", "topic", ethlog.Topics[3])
copy(relayer[:], ethlog.Topics[3][12:])
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32*4 {
err = fmt.Errorf("data is not padded to 4 * 32 bytes big int %s, %v", "data", ethlog.Data)
func ParseHopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedLog(ethlog *types.Log) (recipient common.Address, relayer common.Address, amount *big.Int, err error) {
amount = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < 3 {
err = fmt.Errorf("not enough topics for HopBridgeTransferFromL1Completed event %s, %v", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
recipient, relayer, err = getFromToAddresses(*ethlog)
if err != nil {
log.Error("log_parser::ParseHopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedLog", err)
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32*4 {
err = fmt.Errorf("data is not padded to 4 * 32 bytes big int %s, %v", "data", ethlog.Data)
func ParseHopWithdrawalBondedLog(ethlog *types.Log) (transferID *big.Int, amount *big.Int, err error) {
transferID = new(big.Int)
amount = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < 2 {
err = fmt.Errorf("not enough topics for HopWithdrawalBonded event %s, %v", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
if len(ethlog.Topics[1]) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("second topic is not padded to 32 byte address %s, %v", "topic", ethlog.Topics[1])
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32*1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("data is not padded to 1 * 32 bytes big int %s, %v", "data", ethlog.Data)
func ParseHopBridgeTransferSentLog(ethlog *types.Log) (transferID *big.Int, chainID uint64, recipient common.Address, amount *big.Int, transferNonce *big.Int, bonderFee *big.Int, index *big.Int, amountOutMin *big.Int, deadline *big.Int, err error) {
transferID = new(big.Int)
chainIDInt := new(big.Int)
amount = new(big.Int)
transferNonce = new(big.Int)
bonderFee = new(big.Int)
index = new(big.Int)
amountOutMin = new(big.Int)
deadline = new(big.Int)
if len(ethlog.Topics) < 4 {
err = fmt.Errorf("not enough topics for HopBridgeTransferSent event %s, %v", "topics", ethlog.Topics)
if len(ethlog.Topics[1]) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("second topic is not padded to 32 byte big int %s, %v", "topic", ethlog.Topics[1])
if len(ethlog.Topics[2]) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("third topic is not padded to 32 byte big int %s, %v", "topic", ethlog.Topics[2])
chainID = chainIDInt.Uint64()
if len(ethlog.Topics[3]) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("fourth topic is not padded to 32 byte address %s, %v", "topic", ethlog.Topics[3])
copy(recipient[:], ethlog.Topics[2][12:])
if len(ethlog.Data) != 32*6 {
err = fmt.Errorf("data is not padded to 6 * 32 bytes big int %s, %v", "data", ethlog.Data)
func GetEventSignatureHash(signature string) common.Hash {
return crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte(signature))
func ExtractTokenTransferData(dbEntryType Type, log *types.Log, tx *types.Transaction) (correctType Type, tokenAddress *common.Address, txFrom *common.Address, txTo *common.Address) {
// erc721 transfers share signature with erc20 ones, so they both used to be categorized as erc20
// by the Downloader. We fix this here since they might be mis-categorized in the db.
if dbEntryType == Erc20Transfer {
eventType := GetEventType(log)
correctType = EventTypeToSubtransactionType(eventType)
} else {
correctType = dbEntryType
switch correctType {
case Erc20Transfer:
tokenAddress = new(common.Address)
*tokenAddress = log.Address
from, to, _ := ParseErc20TransferLog(log)
txFrom = &from
txTo = &to
case Erc721Transfer:
tokenAddress = new(common.Address)
*tokenAddress = log.Address
from, to, _ := ParseErc721TransferLog(log)
txFrom = &from
txTo = &to
case Erc1155Transfer:
tokenAddress = new(common.Address)
*tokenAddress = log.Address
_, from, to, _, _, err := ParseErc1155TransferLog(log, Erc1155TransferSingleEventType) // from/to extraction is the same for single and batch
if err != nil {
txFrom = &from
txTo = &to
func TxDataContainsAddress(txType uint8, txData []byte, address common.Address) bool {
// First 4 bytes are related to the methodID
const methodIDLen int = 4
const paramLen int = 32
var paramOffset int = 0
switch txType {
case types.OptimismDepositTxType:
// Offset for relayMessage data.
// I actually don't know what the 2x32 + 4 bytes mean, but it seems to be constant in all transactions I've
// checked. Will update the comment when I find out more about it.
paramOffset = 5*32 + 2*32 + 4
// Check if address is contained in any 32-byte parameter
for paramStart := methodIDLen + paramOffset; paramStart < len(txData); paramStart += paramLen {
paramEnd := paramStart + paramLen
if paramEnd > len(txData) {
// Address bytes should be in the last addressLen positions
paramBytes := txData[paramStart:paramEnd]
paramAddress := common.BytesToAddress(paramBytes)
if address == paramAddress {
return true
return false